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Old 02-09-2007, 02:01 PM #1
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Help Nutritional Supplements and TSEs i.e. MAD COW disease's BSE/BASE and CJDs


I thought some of you might find interest in this data about nutritional supplements and Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies.
NOPE, these manufactures probably did not tell you all about this. TSEs like CJD can be of long incubation, if you are lucky. I doubt if all of you knew some of these by-products were even in these supplements. well, now you do.................TSS

Volume 361, Number 9368 03 May 2003


Tighter regulation needed for dietary supplements in USA

Sir--Mary Palmer and colleagues (Jan 11, p 101)1 found that dietary supplements have the potential to cause serious adverse effects. The investigators state that research on the hazards and risks ofdietarysupplements should be a priority. The safety of individuals who consume these products is important, and organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) need to take initiative by enforcing stricter regulations on supplements. Several commonly used products--for example ginkgo biloba, St John's Wort, and ephedrine--can have serious adverse effects.2 Although the FDA requires multiple studies on the safety and efficacy for pharmaceutical products before placing them on the market, standards are less robust for dietary supplements. In the USA, under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, supplements are subject to the same regulatory requirements as food. There are no provisions that require FDA approval for the safety or effectiveness of supplements,3 which leaves consumers and manufacturers essentially responsible for the health effects of these products. The DSHEA of 1994 needs to be revised so that dietary supplements are subject to the same regulations as pharmacological drugs. The FDA needs to review clinical studies on the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements. Organisations such as Public Citizen and the American Medical Association are already taking steps to achieve these changes. However, they face immense
opposition from groups such as the National Nutritional Foods Association, the American Herbal Association, and the Council for Responsible Nutrition. To overcome such resistance, consumer
organisations, health-care providers, and government agencies need to approach this subject in unison. The public needs to be able to assess the risks and benefits of dietary supplements before consuming them. Health-care providers and the more than 100 million Americans who consume these products4 should encourage the FDA to treat supplements with the stringent regulations it enforces on pharmaceutical products.

Nipa Kinariwala
700 Bolinwood Drive, Apartment 12A, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, USA 1 Palmer ME, Haller C, McKinney PE, et al. Adverse
events associated with dietary supplements: an observational study.
Lancet 2003; 361: 101-06. [Text
2 Cupp MJ. Herbal remedies: adverse effects and drug interactions. Am
Fam Physician 1999; 59: 1239-45. [PubMed
< 999&page=1239&display=abstract>]
3 Unites States Food and Drug Administration. Overview of dietary
supplements. Jan 3, 2001.
<>(accessed Feb 20,
2002). 4 Pear R. Feds call for tighter control over nutritional
supplements. Organic Consumers Association, April 17, 2001.
<>(accessed Feb
20, 2002).


TSEs i.e. mad cow disease's BSE/BASE and NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS

IPLEX, mad by standard process;

vacuum dried bovine BRAIN, bone meal, bovine EYE, veal Bone, bovine liver powder, bovine adrenal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, and vacuum dried porcine stomach.


i will only list animal ingredients of the following Nutritional Supplements by only ONE company;

Standard Process Co.

bovine EYE PMG Extract, veal bone PMG Extract, bovine liver powder, vaccuum dried porcine stomach, vacuum dried bovine adrenal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, bovine adrenal, vacuum dried BOVINE BRAIN, bone meal, vacuum dried veal bone.

A-FBetafood R
vacuum dried bovine prostate, bovine liver powder, vacuum dried bovine kidney, bovine orchic glandular extract, bovine liver fat extract.

Arginex R
bovine liver powder.

Adrenal, Desiccated TM
Vacuum dried bovine adrenal.

Albaplex R
bovine liver PMG Extract, vacuum dried bovine adrenal, bovine kidney PMF Extract, bovine thymus Cytosol Extract, bovine liver powder, bone meal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, veal bone meal.

Allerplex TM
bovine lung PMF Extract, bovine adrenal PMF Extract, bovine liver fat extract (yakriton), bone meal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, vacuum dried veal bone.

Immuplex R
Bovine liver PMG Extract, bovine liver powder, veal bone PMF Extract, bovine spleen PMF Extract, vacuum dried bovine and ovine spleen, bovine thymus PMF Extract, bovine thymus Cytosol Extract.

