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ella138 09-25-2012 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by michatki (Post 736512)
Hi Ella, I am also Canadian. Just DX with petrosal vein compression of the CN5, and awaiting MVD.

Doctors have not yet referred to TN, only using the phrase spasms.

I have spasms both right-&-left side of my face.

Question: Are there any local support groups in Canada...?


Sorry I did not see this earlier. There is a support group that meets usually once a month in the Thornhill Community center on Bayview and John. The next meeting is Sept 30, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. The person who sends out the emailed notifications is Kathy, her email is Please write to her to get further info. I believe they are in the process of arranging their annual TN dinner right now and Dr. Anthony Kauffman from Winnipeg is usually the guest speaker. If you need to reach me I am at

Tazmalice 03-13-2013 04:56 PM

Trigeminal neuralgia
Hi, my name is Melissa and I'm very interested In your story. I'm about to meet with my surgeon on Monday to have a cta scan done and then meet with him to set up a date for the microvasular decompression surgery. You mentioned that you have a picture of the scar. Would you please email that to me? I too have really long hair:(

sidost93 03-25-2013 09:46 PM

Hi Ellen,
I joined this web site just to talk to you. I am 19 and have been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia. Being so young for this, I have been having a hard time finding people who can relate with the pain and fear and obsession that comes with it. While reading your passages, I feel I am reading diary pages from my past couple years because I had to deal with the pain, go to dentists and doctors one after another to find out what was really wrong. Going to school on pain management was hard enough and them being on Tegretal..... forget about it. This whole journey has been a long nightmare and my doctors are now suggesting that I have the MVD surgery done. Images and stories on the internet are terrifying and I am not sure where else to turn for comfort other than someone who has actually been through the whole process. I know it has been a very long time since you had your surgery but I would appreciate any advice or support more than you know. Thank you so much, and know that your story is very uplifting for me.

douglasgblake 07-15-2013 05:43 AM

Some hope from the UK
Hi all I have been following Ella for a couple of years now and feel she must have helped no end.

I do not suffer but my wife did. She had an MVD almost exactly a year ago, and has been OK since. Understandably she wants nothing more to do with the subject, but I feel as Ella does that more needs to be made available from those for whom the surgery has been a "success".

I say success but it has only been a year. I am hopeful that we will be spared a return to the dark days. It started in 2003 and one by one the meds gave her allergic reactions until the only thing left was MVD. Periods of remission became shorter, so we looked for the best the UK had to offer.

Nik Patel from Frenshays hospital in Bristol was the one. Only 2 minor problems in over 200 MVDs. We had to go private due to the relationship between the Welsh and English NHS systems, but it was worth it, at least so far.

To say she is clear would be too simplistic, but I believe she is. She has a sensitive face due I believe to the recovery of the nerve. No pain, but some 'creepiness' around her eye and sometimes sensitivity above the eye and around the nose. Dental pain is a thing of the past.

I wont be able to be as forthcoming as Ella but I hope this story gives hope.

ella138 07-23-2013 05:39 AM

July 22, 2013
8 year anniversary of my MVD

I want to keep updating yearly, so you know the long term effects of MVD. I can tell you that as of my 8th year MVD anniversary, everything is still good.

Is it perfect? No.

Is it manageable. 100%!!

As usual, I seem to have my flare ups in the transitional months between Winter and Spring. This year it was late April. I took 1 Tegretol to get me over that day of shocks and it was gone the next day. I wish I had answers as to why this happens, but I don't.

So instead of fighting it, I make sure I still have some Tegretol around and I cope with that day or two.

Other than a couple of bad days, my year is wonderful! No meds, no pain, no TN.

The smaller twinges have tapered off completely since I get closer and closer to menopause. It's because my hormones are not fluctuating pre and post menstrual cycles. You men have it good!!

So I go about my life, still never forgetting that I have TN.

This year I had to have a fair size cavity filled exactly where my shocks used to be, in my upper left back molar. To say I was petrified would be mild. It went off without a hitch. No problems during the procedure or after the freezing wore off. That was a big thing for me.

So for all you people thinking about MVD. Remember, the unfortunate people who post about failed MVD's are not the norm. The success rate is in the high 90%'s. It's just that those people move on with their lives and you don't hear from them on these forums.

This is why I come back every year, to tell you there is hope for a normal life.

If you have Typical or Classic TN and you put yourself in the hands of an experienced neuro surgeon with a proven MVD success rate, you will have your life back. For ATN, the success rate is a bit lower and more individual.

