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tkrik 07-18-2018 07:10 PM

Kelly - Your granddaughters are only a couple of weeks younger than my grandson, right? They were born in November? I can't quite remember because Debbie had a grandbaby born around the same time too. I'm your little ladies are just beautiful!

I hope you get the prescription for LDN! That would be great. I remember you did well on it but at a certain dosage, right? It would be so nice for you to find something that would help you and LDN is not as expensive as any of the other meds out there, old and new.

Jappy - :hug::hug::hug: I think we have all been there with the depression, sometimes mild, sometimes not so mild. We all can understand what you are going through. I haven't had much trouble with depression. But, I recently started taking Allegra. OMGoodness!!! The depression was probably considered mild but to me it was concerning. I would wake up and almost dread the day. It was an awful foreboding type feeling. I did not like it at all. I stopped the Allegra and have been fine ever since. I was only on it for a couple of weeks. It gave me an insight into what people with depression experience, only worse. I am sorry you are struggling with that. We are here for you any time.:hug:

Barb - That's awesome!!!! Your sister is very, very lucky they caught it early. I am so glad to hear she is doing so well. I am so glad you went to the senior center and have met some new friends. That makes such a huge difference, especially when you are in a "new" place and live alone. I need to get out more but my driving is so limited. In fact, I got rid of my car and haven't replaced it. It needed way too much work, more than the car was worth. I hope you stay nice and cool in your cute little house.:hug::hug:

GladysD 07-24-2018 12:19 PM

I'm part of the MIA crowd. I actually just bounced back over to NT, as my stepmom just dropped some MG news about her own health to me. Discovered over an eye droop and said that because she swims so regularly that other symptoms that define MG had gone unnoticed. She's about to have her hip replaced, so it sounds like she got a full work up of testing done beforehand.
I'm med free and lord willing in remission still.
The boys keep getting taller and taller. My poor DS2 his pants look ready for a flood, how quick that happened. We are all on summer break until the end of next month.

Everyone seems in good spirits over here at least.

My youngest, DS3 was up early but then DS1 said he was out cold on the floor. So in the spirit of good fun, I grabbed each pet hamster for photo ops. The first was the KO. Then at some point DS3 had relocated to the couch, flopped over sitting up and out came the other hamster for a pic saying that Team Rocket(hammys name) had carried DS3 to the couch after the KO. Silly, for sure, but fun times.
The three had stayed up super late watching movies, Fantastic Four and one other one--I said good night at that point :)

I'm just enjoying the AC. The last 3 summers here I braved open windows and fans. This year I said oh no...AC or bust.

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Kitty 07-26-2018 04:45 AM

Good to hear from you GladysD. I remember when your boys were just little guys. Times flying.

I've been MIA for the past couple of days. I have developed lymphedema in my lower legs and it's been giving me a time of it. Blisters forming and then weeping so I have to have them wrapped each day by a visiting nurse. She's nice and we both enjoy the company and time to chit chat while she's wrapping but I'd enjoy it much more over a cup of coffee or lunch. :rolleyes:

If it's not one thing it's another. But I can't complain. I've got too much to be thankful for to dwell on the road blocks that pop up from time to time. They just remind me of the good things in my life.

Tricia, the grandbabies are so much fun but they aren't really babies anymore. Where did the time go? Just to hear them talking is such a joy. Whenever Evelyn comes in my door she announces herself like we haven't seen each other in years. "Gramma, I'm HERE!! I came to see you!" All the while she's charging through the door and throws herself on my lap (Ouch!!) with a huge hug. That will never get old but I know it will change so I'm enjoying it while it lasts. Never thought I could love two little girls as much as I love my own two boys. But it's possible! :grouphug:

tkrik 08-06-2018 11:02 PM

GladysD - It's so good to hear from you! Your boys are growing up so fast! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer before heading back to school. AC is a must!!! How did you survive without it. Anything over 75 degrees starts getting really uncomfortable for me.:hug:

Kelly - How cute!!!! Evelyn sounds like such a little darling! I'm sure her sister has big hugs for you as well. I'm sorry about the lymphedema. :hug::hug: Is there anything else they can do for it?

Nothing new to report here. It's hot as heck out in the desert. It was awfully hot today. My grands are keeping me busy. I do enjoy them. At the end of the day, I am beat! I'm not sure how I did it when they were little. Of course, I was younger and didn't have MS that we know of and I'm sure that makes a huge difference. I sometimes think of all the young moms out there will little ones trying to manage MS at the same time. My heart really goes out to them. I am so thankful it all hit when my girls were in their teens and far more independent.

I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your summers and keeping cool!:hug::grouphug:

Kitty 08-09-2018 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by tkrik (Post 1266245)
I'm not sure how I did it when they were little. Of course, I was younger and didn't have MS that we know of and I'm sure that makes a huge difference. I sometimes think of all the young moms out there will little ones trying to manage MS at the same time. My heart really goes out to them. I am so thankful it all hit when my girls were in their teens and far more independent.

I think of the same thing, Tricia. I remember how active they were and I kept up with them. But if I felt like I do now...back then...I'm not sure I could have done it. I'm thankful, too, that my MS didn't hit when my boys were young. Not sure how that would have worked out but I'm sure it would have had to.....not much choice there. :rolleyes:

I am relying on my rollator and wheelchair 100% of the time now. No more spurts of time where I feel strong enough to go it alone. Makes me sad but what am I gonna do?

barb02 08-28-2018 09:09 AM

The heat is really getting to me this summer. I can't wait until we get some 70 degree days. Heck, even 80 degrees sounds great. Right now we are breaking records. I think this is the 3rd hottest summer on record, and I can't remember how many days we have had over 100 degrees. It is crazy when they report we may have a cold front next weekend and the temps may drop into the high 90s.

I have been having a new, weird symptom for the past few days. When I first get up and try to walk, it feels like my ankle is broke. After putting my weight on it and moving around for about 15 minutes, the pain goes away. I have also had a few old symptoms that I haven't experienced for a few years make a reappearance so I assume I am having a bit of a flare or the heat is causing it.

School started here yesterday so that makes me hopeful that we will see some break in the weather soon. Fires are starting to pop up too so some rain would be great. My niece started 7th grade, and is about 5'5 now. She will be 13 in November and is full of teen attitude. Puberty is so much fun.:rolleyes:

tkrik 09-05-2018 10:03 AM

Barb - I hate the heat too! I keep waiting for the temps to drop. The mornings are cooling off so I know within the next month the temps in the morning and evening should be cooler. This morning it was in the low 70s!!! Yay!!! I am sure the heat is effecting your MS. I just went through a flare up of symptoms but no MS exacerbation. The humidity was high and I think that was part of it.

It's hard to believe that Anya is now going into 7th grade!! That's just crazy. Fun times are ahead for your sister, BIL, and yourself with a teen girl. You are such a great aunt to her. She's lucky to have such an awesome aunt.

I have been helping DD28 with her new business. I've been helping her cut and sew baby items. I'm hoping her Etsy shop will be running full swing soon. She opened it up about a month or so ago with just a few items. We've been sewing a bunch of new things that I'm hoping she'll post soon.
I've been watching sewing videos on YouTube and forgot how much I used to love making my clothes and special outfits for my girls (Christmas & Easter). I may give it a try. That should help keep me busy and renew old skills.

Hope everyone is doing well. Check in when you can.:hug::grouphug:

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