Vasculin R
Bovine Heart PMG Extract, veal bone PMF Extract, bovine liver powder, vacuum dried porcine duodenum, bovine adrenal Cytosol Extract, vacuum dried bovine and ovine spleen.

Zypan R
bovine pancreas Cytosol Extract, vacuum dried bovine and ovine spleen.

last i heard, they were getting sued;

Suit Filed Over Mad Cow Disclaimer

By Jason Hoppin
The Recorder
March 23, 2001

A small San Francisco litigation firm has teamed up with Milberg, Weiss, Bershad, Hynes & Lerach to sue a health supplements manufacturer, alleging the company misrepresents the danger of acquiring mad cow disease through its products.

The suit, filed under California's unfair business practices statute, alleges that Wisconsin's Standard Process Inc. uses, in part, crackpot science to allay customers' fears about the transmission of bovine
spongiform encephalopathy, also known as mad cow disease.

"Standard Process either knowingly or recklessly has omitted a material fact by failing to inform consumers that the overwhelming majority of reputable scientists and physicians have concluded that mad-cow disease is transmitted to humans by prions in bovine meat and/or bovine organs," Bushnell, Caplan & Fielding's Alan Caplan wrote.

The complaint points to a statement by the company about the safety of its products which suggests that pesticides may be to blame for mad cow outbreaks, not the consumption of meat.

"It's probably loosely referred to as research," deadpanned Jan Novakofski, a University of Illinois researcher who studies thedisease. "The evidence for that kind of concept [versus the consumption
theory] is about an ounce to a pound."

No cases of mad cow have ever been reported in the United States, and the plaintiff in the case, James Gorman, does not suffer from the disease. Instead, he is seeking damages for misrepresentation, fraud,
unfair advertising and unfair business practices.

The case was filed in San Francisco Superior Court.

The product, a vitamin supplement called Iplex 5100, is sold through licensed health professionals, including acupuncturists, nutritionists and the like.

Iplex 5100 is made in part, with cow parts: eyes, kidneys, livers, bonesand brains, where BSE is most highly concentrated.

Standard Process did not return a phone call seeking comment, but the company's Web site says it purchases bovine products only from U.S.government-inspected facilities.

"Standard Process has never used any glandular substances or bovine tissue derivatives from animals in any BSE-infected country," the company states.

The human manifestation of BSE -- variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease --has killed more than 80 people in Great Britain, and new outbreaks have recently been reported in several European countries.

U.S. officials have worried that dietary supplements may provide an entry point for the disease, which has been detected here in animals other than cows.

"The health food industry is totally unregulated," Novakofski said. "You go to the health food store and no one's ever tested anything."

However, Standard Process says its Wisconsin production facility is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and that its cow products are certified by the government.

© 2001 Inc.
Supplements Association Moves to Eliminate
Bovine Parts From Products

WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) Mar 16 - The nation's largest dietary supplements industry group has issued new guidance to manufacturers amid concerns that some alternative health products containing bovine materials pose a risk of transmitting bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to humans.

The guidance, published by the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), encourages manufacturers to eliminate all neurological bovine materials from their products. Consumption of brains and spinal cords from cows infected with BSE are widely believed to be the source of new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) in humans........

snip... full text at;

Letter to Manufacturers of Biological Products -
Recommendations Regarding Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy (BSE)

Department of Health and Human Services
Public Health Service
Food and Drug Administration
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852-1448

April 19, 2000

To Manufacturers of Biological Products

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued letters (date May 3, 1991, December 17, 1993, and May 9, 1996) and a guidance document (September 1997) requesting that materials derived from ruminants which have resided in or originated from countries where Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) has been diagnosed not be used in the manufacture of FDA-regulated products intended for administration to humans. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) also issued an interim rule on January 6, 1998, restricting the importation of ruminants, meat and meat products from ruminants, and certain ruminant products and byproducts from all countries of Europe. Because of the serious nature of this issue, the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) believes it critical to update the current recommendations.