I wish everyone a pain free year!! :) and I'm still around if you want to talk.

jjlsongbird 07-24-2013 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by ella138 (Post 1001971)
July 22, 2013
8 year anniversary of my MVD

This is why I come back every year, to tell you there is hope for a normal life.

If you have Typical or Classic TN and you put yourself in the hands of an experienced neuro surgeon with a proven MVD success rate, you will have your life back. For ATN, the success rate is a bit lower and more individual.

I wish everyone a pain free year!! :) and I'm still around if you want to talk.

Thanks, Ella, for your diary and for continuing to post! I want to add to the encouragement. I had an MVD almost 4 years ago and have been pain and medication free since. I have had a couple of minor twinges in the general area of my TN that scared me, but were not strong and not even clearly in the same spot. And that area of my face is sensitive to breezes occasionally (I had two other procedures before the MVD). But that is all. It is encouraging to hear from Ella that even if I should get an occasional lightning bolt, that doesn't mean I will be right back where I was. In fact, before the MVD even when I had to go back on Tegritol, the pain was never as severe as in the begining (bad, but not quite as strong).

Thanks, Ella! And may you all find the help you need.

ella138 02-22-2014 12:24 AM

I'm still here!
Hi all,
I was contacted twice this week about this diary and realized I have not updated anything recently and I missed my 2014 MVD anniversary! That's actually a good thing. It means I am able to forget about my TN a bit.

Just want to assure you, I am still around, still pain and med free, still hanging in. I spend more time on Facebook these days then any of the forums, but I am prepared to write anywhere that people read about TN. As a matter of fact I was interviewed for a story about TN that will be published next week. I will post the link to the story when it comes out.

Hang in there everyone. Wishing you all a pain free life! :circlelove:

CheriB 06-06-2014 10:13 PM

I'm 33 years old and have been dealing with trigeminal neuralgia for 6 years. I've been diagnosed with a wide variety of maladies by an even wider variety of doctors in that time. Due to the debilitating pain episodes I've been forced to quit graduate school and haven't been able to keep a full time job for more than 6 months at a time. The specialists in North Carolina have finally agreed that my excruciating facial pain is trigeminal neuralgia. Unfortunately, the medications only lessen the pain in high doses that leave me fuzzy and lethargic. I have a consult with a neurosurgeon on Monday to discuss MVD surgery. At this point I'm willing to try anything but I admit that I'm terrified. It does not help that the internet is heavily skewed towards the negative. Your post surgery diary is the most encouraging thing I've read. It gives me hope that I can get my life back. Thank you.

z200annie 02-24-2015 09:51 AM

awaiting mvd
Hi im going for pre op in april how long after that can I expect my surgery. Also I ride a motorcycle or did before wearing a helmet became impossible. Can anyone tell me how long after the op will I have to wait to wear a helmet . I read that you can't wear a wig for six months and a helmet is a lot tighter than a wig ??? Any advise welcome .

ella138 07-22-2015 09:00 AM

July 22, 2015
10 year anniversary of my MVD

Hi all, wanted to pop in and post a real milestone for me. Today marks the 10 year anniversary of my MVD and I'm doing great! It's been a quiet year for my TN physical pain, nothing to speak about there. From an emotional perspective, I'm starting to let TN take a back seat and not allow it to be front and center in my life any longer. Dare I say, I've moved on? Don't get me wrong, I still take no day without it for granted.

Since I've hit menopause I seem to be much better. No more huge hormonal fluctuations which only proves that my theory about premenstrual TN shocks was accurate.

I still haven't had the guts to get into an airplane, which is where I had some of my worst attacks. Pressure is still scary for me.

I am moving on!!!:D I have written a book (not related to TN) and it is being published and release on October 6 of this year. I may have to face flying sooner than later if the publisher wants me to go on book tours. I'll definitely need some Adivan for that first flight!.

I wish you all well, and I am always happy to talk.

If you would like to see what I have written, here is a link:

Burntmarshmallow 07-22-2015 10:04 PM

Ella . Yes 🙌 I get so happy eveytime you stop by and up date. Thanks for sharing .Congratulations on book and for t.n. taking a back seat. Ten Years deserves happy dance :Dancing-Chilli: . Let's make that forevermore ! ;) also your a really great pal for letting me send people your way and offering support .it's been years you have never said no. May all the good you have shared be returned back into your life . Positive blessing and PEACE BMW...Tina

jjlsongbird 07-24-2015 09:56 AM

That is such wonderful news - for you and for the rest of us! Thank you so much for the updates and congraduations on the book!!

