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Old 03-19-2018, 10:05 PM #1
Dannyy Dannyy is offline
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Default Hit my head 9 days ago, never been seen by dr. Need advice please

Hi I recently hit my head going up the stairs at a family members house I was kind of going up them in a hurry and lift my self up off the bottom step and I nailed my head on the ceiling. I didn’t think anything of it, and just said to myself that’s going to leave a mark tomorrow. As I used to play football, race motocross and do many sports that require physical contact and are quite dangerous. I’ve fell and hit my head many times but never had any symptoms other than a headache for a couple of minutes and that was only a couple times.

This time I continued what I was doing, this was on Saturday afternoon (March 10th). I was working outside cutting up branches from the recent snow storm we had. I began to notice I just didn’t really feel like myself and had a slight headache. The headache got worse but I still considered it mild. I figured it’d go away with a good night sleep. That night I noticed Id wake up over every little thing, I’m a light sleeper as it is but I wake up over any little thing now. I suppose that’s a good thing though, as i read that it’s very bad if you can not be woken. I also realized my eyes were quite sensitive to light that night as well.

The next morning I got up made breakfast and I felt alright then 30 minutes after being up the headache came back, still not a very big deal. I was trying to stay inside my room in the darkness as much as possible from here on. I went out here and there to get dinner some nights though and a trip or two during the day in the first few days after I bumped my head.

The first two days my symptoms were, mild headache, mild light sensitivity, my vision was slightly blurred not much at all and it was only at times(I could see perfectly fine though), Slight brain fog, I didn’t feel like myself at all, and this has lasted until yesterday so 7-8 days), Sometimes Id misplace a word in a sentence it happened like once every two days(not a big deal sometimes I do that on a regular basis lol), I notice my balance was pretty off the first couple days I could walk it just felt a little weird but it’s gotten way better now it’s gone, it was only weird at the beginning of last week then it was like sometimes I feel off balance like once a day not like fall or trip I could just tell though if that makes sense almost like stumble I guess. I’ve been light headed on and off worse at the beginning it comes and goes if my headache comes back. I never had total confusion but almost like my brain was delayed I wouldn’t know then I’d know. It wasn’t bad at all though definitely mild. My ears are ringing a bit more as well. They were already ringing from the sinus inflammation I have but I noticed it’s a bit more nothing too bad though in my opinion. I was sleeping more than I usually did at first, I’ve been having odd dreams too sometimes it’s like mismatched I guess since my brain is still healing? And I’ve also been getting night sweats, I wake up and my bad is like wet.

The end of last week was quite rough I had pretty bad tension headaches at night and I definitely blame it on tv, and the electronics. I watched tv one night for about two hours and played video games for an hour. I also was texting and calling on the phone on and off throughout the day. I definitely rushed myself. This was on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I believe. Well anyway my headaches got severe a couple nights. One night it actually felt like someone was scraping the left side of my brain. And that same night after I watched tv and played video games for the first time it felt like my eyes were popping out of my head as pressure was pushing them out. It was very bad. I didn’t like that pain at all. I knew I rushed myself. I stopped and eliminated all the problems, I haven’t been on tv, video games or anything today was the first day back on the phone. I’d look at my phone for less than 30 minutes through the week I try to keep it down.

Every day this week I’ve been in bed resting though. Friday, Saturday, Sunday I later in bed a good amount. I noticed the more I lay in bed in the darkness the better I feel. As I’m writing this my head is hurting because of the phone light and it’s stressing my eyes a bit as well.

I’ve been eating well. Lots of fruits and vegetables and foods high in good fats like avocados, nuts, oils, beans, etc. I’ve been drinking lots of water. I just started taking my usual supplements and vitamins again since Friday I believe I didn’t add in all the rest like before my injury but just the ones that I can benefit from. I added bromelain 500mg 2x daily, quecertin 500mg 2x daily, Vitamin b12 500mcg daily, magnesium 250mg daily. I use peppermint oil and frankincense oil in a hot bath as well for 20 Mins daily to help promote healing, I started a couple days ago on this last Saturday.

Sorry for the long write up I just really wanted to explain my situation in detail. I’m not in terrible shape but I do still have symptoms and my headache is most likely going to be back tonight and maybe tomorrow as well, but I do feel myself slowing getting better. Light sensitivity is going down a little bit but very slow and so are the headaches they’re coming and going. Yesterday it was great all day until a loud noise stirred it back up then it went away again with time. The last two nights I can’t really go to sleep either I’m not sure why, I may go buy some melatonin to help me sleep. I forgot to mention I took 1 250mg of Tylenol for two days, so 500mg total. (Not a lot I know) I may also try taking turmeric I read that’s good for healing and swelling also any thoughts?