CBER strongly recommends that manufacturers take whatever steps are necessary to assure that materials derived from all species of ruminant animals born, raised or slaughtered in countries where BSE is known to exist, or countries where the USDA has been unable to assure FDA that BSE does not exist, are not used in the manufacture of FDA-regulated products intended for administration to humans. The Agency has previously recommended that manufacturers take the following steps to
prevent this occurrence:

1.Identify all ruminant-derived materials (e.g., culture medium, transferrin, albumin, enzymes, lipids) used in the manufacture of regulated products. FDA considers the manufacture of biological products to include the preparation of master (including the original cell line) and working cell banks, as well as materials used in fermentation, harvesting, purification and formulation of the products.

2.Document the country of origin and all countries where the live animal source has resided for each ruminant-derived material used in the manufacture of the regulated product. The regulated-product manufacturer should obtain this information from the supplier of the ruminant-derived product. The
regulated-product manufacturer should also obtain the appropriate veterinary regulatory inspection certification of slaughter, as required by the country of origin of live animals, from the supplier. Documentation should be maintained for any new or in-process lots of licensed, cleared or approved products; products pending clearance or approval; and investigational products intended to be administered to humans.

3.Maintain traceable records for each lot of ruminant material and each lot of FDA-regulated product manufactured using these materials. These records should be part of the product batch records and available for FDA inspection. Such records should be maintained for products manufactured at foreign
as well as domestic facilities.

It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to obtain up-to-date information regarding countries where BSE is known to exist, or countries where the USDA has been unable to assure FDA that BSE does not
exist. This information is available from the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) at telephonenumber 301-734-8364, website address, and codified at 9 CFR 94.18 (see

Specific product-related questions should be directed to the appropriate
application division within CBER's product offices.
The phone numbers are:

Dr. David Asher, Office of Blood Research and Review 301-827-3524
Dr. Paul Richman, Office of Vaccines Research and Review 301-827-3070
James Crim, Office of Therapeutics Research and Review 301-827-5101

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D.
Center for Biologics Evaluation And Research


better late than never, but leaving regulation up to the industry, will be like telling the wolf to guard the hen house. allowing that to happen with some pathogens is one thing, but we better think twice about
human/animal TSE's. This same letter has been around for ten years with nobody taking heed to the potential dangers...TSS

How serious is this bit of deregulation? Here's what Dr. Lurie told the Senators:"For BSE (mad cow disease), this means that an unscrupulous manufacturer could literally take a British cow brain, crush it, dry it out, formulate it into a dietary supplement and export it to the U.S."

another fine example;


In fact, the salesman now tells us he doesn't sell the machines anymore. But the quest for youth goes beyond facial creams and exotic contraptions, anti-agers are also ingesting some pretty wild-sounding
dietary supplements. "Live proteins from sheep and pig from France, processed," says a representative.

Life-Cell Technologies touts the benefits of supplements that contain processed pig and sheep organs. "I have a lot of body builders and professional athletes that use these products because they strengthen and stimulate the different glands and organs,"says one woman. The idea, she implied, often is that ingesting ground up animal organs will strengthen human organs or even cure thyroid and adrenal diseases. "To my knowledge you can't just take pulverzied organs and feed them to somebody and think they're not going to have thyroid disease anymore or hypo-adrenalism," says Dr. Wexler. It would be kind of a medical miracle, wouldn't it? "It would be amazing, truly amazing," says Dr. Wexler. "Dateline" attended another anti-aging conference and expo in Chicago -- this time with ourcameras in plain view.
Remember the exhibitor selling processed pig and sheep organs? We pressed her for scientific documentation. We asked, what is the science behind the idea? The woman tells us, "You would
have to go on the Internet and get information, scientific studies."But this is her company, isn't it? "Yes it is," she says. "And if you don't mind, I don't want to be interviewed. I don't.""Dateline" tells her, "They are simple questions that any consumer would ask." Everywhere "Dateline" went at the anti-aging expo we heard a lot about so-called "scientific studies." "Well, it comes from 3,000 studies," a man at the expo tells us.

At one booth the product is called transfer factor, and theactive ingredient is colostrum -- the potent pre-milk fluid in a lactating mother's breast.

