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Starznight 07-16-2017 03:52 PM

Yeah I'm not sure that tatting will be a long term craft for me... there's no real challenge to it, and I'm not the sort that has dollies scattered about my house :p. But I did see a really cool shawl that was completely tatted, and I could see doing a bit of tatted lace around the hem of my kitchen curtains and table cloth. But really that's about all I can think of... wearing jewelry bothers me, part MS nerve issues but mostly ADHD, I can't stop fiddling with any jewelry.

I have a permenent scar on where my wedding band used to sit from spinning it constantly on my finger till I had to get rid of it after slicing/burning through flesh with the obsessive spinning. I end up doing the same thing to the back of my neck with necklaces, I've torn my ears with earring from constantly playing with them, and we don't even want to talk about bracelets. I once played ring toss with some bangle bracelets through my education class and it so happened to be the day we were having a lecture on ADHD :p Halfway through the lecture I was named "exhibit A".

So making jewelry is a little out.. I might make a bracelet or two for practice but won't be cranking them out. But hey I'll certainly have something to do while recovering from getting my baclofen pump. And something to do when I go in for the trial on the 25th... going to be stuck at the hospital most of the day, never fun. Now I could go a little bit more crazy if I can get down the Venetian lace technique that combines fabric scraps and tatting, just so far the directions I've found for it were written over a hundred years ago and they certainly expect a higher level of "familiarity" with old techniques than I currently possess. But hey learn through trial and error, just like the old days lol, the three F's rule... if you can't fix it, force it, if you can't force it **** (i mean "fake") it :D

And I suppose I should say imitation Venetian lace using fabric scraps with tatting. 1860's technique from Great Britain.

Starznight 07-21-2017 12:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Finished my card trick quilt blocks for my aunts sampler quilt. Only 4 types of blocks left to do and then I need to figure out where I can lay out a queen size quilt to figure out how they'll all go together :p

agate 08-26-2017 12:34 PM

I've had problems with my hands and eyesight for years. I used to try quilting, and I made 3 quilts as well as some smaller quilted things. The quilt I'm still using is the LeMoyne Star pattern, using lots of those 8-pointed stars as in your photo. I got books on quilting from the library and took extensive notes, collected patterns, watched TV shows (I liked Georgia Bonesteel), waded through catalogs.

I can't do quilts any more. I also used to make needlepoint/bargello/counted cross stitch/crewel pillows. I gave pillows as gifts to people so often that they probably got tired of them but it was gratifying to see photos of my sister in her home with one of my pillows in use on her sofa.

Lately I've been doing crocheting. For years I made afghans for people as gifts, and now I'm doing mainly hats, sometimes scarfs, which get donated to a program for the homeless.

This kind of project is nice because I can do them at my own pace--no deadlines to meet--and usually I don't have to pay for the yarn.

One finger won't bend right on my dominant hand, and the others are bent out of shape with arthritis, but I can still crochet. I'm probably slower than most people but so what?

I get patterns from the Internet, and I can find YouTube videos illustrating how to solve problems I'm having. I can usually keep an eye on a DVD movie while crocheting.

I even have a styrofoam head model for shaping the hats. That was something someone else was giving away.

So this is a relaxing way to spend the time while turning out something attractive and useful. I have fun choosing the colors and patterns.

I used to knit but somehow working that much with both hands and arms is much more tiring.

I hope you'll join the trivia game kicker mentioned.:)

Starznight 08-28-2017 09:37 AM

Still quilting away, well I was before tearing my shoulder, if it wasn't for my mother cutting the quilts out there'd be no way I could do it, but with pre-cut and simply running the material through the machine it's something I can still handle at least once I get back my right arm again. Kinda bites since we have 10 quilts we're trying to finish by Christmas and this injury is really setting us back along with my dad's appointments and looming surgeries for me as well. 4 of the 5 quilts are mostly finished (blocks are done just need sewn together, quilted and backing), 3 more are at least halfway to that point and the last 2 haven't been cut yet and we're already headed rapidly to September :eek:. Which also means surgeries need to be done soon before insurance rolls over.

It's been a terrible year and I would kill for it to be over and done with, but at the same time I have so many things that need to get done and many more I would like to get done that while I'm praying for the year to end and be done with I'm also praying for 72 hours in each day until the year is over lol

Erin524 08-29-2017 12:09 AM

I've been crocheting. I'd show you pictures, but stupid photobucket decided they wanted actual money (and a lot of it) to allow people to keep using their site. I don't have the money for that (I read somewhere it's $400+ to subscribe).

