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ras1256 04-26-2009 08:46 AM

Become an actor

I want you to know that I am one woman who would like to throttel your ex, your 1st attorney, your friend that got made about you not being able to make the appointment, and yes, even your kids!

My husband suffered a severe TBI last year and I have seen how that has affected his ability to deal with stress, as well as stresses affects on his condition. I went into a new bout with a 14 yr. old, as yet undiagnosed, very debilitating neuro problem in Jan this year and can really see the difference in his ability to cope between this time and the last one 4 yrs. ago. That's why I hopped on this forum.

You ex wife sounds like a real succubus. It's too bad you don't have her on tape with that comment about how she can control things because of your disabilities! Let's try to prove her wrong!

First, you need to make sure your new attorney is aware of your problems and how they affect your ability to do what needs to be done. Print something off the net if you can and provide her/him with that. Perhaps they have a resource to get help for you to prepare. Also, MAKE SURE you tell them that statement your ex made!

Second, if your children live close enough, I think you should call and tell them that yes, you made a mistake with this woman (that's obvious), but if you don't get some help getting this together it will be worse! They also need to understand your conditions and get over the "I told you so" syndrome.

If they can't or won't help, do you have a neighbor or friend you can call on to help you get everything together?

And last, with or without someones help on the paperwork, you need to develop a skill to help you cope with all that is going on before it affects your health conditions even worse. As you have already seen, stress will aggravate your conditions. Since you can't make the situation go away, you'll have to take a different tact to cope with it until you get through.

There is a psychological trick to help with this. You are going to have to become an actor for a while. You need to trick your mind into believing that you are just a paralegal working on all this documentation as a job for someone else. The mind is very open to suggestion and will take anything you tell it! So tell yourself before you sit to do this task that it's not your possessions, not your ex-wife, not your paperwork. Take the emotions out of the equation while you are working on this. If you feel the personal connection start to creep in, tell yourself out loud that it's not your things you are looking at - it's just a job you're doing. If you hit a point where the emotions take over too much to focus, take a break to yell, scream, vent the feelings somehow and then get back to brainwashing yourself again. After you regain the control, you can get back into the paperwork.

My aunt was given this exercise after my uncle and young cousin were both killed it a car accident. It was just too much for her to handle losing both at once, so she was told to "pretend" that my uncle was away on business and only allow herself to grieve the loss of her daughter. Once she got through that process, she was allowed to grieve her husband.

When the mind has too much emotion the stress builds to a point where it will freeze you up. And you've seen the effects the stress has on your physical conditions. You have to take the emotion out of it, even if it's just for a couple of hours at a time, so you can focus on the task at hand. Tell yourself you'll only deal with the emotional aspects of this situation after you are finished with the paperwork.

I hope this helps you a little, at least.
I wish you the best of luck at beating this wench! :hug:


Originally Posted by AintSoBad (Post 500922)
My brother sent me that note a few weeks ago, believe it or not, I read right through it.

But back to topic.
Getting ready to go see my attorney this morning, I sort of felt that I wasn't ready, and as I mentioned, I had to bum a ride. (I can't afford to drive, paying my wife so much from my disability each month, but, she's got a new car).
I started to spin. That went into a full blown panic attack (which I haven't gotten for quite some time), and I hadto call and put it off until Monday. I called my friend who was driving me, and he was ******!


It's like my brain just freaked out and it drove my RSD pain and back and forth.

So, I hope I get some good work in on this over the weekend, and put something worth together.

Anyone ever get these sort of adventures? When you're stressed, or otherwise?
My wife is going to greatly profit, and I will greatly lose because of my disability, but you know the old drill:
But you Look Fine!

Thanks People!


AintSoBad 04-26-2009 05:28 PM

I want to say this, about my friend(s).
They go over and beyond the call of duty for me! So none of them are to blame, it's me.

But, the rest, you're spot on!

I'm going to take what you said, and put it to use!
I go see this attorney tomorrow, and, none of the scheduling will work.
(As if)!!!!
But, Dammit, I'm gonna "Fit myself In"!
I got a ride, not the best time, but a ride, and not public trans.
So, I'll take it!
And, I'm gonna let the hand of God guide me, becuase that same hand, guide my beloved friends.

