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Mark in Idaho 01-29-2016 08:46 PM

It is great to hear your son found relief for his specific condition. Carrick Chiro does not help every one as many have discovered.

I hope you have taken him out of sports where he risks another impact to his head. At his age, his brain is very susceptible to injury that can have long term or permanent consequences.

NeverGiveUp4MySon 01-30-2016 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1196285)
It is great to hear your son found relief for his specific condition. Carrick Chiro does not help every one as many have discovered.

I hope you have taken him out of sports where he risks another impact to his head. At his age, his brain is very susceptible to injury that can have long term or permanent consequences.

Thank you for reading my ridiculously long post! Yes, we have. I actually feel like that is a whole grieving process is in itself. A big part of his identity was his sport and his team. He is an athlete--that will not change. We just need to find how to channel that energy and his competitiveness in a different way. Makes me very sad that he has to deal with this at such a young age. Just appreciating where he is at right now and how far he has come.

He has been going to a strength/conditioning group training for a month now that he loves and sets small goals for himself there. He has built his core strength back up doing this and feels great. Our biggest challenge now is getting him to make good choices in everyday situations. Doing that with a 12 year old is very difficult!

I did have to share what worked for us. While I have read that it doesn't work for everyone, I know that it worked for my son (whose worst issues were vestibular) The difference in therapy and seeing how fast he responded to Dr. Carlson was fascinating to see. I can't pretend to understand it, but I know that she is the reason I have my son back--happy, healthy and thriving again. And it was local enough for us to give it a shot. Don't know where we would be right now if it weren't for her.

Mark in Idaho 01-31-2016 01:07 AM

Never Give up,

It would be great if you would start a thread in the main forum so we can discus some issues. I wish I and my mother had the information that is available to you regarding concussions. My first bad concussion was in 1965 at 10 years old when I lived in New Hampshire.

NeverGiveUp4MySon 01-31-2016 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1196527)
Never Give up,

It would be great if you would start a thread in the main forum so we can discus some issues. I wish I and my mother had the information that is available to you regarding concussions. My first bad concussion was in 1965 at 10 years old when I lived in New Hampshire.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I have read posts by you and understand that you have had several head injuries. I had no idea your first was at such a young age. And in NH to boot... My son was actually 11--his concussion was exactly one week before his 12th birthday. I will post my original post in a new thread on the main forum.

seth8a 02-01-2016 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nick21 (Post 1195042)

Its really interesting what you mention about a small glass of wine or a beer. Alcohol for me has been one of my most anxiety inducing things since injury. I felt a lot better 3 months post injury and then went clubbing, drinking heavily with my friends, and going out on weekends. After about a week or two of that my symptoms came back and have been here to stay ever since.

I wonder now if my anxiety over not having a drink is almost counter productive and if I were just to relax and allow myself to have a little bit after work like a small glass of wine or like half a beer if that would get rid of that anxiety association and would let me just chill out about the whole thing. If you think about the amount of alcohol I am actually intaking with half a beer I can't imagine that the brain is going to be THAT sensitive to such a small amount of alcohol. Especially if I'm not drinking on an empty stomach or really quickly or something like that.

Have any thoughts on that?

Sorry to miss this--I am seldom on NT anymore. Yes, I think you are over-thinking this, actually. Definitely one drink would not hurt you--unless you have a problem with alcohol. The odd thing for me is that I always had trouble with alcohol in moderation--that is until I started having a drink once a night about 7 months after my injury. I cannot drink more than one. However, this must be said that I did not drink for the first 7 months of my recovery, and was a non-drinker for several years even before my accident. But my brain chemistry seems to have changed, a lot more sensitive in some ways.

Hang in there! You'll get better. By the way, I found a lot of good healing went on after I stopped being on NT so much and once you've gleaned all you can from this site--I really suggest anyone to look to other places for succor and advice. I was helped hugely here--but it can become an obsession after awhile.

Take care.

okrad 11-03-2016 07:28 PM

I just wanted to post to help new people. I am nine months out. After the drs said it was ok, I did a lot of running and walking and was in the gym , am in the gym a lot. I also took fish oil.