Anyways, back to my crocheting.

I've been making a lot of scarves for some reason. I've been using the same stitch pattern for all of them. I've only been actually IN the yarn store a couple of times (Joann's Craft's). I ordered a bunch of yarn online (also from Joann's Craft's) awhile back. I probably over-ordered it. I bought about 10 skeins of a new Red Heart yarn color. They came out with a bunch of self striping colors. I probably could have gotten away with just a couple of skeins, but I tend to over buy yarn.

When I had actually visited the store a couple of times, I got another color in the self striping yarn, and a ball of yarn from another brand. So, I've probably got two scarves finished, and another 3 in progress. (I get bored fast sometimes).

I seem to be either having some sort of horrible flare, or the Ampyra that I started a week or so ago is making me sick. (literally, sick to my stomach). So, my crocheting has kind of taken a hit from that.

My mother is sick, and has been in the hospital, and now a rehab place. So, I'm home alone (my dad died in April). If I wasn't so queasy and weak from the Ampyra, I'd probably be getting more crocheting done.

agate 08-29-2017 12:32 AM

Erin, you've had a rugged time. It's sad that your father died and now your mother's ill--and you're not doing well either.

I hope better times will soon be ahead for you.

Yes, Photobucket has really messed things up for its users by deciding to charge. I believe you can still store photos there but if you want to use them anywhere else on the Internet, it's $400/year. I've been looking into tinypic as an alternative.

Starznight, having to finish 10 quilts by Christmas is mind-boggling. It's good to know your mother is helping. Maybe others could be enlisted as well?

Erin524 08-29-2017 01:42 AM

I did finally get to see my shiny brand new neuro last month, and earlier this month. He seems pretty nice. Gave me a Rx to Amprya. Is about to get me going on tysabri (little nervous about that). The Ampyra doesn't seem to be doing a thing for me, except make me nauseous.

Hopefully when I start the tysabri it will go ok. Not sure when that's going to start, or how I'm going to pay for it in 2018. I plan to carry along some crochet projects when I go get the tysabri infusion. Hopefully it's not too much different than an IVSM infusion.

I was excited to hear that this neuro will Rx LDN. Hope he writes that Rx soon. I just don't expect all that much out of it either, since everything else I've taken for the ms I haven't exactly tolerated.

going to look and see if my old Flickr account is still good, and if it'll allow me to link pictures still. If it does, I might be transferring all my pictures from photobucket over to it. I need a place to put a lot of my crochet pictures that are linked to a crochet site from photobucket. When photobucket flipped the switch on the hotlinking, they broke all my links to my pictures.

and just as I was thinking about photobucket, I realized I should go check my crochet blog I've had for the better part of a decade (and haven't looked at in two years)...where I have two crochet patterns posted. Of course, now I have to find my images, organize my images in the correct order, and repost the pattern. Ugh! So irritating! Apparently my pattern is popular on a crochet site I'm a member of. Hope I don't have to re-shoot the pictures.

Starznight 08-29-2017 07:44 PM

Yeah I might have to enlist the help of the DH (:eek: shocking he can sew as well if not better than me, his mama taught him well). We were going to have my aunt's help but she broke her arm a few months back and it still hasn't healed right she goes tomorrow to discuss treatment options now (surgical options is what her doctor believes it will be) so she's been out almost as soon as we started the project and shows no signs of being able to help unless it's packing the quilts and getting them to the post office.

Though this Thursday she wants to come over and see if she can do anything at all to help, even if it's just lining up the squares for us and trimming threads. Even if it's just that much with 10 quilts in various states of finishing, it will be a huge help. :D

agate 09-02-2017 12:45 PM

Starznight, I like the card trick block in your photo. The colors seem to work very effectively. Good luck with that sampler quilt!

Starznight 09-02-2017 03:42 PM

The blocks are actually all sewn now for the sampler quilt, all that's left is quilting and arranging them together and then getting the backing on 😊. Seems like I have a lot done since 4 of the 8 quilts are to that point, but having 6 more to go and a whole lot of quilting to do makes it seem like I haven't done anything at all at the same time lol. And now I'm getting my GB for a week come Tuesday, the same day my dad gets his cataract surgery done (the first one of potentially many) but as her room has been converted to my sewing room, it means for a week longer now nothing will get done on the quilts.