"We actually filtrate the transfer factor out of the colostrum," says one man. From where, mothers? "No," the man tells us. "From bovine colostrum, from cows." (url now dead...tss)

AS you can see below, i was trying to warn the public of this potential and highly likely route of TSE via nutritional supplements years before the above people were. THESE folks have PhDs, so maybe someone will listen now, maybe not $$$

Could you get mad cow from a pill ?
Some doctors say a class of pills that promise smarts, energy, and sexual vitality may cause mad-cow disease. The government isn't worried. Should you be?

June 1, 2001 Health Magazine by Susan Freinkel


Die BSE-Angst erreicht Amerika: Trotz strikter Auflagen gelangte in Texas verbotenes Tiermehl ins Rinderfutter - die Kontrollen der Aufsichtsbehörden sind lax.,1518,119306,00.html


Subj: cjd/bse aka MADCOW DISEASE in the U.S.A., please let me count the ways...

Date: 31/07/00 17:51:30 GMT Daylight Time


In reading the recent article in the BMJ about the potential BSE tests being developed in the U.S. and Bart Van Everbroeck reply. It does not surprize me, that the U.S. has been concealing vCJD. There have been people dying from CJD, with all the symptoms and pathological findings that resemble U.K. vCJD for some time. It just seems that when there is one found, they seem to change the clerical classification of the disease, to fit their agenda. I have several autopsies, stating kuru type amyloid plaques, one of the victims was 41 years of age. Also, my Mom died a most hideous death, Heidenhain Variant Creutzfeldt Jakob disease. Her symptoms resemble that of all the U.K. vCJD victims. She would jerk so bad at times, it would take 3 of us to hold her down, while she screamed "God, what's wrong with me, why can't I stop this." 1st of symptoms to death, 10 weeks, she went blind in the first few weeks. But, then they told me that this was just another strain of sporadic CJD. They can call it what ever they want, but I know what I saw, and what she went through.

Sporadic, simply means, they do not know. My neighbors Mom also died from CJD. She had been taking a nutritional supplement which contained the following; vacuum dried bovine BRAIN, bone meal, bovine EYE, veal bone, bovine liver powder, bovine adrenal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, and vacuum dried porcine stomach. As I said, this woman taking these nutritional supplements, died from CJD. The particular batch of pills that was located, in which she was taking, was tested. From what I have heard, they came up negative, for the prion protein. But, in the same breath, they said their testing, may not have been strong enough to pick up the infectivity. Plus, she had been taking these type pills for years, so, could it have come from another batch?


Evidence Of CJD/BSE
Transmission Via Supplements
From Terry S. Singeltary Sr.

Scrapie (Mad Sheep Disease) May Pose a Risk to Humans
From New Scientist magazine (UK) Online News March 28, 2001

Suspect symptoms

What if you can catch old-fashioned CJD by eating meat from a sheep infected with scrapie?

Exclusive from New Scientist magazine

Singeltary suspected an environmental cause in his mother's demise, a feeling reinforced a year later when a neighbor died of sporadic CJD. For years, the neighbor had been taking nutritional supp- lements that contained cow brain extracts.

"The FDA needs to review clinical studies on the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements. Organisations such as Public Citizen and the American Medical Assoc- iation are already taking steps to achieve these changes.

"However, they face immense opposition from groups such as the National Nutritional Foods Association, the American Herbal Association, and the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

"To overcome such resistance, consumer organisations, health-care providers, and government agencies need to approach this subject in unison. The public needs to be able to assess the risks and benefits of dietary supp- lements before consuming them.

Health-care providers and the more than 100 million Americans who consume these products should encourage the FDA to treat supplements with the stringent regulations it enforces on pharmaceutical products."

Animal ingredients of Nutritional Supplements by only ONE company;

Standard Process Co.


bovine EYE PMG Extract, veal bone PMG Extract, bovine liver powder, vaccuum dried porcine stomach, vacuum dried bovine adrenal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, bovine adrenal, vacuum dried BOVINE BRAIN, bone meal,vacuum dried veal bone.

A-FBetafood R

vacuum dried bovine prostate, bovine liver powder, vacuum dried bovine kidney, bovine orchic glandular extract, bovine liver fat extract.

