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NerPain4 11-17-2012 05:43 AM

Thin female with 8 yr history of computer workstation use at a fast paced job. Non-ergonomic workstation. Pain began with severe onset of pain in trapezius mm, levator scapulae mm area, Right side, then left side. Pain then "spread" to bilateral forearms with severe muscle/tendonitis, radial tunnel. Suffered and continued to work full time for 6 months because I did not have sick time off/employee benefits...until I became disabled. Had physical therapy with 4 different p.t.'s, had diagnostic exams which were all confirmatory for TOS (with vascular component). Finally saved up enough to have the surgery for TOS on one side. Am still disabled by pain and symptoms today, am now fighting with WC (which was obtained after a trial determined I was an employee) to obtain SCS for pain management.

Am really frustrated with battling WC for medical care and benefits! Worker's Comp is evil and responsible for prolonging my suffering and causing more injury to me.

BSEMT110 01-19-2013 01:58 AM

Hi my name is Bridget. It took ten years for doctors to figure out what was wrong, but than again I do live in Montana. I was diagnosed with bilateral TOS. I had my first surgery Dec 12, 2012. My doc is going to hold off on the left since it is not as symptomatic as my right side was. My recovery has gone extremely well one month post op and I am playing volleyball. It felt so good since I haven't been able to play for quiet sometime. My arm used to go completely numb and my shoulder would hurt for months after a big episode. Wen they removed the rib the found that I had a bigger rib than normal. The only post op thing that has happened is that I have nerve pain, but my doc thinks that since my nerves where compressed for so long that it will take a little bit more time for them to heal and get back to full function. Anyone else experience the nerve pain issue.

Jomar 01-20-2013 01:43 AM

Hello & welcome,

Please copy/paste your post from here, or make a new thread on the main TOS section.

Sometimes we don't notice new members that only post in this thread.

It works best to have our conversations in the main TOS threads section.

here is the main TOS section -

New members please make a new thread for yourself here -

MagicMom 03-02-2013 09:19 AM

I still don't understand what is wrong with me, how or why it happened, and why nothing has really helped. I just want to get out of pain and back to a normal life. Before the accident I had forearm pain. Then, I had a minor rear-end car accident a little over 2 years ago, upon which I think I had whiplash...I think I had a muscle spasm in my neck and trigger point ache in my upper shoulder blade. I immediately went to a chiropractor because I didn't want this to turn into anything major. I would feel better after he cracked my neck. I do work at a computer and am stressed out all day long. By the end of a workday, I would be in agony. Over time, this new pain became unbearable, but at least the forearm pain mainly went away. I had 6 months of chiropractor and physical therapy in the first year that helped me make it through the day, but my symptoms got progressively worse. That was followed by 6 months of mainly massage therapy, with tens and ultrasound but I kept getting worse. I brought up TOS to my doctor, but he told me that was very rare and unlikely, and shot me down. Finally I felt like my doctor was taking me seriously when was told I had a herniated disk. I thought that was the answer and had ACDF C4-6 about a year after the accident which relieved the pinching in my neck, but I think worsened all the brachial plexus problems. After that, I developed a deep aching pain my my shoulder and a tender spot on the nerves and muscles in the front of my neck. Also, the nails of my thumb and first two fingertips turn blue throughout the day, and these fingers are constantly numb (although I still have feeling - it's a hard sensation to explain). I had shoulder arthoscoscopy a year and a half after the accident to shave a bone and clean out the bursitis, which got rid of one spot of pain under my armpit, but gave me other aches and pain. Then I researched some more on the internet, went to see a vascular surgeon, and was diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome because my hand went white in a few seconds after lifting it, and my vascular ultrasound showed compression. I had a first rib resection and scalenectomy 4 months ago, which got rid of the worst aching pain I had in the grove between by tricep and deltoid. However, this left me with tons of inflamation, scar tissue, adhesions, new aches and tender spots, and I crack every time I move. I can flick the nerve in my arms like guitar strings, and a nerve and or muscle keeps getting caught and sending shock waves down my arm. I had more physical therapy which has done nothing except help me make it through the day and get a little stronger. A month after the TOS surgery, out of the blue I couldn't lift my arm and was told that I had axillary nerve dysfunction and that my deltoid wasn't working properly. Most function has come back, although nowhere near normal, but I was told that my other muscles are compensating. My medicine (Lyrica, Tizanidine, Nabumetone, Tramadol) just takes the edge off the ache, but if I don't take it, I'm in agony. I still work full time (primary breadwinner), and am a wife and mother of a young child. I don't know how I make it thought the day, other than I have no choice, because if I don't go to work and bring home a paycheck, I lose everything, and I would still be in pain. Being a woman in my thirties, I think people think I'm a hypochondriac because they can't see anything physically wrong with me. It's not like I have cancer or am dying from a serious disease. I think my husband thinks its all in my head and I just need to stop thinking about being in pain and just deal with it. I don't know what to do or how to handle this anymore. Does anyone see a pain management psychiatrist? And is there anything left I can do? If there is anything else I can do or a doctor I can see who can fix me, I'm not ready to give up yet. At the same time, the auto insurance just cut me off and I don't have enough money to pay for my co-pays for medication, pt and doctor appts. without putting it on my husband's credit card and racking up debt.