Really a few more days than that since we're making her a kangaroo kurigimi (like a onesie costume/pj deal) a couple of jumpers and hopefully finish up her bean bag "chair" for her belated birthday presents 😝. Hard to believe she's 4 years old already 😳 I might even toss in a few petal skirts for her too, haven't quite decided and we may still sew some while she's here since she loves to watch Gigi and nama make things (likely because it's almost always something for her lol spoiled little one that she is)

kicker 09-04-2017 04:43 PM

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Attachment 10027

My hobby. Painted and glued, wallpapered, made the curtains and sofa.

kicker 09-04-2017 05:08 PM

My Mom gave me some stuff in my young years (1-12), found uncompleted house during Junk Week on curb, saved stuff all my life, had fun putting it all together. (One curtain made from handkerchief Aunt gave me.) If she wasn't dead, she'd be in her 90's. I'm 63, it' a lifetime of collecting. 8 since though!! A General Store on it's way. I tend to buy used stuff on E-Bay.

mrsD 09-04-2017 08:38 PM

This is just fabulous!

kicker 09-04-2017 09:00 PM

My niece (28) says "You should make and sell them." Don't think I can do so well if not given years to collect.

Starznight 09-06-2017 11:59 AM

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Got the kangaroo done GB decided to take a nap in it :D, changing into it of course after Nama sent her to take a nap...

Starznight 09-10-2017 05:50 PM

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Another quilt (mostly) done :D

kicker 09-10-2017 06:52 PM

Your quilts are so beautiful and look so well crafted!!

Starznight 09-13-2017 03:30 PM

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Thank you 😊... and we finished off the border on the kitty quilt, and finished sewing the Scotty dogs but we still need a shashing for them. The friendship star for my uncle is kicking our butts, but we'll get it 🤞

Erin524 09-14-2017 06:12 PM

Finished a scarf.

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

Took about a month to make.

I know there's weird text showing up in the coding for the pictures. I have no idea why it's doing that. Hopefully the pictures are showing for everyone else.

Kitty 09-15-2017 06:35 AM

I love the kitty quilt!! :circlelove:

Starznight 09-15-2017 08:20 AM

WOW!!!! I love the scarf it's so bright and such even looking stripes that I've never been able to accomplish with self striping yarn

Erin524 09-15-2017 11:47 AM

It's Red Heart Super Saver Stripes yarn. Probably one of their better efforts at making a self striping yarn. Nice and squishy as it works up. The stitch I used is granite stitch.

I have about four other scarves in other colors and styles of yarn that I'm using the same stitch.

I like the Red Heart Stripes yarn because I get nice color changes, and I don't have to cut the yarn and add on a new color to get it. Less finishing too. I used two skeins for the scarf in the pictures. All I had to do for finishing was to weave in the tails at the beginning and end, and then the tails where I added on the second skein.

I would like another colorway that isn't so much of a rainbow, but maybe using two or three complimenting colors that switch around every once and awhile. I need to buy some of another type of yarn that I think Red Heart also makes. It was an striping ombre yarn. I just haven't seen any yet.

Erin524 09-17-2017 12:51 AM

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

So, I've had this ball of yarn sitting next to me for the past couple of weeks, just begging me to make something out of it. So, here's my first 8 rows.

again, it's still the granite stitch. Not sure what it is about this stitch, but it's such a comfortable stitch to do, and I love the feel of the fabric that it makes.

I didn't make it as wide as the other scarves, since I only have the one ball. This is the Sweet Roll by Premiere Yarns. The color name is Grape Swirl.

I have no idea why the coding for the picture is weird. But, as long as the picture is showing up for everyone. Oh, well.

Starznight 09-17-2017 01:52 AM

Oh that is going to make another beautiful scarf... I love the purple! In the picture at least those purples seem to lean far more to the blue tones than red which is my favorite side of the purple spectrum :D

Erin524 09-17-2017 03:19 AM

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

It's an ombre yarn, and doesn't repeat as often as the self striping yarn did. I do really like the shades of purple though. My favorite color is orange, but purple is just one of those colors that always draws my eyes when yarn shopping. I'll lean more towards purples and blues when picking out multicolored yarns a lot of times.

and here's another one of my scarves, a nice solid red. (Red Heart Super Saver Cherry Red) I've been working on this one for about a week.

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

Starznight 09-18-2017 10:44 AM

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Pound puppies!!!