I am not at the same level I was but I am not sad anymore. I was so depressed I almost ended my life, but now I do find that I can take advantatge of those shifting emotions to be happy......

There is recovery. the headaches are way down, too. :)

lilyNYC 11-08-2016 10:05 AM

15 months later...
After 4 months off of work, (3 months after the initial accident, I didn't know what was going on until I saw the 3rd neurologist who explained PCS to me), months of vestibular rehabilitation therapy, and hours of my life wasted crying and being frustrated, I can say that I feel a lot better. I'd say at this point in time I'm about 90% better.

You just need to let it run it's course and make your health a priority. That's it.

The light sensitivity and noise sensitivity persists, however I am not ridden with fear every time that I need to leave the house. Would more time off from work and an immediate leave of absence been helpful? Absolutely, but do what you can. Rest as much as possible and you'll get better.

One of the most helpful things to do: when the dizziness was severe and I had a hard time watching Netflix - play it in the background but focus on something like knitting, it has a very therapeutic effect.

Good luck to everybody and I'm sorry that you're experiencing symptoms of PCS.

Ady_P 11-12-2016 07:33 AM

No need to worry...You can do this!
I first posted on this site sometime around July-August 2015

Short story - I've been involved in martial Arts for 18 years, relocated to a new city, eventually joined a local Muay Thai Gym and the evening of July 2nd 2015 was a brutal sparring session / all-out war July. My pride and fighting spirit kept me in the ring and out of work/life for 3-4 months aftewards.

The situation was worsened because the doctors wanted to pin the whole thing on a previous diagnosis of severe depression which I had recovered from. They did a good job of convincing themselves (but not me) that this literal overnight, significant drop in my high mental functioning and energy levels had zero to do with being hit hard in the head 15-20 times by guys as much as 40kg heavier than me. I was around 82kg and very dehydrated - which increases the % risk of brain trauma.

Funny how I got to the 3 months stage and suddenly I had my brain back in some semblance of working order. I know how depression affected me in this past and this recovery did not fit with me, however I was over the moon regardless!

Concussion is still not fully accepted by many medical professionals, largely due to ignorance, its an emerging area of medical science, so go with your gut and know there is hope and a better life waiting for you on the other side.

"As long as you're breathing, you still have a chance"

At my lowest point, hope was all but gone, I thought I was finished, ruined by my own personal choices in deciding to pursue martial arts etc etc, a mental vegetable with all his hopes and dreams shattered... yet, deep down inside, although severley diminished to a mere tiny flicker. the flame had not yet gone out... and thats what YOU need to hang on to. Most concusssions, like storms, are time-limited events, horrible at their most instense, however, every storm eventually blows itself out and gives way to a brighter day. So give yourself that chance, be patient and be kind to yourself - you've made it this far though the tough game of life, now is not the time for quitting.

I returned to work in Nov 2015 and I am performing better than at any point in my life - same as my workouts, fitness, energy levels and gym goals, all increased beyond previous expectations!!

I will never return to full contact sparring, which is a shame as I really enjoyed it, however, life and fulfilling my wider dreams is more important that donning a pair of gloves and beating the other guy's head in... all my martial arts training is not lost, as long we are prepared to accept our limitations, we can work around it. Intelligent risk management is key here.

So for those who have made it is this far, thats the motivational/mindset stuff done with... and I'll post below for practical tips for anyone who is interested

Ady_P 11-12-2016 08:21 AM

Practical tips for concussion management and successful recovery
This what worked for me...

Firstly, hopefully your employer will give you time off or adjust your role significantly in the early recovery phase as your brain will simply lack the horsepower to do your normal job until all the electrical activity has settled. Expecting too much will end in dissappointment and negative self talk which will fuel the already rampant anxiety and feelings of depression typical after concussion

Get rest, minimal screen activity, limit book reading - soothing music is best, get out in to nature, or sit in the garden and breathe!