These people, "Like YA'll" are here to help me.
And, that's what I'll let them do, instead of blocking them.

I'm going to do my part, and everything else that you said!


Any more advice, I'll be checking in all night, as I don't expect to get more than a nap tonite, as I'm still readying for this attorney meeting.

You see, the court might deny all My Evidence!
Because of the first attorney not showing up!
(I don't think the ADA allows that, do they? Does anyone know any case law?)
I'm in PA).

Love to ALL!



gardengrl 04-26-2009 08:11 PM

Best of luck to you tomorrow, I will pray for you....

AintSoBad 04-26-2009 09:41 PM

THIS, means more than you'll EVER know!

Thanks to Ya'll!



AintSoBad 04-26-2009 09:47 PM


I hadto look that up!
I thought I was getting Raped! There's an entire new explanation!!

Thanks, Thanks, Thank You So Much!
I'm taking this to the attorney tomorrow!!!!


Oh, I'll letcha know what she says,,
after I sleep a while......

thanks again!

ras1256 04-27-2009 09:01 AM

That's the spirit!
Well, you are being raped in a way, right? HA HA
I can't wait to hear how it goes, but I know how this legal stuff goes sometimes - alot like the medical stuff I've been going through!

I hope you at least get them involved enough to HELP YOU!! I'll have to send you a PM that explains why I'm so passionate about your problem here. After I hear bout how today went.

Prayers, good thoughts, and fingers crossed!


Originally Posted by AintSoBad (Post 501567)

I hadto look that up!
I thought I was getting Raped! There's an entire new explanation!!

Thanks, Thanks, Thank You So Much!
I'm taking this to the attorney tomorrow!!!!


Oh, I'll letcha know what she says,,
after I sleep a while......

thanks again!

AintSoBad 04-28-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by ras1256 (Post 501734)
Well, you are being raped in a way, right? HA HA
I can't wait to hear how it goes, but I know how this legal stuff goes sometimes - alot like the medical stuff I've been going through!

I hope you at least get them involved enough to HELP YOU!! I'll have to send you a PM that explains why I'm so passionate about your problem here. After I hear bout how today went.

Prayers, good thoughts, and fingers crossed!



Well, I went.
And, got the "worst case scenario".
I may need to buy my house for the third time.
First, Second (first divorce), now this.
And, her name's not even on it!
AFter a three year marriage! But, it ended in '98.

She's taken TOTAL control, by removing my children and I, (pfa's) which weren't worth a dam, but you can't fight them. I never even heard of one before!
But, wow, am I in a new world this past decade!

More money, which, I hafto borrow from my paralyzed brother.
And, I'm still behind the 8 ball.
Wife filed motions, that "Look" complete.
But, they're a sheaf of lies!
She's got my house, full of MY furniture, and oh Jesus help me.

I don't even know if the court will take any evidence from me. My old attorney (who didn't show) has my Pre-Nup.

My friend went to his office today and raised a stink. They said "get a court order".

So, my head is still spinning.
Ever get that feeling that you're on the edge of a cliff, and you hafto jump?

I pray.

Love and peace, to all.


ras1256 04-28-2009 09:19 PM

Pete, is this just the possible outcome? It's not a done deal yet, right? You have a new attorney right? Can they take up the cause with the old attorney to get at least the Pre Nup? Are those things filed in the public records, or just held like a will?

I can believe that they can hold your file hostage - get the new atty. involved as soon as you can.

Don't think about that cliff edge - imagine if you jump and then your big break happens with this.

I'll be praying for you, too. Keep the faith, bud!


AintSoBad 04-29-2009 10:22 AM

Thanks Becky!
Nothing's a "done deal" yet.
But, my new attorney keeps showing me the "worst case scenario". Then, asks if that's acceptable. Of course it's not.
This woman (wifey) has taken my children's and my entire life, and it's assets, and either destroyed them or just stole them.
(We ran two business's that are now defunct, one a beautiful property that was taken (another long story of litigation)..

The old attorney just wants to be a jerk.
To make me pay.

Thanks, for your kind support!
It means so very much to me!


ras1256 04-30-2009 08:54 AM

Whew! You had me worried there. Keep me posted, ok?


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