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ewizabeth 03-24-2009 10:12 AM

Who is that comedian who says "you can't fix stupid". At least we can treat our MS and symptoms.

I would've liked to given her a public education about MS. :mad:

azoyizes 03-24-2009 10:23 AM

I'm sorry she made you cry, but some people just don't listen to the words that come out of their mouths.

I would have had to say something to the insensitive clod. These days, I just can't keep my mouth shut when people are rude.

Don't let it get you down, though. Remember, we are tougher because of MS, at least I think so!:)

Aarcyn 03-24-2009 10:52 AM

If she had been within my earshot, I also would say something.

I would be seething inside so my reward would have been to feel her discomfort and take that away rather than putting up with my internal dialog if I had kept silent.

You know the one where in my mind, I saw very profound things and the other person just listens? The imaginary drama.

Yep, saying something always makes it better!

SallyC 03-24-2009 11:16 AM

What a Biotch...I'm glad she's not my Friend..:mad:

Yes saying something is always better than living with scenerios over and over again.

A lot of peeps came up with the perfect response..."Well one day MS may have a cure, but you can never fix stupid" Then grab your cane and wobble outta there with your head held high.:)

Dejibo 03-24-2009 02:26 PM

Better to have the world think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubts. cant remember who said it. She should have kept her mouth shut.

I hope you are feeling better now that you see how much support you have here.

ali12 03-24-2009 03:46 PM

That is such an awful thing for the women to say!!! You are a lot nicer than me also, I would have turned round to her and tell her exactly what I thought of her and that she was being awful towards other people with disabillities and that she should be thankful that she isn't dealing with something as awful as MS!!!!!! I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that - I can't imagine how angry you must have been afterwards!!:hug: The lady should be trying to help her friend, not judge her and call her such awful names like that!!:mad:

It really annoys me when people are so cruel to people with disabillities. Just because we may look different and walk slower doesn't mean that we don't have feelings and are any different to anyone else!! One of my friends has a good way of looking at disability - she says that we aren't disabled, we are just "differently-abled" and I think it is a real positive way to look at things and so true!!!

I have been called names before also. Some of the kids at school used to say that I was "spastic" just because I was in a wheelchair and couldn't do half of the stuff they could. It really hurt me and I remember sitting for hours just crying in my bedroom afterwards because of how upset I was. I sometimes get called names in the street also, if I am in my wheelchair. People will often say "Oh, look at that girl in the wheelchair" or say that I am too young to be dealing with an illness so it can't possibly be real!!!

I really wish people would stop being so judgemental towards people in wheelchairs. I don't think they realise how much it upsets people and they should think themselves lucky that they aren't having to deal with a disability! I honestly think that people wont know what it is like dealing with a disability unless they are in that situation but that certainly doesn't give them the rights to judge others!!! I was brought up around my nanan who had Progressive MS so I never judged others if they were disabled.

Again, i'm sorry you had to deal with this and thank you for letting it out with us all!!:hug:

NurseNancy 03-24-2009 05:37 PM

well, she just showed the world, and her friends, how ignorant and insensitive she is. maybe they were saying "omg, i don't want to be her friend, how stupid". she must have a pretty empty life with an attitude like that.

did i say how stupid she is???

i agree with nappy. show her the hand and leave and don't look back.
she's a non person. i feel sorry for her.

you're a lot more of a person than she. pat yourself on the back because you have loads over her. :hug:

Thumper2 03-24-2009 08:23 PM

It is a good lesson to learn: being called "disabled" either by a license plate or by other means doesn't make you less of a person. It doesn't make a person less important to their family, their friends or to society. Disabled people just have to do things a little bit differently that’s all.

There is always going to be rain in our lives. Sometimes it pours; sometimes there are horrific thunderstorms that don't seem as if they will ever let up. My Mom told me that I have always been able to find the rainbows in the midst of rain, but I am realizing that not everyone can do that so easily.

It is well known that stress and fatigue exacerbate symptoms (even if you don't have MS) and I have gotten used to my legs being more tired or my eyes not working as well during times of high stress/fatigue. But in the past 10 days I have had more "cognitive issues" than ever before. And it scares me. Then this “lady” had to go and, in a way, call me a retard. When I was growing up if my mom ever heard that word come out of mine or my brother’s mouth we got a big bar of soap to stick in our mouths.

I wanted so bad to say something, to stick up for me, for us, but I crumbled. I was all ready to put on my big girl pants and, and, well I don’t know. I’m trying to stay so positive and it’s just not something I needed to hear. I went to see Jersey Boys on Broadway last week and that song was stuck in my head..."Big Girls Don't Cry". But I cried :o

DM 03-24-2009 08:33 PM

AWW Thumper, that's just awful! I agree w/all of the posts here, so hold your head high and pity her; she's the one who doesn't have a clue. You can't fix her DX ever. Insensitive people really rattle my cage. Take care Thumps!!!

Hug yourself for me.

Riverwild 03-24-2009 09:01 PM

Hugs to you, Thumps!

Insensitive people suck, and insensitive ignorant stupid people suck more!

Ditto on the "no cure for stupid" thang!

Bless you for being able to walk away.

(I stabbed a guy in the hand with a fork once for making fun of my older brother (who is blind) while we were out to lunch. Then we ran as fast as we could and got the heck out of there!)

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