Anyway my question is, should I be worried by not getting a ct scan of my head? I would’ve got one right after the injury but I didn’t have insurance and they just approved me and gave me my card on Wednesday. So I’m wondering if I should go? Will this benefit me? If I go to the hospital will they give my a concussion test or just give me a ct scan and look for swelling or bleeding? I tried to get into a doctor but I lost my last insurance so I only have Medicaid and the only practice near me that accepts that provider told me to get a ct scan before I see them.

My only concern is that I’ve been getting a lot of ct scans recently. I had one of my abdomen, brain, and sinus all within the last year. So I don’t want to get any more unnecessary radiation that’s unneeded I also had numbers of X-rays from the dentist, on both my knees, my hip, arm, wrist, etc. I know the X-rays aren’t much but I’ve heard they add up over time. I feel like I’m getting better but very slowly. I know the head takes a lot of time to heal. I still have tension headaches and lightheadedness, light senstivity and some of the PCS but they come and go.

So what does everyone here think, would the ct scan be useful for me as it’s been almost 10 days now after the incident? I can write pretty well i guess and I’m also fully functional, no vomit, nausea, never passed out when I hit my head, remember everything that happened, no numbness or anything like that. My has been sore I trust started last night but I think that was from my pillow and not sleeping much because my back is sore as well, so I don’t think that has anything to do with it. I noticed my leg twitched like twice after the few first days went by but I think that’s from all the injuries I’ve had on my legs because that’s happened before so I don’t think that is related either. It’s still a little tender on where I bumped my head as I’m feeling it right now, is that normal? Pupils all good, no fluid or blood from ears, had mucus from nose but I do have sinus issues so I’m not sure if that’s related since it’s kind of normal with me. No seizures, fainting, or anything like that. I felt faint for a couple days but it could’ve just been brain fog not too sure never actually fainted or blacked out though.

If you guys have any suggestions to deal with PCS please share. I’m going to look around the site, as I’m a new member. And please let me know what you think I should do in terms of the ct scan? What are the symptoms of brain swelling ? Would I definetly know if there was bleeding and/or swelling of the brain? What’s the best choice for me? Keep doing what I’m doing, or get seen then continue resting and treating the concussion with rest?

Thank you very much and I apologize about the long detailed post. Every reply will be greatly appreciated!

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Old 03-20-2018, 01:00 AM #2
Mark in Idaho Mark in Idaho is offline
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Welcome to NeuroTalk.

I tried to scan your post. A CT Scan would be a waste at this point considering the symptoms you have. Bleeds, when they happen, max for imaging at 72 hours and start to be absorbed soon after that. A CT Scan is like 200 normal X-Rays.

If you developed an intense headache and loss of motor function, especially on one side or started slurring your speech, a run to the ER would be worthwhile. But, your symptoms do not sound like anything beyond a common mild concussion.

I think you should be thinking about a subtle injury to your upper neck. That vertical compression from the bump can cause inflammation that can cause the headaches and such.

You should not be resting at this point. You need to allow your normal sleep cycle to function so you can get quality sleep at normal sleep times. Quality sleep at a proper time will help you more than resting during the day.

You may feel better from laying in bed because you are giving your neck a rest. Icing your upper neck may help.

Check the Vitamins sticky at the top. It has a recipe to make crushable ice packs.

500 mcgs of B-12 is just getting started. Omega 3 fish oil and good curcumin extract would be worth adding.

You do not have PCS. You are recovering from a concussion. 85% recover spontaneously within the first 6 weeks. PCS is a diagnosis for the 15% who do not recover in that time.

Relax, focus on lowering your stimulation, TV, video games, etc. and avoid disrupting your normal sleep time.

And for the future, the extra details don't need to be posted. But, your ability to write such a long post means you are doing very well.

