Junior Member
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 18
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 18
I have experienced a lot of the symptoms you listed. My brain injury was the result of someone rear-ending me as I sat waiting for the traffic light to change.
I felt normal for about ten days post-injury, and then all of a sudden I got an electric current run up my neck into the center of my brain, and a vibration ensued that lasted a couple seconds. Afterwards, I still felt normal. Three days later I was at work and all of a sudden the current shot up from the top of my neck into the center of my brain. Again, vibrations, but this time it lasted around seven seconds and I nearly passed out.
Ever since, my life has been changed. I went through intense dizziness, light headedness, photophobia, eyes feeling off balanced, etc. for two years. I also had my pituitary gland damaged in the accident and developed hypopituitarism for growth hormone. This was not discovered until two years post accident, and it explains a lot of why I healed so little the first two years. I didn't have enough growth hormone being secreted by the pituitary gland to allow for proficient healing.
Now, four years post-accident, I do have some normal days, but they seem to come and go. I even went a full month recently feeling normal, but I've since went back to feeling loopy. However, I'm now getting a lot more normal days than I used to. The first two years post-accident, I had maybe five or so normal days.
Throughout this I have worked, teaching students. However, I was recently asked to resign because of a comment I made, the result of my brain injury. People who have never had a brain injury do not understand. You look fine on the outside, so they assume that you don't need accommodations, or that your arguments regarding your disability are not valid.