I will be coming up on a 6-year anniversary of my MVD in the fall. I sure hope that was all I will ever need.

I think I was already into menopause when TN hit me maybe 21 years ago, so that doesn't seem to be a factor for me.

Moose 09-09-2015 12:56 PM

Scared for MVD surgery next Fri
I am new here and so afraid of this surgery. I have had surgeries bfore but its not that I am afraid of. The fear that it will not work or will b worse is what is so frightening. I am reluctant for several reasons. First my family dr didn't even know what it was. (I have since changed Drs but didn't like him either) Then a neurologist who really did nothing but send me to this neurosurgeon. He is the only one who does MVD surgery so I really had no choice. All the meds I have taken have terrible side affects. That is if I can get these Drs to get back to me. I needed a refill on Tegretol and it has taken almost 3 wks to get her to call a refill in. The neurosurgeon said I AM NOT GOD. I was so taken aback I couldn't say much. He left after about 3 min w me. Just by him making a statement like that makes me think he does think he is god. I would love to get another surgeon but there are no more in my area and sure can't afford to b chasing one all over the U.S. I can't get any of them to gv me pain meds or anything to help me sleep. What is it w Drs? They just keep sending me to another Dr and none will get back to you or try differnet meds. I am so frustrated I really have just given up. I will try this surgery cause I feel I have no other choice or any other Drs to try. I am fed up with all of them and can only hope this surgeon is a bttr surgeon than he is a people person. I hve tried checking him out but the medical board will not gv info on any failed operations or suits against any Dr. I just don't get it. Any suggestions? I really am afraid of this plus my daughter can only tk off from work 3 days. I have NO ONE else to help me. NO ONE>no family or anything. So I will b on my own. I hv had 2 back surgeries and my surgeon was wonderful. He was standing next to me when I woke up. He was great and this Dr sure could take some lessons on bedside manner. I am at my wits end. Thanks so much for reading my story. HELP

Burntmarshmallow 09-09-2015 05:11 PM

hello Moose i am glad you found us here at Neurotalk but sorry for the pain that has brought you here. I have never had that surgery but It has helped many others. . . this is from Ella's last post a few weeks ago back one page on this thread .."I am always happy to talk." Ella has always helped and will be happy to talk and share with you so please do not hesitate to email her. also remember just because you have read others have had less then perfect out come DOSE NOT mean that you will. The fact is when someone gets "loose" from the bad pain they dont stick around or look back most times. so of course you will hear /read more of the not so perfect outcomes. We all react to meds and surgeries as differently as our face pain is. Is there no pain managment doctor near that you could see along with your neuro doc??? Please DO NOT DO ANYTHING THAT YOU DO NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH!!!! Do not do a surgery because you feel pressured or pushed into it! Please never do that! you doctor SHOULD make you comfortable and explain the pros and cons and what you should expect they should also share their success rate if not I will try and google how to get it and then get back to you. knowledge is power and the more you know the better informed of a decision you can make. we are here for you your not alone . we are here if you need info, help,support or just need to chat with someone who can relate. also do email Ella when you have the time. sending calm vibes and low pain to you. It is nice to meet you Moose b.t.w. sorry it is over face pain :(:(. we are all in this together :grouphug:Edit to say NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! There is HOPE!!

VanSan1955 04-28-2024 08:56 AM

Thank you!!!!! You are giving me hope! I had surgery on March 26, 2024 after almost 7 years of agony! I am still experiencing the pain, but I read your messages and I feel like this is going to end.

lavanda55 05-16-2024 12:18 PM

Post MVD pain
I had MVD on March 26, 2024.
My pain is not going away. On the contrary. It keeps getting worse!
I followed all your my neurosurgeon's instructions and I took the muscle relaxer with an anti-inflammatory.
I also kept taking 450 mg of oxcarbazepine 3 times a day as usual.
Nothing is working! I cannot speak or eat (except liquids).
I need a medication that can stop this pain,
It has been almost 2 months from the MVD and I would expect for the pain to diminish instead is increasing.
Any suggestions?

lavanda55 05-16-2024 12:24 PM

Update: please, help

Originally Posted by VanSan1955 (Post 1304369)
Thank you!!!!! You are giving me hope! I had surgery on March 26, 2024 after almost 7 years of agony! I am still experiencing the pain, but I read your messages and I feel like this is going to end.

It has been almost 2 months from my surgery: my pain not only is not diminishing, but increasing!
My neurosurgeon even added Tizanidine and Naproxen to my 450mg. of oxcarbazepine 3 times a day, but nothing seems to help!
Any suggestions?

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