My best to you.
Mark in Idaho

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
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Old 03-20-2018, 01:24 AM #3
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Well? I read your post and the replies.
I only decided to respond because I just took a phone call from one of my peers who is chasing a drivability issue on a classic car. Come to find out, after listening to his whole story and all the details about things he had done, he had overlooked one of the simplest items in the engine. Some commonly replaced parts that cost all of three dollars.
I hate to ask, but have you taken two, plain old aspirin to see if it helped?
My medical records say I was my own doctor too. But I really had to ask.
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Old 03-20-2018, 09:22 AM #4
Mark in Idaho Mark in Idaho is offline
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After reading more of your post with a fresh mind that can read through it, one thing is apparent. You have been reading about concussion and traumatic brain injuries online. It also appears you may have an anxious personality. You have compared yourself to all of the worst case scenarios from the lists of risks. It appears you have read some out of date information.

Stop that. It will only make you feel worse. If you learn a long list of symptoms and risks, that will feed into a 'looking for symptoms' dilemma. The anxiety of 'looking for symptoms' will cause very minor symptoms to be enhanced into much more prominent symptoms.

So, get on with your life but moderate your activities. Lower your stimulation levels. Take breaks frequently where you relax. If you need to, learn some relaxation techniques. 5 or 10 minutes in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed with relaxing music can help settle the chaos in the mind. That is good for healing.

Rest you neck. Sleep with straight head and neck posture. You could check to see if there are any concussion clinics that accept Medicaid. Most schools and sports leagues have access to concussion specialists. They may have a physical therapist who can help you with reducing inflammation in your upper neck. Your neck has likely had an injury similar to a finger getting jammed playing basketball, where the joint is compressed.

Some ibuprofen (400 mgs 3 times a day) would be worth considering. It will help with pain and inflammation.
Mark in Idaho

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
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Old 03-20-2018, 12:29 PM #5
Dannyy Dannyy is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post

Welcome to NeuroTalk.

I tried to scan your post. A CT Scan would be a waste at this point considering the symptoms you have. Bleeds, when they happen, max for imaging at 72 hours and start to be absorbed soon after that. A CT Scan is like 200 normal X-Rays.

If you developed an intense headache and loss of motor function, especially on one side or started slurring your speech, a run to the ER would be worthwhile. But, your symptoms do not sound like anything beyond a common mild concussion.

I think you should be thinking about a subtle injury to your upper neck. That vertical compression from the bump can cause inflammation that can cause the headaches and such.

You should not be resting at this point. You need to allow your normal sleep cycle to function so you can get quality sleep at normal sleep times. Quality sleep at a proper time will help you more than resting during the day.

You may feel better from laying in bed because you are giving your neck a rest. Icing your upper neck may help.

Check the Vitamins sticky at the top. It has a recipe to make crushable ice packs.

500 mcgs of B-12 is just getting started. Omega 3 fish oil and good curcumin extract would be worth adding.

You do not have PCS. You are recovering from a concussion. 85% recover spontaneously within the first 6 weeks. PCS is a diagnosis for the 15% who do not recover in that time.

Relax, focus on lowering your stimulation, TV, video games, etc. and avoid disrupting your normal sleep time.

And for the future, the extra details don't need to be posted. But, your ability to write such a long post means you are doing very well.

My best to you.
Okay I will not got a ct scan. I was just concerned if I had brain swelling. Thanks for the reply Mark. I had an intense headache a couple nights but that was definetly from using to many electronics too soon.

As for my neck, I just recently began having symptoms a few nights ago. It wasn’t for a week after until I started to get neck aches. I honestly thought it was from just sleeping wrong. I iced my head where it hit the ceiling twice in the first 48 hours. I’m going to ice my neck and see if it helps at all.

My sleep schedule is very weird I haven’t been able to fall asleep at my regular times anymore. I’m not sure why I have a problem falling asleep now, is it okay if I add a small amount of melatonin? I’m going to be checking the vitamin sticky as well. One other question about the vitamins, is it okay if I am adding fish oil, turmeric (curcumin extract), and bromelain all together. I’m pretty sure they’re all blood thinners. I should be totally fine though, I’m sure.

Thanks for clearing up the PCS for me I wasn’t too sure about that at all. And I was laying in bed during the day the past few days because my light sensitivity was very very bad. It’s got significantly better since though, it’s a night and day difference now. I’m healing!

I’ve been relaxing as much as I can and also listening to some calming music. I found that it helps whenever I headache comes about. And yes I’m sorry about the long detailed post. Thanks again!

