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Jomar 01-29-2007 03:56 PM

Dabbo i posted the rib mobilization as it's own thread too- so it will be easier to search up at any time.

dawn3063 01-31-2007 11:51 AM

I would have to say is not one of my best days.. My right arm and chest are quite sore.. I also have a very sensative area on my inner arm..:Sick: Well, I guess every day can't be a good one..
I think I better stay off the computer for a bit and get some :Zzzz: Ughhh
I wish everyone a low pain day and warm sunny days..
Gentle Hugs :hug:

Jomar 01-31-2007 12:27 PM

Dawn do take it very easy now- even when you are feeling good OK?
let your self get healed from the surgery first.:grouphug:

DDayMBB 02-01-2007 03:27 AM

Today I... think Doc John,Curious and Jo had a very nice idea in presenting the forum to the memory of Dee... such a shame at such a young age to have what helped her, take away her years!!!

Pass along to Dawn, please do not over do like the one Dr I had who did a discectomy on me said " I can place limitations onyou, however your body will relate what it can and can not do" and advised paying close attention to what it said!

BTW has anybody heard from Barb Edelweis as of late ???

Hope all have a good pain free day;)

Edelweiss 02-02-2007 07:20 AM

Today I...
finally found some minutes to enter to forum....
I have a lot of work as there are troubles with sick children and others are on holidays,...... So it`s up to me to handle all this stuff at work.

But: yesterday I was again at the massage therapy and he told me the muscles were so tough and therefore my arms hurt so much. I felt much better in the evening but today the tension is back again.
I will do absolutely nothing this weekend and I start in this weekend with a visit at the hairdresser this afternoon.
Beautiful and lazy - that`s the motto of this weekend!:) :) :)

I hope and wish that you all can have a painfree or painless weekend.
Until monday, Barbara

Edelweiss 02-02-2007 07:22 AM

Today 2
Mark, the idea to present a memory of Dee is a good one - if I can do something, please let me know!

Bye, Barbara

Jomar 02-03-2007 01:10 AM

Barb and all - i hope you have a restful and relaxing weekend

gibbrn 02-03-2007 11:50 AM

To all
wishing to all a relaxing and as pain free weekend as can be!!!

love and hugs to all:grouphug:


Dolfinz 02-03-2007 04:20 PM

Off to Florida tomorrow hopefully will be feeling better when I get there...

Dawn take care of yourself and get the rest you need.. we will always be here for you or anyone !

Hope everyone has a pain free weekend and till next time .. Ciao


watsonsh 02-03-2007 09:20 PM

Today thankful for the beautiful day. It was just gorgeous here..Sun shining, warm and the color of the sky wa an amazing blue. I rolled the windows down, cranked the tunes and went for scenice drive. Felt good to be alive :ROTFLMAO:

gibbrn 02-04-2007 12:33 AM

oh the weather.....
Aside from my what should have been a three hour drive....(ok it thanks guys.....) took me eight hours and was drive from hell...I litterally prayed to God every minute of the drive to stay alive! I was so afraid but so glad to be alive at the end of it....there was a 20 car pile-up and a huge tanker of fuel which had 90ft height of flames.....was really bad but thankfully only 2 deaths so there was a huge bypass on the highway due to the damage to the ashphalt as the fire and flames damaged the road so badly......

We got three more inches of snow today....couldn't drive today had to walk to get the red put back in the

take care all and enjoy the sunshine!!!

love and hugs,:hug:

Dolfinz 02-04-2007 07:49 AM

Oh my god !! We had a 100 car pile up yesterday in NH.. which is only 1/2 hr from me.. no deaths thank god... Doesn't winter stink.... off to Florida !

watsonsh 02-04-2007 10:45 AM

Oh no
Dolfinz...My Dad lives in NH 1/2 mile from Mass....Ack I can't reach anyone. :confused:

watsonsh 02-04-2007 12:02 PM

Phew everyone OK. The 100 car pile up from less than 5 miles from Dads. Stepmom works at hosptial said it was crazy. Was worried because I have two step brothers in their teens and they are new drivers. But everyone ok:)

