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kayseeah 05-18-2011 10:17 AM

Thank you for all your responses. I definitely feel that my doctor isn’t taking me seriously and is just throwing medications at me to make me “go away”, which is why I wanted to do the research on this drug before taking it. I am finding that a lot of people report fatigue, shaky feeling, fast heart beats and weight gain with this one, so I’ve decided to wait at least until I get my CT scan done (June) before making a decision. The withdrawal symptoms seem a lot like the symptoms I’m trying to treat in the first place, so I don’t know.

Jingles1987 05-18-2011 10:50 AM

I can tell you that I am dealing with the same thing. I'm seeing a Neurologist who is doing the same thing. I've decided to change Neurologists because I got tired of feeling like he was just throwing medications at me, and he didn't even bother to try and do anything about my neck issues. Even when I was in with him he'd quickly explain what he was doing, why he thought it *MIGHT* work and then would send me out the door and wouldn't really discuss anything with me. So, I feel your pain (literally! :o)... I've been doing the same thing in just going with what I feel right about taking... not what they want me to take.

Mark in Idaho 05-18-2011 11:14 AM

Elavil at 10 mgs is a very low dose. The withdrawal problems should be minimal.

Waiting for your CT has no value as the CT will not have any value unless you have symptoms beyond those of PCS such as a stroke or other TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack). CT's are just for the comfort and security of doctors and patients. The damage from a concussion that will image with CT or MRI is absorbed by the body starting three days after the concussion. A week later, any small bleeds will be gone.

There is nothing that will show from a concussion except when the patient is in constant debilitating head aches or losing vision or motor control or such extreme situations. The plain garden variety concussion just takes time and then some more time and maybe even more time of rest and low stress.

Dmom3005 05-18-2011 12:41 PM

I would like to suggest that if the migraines are bad that you give this a chance. Its a drug that many doctor's prescribe for this alone.

Also for Neck pain, and even headaches see if you can get a script for
Physical Therapy this will help a lot. If you get a good therapist that
knows how to treat these kind of injuries.

I've just finished a treatment of PT for my neck and shoulder pain from
a car accident that happened in March. I also suffer from migraines.

But they are treated by topamax and other things.


kayseeah 05-18-2011 03:08 PM

Thanks to everyone who chimed in.

Mark, I know that the results of the CT scan most likely will not change anything, including how my PCS is treated, but that “comfort and security” would be nice! One of the other reasons I was skeptical about the Elavil is because my doctor has flat-out said that it’s impossible that I have PCS because the neurologist I saw wrote down that concussion symptoms CANNOT develop six weeks following an accident, and that they CANNOT last this long (four months now). As she gave me the prescription for the Elavil, she said “You’re a very nervous person so I’m going to give you something for depression”, despite me not being depressed (but, yes, anxious about my symptoms as anyone would be, I think). I am a pretty small girl as far as body weight goes and usually most medications I take have some sort of symptoms and I couldn’t believe that my doctor would neither consider these nor discuss these with me (or give me any info about how to follow up about the Elavil, when to see her next after the 30 days are up). Just sort of a “take it and go” attitude.

My physiotherapist, an emergency doctor at a hospital and the eye doctor mine had me go see all say it’s PCS, but the neurologist disagreed (saying they are just migraines) so my family doctor looks to him as the overall expert opinion and does not want to send me to another one.

Question about the Elavil: Can the 10mg pills be broken in half, so that if I do decide to take it, I can take a 5mg dose at first?

And Dmom, I absolutely agree about the physio: I don’t know how I would get by without my x2 week visits! The headaches and neck pain usually subside for at least 8-12 hours after I leave.

pcslife 05-18-2011 03:37 PM

I bought a pill cutter from Amazon and it did a good job breaking the 10 mg. Close to precise and also based on how the they manufactured the pill. Some are easy to break and some are not.

I still think they should have given me Xanax in the beginning instead of Elavil. My doc. assumed (?) I have sleep issues and headaches. I didn't have any sleep issues and for me headaches are not that bad but pain around my eyes is still bad. As I mentioned before I tried to quit Elavil 10 mg and had terrrible withdrawal symptoms and not sure I try to quit in near future. Even nausea I didn't have and started only after taking Elavil. Elavil can be (E)la(vil).

Having said that some people has no issues being on it or quitting it even with large doses. Only way to know is try it if you want.

freezerdoor 05-21-2011 05:56 PM

I am on my second day of elavil and have no issues other than feeling drowsy. I think I will take only a quarter of a pill tonight. I took half last night. I definitely don't need the 25 mg the doctor prescribed. Somewhere around a quarter to a half of that, the sharp stabbing pain in my head and brain swelling goes away.

Concussed Scientist 05-28-2011 02:07 PM

I have been taking amitriptyline for two years now for post-concussional symptoms, particularly pain in the head.
I started at a dose of 25 mg, which was obviously too much because I was sleepy all the next day. So, I cut the dose down to 12.5mg which seemed to help with headaches, at least it took the sharpness out of the pain of them. It helped a bit with sleep, which was and still is a problem, but didn't make me so zonked the next day that I couldn't function at all.

I have tried to stop taking it on several occasions but always found that the pain is too much. I am assuming that this is because the drug is having an effect, rather than the pain being caused by withdrawal symptoms. I have been told that the drug isn't very addictive.

I have gradually been going to a lower dose. First I cut down to 10mg and now I am on 7.5 mg nightly.

I haven't been able to cut down any more. I tried only 5mg last night and I have had enough head pain today to make me think that I can't go down to this level.

My doctor told me that the drug does have a long half-life, but I seem to notice the effect of a lower dose within a day or so.

Anyway, everyone is different, but it is good to share experiences just in case it is useful to someone.


nightnurse30 06-01-2011 10:33 PM

I just saw my neurologist today for the first time since my TBI 5 weeks ago. last week my doctor put me on Fiorinal for the headaches and Celexa for help with mood stabilizing and energy level. The neurologist (who is very very good....she works at my hospital where i am an ICU nurse) she said that her post-concussive pts normally do really well with the elavil for headache and symptoms. She is having me start at 10mg for 2 nights, then 20mg for 2 nights, then 30mg for 7 days, then 40 mg after that. I will try and do that regimen to build up the dose slowly in my blood stream and see how i do. If i find that i have too many symptoms as some of you have described, i will cut back slowly to the level i can tolerate but still have less headaches. It is reassuring to read that some of you find headache relief with it. She said the celexa and nortriptyline together should be ok since they are working in different ways in the brain. Here goes a try!

Mark in Idaho 06-02-2011 12:55 AM

It is odd that she wants you to dose up to 30mgs of Elavil. The usually dose for PCS is just 10 mgs. The caffeine in the Fiorinal is unusual for a PCS patient. The caffeine is usually considered counter to the brain's needs during recovery. The sedative effects of the Butalbital sounds like it would compound the fatigue-like symptoms of PCS. Maybe the caffeine is to counter those effects.

Did you mean to post 'the Celexa and amitryptiline (Elavil)' rather than 'the Celexa and nortriptyline'?

The research says that mixing Elavil and an SSRI like Celexa causes the Elavil to reach a higher blood concentration likely leading to more side-effects from the Elavil.

Is your neurologist taking you off the Celexa as you dose up with the Elavil?

Sounds like quite a cocktail.

My doctor was quite adamant about not combining sedatives and stimulants.

Let us know how you do with this mix.

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