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Old 03-20-2018, 12:41 PM #6
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Originally Posted by FrankB View Post
Well? I read your post and the replies.
I only decided to respond because I just took a phone call from one of my peers who is chasing a drivability issue on a classic car. Come to find out, after listening to his whole story and all the details about things he had done, he had overlooked one of the simplest items in the engine. Some commonly replaced parts that cost all of three dollars.
I hate to ask, but have you taken two, plain old aspirin to see if it helped?
My medical records say I was my own doctor too. But I really had to ask.
Yes sometimes you chase things all over the place and don’t even realize you didn’t check the simplest things. I fix and build diesel trucks out here in Jersey.

But to answer your question man, no I have not tried taking any aspirin. Only a half a 500mg Tylenol twice. I’m not a big fan of OTC meds. I’m not sure how aspirin is on the stomach, but I tried Tylenol because I have stomach issues (gastritis), so I really try to avoid any pills I can’t benefit from.

Yeah I hear you on that, I’m just honestly tired of dr’s over prescribing meds that haven’t really helped any of my issues, I’m now using natural supplements for the other problems that I have with decent results already

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Old 03-20-2018, 01:02 PM #7
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Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post

After reading more of your post with a fresh mind that can read through it, one thing is apparent. You have been reading about concussion and traumatic brain injuries online. It also appears you may have an anxious personality. You have compared yourself to all of the worst case scenarios from the lists of risks. It appears you have read some out of date information.

Stop that. It will only make you feel worse. If you learn a long list of symptoms and risks, that will feed into a 'looking for symptoms' dilemma. The anxiety of 'looking for symptoms' will cause very minor symptoms to be enhanced into much more prominent symptoms.

So, get on with your life but moderate your activities. Lower your stimulation levels. Take breaks frequently where you relax. If you need to, learn some relaxation techniques. 5 or 10 minutes in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed with relaxing music can help settle the chaos in the mind. That is good for healing.

Rest you neck. Sleep with straight head and neck posture. You could check to see if there are any concussion clinics that accept Medicaid. Most schools and sports leagues have access to concussion specialists. They may have a physical therapist who can help you with reducing inflammation in your upper neck. Your neck has likely had an injury similar to a finger getting jammed playing basketball, where the joint is compressed.

Some ibuprofen (400 mgs 3 times a day) would be worth considering. It will help with pain and inflammation.
Yes I have been reading online about concussions and trying to diagnose myself. That’s where how I came to the conclusion I have a mild concussion for sure. And yes I do have a bit of an anxious personality. I will stop reading things online. I don’t feel like I’d be looking for symptoms but I’m just covering all basis. If I start to worry about something, I have some ways I use to relax. I don’t see my anxiety getting in the way for me though.

By you saying get on with your life, can I go in the shop and work just be careful? Is it a stupid idea to go snowmobiling this soon? I feel like I should just take small steps maybe try doing regular stuff throughout the day, like walking around, maybe light activities like shoveling the snow, or walking the dog? I will obviously take breaks and relax when needed, I just don’t want to push myself too much. I will be avoiding electronics for now and slowly add them back.

I found some videos on YouTube that have helped relax my mind, the bells in the music really help my head. I just lay down with my eyes closed concentrating on the sounds. I’ll continue to use that as needed.

I’m going to try and rest my neck. I’ll put ice on it after this post to see if it helps at all. If anything it’s very mild. I don’t feel that it’s very stiff or anything maybe a little. I used to sleep on my side but since I hit my head I’ve been sleeping with a straight posture.

I will call my insurance and see if there are any concussion clinics around that accept it. I don’t have my hmo yet so my options are very very limited with the insurance as of right now. I’ve been to physical therapist places in the past, should I give them a call? Some are out patient I know of, but I would have to be seen by a doctor beforehand. My local school sports league only has a trainer, she looks at people for concussion but I’m not allowed there.

A chiropractor is definitely not an option right? How is ibuprofen on the stomach I heard it can be quite harsh, I have gastritis so I don’t want something real strong. Do you think Tylenol is a good equivalent otc? If so how many mg 500 twice daily?

It’s very weird that my neck began to get sore several days later. I’m assuming this is normal? I’m going to rest the neck as much as possible but try to also add activities and live my normal life, with taking breaks as needed.

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Old 03-20-2018, 07:06 PM #8
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Tylenol has no anti-inflammatory value. Aspirin and ibuprophen both are anti-inflammatory and pain reducing meds. 250 of Tylenol is virtually worthless. You can get enteric aspirin that does not dissolve in the stomach. I use it.