Peg24 02-04-2007 01:01 PM

I have been looking and listening to the news to find info on this pile up in New Hamapshire and haven't seen anything. What part of NH did this happen in?


dawn3063 02-04-2007 03:02 PM

Today I...
Want to say Hi to Everyone and it looks like I am back to the land of the living for awhile...
Hubby went out and bought me the Dragon naturally speaking for my PC. So now I can come back on and gab without using that old keyboard... :Dancing-Chilli: What a guy he is.. :heartthrob:

The days following my surgery went great. But last Tuesday I began getting a burning sensation underneath my right arm between my elbow and the old armpit. The entire area has become so sensitive I can barely touch it. My greatest fear is RSD. I see the doctor on Thursday for my two week follow-up visit. I'll know more at that point I can only hope that it's just a nerves issue from the surgery. Otherwise everything else seems to be going ok other than some inflamation.

Wow,Peg I'm so glad that the tornado did not even come close to you. How scary that whole thing was my heart goes out to all the people that were affected by that whole thing.

Shelley, I'm so glad that your family was not anywhere near that pile up when it occurred. Enjoyed the sunshine and the warm day today roll down your window and crank up those tunes :ROTFLMAO:

I wanted to wish everybody a great Super Bowl weekend. May your team win:winner_first_h4h:

Dawn :hug:

Stardust 02-04-2007 07:47 PM

Just want to say hi to all....and Dawn, I'm hoping that what you're experiencing is just your nerves acting up TEMPORARILY, just "complaining" from all those many hours of work that the doc had to do on you....Hope you hear the words "normal reaction" when you go for your post-op. In the meantime I'll be doing a little chant: "No RSD!" "No RSD!"

Edelweiss 02-06-2007 07:55 AM

Today I
say "hello" and wish all my TOS-friends a good day!!!!:)

After work I will go to the alexander-therapy and I hope I will learn a lot again!

Nice day and very nice greetings

DDayMBB 02-06-2007 02:59 PM

Shelly, I hope none of your family were involved in that nasty accident, and what good news that there were no fatalities !

Dawn, I have to agree with Stardust about the RSD, and pray that it is not headed that way... maybe time to relax yourself up a bit more !

Barb, sounds like somebody is off to be pampered a bit today !!! :)

I was wondering if anybody else has pain to the touch, in their cervical and upper thoracic spine... I have had this for about a year and was wondering if that is part of the wonders that go along with TOS or if it is just one of the other lovlies that share space with GOOBER ???

Hope all are doing well~ Mark-n-Goober~

redjpwranglergirl 02-06-2007 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by DDayMBB (Post 67803)
Shelly, I hope none of your family were involved in that nasty accident, and what good news that there were no fatalities !

Dawn, I have to agree with Stardust about the RSD, and pray that it is not headed that way... maybe time to relax yourself up a bit more !

Barb, sounds like somebody is off to be pampered a bit today !!! :)

I was wondering if anybody else has pain to the touch, in their cervical and upper thoracic spine... I have had this for about a year and was wondering if that is part of the wonders that go along with TOS or if it is just one of the other lovlies that share space with GOOBER ???

Hope all are doing well~ Mark-n-Goober~

I've had pain to the touch in my C-spine area for YEARS and nobody seems to be able to explain it to me or do anything about it. A couple of the doctors say, "it's muscular", which may be true but, if I press on my actual c-spine it hurts like h%@#. I'm always sore, no matter what. I'm no doctor but it just seems to me that there's got to be more going on there to cause this than just "muscular".....Anyway, today in our part of Texas, it's beautiful! It's about 70 degrees and the sun is out- I've got the windows open airing out the house.

Jomar 02-06-2007 03:29 PM

Mark someone on the spinal or RSD?? forum was asking about RSD in the C/T spine. This evening i will see if i can track it down.