When you feel ready to exercise again - ease in gently, dont expect to be at your normal exercise levels, it aint gonna happen - reasearch shows the brain uses at least 25% of our entire energy resources when operating efficiently and at this point in time, it requires even more energy to carry out its repair duties - do not disturb, the workmen are busy, let them do their jobs!! As above, expecting too much will end in dissappointment and negative self talk which will fuel the already rampant anxiety and feelings of depression typical after concussion


Branched Chain Amino Acids - energy, alertness & cellular repair
L Glutamine - energy, alertness & cellular repair and immune booster
CoEnyzme Q10 - for energy; mitochondrial effects boosting supplement
Vitamin D
Vitamin B6 and B12, Vitamin E for assisting your brain's natural repair mechanisms
Acetylcholine-based supplement containing Lecithin to improve memory and brain electro-connectivity firing (careful with dosing)

Cranio Sacral Therapy

I stumbled across this after reading a story of this helping a mum's young daugher recover from concussion.

Definitely flls into the woo-woo category, however, I'm fairly sure this further helped because in the early stages of recovery, I was very prone/anxious about secondary impacts and experience a number of short-lived, anxiety provoking relapses after accidentally banging my head (car doors, low ceilings etc) where I believed I had lost my gains.

The theory is that CST relaxes the tense muscle tissue in the neck area that is common after whiplash, which helps optimum energy flow and relaxation of the muscles. Every time the body experiences a physical trauma it goes into shock and stiffens up as part of our ancient instinctive hard wired, protection mechanism.

It is also claimed it helps re-align the skull plates, not sure so on this one tbh but whenever I had a session, I definitely felt a shift in the neck and skull region. I used to have the sessions fairly often after secondary bumps, however, I have not had a session for months and no longer feel I need it.

Mind over matter?, new-agey unproven therapy? or currently unexplained human bio-mechanical energy science??

Whatever, it worked for me! All I would urge is try it at least once

I wish you good luck and may the untold power of the universe be with you during your inevitably successful recovery journey.

Jays mom 05-08-2017 01:17 PM

son has i prooved
:)Jason is my son hes 32 he was diognosed with tbi.the drs said he may never walk or talk.and id have ro change his depends all his life.ha he walks talks and its been 11 month.he has impeooved alot.he has ro relearn jt all.i have a hard time with worry thoe.when hes sad it makes me sas.he dont like living in a home.but im not trained hiw to deal with this

Mark in Idaho 05-08-2017 04:54 PM

Jays Mom,

Welcome to NeuroTalk. Sorry to hear about your son. I know many here in Idaho with similar situations. We meet at a Brain Injury Support Group. It has a caregivers group that helps caregivers connect with others for help and shared resources. Many had to relearn it all.

I suggest you check the Brain Injury Alliance of Washington .

They can help you with resources.

Feel free to start a thread in the main area if you have questions.

My best to you.

lilyNYC 05-27-2017 08:27 AM

Post Concussion Syndrome
Car accident 8/17/15

Just a quick post:

It does, and it will get better. Right now you're suffering, googling every symptom, life is LITERAL hell.

It will get better, you may not get back to 100% but you'll just have to deal.

Almost 2 years later I still have persistent vertigo, especially when exercising but I just have to deal, and so will you. This will make you stronger and maybe re-evaluate certain aspects of your life. Try to find your silver lining.

Reka73 07-17-2017 03:39 PM

I recovered fully from a very serious brain injury. I am reading a lot if articles on it and putting 2 and 2 together. I have a bs in biology and chemistry so I know a lot of things. I'm thinking that my brain injury was not mild at all but very severe after I smashed my head and face and body on the tIke floor. I was all bruised up all over the place. A week later both my ears plugged in and Mt brain and nervous system shut down so badly that my 5 senses were so dimished. My brain did not process pepole places and objects. For 10.5 years I was so severely I'll no medications were worked and I was labeled because nothing showed up on the scans at all. A nurse put the cross on me in the hospital and I started to feel better within 3.5 to 5 weeks. The medications did not do anything at all. A higher power saved my life.

Lebber 12-22-2017 04:33 AM

Close to 5 months and almost fully recovered. Only some mild tinnitus left which is getting better with physio. Although much discussed in this forum, realise that pcs is often a physical soft tissue injury. Neck and jaw injuries can give neurological symptoms. For ex. Nauseau can be a result of a jaw injury because the 7th cranial nerve runs through your jaw which controls digestion. A lot of symtpoms that can come from the brain can also come from these areas. So it's worth a while to get an examination by a physio, chiro or osteopath.