Ollyingles 04-01-2013 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by MagicMom (Post 962110)
I still don't understand what is wrong with me, how or why it happened, and why nothing has really helped. I just want to get out of pain and back to a normal life. Before the accident I had forearm pain. Then, I had a minor rear-end car accident a little over 2 years ago, upon which I think I had whiplash...I think I had a muscle spasm in my neck and trigger point ache in my upper shoulder blade. I immediately went to a chiropractor because I didn't want this to turn into anything major. I would feel better after he cracked my neck. I do work at a computer and am stressed out all day long. By the end of a workday, I would be in agony. Over time, this new pain became unbearable, but at least the forearm pain mainly went away. I had 6 months of chiropractor and physical therapy in the first year that helped me make it through the day, but my symptoms got progressively worse. That was followed by 6 months of mainly massage therapy, with tens and ultrasound but I kept getting worse. I brought up TOS to my doctor, but he told me that was very rare and unlikely, and shot me down. Finally I felt like my doctor was taking me seriously when was told I had a herniated disk. I thought that was the answer and had ACDF C4-6 about a year after the accident which relieved the pinching in my neck, but I think worsened all the brachial plexus problems. After that, I developed a deep aching pain my my shoulder and a tender spot on the nerves and muscles in the front of my neck. Also, the nails of my thumb and first two fingertips turn blue throughout the day, and these fingers are constantly numb (although I still have feeling - it's a hard sensation to explain). I had shoulder arthoscoscopy a year and a half after the accident to shave a bone and clean out the bursitis, which got rid of one spot of pain under my armpit, but gave me other aches and pain. Then I researched some more on the internet, went to see a vascular surgeon, and was diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome because my hand went white in a few seconds after lifting it, and my vascular ultrasound showed compression. I had a first rib resection and scalenectomy 4 months ago, which got rid of the worst aching pain I had in the grove between by tricep and deltoid. However, this left me with tons of inflamation, scar tissue, adhesions, new aches and tender spots, and I crack every time I move. I can flick the nerve in my arms like guitar strings, and a nerve and or muscle keeps getting caught and sending shock waves down my arm. I had more physical therapy which has done nothing except help me make it through the day and get a little stronger. A month after the TOS surgery, out of the blue I couldn't lift my arm and was told that I had axillary nerve dysfunction and that my deltoid wasn't working properly. Most function has come back, although nowhere near normal, but I was told that my other muscles are compensating. My medicine (Lyrica, Tizanidine, Nabumetone, Tramadol) just takes the edge off the ache, but if I don't take it, I'm in agony. I still work full time (primary breadwinner), and am a wife and mother of a young child. I don't know how I make it thought the day, other than I have no choice, because if I don't go to work and bring home a paycheck, I lose everything, and I would still be in pain. Being a woman in my thirties, I think people think I'm a hypochondriac because they can't see anything physically wrong with me. It's not like I have cancer or am dying from a serious disease. I think my husband thinks its all in my head and I just need to stop thinking about being in pain and just deal with it. I don't know what to do or how to handle this anymore. Does anyone see a pain management psychiatrist? And is there anything left I can do? If there is anything else I can do or a doctor I can see who can fix me, I'm not ready to give up yet. At the same time, the auto insurance just cut me off and I don't have enough money to pay for my co-pays for medication, pt and doctor appts. without putting it on my husband's credit card and racking up debt.

Hi all.

I am a 20 year old female who used to work at a child development center. About 1 year ago, I started to notice I had random "flares" of sharp pain in the left shoulder blade. When I took a breath, the pain was unbearable. As time went by, a lump on my first rib appeared. Its sore, if not hurting, i feel a dull discomfort. My pain in in my neck on the left side, under my armpit, my left shoulder and shoulder blade as well as the chest area of where the lump is. Its driving me crazy. I cry from pain and exhaustion from this. I know how you guys feel. I have seen many doctors. A lot said Im just depressed because I lost my step father recently from cancer. I know its the the case because I had this going on before he passed away! I have had:

3 ultra sounds (one, the first doc noticed the sub arteries and such show up and thought it was a bit weird. He is the one who said all he could suspect is TOS but not sure, He was supposed to refer me to a diff specialist. He forgot I think because he was in a big rush) I brought it up to my primary doc, he didnt think so....
I had an MRI for rotator cuff.. nothing.
blood tests.. I am anemic and low on vit D. my thyroid is in the normal range but lower end.
many X-rays.

I dont know what to do.. I would consider surgery but as I read from many of you, its kind of risky.

I hope you guys continue this website. Im desperste to talk to people. I dont know for sure if this is TOS but today Im seeing a "breast cancer"/general surgery clinic.. Ill tell them what I think and ask for a different referal. I hope you guys are doing okay.