My C/T area only hurts if i bend over and lift anything heavy - that's why I think the one dr might have been correct about the chronic C/T spine strain part- but he didn't say a peep about TOS or myofascial pain at all. I should have just flat out asked him about it. But that drs own PT guy did do all the tests that the dr didn't do and he did feel TOS was a strong probability.
Oh got off track LOL.
But my C/T spine isn't sore on the skin or to touch at all??
just gets sore inside the muscles {I guess} when i bend to lift or reach out to lift, push or pull a heavy object. at times it feels like something is ripping or tearing or just broken???
Last summer reaching out over the couch to open or close our slider windows was a big pain maker- nedd to silicone the glides next summer{chiros suggestion}

Oh goodness we had a record 10 in the chat room last nite!:grouphug:

Shelley and dabbo were just horrible ! :winky: {hilarious!!}
just like little kids
cracking up and being totally silly:D We had a lot of belly laughs and chuckles, I'm sure - I know I did.

If any of you are up for it just log in and read - you don't have to type.
usually?? most are in around 7 pm pacific time USA

I looked for some easy time zone graphics/converters-

johannakat 02-06-2007 03:29 PM

Mark and Red-
sorry if this is a dumb question, but have either of you tried chiropractic?
do you have a full range of motion in your can you look 90 degrees to the side in both directions?

For me, chiropractic helps more with neck pain that anything else. You really have tokeep up with it though,to train the muscles and ligaments in the "better" neck position.

It is nice here, too, in Socal. enjoying the sun.

Jo- I wish I could join in the chat more, but 7PM is dinner time in our house, so no computer for me!!


redjpwranglergirl 02-06-2007 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by johannakat (Post 67820)
Mark and Red-
sorry if this is a dumb question, but have either of you tried chiropractic?
do you have a full range of motion in your can you look 90 degrees to the side in both directions?

For me, chiropractic helps more with neck pain that anything else. You really have tokeep up with it though,to train the muscles and ligaments in the "better" neck position.

It is nice here, too, in Socal. enjoying the sun.

Jo- I wish I could join in the chat more, but 7PM is dinner time in our house, so no computer for me!!


Oh yeah- been going to a chiro for many years. In fact, my chiro was the one whose office I went to work in when I was still able to do massage therapy. Most of the time the only thing that would help my neck was a chiropractic adjustment. Her adjustments do help but for the most part, no, I don't have 90 degree range of motion in my neck. I use heating pads alot and take a muscle relaxer on a regular daily basis, needed or not, just to keep the pain from being any worse than it is. The severe pain I was talking about to Mark is if I actually mash on the back of my C-spine, directly on my spine. I wondered for years if I didn't have some kind of cord impingement but have had too many MRIs and CT scans to count and they always show nothing but minor bulges.

Jomar 02-06-2007 09:19 PM

oh - I can't lean against the hard back of the tub unless I have some cushioning, that hurts a bit {osteophytes?? or at the T/C junction/ hump area?} and even when the pressure is off afterward it is sore for awhile.

dawn3063 02-06-2007 09:22 PM

turnd out to be a sucky day.. There was some tension in our house today.. My husband worries and doesn't understand alot. It seems as though one thing starts to get worked out and then another medical problem arises.. My family lives far away.. So everything gets put on his back..
My doctor never called me back and it was yesterday that I left a message for them that I had been having this awful problem with my right arm.. Which feels like a 2nd degree sunburn today.. I guess I am just so worried about this new onset of pain in my right arm following my surgry.. And praying that it is nothing more than a very irritated nerve issue that will calm down..
Sorry to vent I just needed to chat with my TOS family..
I hope everyone is doing well..
Many Hugs to everyone :grouphug:

Jomar 02-06-2007 10:02 PM

Keep calling they may have lost the message :( - was that for the surgeon or your primary doc?
some docs do have email or if they have a website {contact us} link??

Is the burning on the skin , or internally based?
no redness or unusual swelling
heat or coolness make a difference

watsonsh 02-07-2007 02:58 AM

Hi All,

Wow lot's of TOS posts today...phew I have a lot to catch up on.