For the people who have tinnitus and believe this is a completly untreatable condition, think again. Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying injury/dissease and if the injury is treatable so is the tinnitus. Yes some forms of it can't be treated but other forms can. Even in concussions it can have different etiologies. Vitamin b or zinc deficiencies can be the culprit. If the sound matches your heartbeat then its probably cardiovascular and you can go to a cardiologist. Hearing loss is much more difficult to adress but hbot and steroid injections have the potential to reverse it if done fast (but unfortunatly no guarantees). If you have pressure in your ears this stems from a eustachian tube disfunction which can be caused by either mucus or muscles spams in jaw or neck. If it's medicine related then only time can give an answer on weither it will heal or not.

In my case it was purely from muscle spams. Most typical feature with this kind of tinnitus is that the sounds vary with certain head and jaw movements or flexing certain muscles. And it went from continiously very loud to mild within a month of physio. It also takes a lot of discipline (home excersises, stretches, postural correction). This counts for other neck symptoms as well. So it's all about finding the cause and thus identifying the right treatment for your symptoms.

The healing process is mostly up to you. When my concussion was still there after 2 months i started panicking and ran from doctor to doctor. All doctors had the same conclusion. First time is the biggest healer. Second it's all up to you. If you keep panicking and wanting treatment from every doctor then you'll most likely heal worse because the stress will wear out your body. So try to relax and don't think of i have symptoms xyz all the time. Try to continue normal life within the boundaries of what you can. And be patience with treatment. I've seen a lot of fellow pcsers quit treatment after 4-5 sessions because they don't see the results they want. After a few physio sessions i was starting to think the same. But after month the tinnitus suddenly dropped and stayed thay way. So give everything time.

My best of luck to eveyone. And don't be afraid to go out and go for a walk! Find out what you can do without making symptoms worse and do it!

alexhernandez484 02-08-2018 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by lilyNYC (Post 1228308)
After 4 months off of work, (3 months after the initial accident, I didn't know what was going on until I saw the 3rd neurologist who explained PCS to me), months of vestibular rehabilitation therapy, and hours of my life wasted crying and being frustrated, I can say that I feel a lot better. I'd say at this point in time I'm about 90% better.

You just need to let it run it's course and make your health a priority. That's it.

The light sensitivity and noise sensitivity persists, however I am not ridden with fear every time that I need to leave the house. Would more time off from work and an immediate leave of absence been helpful? Absolutely, but do what you can. Rest as much as possible and you'll get better.

One of the most helpful things to do: when the dizziness was severe and I had a hard time watching Netflix - play it in the background but focus on something like knitting, it has a very therapeutic effect.

Good luck to everybody and I'm sorry that you're experiencing symptoms of PCS.

Hi I'm glad to see that your doing well 5 weeks with post concussion syndrome now and I feel better than the first two weeks of symptoms all my symptoms had ease only the head ache persist when I do activities comes up..i have I will recover the same time as you did

Sent from my SM-G920T1 using Tapatalk

Sheaestevens 04-01-2018 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by djoseydavis (Post 889933)
On July 11, 2011 my Husband (22 yrs old) of only 7 months suffered a Severe traumatic Brain Injury as a result of a motorcycle accident that was not his fault. Along with multiple severe fractures he was diagnosed with Severe Diffuse Axonal Injury, which is shearing, tearing, swelling, to the entire brain. The Severe label means his mid brain has been damaged. 90% of people with this injury never wake up and the 10% that do cannot communicate, understanding, or perform any independent life activities. Less than 5% of people regain any type of independence. We were told to remove him from life support after 9 days in ICU. I didn't and it took him 3 months in a coma to start emerging! Now, 11 months since his accident, and only 8 months out of a 3 month coma Matthew will be walking independently any day now! He can talk, eat, pee, laugh, joke, REMEMBER THE ACCIDENT, remember all his long term memories, and his short term memories have been coming back everyday, he tells time, watches movies, plays games, is a romantic, writes in his journal, and texts on his phone. His personality has not changed at all!!! For something that started with so much despair I cannot help but feel eternally grateful. Matthew is a true miracle, science said it is impossible, that he should not be doing any of this. THERE IS HOPE! MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! DO NOT GIVE UP! It has been and will continue to be a long road but it is worth taking. *edit*

My dad has a Diffuse Axonal Injury too. He is 6 months out from his accident and he is going though pretty intense agitation and aggression. Did your husband go through this? We are going on 2 months of waiting for him to get through this phase. It’s incredibly difficult! I am so happy that your husband has made such great progress and recovery!