Magicmom, Im sorry for your pain. I understand and Im not sure what is could be.. I think I will ask the docs today if they are even the rite ones and I'll post to tell you what they told me.

Take care all. Email me if you wanna talk

fdupshoulders 04-07-2013 10:02 PM

Had it for 20 months and has been getting progressively worse, took this long to figure it out..

thissucks 04-13-2013 05:42 PM

This is crazy
Six months ago I started to notice my left arm falling asleep at work. (I'm an electrician at an rv company) then I was waking up in the night with all kind of pain in my arm and my last two fingers. I turned in a injury report at work since i noticed it getting worse and was feeling it in different areas, such as my arm pit, my collarbone, shoulder, neck. and my arm and hand get so tired. I was diagnosed with TOS finally after 5 doctors and two rounds of physical therapy. Im at a loss. The newest doctor said surgerry wont help, but Im wondering how much more I can take. Im in some kind of pain from it all the time. Im starting to feel it in my face by my ear and getting real bad headaches. I dont have the extra rib but would surgery help? Im starting a third round of therapy this week and if it dont help I dont know what will be left for me. The work comp might just release me then Im screwed.

MH Advocate 04-16-2013 12:04 PM

Good morning everyone:
I have been diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome (right side) with radiating pain to the left side, upper back and lower back as a result of a Whiplash injury of the neck (with branch nerve injury, disc c4-c5) as a result of a car accident where I was hit from behind with significant force. I also am diagnosed with dysphagia and neurophatic pain. I injured my Larynx and Esophagus in the same area of the neck.

I am the perfect recipe for disaster:
1) I am in my mid 40's
2) I am a woman
3) the impact was with significant force (70 km/h)
4) I stopped due to a car stopped in front of me, both hands on the wheel, my head looking at my left side mirrors when the impact happened.
5) I am intolerant to opiates and painkillers

I had to wear 8 weeks of physiotherapy tapes
I had to go to physio 2 a week for the first year, 1 a week for the second year, 3 times a month for the third year.

My condition plateaud when 6 months after the accident and I have never improved

I have 3 types of pain
1) Nerve pain
2) disc pain
3) soft tissue pain (horrible stifness in my neck, shoulders, upper back, center of my back down my spine to my lower back, 24/7

I have been treated with Lyrica (stopped using too drowsy)
t3'S (down to one a day due to intolerance)
Flexerel to relax the muscles at night, thus to be able to sleep
Nabilone which is synthetic THC and works wonders to help relax my core.

In the past 6 months I have experienced increased sadness and awareness of my condition.

Although I went to hundreds of physios, massage therapy and excercise daily and eat healthy, I am still suffering from the TOS which is horrible pain

I am affraid of reinjuring myself by accident due to the siliest things could exacerbate my pain or flare up
the weather makes it worse if its foggy or rainy and cold.

The sun if is too hot makes it worse

relief: Pain clinic shots (steroids, topical) , physio, meds (OC)

makes it worse: physical activity such gardening, sweep like movements with my right hand, computer work, stress, weather, and so on..

is there anything else I could do to get help?

Jomar 04-16-2013 12:10 PM

just bumping with the links for new members


Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 949126)
Hello & welcome,

Please copy/paste your post from here, or make a new thread on the main TOS section.

Sometimes we don't notice new members that only post in this thread.

It works best to have our conversations in the main TOS threads section.

here is the main TOS section -

New members please make a new thread for yourself here -

nospam 04-16-2013 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by MH Advocate (Post 975604)
I have been treated with Lyrica (stopped using too drowsy)
t3'S (down to one a day due to intolerance)
Flexerel to relax the muscles at night, thus to be able to sleep
Nabilone which is synthetic THC and works wonders to help relax my core.

In the past 6 months I have experienced increased sadness and awareness of my condition.

Although I went to hundreds of physios, massage therapy and excercise daily and eat healthy, I am still suffering from the TOS which is horrible pain

I am affraid of reinjuring myself by accident due to the siliest things could exacerbate my pain or flare up
the weather makes it worse if its foggy or rainy and cold.

The sun if is too hot makes it worse

relief: Pain clinic shots (steroids, topical) , physio, meds (OC)

makes it worse: physical activity such gardening, sweep like movements with my right hand, computer work, stress, weather, and so on..

is there anything else I could do to get help?

I had relief with Lyrica but side effects. Neurontin (Gabapentin) has given me similar relief without side effects.

Cymbalta is another drug that can help although I had side effects. I now take Pamelor (Nortripyline). Elavil (Amitriptyline) is another drug (but older) in the same family. These are antidepressents that have been found to treat pain as well. They could also help your mood.

Flexeril worked for me a while but eventually I built up a tolerance to just about every muscle relaxer out there. The anxialitic drugs seem to be more effective: Valium, Ativan, etc (I'm on Valium).

If physical therapy makes you worse, stop. Don't do exercises that aggravate you. Don't be afraid to find another therapist, one experienced in treating TOS.

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