Jo's right we had a blast in chat last night. Thanks guys that silliness was just what I needed to get me out of my little funk. I was laughing so hard even today. :ROTFLMAO: Dawn..where is our :icecream: ?? Dabbo and and Peg will you please move over :Crowded:

Dawn I am so sorry that you are having a bad day. :hug: I am hoping that they call you back tomorrow. I know that Shelia typically spends the whole day in the office on Wednesday so I am hoping they call you tomorrow.

Mark - thanks :o , my family is A-ok but that accident was so close to them and my step brothers just got their licenses' but Dad says they are not yet allowed on the highway so all is good.

Mark to answer your question before the surgery I totally would have pain if someone just touched by C or T spine area. Especially at the CT junction like Jo said...youch! :eek: FOr the last year I could not even lie or go to sleep on my back, had to sleep on side. Touching or laying on the CT junction would cause pain plus weird chills down spine all the way down legs. And it would maek that choking feeling even more worse. And after trying to lay on there it would be sore for a while. My chiro did a special adjustment for CT junction that helped the pain in that area and totally made that hump decrease significantly.

Sometimes the pain and burning in the T-spine was awful. But MRI showed nothing at all. I also thought maybe osteophtyte or cord impringement but nothing. It was totally frustrating and perlexing because there was so much pain there but no proof that it should hurt there.

Now since the surgery I can again finally lay on the CT area. The doc explained that he thought it might have been caused by the TOS especially that the long thoracic nerve passed through the middle scalene or was entrapped by it and being crushed by it. During surgery he did freed the brachial plexus, long thoracic and spinal accessory nerve and now the pain is down significantly.

Funny though I wonder about RSD in that area because even though the pain is down even the lightest touch there will cause me to still have those spinal chills and tingling all the way up and down my spine.

And like Jo, I feel it in the C/T junction if I even try to lift something heavy.

TIme for bed :Yawn:

Painfree day for all tomorrow :p

DDayMBB 02-07-2007 06:36 AM

No i have had spinal problems of numerous sorts over the last 15 years, my ROM is restritred due to C5 thru C7 being fused, multiple osteophytes, spondololetehsis (where one vertebrae glides over another) this C4 in Respect to C5 and a broad based herneation @ C3/4 with naroowing foamina throughout C3-7, though evry symptom in the past with the spine has been via nerve roots and not to the touch at the spine! Thanks all for all the replies;)

red yeah it does hurt like H E Double toothpicks, so a message is not in the pic... though would take some of that warm weather my thermostat here at the house is showing -4 F this AM BRRRRR !!!:eek:

Jo getting older, maybe I am just now noticing pain, I was able ignore prior or could be that have many things going on these days... TOS, CRPS/RSD, Fibromyalgia and the old stand by which has not reared its ugly head in years so I may be due Cervical Disc Disease UMPH:confused:

Dawn you know here you never, ever and positevely not ever have to appologize for venting here... you are among caring friends:grouphug: Do hope all worked out well:)

Yeah does seem to be alot of people wandering about, though always nice to catch up on what is going on with others!;)

Goober is thinking about coming to pay a visit to all that are having that warm weather, though no trips in my near forcast, so all-i-all take what I get and wish all a good day!!!:winky: GOOBERS HOST~MARK~

Edelweiss 02-07-2007 07:39 AM

Today I..
can also talk about c-spine troubles. In fact, I don`t have c-spine troubles - this is what docs say, it`s only a over-stretching.
I find that massages sometime help me and after a walk outside, I feel much better.
Today I am a full-power-woman. I have a lot of work these last 10 days (in fact we often are only 2 people at work instead of 6 - illness or illness of the child, holidays, formation,....)and today, clients came in all 30 minutes from 08:15 o`clock on. But I am as a rock - I resist and am not stressed. And I am so proud of me - after all, I should not forget, I am a TOS patient!!

