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Old 01-26-2012, 06:55 PM #1
JulieRN JulieRN is offline
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Default Just a little update...:)

I wanted to post something positive as I continue to struggle with this setback....

I received a call today that I am approved for Long Term Disability. Whew. I also received a call that CT has approved my application for health insurance. Big WHEW! I lost my health insurance for myself and 3 kids when I was terminated from my job a week before Christmas...(aagghh!)

I have my last appt. with the Neuropsychologist tomorrow and hopefully results will follow shortly thereafter....then I can finally be pointed into a direction that will be rehabilitative...I hope.

I have a phone interview 2-1-12 to apply for SSDI...they sent me a checklist and just looking at it seems so overwhelming. I'm trying to take this one step at a time...

Quick question for anyone living in New England: With all of our weather changes as of late, has this had an effect on your symptoms??? We are getting ready to have a rain storm, and I'm just wondering if it may play into my symptoms...(I still say stress)...but barometric pressure changes can wreak havoc as

Off to bed for me....this week has just worn me out on every level...
thank you to all of you who offer your support...I truly appreciate it

July 21, 2010, one month after starting my new job I sustained a concussion after standing up quickly from a sqatting position and subsequently being impaled by the corner of a metal filing cabinet in to the left side of my skull. Dx. Post Concussive Syndrome.

Female, 45 years young
Mom of 3 boys (22,19,10)..Registered Nurse 16 years

Symptoms: Vertigo, difficulty concentrating, unable to multitask, fatigue, severe transient headaches..severity and location change frequently, anxiety, PTSD, tinnitus, "electrical like sensations" across the top of my head, "hot flashes", numbness and coolness to hands (worsens in A/C), very poor recall ability, processing and comprehension, difficulty finding words and completing thoughts, short term memory is awful.

~I will never give up on myself~

~I run because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't run, what they'd give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them...I know they would do the same for me <3
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SpaceCadet (01-26-2012)

Old 01-26-2012, 08:19 PM #2
nightnurse30 nightnurse30 is offline
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Thats great that you got your disability approved!!! Hopefully things keep going in the right direction for you!!
Suffered a TBI with PCS on April 25th 2011 from multiple blows to the head from falling, unconscious for 12 hours with no memory of event. Hit the back of my head, and above right eye. MRI and CT negative. Symptoms included constant headaches (migraine, pressure, tension, icepicks), dizziness, tinnitus, visual changes, photophobia, fatigue, "spacing out", word finding difficulties, depression, and emotional lability.
Began Healing in November 2011 after starting acupuncture and Healing Touch (a nurturing energy therapy that promotes relaxation and pain relief). I went back to work in February 2012. Ive been symptom free since July 2012. Very happy, positive, energetic and working out every day, doing yoga, and living a normal life again!
I also began taking Healing Touch classes in November 2011 and completed 5 Levels of Healing Touch Certificate Program that included a 1 year mentorship to become a Healing Touch International Practitioner in June 2013. I am so pleased to offer this wonderful healing therapy to my patients, friends, and clients.
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Old 01-26-2012, 08:44 PM #3
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Awesome!!! Can't wait for mine to get approved.
What happened: I was randomly assaulted from behind in June of 2011. I was knocked unconscious for an unknown amount of time (less than 30 minutes) and have no memory of the event. CT scan showed contusion and hematoma of the left frontal lobe. I spent 3 days in the hospital. Diagnosed with Post-Concussion Syndrome in September 2011. Currently have Medicaid, Medicare and SSI.

Current symptoms: Brain fog, mild memory issues, problems with spontaneity, occasional spacing out, word finding difficulties, tinnitus in right ear and some other things that I can't explain.

Life after the brain injury: 4 years after the injury, I'm engaged to my beautiful girlfriend of 5 years, I'm the CEO of my own business, Notorious Labs, I've taught myself how to program complex games and apps which is a feat I never thought I'd accomplish and now live a semi-normal life with very mild PCS symptoms.

Slowly but surely regaining my life back.
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JulieRN (01-27-2012)

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