Mark in Idaho 04-01-2018 10:46 PM


Welcome to NeuroTalk.

Please start a thread in the main forum below where you can ask your questions. The stickies are not for discussions. djoseydavis has not posted in over 5 years.

Laupala 08-31-2018 12:25 PM

Different, but still whole: A young scientist reflects on his journey back from a brain injury | Life | Dallas News

This is my story.

I haven't been on neurotalk in years, because I found it did more harm than good for me in fueling my anxiety. Even after years away I still had a pang of anxiety logging in.

Anyway, I'll be logging off forever after this, but I wanted to share my story, because I think it shows we can improve and rebuild a life.

You can get better too.

qtipsq 06-06-2020 01:08 AM

Full recovery After Three Years
I was a long time lurker when my injury happened in 2014. It took me two years to get some sense of normalcy and three years to say that I was fully recovered.

The last remaining symptom that didn't go aways was the ringing in my ears, the tinnitus however went down a lot. I had a friend ask me for help recently cause she was going through her own concussion recovery and I finally had the ability to compile a list to help her, I hope this can help people on here.

Concussion Journey

My concussion happened in 2014, I tripped and fell off some stairs and hit my head. I did many things to recover, I was completely disabled by my concussion and it felt like my life was over after it had happened. I will go through and give you details on how to recover and what I personally think is happening in the brain.

My symptoms

Extreme Brain Fog
Headache like a hammer every day
Complete loss of Sound sensitivity, couldn’t handle any noises.
Extreme Screen Sensitivity ( couldn’t watch screens, my eyes got messed up)
Double Vision ( couldn’t read)
Complete loss of Balance: (If I closed my eyes I would fall down)
Extreme Anxiety
Extreme Fatigue (had to sleep for hours on end)
Extreme Fear
Uncontrollable Crying
Extra Loud Ringing in the Ears

Some professional things I tried.

At first I went to all the doctors, Neurologist, Neuropsychologist. They did MRI scans and CT scans and told me, that nothing was wrong. If I haven’t gotten better in 6 months, I will not get better. After a year of being impaired I started looking for my own options.

Some out of the box therapies I tried.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): I did 60 sessions of HBOT, I moved to an Airbnb in Boulder, Colorado for three months and did two months of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, which essentially a therapy in which they put you in a pressurized chamber and then flood your body full of oxygen. This I thought would heal me but honestly I couldn’t tell specific results. IT was expensive about $6000 and I had to pay rent and food at the airbnb.

Cognitive FX
A brain clinic in Utah, they did a two week intensive with my brain. They started with an FMRI scan, where they scanned my brain and told me exactly how bad my concussion was. This was the first time, I had a clinician tell me that something was actually wrong. FMRI is the only type of scan that can actually measure the injury. They told me on a Scale of 1-500, my concussion was a 470, base on blood levels in the brain according to the FMRI.

Then they did a 10 day intensive with therapies, eye exercises, and brain puzzles. It was super intense and after wards I felt a small change. A lot of my symptoms were still present, but it showed me that I could push myself.

It was expensive though, they charged me $10,000

Holistic Approaches that definitely work: They are being used by the Army to fix their combat veterans. Youtube became my savior.

Yoga Nidra

Amrit Yoga Institute

I have done this meditation over a 1000 times. It really helped me calm the brain. This is the best institute on Youtube for this practice. There are shorter Nidras, but Nidra is your friend, it really heals the brain.