The alexander-therapist said to me yesterday, that until now we always worked on the physical problem but "you are more than a personified TO-syndrome". I liked this very much - and yes, that`s true!:)

Wish you all a good day! With sunshine and agreable temperatures!

dawn3063 02-07-2007 11:03 AM

Today I
Want to make sure that Shelley and Dabbo don't :mf_swordfight:
Behave and I'll get you guys your
So :hug: and share your seats.. and no more :Poke:

dawn3063 02-07-2007 11:21 AM

Things are better.. We talked.. I think it is not only hard on us but so much of this is hard for our spouses, family and friends.. I know I take some things for granit with my husband I just asume he knows.
I see my Doc tomorrow so I'll know more then.. Positive thoughts my way.. :p Because I know my thought have been way negative latley.. I guess I just look at the dark side of things :Hum: and then you automatically think your :Sinking:
So I just will let the Doc's make that final decision for me.. :Deliberate:
:grouphug: to all

Jomar 02-07-2007 11:28 AM

- I missed chat last nite -
-daughter went to a bball game at school so had to go pick her up, plus I had been playing on the 'puter too much during the day and neglecting my exercises and stretches.
So I did a double dose of those last nite and will be sure to not skip them again.:wink:

Edelweiss 02-08-2007 08:37 AM

Today I...
can tell you that I am so happy that this day is nearly over - only one more time this week at work.
Yesterday I was full of power, today I am still working for 4 people but the power falls down. Happily, the weekend is near!!!

I wil go to a friend and visit her new appartment after work...and then back home and I will be a couch-potatoe for the rest of the day. Thursday, the bring CSI and other (criminal) series on TV and that was it for today!

Good day and a nice hello to everyone,

dabbo 02-08-2007 01:44 PM

today I.... got whatever stomach bug is going around. yuuuuuuuuuuuck. :Sick:

I also hope dawn is feeling less pain today....

watsonsh 02-08-2007 05:26 PM

Uh Oh Dabbo...too much ice cream ...more for me :D

Today I...went to PT. We worked on lower back issues because sciatica acting up lately. PT said looks like your butt muscles are atrophied...I said Seriously? Seriously ? I said have you looked back there? It doesn't look atrophied to me. She said yep...your butt is broken. I was :ROTFLMAO:

So now I have TOS and a broken butt...figures :eek: ...LOL

dawn3063 02-08-2007 10:21 PM

Today I
Went for my 2 week post op follow up visit at the surgions office and had seen the Nurse practisioner. We had a good visit. She told me that she is pretty sure that the burning in my arm is from the ulnar nerve. She said that it was very entraped and compressed with scar tissue. When the ulnar nerve is compressed such as mine was and once it is released the nerve will start to wake up and cause a sever sensativity and burning sensation. She still wants to run a couple things by my surgion such as the color change and the coolness in my right hand. She said that is not normal for the ulnar nerve. He was in surgery today so I will hear more tomorrow. If infact he is concerned that this could be the start of RSD they will schedule me for a SG Block asap. She said that she has not seen any signs of RSD on me in the past and that it would be unusual for it to occure so soon after surgery but not impossible.
She told me to wear the Lidoderm patches and she ordered a special cream that is made at a pharmacy in Bevely Hills that will be mailed to me that is suppose to help calm the burning sensations from the nerves and I will use that when the lidoderrm patches are not used.
So I will take it easy and wait to hear from them tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. :winky:

Dabbo-I sure hope that the old stomach bug is gone soon. It just is the worst when your sick. It seems to make the TOS worse. Sorry Guy no more Ice Cream for you..:winky: at least for awhile.. Get some :Zzzz: And hope you feel well soon..

Shelley-I'm so sorry that your butt is broken..:holysheep: too much over crowding on the old couch by dabbo and peg:Crowded: thats ok more :icecream: for you..

Peg-I hope your Big day today went well at work :laptop:.. Get some rest so we can catch you in chat later..

Barb-I hope that you were able to be a couch potato.. Sometimes that is the best..:Popcorn: especially with CSI on TV.