Starznight 09-18-2017 10:47 AM

So that's 3 quilts ready for backing and batting 7 more to go by Christmas, with cancer treatments for my dad, eye surgery too possibly and 2 surgeries for me.... phew we're a bit quilt crazed for sure lol... oh yeah and my aunt sprained her wrist that she just got out of the cast after breaking it so there goes the extra help :p

Starznight 09-18-2017 04:25 PM

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Tall ships 2.0 ready to get quilted 😊

Starznight 09-18-2017 09:48 PM

And my brother's tall ships, squared off and ready to get quilted (totally cheating and doing a quilt as you go on each block then sewing the, together and adding the backing with a simple stitch in the ditch between blocks)

Starznight 09-19-2017 08:09 AM

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Forgot picture lol

Starznight 09-19-2017 10:38 AM

Starting to feel a little less crazy for undertaking the challenge of 10 quilts in 6 months roughly. But we do still need to cut out my dad's and husband's quilts but, I should have my aunt's quilt laid out today and quilting commencing tomorrow torn rotator cuff or not (surgeon isn't even going to see me to correct it for another month so oh well to the pain in not going well over 3 months with only one hand that's sketchy in its abilities at best)

Starznight 09-19-2017 01:00 PM

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Phew.... and the sampler quilt is laid out ready for quilting and just finishing putting it all together

Starznight 09-20-2017 04:12 PM

Well, machine quilting is surprisingly simple, quick and oddly hypnotic... even with pretty much only one hand to guide the material. I do have to use my right hand a bit but just to keep the fabric rolled up to the inside of the sewing arm so it shouldn't injure my torn shoulder especially with plenty of breaks. So far on the actual quilt I've only done kind of wavy lines, but in the could of practices beforehand I was able to do circles and shapes with the freehand foot too so here's hoping I'll continue to gain proficiency before I'm through with the quilts :)

Starznight 09-21-2017 02:33 PM

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Hand dyed friendship star quilt for my uncle ed whose big on civil and revolutionary war reenactments 😊

Erin524 09-21-2017 05:46 PM

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

[IMG] by erin_lindsey_o, on Flickr[/IMG]

I'm going to need more yarn. At least one more ball. I didn't think I'd like this yarn as much as I do. Hope they still have this color at the store.

Starznight 09-21-2017 11:21 PM

That is coming out sooooooo beautifully! And looks like it will be quite toasty and warm too :D

And as a small side note... less than a month away from getting my baclofen pump!!! Oct 5th is pre-op and then the 13th (Friday the 13th lol) will be my surgery.... I'm soooooo excited and hopeful that this is something that will FINALLY work, if not... I really don't know what's left aside from Mary Jane or Jamieson

Erin524 09-21-2017 11:42 PM

I might be moving. I'm going to need to inventory my yarn and see what might be getting donated to the ladies at the rest home I put my mom into on wednesday.

and I have a huge stash of fabric from my slight flirtation I had with sewing and quilting. (I was working at a Walmart in the fabric department, and a Hobby Lobby that year). I have to decide if I want to take my fabric stash.

Not sure yet if I really am moving, but it's possible. Hope I have room for my yarn. My yarn is very important to me.

ewizabeth 09-22-2017 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Erin524 (Post 1251454)
I might be moving. I'm going to need to inventory my yarn and see what might be getting donated to the ladies at the rest home I put my mom into on wednesday.

and I have a huge stash of fabric from my slight flirtation I had with sewing and quilting. (I was working at a Walmart in the fabric department, and a Hobby Lobby that year). I have to decide if I want to take my fabric stash.

Not sure yet if I really am moving, but it's possible. Hope I have room for my yarn. My yarn is very important to me.

Good luck with your move if you decide to do so. I hope your mom will be happier in her new home. If we ever move it will be stressful because we have 26 years of stuff accumulated. DH does not like to get rid of anything. It's overwhelming to me to be surrounded by so much clutter. I have no problem giving things away.

Erin524 09-22-2017 04:40 PM

I'm a bit of a hoarder myself, so it's kind of driving me nuts to downsize things right now. My aunt is helping me to clean out my parent's closets. She's keeping me from saving everything. That's not so bad when it's my mom and dad's stuff, but when it's mine. Eeeek!!

I'm not sure yet about moving. My mom saw in the brochure for the place she's at that they have apartments that family members can rent. So she asked me to look into it.

Erin524 09-26-2017 04:53 PM

I just finished the solid red scarf I was working on. Got done around midnight last night. All I have to do is weave in the yarn tails, of which there are only two. The one I started with, and the one I ended with. I'll take a picture later and post it.

I had to go get another skein of the purpleish colored yarn that I'm crocheting a scarf out of. I didn't have enough of it. It was on sale today at Joann's Crafts, so I went and got another two skeins, and bought two more skeins of another color because I thought it looked cool. So, I guess I'm about to start another scarf.

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