I AM Yoga Nidra: A Guided Meditation Experience Led by Liam Gillen - YouTube

Five Parks Yoga

I started with 10 minutes yoga every day from this channel, its the best in my opinion, and then moved it up slowly to full classes. I think a 20 minute yoga session followed by a yoga Nidra, really helped my brain. I did yoga sessions every day followed by a yoga nidra.
Five Parks Yoga w/ Erin Sampson
- YouTube


Feldenkrais is a body awareness therapy like Yoga Nida, if you can find a Feldenkrais class locally, it really is an amazing therapy to work on body awareness and rewiring the brain. If you can find classes in the future, I highly recommend trying it and making it a daily practice.

Feldenkrais for the neck: YouTube
Feldenkrais for eyes: Seeing Clearly: A Feldenkrais Exploration of Vision by David Webber on Spotify
If you are having eye problems, this will do wonders.

Wim Hoff Method

Breathing technique to boost brain and immune systems. There is a free app you can download. Or you could use this. This is a powerful method, I recommend researching it but it ups the oxygen in your body and really fights the inflammations .

Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing - YouTube


I walked a lot, I started walking on the beach. When I would get tired, I would do Yoga Nidra and then continue walking. Walking and meditation had a huge impact. I eventually started walking five miles everyday, I would listen to an audiobook and walk.

Audiobooks and Multitasking

After I starting getting better, I started pushing my brain. I would listen to audiobook and then paint. Or go on a walk and listen to the Audiobook. I also played lots of Chess.

Balance Work

A lot of brain injuries create balance problems, so I would randomly stand on one leg 🦵 and close my eyes. I also learned how to juggle, I got into slack-lining, which I know is an extreme but I would walk a slackfline with help. Now I can juggle and walk a slackfline. crazy, when the injury started I would fall down, if I closed my eyes.


I started with all the vitamins and such but none of that helped. In the end I stopped taking vitamins and shifted to smoothies and started following a diet called

The Wahls Protocol:

Organic Smoothies, I had two to three smoothies everyday.
My smoothie recipe is simple

Lots of Kale and Spinach
Lots of Berries: Usually I would just by an Organic Frozen Berry Medley
Chia Seeds
Water or Coconut Water

Salmon and Fish: I would eat lots of Fish, Rice, Sweet Potatoes and Smoothies

Nuts: I ate lots of walnuts, cashes, pistachios. I always snacked on nuts.

Closing Thoughts

My experience was extremely intense, I moved to California in San Diego for the reason that it has the lowest Barometric pressure change, my main goal to move to San Diego was to heal. I had been hurt for a year and a half and nothing was helping. Doctors had given up hope and I had blown all my savings on trying every single crack pot therapy, I only named two but I tried so much stuff….to get better! I think if you have the funds the Cognitive FX therapy has some value, I still had so many symptoms after that therapy but it really showed me that I could push my limits and they were the first people who kind of had an idea of how to help.

But it was my moving to San Diego, doing Yoga Nidra four to five times a day, with yoga, feldenkrais, wim hoff and walking, and a diet and all the other stuff that got rid of all my symptoms.

I became extremely consistent, I would pretend that I was living the same day over and over again. Drink a smoothie, do yoga Nidra, do yoga session, do wim hoff breathing, do yoga Nidra… go drink another smoothie, go for a walk, do yoga nidra, do yoga, look at the sunset…and so on and so forth. I knew that if I wasn’t gonna get better, I would end up not making it, it do or die for me. So extreme consistency is extremely important to build new brain paths.

I realized later that its possibly extreme inflammation in the brain, all the breathing and relaxing and yoga and walking ended up getting rid of the inflammation, but It needed extreme work on my end. I would say if you are gonna take my advice, do everything super seriously for 6 months everyday and see if you have a change.

It was an insane journey, I am happy to be away from the injury. I have never put any of this in writing as my injury became a huge source of anxiety for me, but if this can help you in some way, then all of it was for not nothing.

My remaining symptoms is the ringing in the ear (tinnitus) that never completely went away. I also get bouts of extreme anxiety from time to time, something I never had before the injury. But other than that, all my symptoms are gone. I run up mountains now and do rock climbing and the injury is mostly in my past.

Sorry for the long read, I hope it helps. Please ask any questions that you have.