Ah, and at last Greys Anatomy is on tonight.. A must watch.. :heartthrob:

I hope that everyone has a great night and a pain free day tomorrow..

Many Hugs :grouphug:

Peg24 02-08-2007 10:31 PM

hello all
Dabbo,I hope you got over your stomach bug, and I sure hope you don't give it to the baby.

Dawn, I'm glad to hear that you did get some answers on your arm. I will say alittle prayer that it is not RSD you are looking at now.

I also wanted to tell you that those dogs are so cute!!!

Hope to see you all in the chat!


redjpwranglergirl 02-08-2007 11:37 PM

Hubby and I went to see the movie, "Pan's Labyrinth".....the special effects are awesome but it's definitely NOT a movie for kids.:eek: I had read about it before it came out but it was quite a bit "worse" than what I was expecting, as far as the violence in it. All in all, quite odd....but I expect it to win an Oscar for best foreign film.

Stardust 02-09-2007 06:29 PM

Hi Dawn
Very happy to hear that the nurse practitioner doesn't seem to think you have RSD. Did you hear back from the doc today? Are the lidoderm patches helping? Hopefully you're feeling a little better by now.

Everyone who examines me comments on how cold my hands are, and I know they are always thinking "possible RSD." In my case though, I always have to explain I've had cold hands my whole life. "Cold hands, warm heart...." and all that. :wink:

Hope the doc is in agreement with the nurse practioner. Keep us posted.

DDayMBB 02-12-2007 03:43 PM

TODAY I... have fallen so far behind in being able to address everybody as I, usaully do and feel so bad about doing so, however, been lurking abou and reading over al the differents threads in out home space! I do feel bad about doing so, but just been haveing weird pains in my arms, bi-ceps and shoulders that has kept me away forom typing. I truly do hope you all know, that my love, thoughts and concerns do go out to one and all here within our famliy here! I contribute this to the cold and little fronts pasing so that I just have not done so, so I ask forgiveness in this area! I was wondering, if anybody would be intrested in getting together and devising some sort of a charter (non-profit) so that we could speak out and just let the legislators recognize this nasty disease, so that we are not fighting our problems alone and letting Washington DC (for those of us in USA) expand some research that may eventuality help others, I think most I am already a pain in the butt with my, congressman, senator and any one else that will listen to help with our cause!
My SS case and workmans comp cases are not getting ahead, and being quite I do not think they can fathom just far teh effects of the disorder go, especially being able to work and try and carry along all that goes along with us. Many here are not just, afflicted with TOS, but have cervical disc disease and RSD/CRPS, that it is about time we deserve recognition of what we live on a dialy basis.
I am preparing for my brief to the WC, appelate board, the Judge weems to think the accident should and could have beeen prevented at the risk of being runover or worse amd called my testimony not credable, but it take s a person in the cab to add air to the braking sytem and (especially after 2 mechanics "said the brakes were in working order"), though he threw out two so called witnesses than turned around and used their testimony in over all ruling in the case... so now I have to go befor the appelate panel of jusges to clear this up! Than I have the SSD board saying I do not qualify that , I can lift and carry, just like going to the store, I carry bags of toilet paper and such... the system is not fair, I would love to be out of the house working, but their interpetation of what I can do is nill!
If anybody is intrested in gaining a bill into congressman, the house and up the food chain, just to let one know what all this is about! I worked since I was twelve (pickin apples, mowing lawns and chores of many sorts) and think time for awareness and changes need to be implented! It is not a fact of being lazy and just like many of you this *hurts mentally, which adds to out physically health* otherwise they just keep on turning their backs on us! Please feel free to PM on what you think, because if this keeps going on, times will just keep on getting ignored and not helping us one bit!!!!
Maybe we can be the wrench in the gears !!!
Certainlly hope to do some head interlock.. my thought to all and hope all are safe, free of pain and asking that the father, son and holy ghost are with all now and future... God Bless!!! Mark-n-Goober !!!

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