Icing your neck is not a one time thing. You should ice for 15 on, 30 off, 15 on 30 off for the evening. The subtle neck injury common to concussions often does not have any direct symptoms. Often there will be no pain or stiffness. But, headaches may radiate from behind the ears. The problem is the inflammation that interrupts good blood flow and nerve conduction. This is at its worst when sleeping or relaxing with poor posture.

If you have a headache, ice your neck, not your head. The tender spot where you made contact is of no concern. The nerves in the skin over the skull take a long time to heal. Don't gauge your recovery by how that spot feels.

Go ahead and get back to life. Just take things slower. Don't let a boss or customer push you to work faster. That stress is not good.

Personally, I would not go snowmobiling yet. A helmet puts a lot of strain on the neck. Horsing a snowmobile around can also be straining. Then, there is the risk of an accident. I know too many snowmobilers how have suffered bad concussions.

It a PT is willing to treat you, all you want is gentle traction and mobilization and maybe some trigger point/myofacial release to help the muscles relax so the C-0 to C-2 joints can settle down. Most PTs will want you turning your head as far as possible to chart range of motion. Some very gentle strengthening exercises without motion may be good. This is too early to be pushing things.

Don't wait for your insurance to recommend a concussion clinic. Find one and ask them if they accept your insurance.

The school league is making a big mistake by only using a trainer for concussions. The trainer may have had a weekend course put on by ImPACT or such but it not qualified to really assess a concussion. There is usually a concussion clinic that the trainer refers to for the more serious concussions.

Tell me where you are and I will do the research to find a concussion clinic.
Mark in Idaho

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
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Old 03-21-2018, 01:59 AM #9
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Okay I wasn’t sure about the Tylenol, thanks. I will look into the enteric Aspirin tomorrow during the day. Yeah I know how important it is to ice on and off and keep cycling from several sports related injuries in the past. That makes a lot of sense from what you said about the inflammation it’s blocking good blood flow and also nerve function, because when I try to relax my neck has been aching a little bit when I lie down now or just kind of lounge on the sofa.

I made the homemade ice packs you recommended I have 3 in the freezer now solidifying. I’m going to be using them tomorrow. The ice did help the soreness of the side of my neck and towards the bottom I only got to do it twice tonight, but I can’t wait to use these ice packs I like the idea that it’s not the blue gel kind. Those burn my skin bad when they start to leak.

What about heat, Stay away? I have an electric heating pad, but I currently don’t have access to moist heat like a hot tub other than the bath tub which I’m kind of to big for. I’m going to be doing 15 on 30 off cycling with the ice packs tomorrow for sure especially when a headache comes about.

I also read throughout the whole vitamin sticky you made and I had some of items listed already, I also purchased a few today. Very good information in there!! I’ll post my regimen tomorrow to see if it could use any adjustments

I’m going to be taking things easy and slowly getting back to everything. I went out today for a little while, I do see myself gaining some progress which I’m pretty happy about. And you’re right about the stress, I’m going to take things slow but still move on with work and everything.

I think everything’s going to be closed out here for tomorrow since we have another big storm hitting. I assume it’s alright to just do light shoveling around the yard? Nothing major, if i do I’ll just be working slower than normal of course. And yes I thought that wasn’t a good idea, I’m not going to be snowmobiling anymore this year. I wish, but I need to take it easy until I fully recover I just can’t take that chance of something happening.

I have a couple PT locations that will most likely be happy to treat me. I think they just passed a law recently in NJ I believe where you don’t need a prescription for PT either? I’m not positive, but that’s what I’ve heard.

I can give the last PT I was at last year a call and try to schedule a consultation. My range of motion is great, I’m just kind of sore and have minor aches in my neck if you know what I mean. It’s sore lower towards my back as well upper I can’t really explain it.

Yeah I believe the school league still only has just a trainer, but I’m not sure maybe it’s changed in the last couple years. (I’m 23 years old). I live in Northern New Jersey in Bergen County. The only concussion clinic that’s kind of close to me that I found is located in Hackensack. (About a 25 min ride) I haven’t called yet, I believe they are a pediatric concussion clinic but I’m not positive.

If you can find one for me that participates in straight Medicaid that’d be awesome man, I’d really appreciate that Mark!

Thank you,
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Old 03-21-2018, 10:50 AM #10
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I googled "bergen county nj concussion clinic" and got quite a few hits.

Heat is usually used to help muscles heal or relax from a spasm. The PT may have a recommendation.
Mark in Idaho

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days, head, i’m, i’ve, night

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