Silence56 06-15-2020 08:03 PM

Brain injury recovery
I am actually on this forum for a different reason, but this caught my eye, I thought I would relay the experience of someone I know who had a 'mild' traumatic brain injury.

I was a brain injury support worker in UK and the role primarily involved being a support worker for people who have suffered from brain injuries. Helping them with things like shopping and organisation.

I had a client who fell and hit her head and suffered a mild TBI, she had many cognitive issues like fatigue, inability to multitask, feeling overwhelmed and what she described as a 'certain number of tokens a day that would run out' and leave her with no energy. Some days she would find it difficult to hold a conversation.

She was desperate and we looked into options, one of which was HBOT. We found a paper from Dr Efrati in Israel and we actually contacted him. She decided to do HBOT in the UK at an MS charity and had 60 sessions (4 times a week). It was at session 40 that she started to feel better. She was actually going to drop out at about session 24 but I encouraged her to continue since she had started it.

This was nearly a year ago. She has made an almost full recovery and described her self as 97% better compared to pre-hbot. I must admit although I was hopeful for the treatment for her I was also trying to limit expectations in case it didn't work. It shocked me that it worked so well, at the time she started she was 18 months post her TBI so its unlikely it was the natural recovery that happens in the first 6/12 months.

This by no means means that it will work for everyone, but this is something I have seen with my own eyes. We are still friends to this day and I speak to her periodically. She has returned to work and has pretty much put the brain injury behind her.

I have no interest in promoting HBOT, I am just relaying a story that has been my experience, If that could help just one person then I hope it does.

Acrobat 12-07-2020 11:40 PM

Recently came across this thread. Thought I might be able to offer some encouragement as well. Thanks for this!
Below is my story....
There is hope. I believe you can heal and that post concussion syndrome can be overcome! The beginning rest period 3 days to 3 weeks+ along w neuro evaluation and vestibular PT are important as well as holistic treatments. The holistic approaches I recently began are actually at core of my recovery. With traditional medicine some recover within a few weeks to months. But others can suffer for years with debilitating headaches, mental fatigue, difficulty processing (listening/reading/writing) and sensory overload. I know the pain and awful dispair. For about 3 years I was around 10-20% functionality, with everything. I was unable to work, exercise, be around people, and even just thinking was painful. Significant emotional swings. The personal and family challenges were at critical levels. But I'm now functioning mostly between 70-90% and continue to progress. I feel you can recover as well. The nightmare black hole for patients of an invisible affliction I believe can be managed and overcome.

Yes everyone has a different experience and recovery can take time. But I would like to share my recovery experience and hope it makes a positive impact for you or someone you love. Please take a breath and know that in time I believe there is hope. For me and for many others I believe this awful PCS journey is actually a powerful way or sign that our intelligent bodies are calling out to us. To listen, to slow down and see that there might be something beautiful within this darkness that is being missed.
Now I'm not a very good writter but my intention is to begin sharing with you things that helped me. This first note is my chronological road with recovery catalysts (which I plan on adding to) and some personal background. This can be an up and down process for sure but I will share with you some experiences that can hopefully be helpful along your journey.

Like me many with PCS symptoms have had the run around from all types of doctors, medications, supplements, therapies and eye rolls. So let's begin by thinking outside the box of traditional medicine. Pause for a moment (regardless of religion and beliefs). What makes our organs function and bodies move? What energy souce keeps the earth spinning and the stars shinning? The there is an energy source that is all around us. This energy spark is within us all. Always remember patience, loving yourself, trust that your body has the ability to heal itself, become comfortable looking within and slowly letting go of fear and negative past experiences/emotional blockages and quieting your mind so you can listen to your true consciousness.

First Catalysts for recovery

1) Meditation. 30 -60min daily and several times a day if possible. I was new to this but introduced to the "headspace" app. This app is perfect for teaching concepts, encouraging and gently guiding beginners. Overtime you begin to quiet the mind chatter and observe that you are more than your thoughts. Over the course of a few weeks I found this to be extremely helpful in a number of areas such as bringing down powerful headaches, reducing anxiety and recovering from mental fatigue. Gradually I began expanding my consciousness above the mind and tapping into my true essence. The core energy that gives life to our mind and body.
More to be added...

