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Jomar 11-30-2006 12:19 PM


Is it RSD that you got from the broken boneinjury?
or was the nerve itself injured?

dabbo 11-30-2006 12:26 PM

I tried Neurontin for a couple of weeks, and it helped marginally. Doc then put my on Lyrica, which I took for 3 weeks with pretty dang good results. Then I had a freak allergic reaction (rash/hives, breathing difficulty,swollen face, etc). which sent me to the ER on a friday AND saturday night. i would have gone back sunday, but my wife didn't want me to go alone, and i wasn't about to bother someone at 2am to watch the baby. The dr's wanted me to stop the lyrica in case that was the problem. that stunk, because i'd been getting results w/ minimal side effects. now, i'm taking 500mg 3x, 1000mg 1x daily of Keppra. wheeeeeeeeeeee. :eek:

redjpwranglergirl 11-30-2006 01:30 PM

I've been taking Amitriptylin at bedtime for over 3 yrs. now and it along with my muscle relaxers has helped me considerably. I was finally able to sleep through the night and they've also helped put a stop to the occipital/migraine headaches I was waking up with. My PM dr. started me out on a low dose and slowly worked it up. Are you taking it during the day or only at night? I take my meds about 30 mins before I'm ready for bed. dabbo, I had the same kind of reaction to Wellbutrin that you had to Lyrica and ended up at the ER at 3AM. I was covered in hives- some of them as big around as baseballs and you could watch them move right before your eyes. They would go away and come up somewhere else,etc. They were in my scalp, around my eyes, in my ears- one of the WORST things I've ever gone through.

desideratha 11-30-2006 01:58 PM

hi all, and thanks for replying,

What is RSD? I had broken and damage nerves in the sacrum bone I broke. Out that bone a whole bunch of nerves come out, it is called the horse tale, or something like that, I broke many of the nerve outlets thus the pain from both broken and half broken nerves that are actually very slowly healing.

I am taking it only at night. I started two nights ago with half a pill of 25 mg. Tonight I should be taking a whole pill of 25 mg.

Lirica was working, however over the past few weeks its effects have been fading. That's why I'm trying adding the antidepressant. But I'm afraid of its side effects long term. I already feel I have been gaining weight. Also, I've been sleepy for the past two days.
:eek: :confused:

Jomar 11-30-2006 04:03 PM

RSD {Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy}-also goes by CRPS{ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome} is a over reactive sensory condition -disease brought on by damage or trauma to the Sympathetic Nervous System. It can be brought on by an accident, ie: minor trauma or surgery .

extreme sensitivity to touch, burning, swelling, color changes of skin

Burning Pain in Extremities Chronic Pain after Injury or Surgery
Chronic Pain after Injury or Surgery
Cold Feeling in Extremities
Discoloration of the Skin
Edema (Swelling of the Extremities)
Hypersensitivity to Touch
Limited Range of Motion
Muscle Spasms

more info on it-

Have you found our spinal injury & disorders forums?

also the chronic pain forum-

those will also help with meds, info and pain management

desideratha 12-14-2006 12:21 PM

thanks for the info. My pain is from injury. I am using both amitriptyline and lyrica. I just started on the first one and still don´t feel any difference. I am growing anxious for lyrica seems to be less effective in controlling my pain. Any suggestions
I currently suffers these symptoms:

Cold Feeling in Extremities
loss of sensitivity to Touch
Limited Range of Motion
Muscle Spasms and cramps
constant electric current throughout the nerve
pins and needles

Jebbyfur 12-14-2006 12:55 PM

lyrica and tos
I take lyrica and trileptal for my trigeminal neuralgia. After about a year and a half, in one of doc's neurological exams he asked me about numbness in arm and loss of strength in hand. He later did emg. proved tos. Started physical therapy, was working o.k., TN was getting stirred up, was extremely tired. Doc did nlood work, tested positive for Epstein Barr. Went to Ent to check my chronic sinuses. Was not sinuses, was tonscils, 45 having tonscils out sucked, but let me tell you they had been infected for years, and guess what, mt tos has improved 90% little problems occasionally with thumb and first tho fingers. Removal of tonscils made space in bracioplexus. If I could cure my Tn like that I'd bottle it up and sell it. It's worth a try. Jen

tshadow 12-16-2006 09:11 AM

That's interesting about the tonsils because I had mine out quite late and they were a mess, too.

But back to Lyrica -

I'm now off of it about 2 months or so and lost 22 lbs. And it's not just the lbs. DiMarie - watch her BLOOD SUGAR. Mine swooped up and kept going higher. I was pre-diabetic, when I stopped the lyrica. I wasn't eating anything. All I did was drink fat free milk, water, etc. Maybe the Lyrica helped in nerve pain, but I couldn't notice because the pain is always so high. So no change on pain for me.

But watch out for the weight gain and the blood sugar rise. I believe it made my liver VERY fatty and big, too. (I just got an ultrasound.) Get blood every 3 weeks - at least that's what I'd do if it were my child until I were sure of things.

I took my Lyrica with Cymbalta and I still take the Cymbalta. It helps me to sleep (I take it right before bed) and with pain and depression.

BillyBobzg 05-17-2015 07:11 PM

What is your dosage/ day

Originally Posted by tshadow (Post 1623)
I take it 3 times per day, and I attribute it to bringing down that "suicide pain" that used to plague me regularly.

However, it is known for weight gain, and sure enough, with my body chemistry, after I lost 25 lbs. with Topomax, I gained 35 with this Lyrica. Quite a bummer.

Doesn't make me sleepy.

Really does help with peripheral nerve pain and nerve pain in general. (Doesn't do it for bone or muscle pain of fibro, though.)

__________________________________________________ _________________

Howdy,Peripheral nueropathy is one of my gifts from chemo. Trying Lyrica and different doses. What strength are you taking. I haven't found any relief yet.
Thanks, BillyBobzg

Lara 05-17-2015 07:38 PM

Hello BillyBobzg,
Welcome to NeuroTalk.

tsshadow hasn't posted in a while.

You could try asking over on the
Peripheral Neuropathy Forum
as well.

Also if you use the Forum Search Feature
you can search for keywords such as Lyrica.

There are many posts across many different forums here.

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