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dabbo 08-06-2008 10:58 PM

cyn - good luck with the scalene botox..... it might be sore as $H!T for a few days, and then hopefully you'll feel its benefits. I'll cross my right fingers for you. left ones dont like to cross :(

ok. theres something on one of the HD channels aobut a steeplechase runner. his training is running 90 miles a day 6 days a week.

olecyn 08-07-2008 03:46 PM

Yep, it sure in the heck created pain...
CRPS (Firbo & RSD) got a hold of me at night after the anesthesia & Dilauded pain injections worse off. OPANA today along with my OPANA ER 15mg qd.

Dr. Jordan said not to be shy with the pain meds for a few days. Now I know what he's talking about. He went into the right scalenes, pect minor, subscapularis, traps, behind my ear, temples & between my eyes. He said my temples were hard as a rock & the others were spasming like crazy.

Geeze I hope the BOTOX is worth the CRPS shut down but them I have one an the verage of every week to 2 weeks.

dabbo 08-07-2008 09:41 PM

I'm sorry that you're hurting .... like Dr. Jordan said - don't be shy. I've had the scalene, trap, subscapular, and almost behind my ear. I think we did the pec minor time before last. Was what you had the Myobloc (botox B?) with the needle guided by an EMG (that thing that makes noise)? I need to go to sleep.......i'm rambling.

Hey to all!

Peg, Shelley smelley, Di, Mark, JoKat, et al come out come out wherever you are.

DiMarie 08-11-2008 03:48 PM

I here
Hi dabbo!
I just went out of town for a long over due trip to Niagara falls. My step daughter lives in North Tonawanda and was in a theater production last week so DH and I took Katie up to see her and visit the Falls, Butterfly observatory and bird aviatory.

Drive was long, but I used all my tricks, pillow, breaks to streatch and valium!Five to six hours with breaks and eating along the way.

Enjoy the view!

olecyn 08-19-2008 03:35 AM

Mark - dabbo
It has been 10 days & just now starting to feel a little better. Had to go to my therapist to this get ginormous amount of pain out of my system & hypnotherapy.

I'll have to check on the type of Botox when I see him. And yes Dr. J always uses waves where he places the needle. He's so very good. They put me out due to the high level of pain in the areas he went into: Right scalenes, pecs, subscapularis, R & Left trapezius, trapeziods, jaw, temporal & corrogated muscles.

Cant sleep as usual....
Massive pain in my back sides since Friday. Geeze, I sure hope its not something related in my kidneys going haywire due to the meds.

Di ~ ahh to be in Niagra. I'll visualize if I can get to sleep.

dabbo 08-19-2008 07:22 PM

That is a great picture Di! Cyn- I'm glad that you're finally feeling better, and am sorry it took 10 days!
Saturday night I whacked my head on the corner/edge of a shelf in the garage. My wife heard it from ~50 feet away....I don't think I blacked out, but had to go to the ER Sunday- slurred speech, confusion, coordination problems, etc. CT was normal, so thats good. Doc called it a mild concussion. On monday, my daughter accidentally hit my forehead with the back of her head. MORE confusion, vomiting, etc. ANOTHER ER trip. So now ( I think) its tuesday, and I have to go to a neurologist on thursday for him to check me out. I don't htink i'm supposed to drive- regardeless, i am way sensitive to light right now.

ANywho- hope all are doing well!

tshadow 08-20-2008 12:10 AM

Dabbo - maybe you should hold still for a goodness! Hope you feel better soon and that nothing is serious.

Olecyn - I am glad you are getting some new treatments and I hope they work.

To all others, lotsa love. I have not been on the board so that my symptoms are not unnecessarily triggered. Do miss you guys though! Love!

Jomar 08-20-2008 12:25 AM

eesh dabbo, don't be so rough on yourself:eek:

I wonder if your c1- c2 might have gotten out of alignment from those "bumps", I don't remember if you ever had any upper cervical adjustments {axis/atlas}?
If you continue with problems might be worth checking into.

:grouphug: to all of you :grouphug:

DiMarie 08-20-2008 10:30 PM

hi dabbo,
That Pillow suit that Astern needed for car accidents, should come with a pillow helmet...Maybe that will protect if it covers the forhead.
I think any blow to the head jerks the neck too and can flare symptoms. I hope that it heals fast.

Baby kisses make everything feel better, no headbutts though :rolleyes:

Curious 08-21-2008 12:58 AM

dabbo..maybe one of these blow up sumo wrestler suits will help. :D looks like the headgear has some padding.

all kidding aside, take care. praying the neuro says you are a -ok. :hug:

watsonsh 08-21-2008 10:39 AM

Oh man Dabbo, take it easy. I sure hope everything at the neuro checks out. :hug::hug:

Here have some :icecream::icecream:....Nooooo I know its cold Dabbo but you dont rub it on the bump on your head :D:p

Dolfinz 08-21-2008 07:53 PM

Dabbo... Hope your feeling o.k..... :hug: Be careful my friend !

Hi Shelly.. How are ya ?? How's the shoulder ?? Mine is getting there.. PT gave me a few new things to do with weights and it feels like my shoulder got ripped out of my arm today !! But...I am at 165 degrees !! Now if I can get it to 180 I will a happy girl !!

Hope this find everyones else having a pain free week !!!! Hugs to all ! :hug:


marabunta 08-24-2008 03:11 AM

Dabbo, I can relate!

My 2yo daughter's learned a 4 step handshake that finishes with knuckle smacking and then a head butt. She's always been good at the head butt thing, forwards, backwards, etc. Worst is when she throws herself into my lap to snuggle and snaps her head into the ball of my shoulder...OUCH!! That one hurts physically and emotionally.

Our baby boy is doing great. Of course, he likes to dig his head into the inside of my elbow...can't do that for more than a minute either!

I started on 30mg Cymbalta about 3 weeks weight's starting a downward trend...first time I've lost weight while on Lyrica. It's only about 6lbs, but its a start! I've only gained 13lbs on 9 months of Lyrica, that's 5% of my body weight so not too bad.
I'm hoping to drop 30 over the next year...20 more would be great but that's probably reaching for the moon!

One day at a time!

Chemar 08-24-2008 05:18 PM

as you may have noticed we have been having some server probs lately

here is thread on CFF about it

one of the things that seems to be contributing to the old server's load is very looooong threads

Doc will be moving us onto a super di duper new server in a couple of weeks, but till then it would be best if we try to keep threads a bit shorter...say maybe no more than 500 posts.... then start new thread

if someone would please start a "Today I......" part deux and let me know when it is up....I will add the link here for all to continue

so sorry for the inconvenience but I am sure you would agree it is better this way than to have the old server struggling to let us in

thanks to Shelley for starting "Today I...." part 2

and a big thanks to DDayMBB for this thread :)

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