2) Watch the documentary "Heal" 2017 available on many platforms like Netflix. Natural and alternative healing was foreign to me. It took me and my wife hitting rock bottom before exploring options other than conventional medicine. But being open to the unknown is so important. This documentary can begin to open your perspective and the doorway to a greater understanding of the self and healing. More to be added....

3) Physical therapy
Functional neurological chiropractor/ Suboccipital muscle message/trapezius muscle trigger point massage and stretches/neck stretches/Craniosacral therapy (certified)
These areas were helpful in managing symptoms.
A lacrosse ball. Brand I use is velocity. Great for rolling around neck. Laying on your back placing behind upper shoulders and traps. Can improve circulation and very helpful w headaches
More to be added...

4) Nutrition / hydration / exercise
Maintaining a healthy and balanced daily nutrition schedule. I was tested several times and never diagnosed for blood sugar conditions. But I found that symptoms can spike if there were gaps between meals, lack of sugar and dehydration. I found healthy snacks every couple hours as well as hydrating (50+ oz water daily). I found apples, dried mango slices, nuts and raisins to be very helpful as well as complete meals every 4-5 hours.
Daily exercise and stretching. Doesn't have to be extreme. I started w light walking. Then biking and swimming. Now I've been alternating days w cardio, light strength training and a fun flexibility/stretch routine.
More to be added...

I am in wealth management in the northeast US w my wife and two kids. I enjoy coaching and playing basketball and am an extrovert. I've had my share of ups and downs in life but my world completely stopped from November 2016 to end of 2019. I was in the PCS storm and basically was in a walking comma after falling off a porch and hitting my head on a driveway. Coaching kids basketball teams, working, volunteering, going to stores and restaurants, family and friend's functions were no more. Just to painful to experience and to mentally process.
I was seen by the best doctors and attended highly regarded PCS programs and clinics. I was seen by 7 neurologists including Penn medicine in Philadelphia, Columbia NYC, a John's Hopkins neuro ophthalmologist, a Harvard neurologist and an excellent neuromuscular and cardiovascular doctor in Canada. I had about 10 different types of medications, cognitive behavioral therapy, neuro feedback and a number of MRIs.
The game changer in my recovery began at the start of 2020. My wife (a senior scientist in the pharmaceutical industry) began exploring holistic energy healing since we had tried everything else. It was a gradual process but the unique combination of her strong scientific background and my faith we found a sound healing methodology.
More to be added...

Acrobat 12-15-2020 01:27 AM

Tbi pcs... Hope
CBT is very helpful. Also you can look into concussion
Cognitive therapy. Therapy can be so helpful in recovery and coping. New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center site describes this type of treatment philosophy.

I explored just about everything I could. I found treatment s that helped coping and managing but I kept looking for answers and ultimately found that the answers were not out "there" but actually within. Searching inside. Finding that beautiful place of love within that makes you who you are. Gradually shining your love throughout and filling the pain w love. Gradually Turning the darkness into light.
It took me some time to get it but meditation brings the awareness that will help in this healing process.

The book "Hands of light" by a NASA physicist Barbara Brennan is a tremendous guide for healing. A definite game changer for me.

I began viewing the terrible PCS symptoms as a natural part of the healing process. I feel that it's Similar to the aches and pain after a surgery or the recovery of a broken bone except w a TBI the sophisticated systems of the body are recalibrating. All the senses are going through a type of rebooting process. This delicate process requires patience, energetic balance and love.

Jbshan5 11-03-2023 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by PCSMom (Post 473144)
Great idea, Vini. I'm so grateful to now be in the position of giving hope and encouragement. You can check my previous posts, but the upshot is that my 17 year old daughter is now fully recovered after severe PCS. It took over 2 1/2 years and all kinds of treatments (Effexor, acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy) and she is now a fully functional high school junior looking forward to college and living a full, healthy life. This forum was a lifesaver for me during times of deepest despair. Hang in there.

Thanks for sharing your story. I am in the same boat with post concussive symptoms for 7 months. May I ask what helped her heal? How did she deal with setbacks?

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