Arginex R

bovine liver powder, Adrenal, Desiccated TM, Vacuum dried bovine adrenal.

Albaplex R

bovine liver PMG Extract, vacuum dried bovine adrenal, bovine kidney

PMF Extract, bovine thymus Cytosol Extract, bovine liver powder, bone meal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, veal bone meal.

Allerplex TM

bovine lung PMF Extract, bovine adrenal PMF Extract, bovine liver fat extract (yakriton), bone meal, vacuum dried bovine kidney, vacuum dried veal bone.

Immuplex R

Bovine liver PMG Extract, bovine liver powder, veal bone PMF Extract, bovine spleen PMF Extract, vacuum dried bovine and ovine spleen, bovine thymus PMF Extract, bovine thymus Cytosol Extract.

Vasculin R

Bovine Heart PMG Extract, veal bone PMF Extract, bovine liver powder, vacuum dried porcine duodenum, bovine adrenal Cytosol Extract, vacuum dried bovine and ovine spleen.

WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) Mar 16 2001 - The nation's largest dietary supplements industry group has issued new guidance to manufacturers amid concerns that some alternative health products containing bovine mate- rials pose a risk of transmitting bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) to humans.

The guidance, published by the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), encourages manufacturers to eliminate all neuro- logical bovinematerials from their products. Consumption of brains and spinal cords from cows infected with BSE are widely believed to be the source of new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) in humans.

We hope that the above data informs, but not overwhelms, the reader. For the technically literate there are numerous articles and links available via. searching for mad cow disease. If you have any questions for

Terry Singeltary write or e-mail and we will forward them to him.

Docket Management Docket: 96N-0417 - Current Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Dietary Ingredients a
Comment Number: EC -2
Accepted - Volume 7


what did Paul Brown say about this previously;

i bring your attention to (page 500) Dr. Paul Brown statements;

253 1 DR. BOLTON: I have an additional question about 2 that. What is the assurance that additional locally sourced 3 tracheas are not added into that manufacturing process, thus 4 boosting the yield, if you will, but being returned to the 5 U.S. as being produced from U.S.-sourced raw material? 6 DR. McCURDY: Are there data to indicate how many 7 grams, or whatever, of infected brain are likely to infect 8 an organism, either animal or man, when taken orally? 9 DR. BROWN: If I am not mistaken, and I can be 10 corrected, I think a half a gram is enough in a cow, orally; [FULL TEXT ABOUT 600 PAGES] 3681t2.rtf


Unregulated "foods" such as 'nutritional supplements' containing various extracts from ruminants, whether imported or derived from 3 US cattle/sheep/cervids ("antler velvet" extracts!) should be
forbidden or at least very seriously regulated.

(neighbors Mom, whom also died from CJD, had been taking bovine based supplement, which contained brain, eye, and many other bovine/ovine tissues for years, 'IPLEX').

my plight with metabolife and there 'bovine complex' about risk factors of TSE in there product ;

Terry S. Singeltary Sr. wrote:

> ######## Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy <BSE-L at UNI-KARLSRUHE.DE>
> #########
> 1. Dietary Supplements: Review of Health-Related Call Records for
> Users of Metabolife 356. GAO-03-494, March 31.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 11:23:01 -0500
> From: "Terry S. Singeltary Sr." <flounder at>
> To: NelliganJ at
> The General Accounting Office (GAO) today released the following reports
> and testimonies:
> 1. Dietary Supplements: Review of Health-Related Call Records for
> Users of Metabolife 356. GAO-03-494, March 31.
> i was suprised that i did not see any listing of bovine tissue in metabolife
> on it's label. have they ceased using these desiccated tissues???
> i see that the lable on this product METABOLIFE 356,
> does not state that it has any tissues of desiccated bovine
> organs? i no the product use to, so i am curious if they have
> ceased the use of the tissues of cattle they _use_ to use (see below)???
> i tried warning them years ago of this potential threat of CJD/TSEs;
> From: Randy Smith
> To: "'flounder at'"
> Subject: Metabolife
> Date: Mon, 7 Dec 1998 14:21:35 -0800
> Dear Sir,
> We are looking at reformulation. I agree that slow virus diseases
> present a problem in some areas of the world.
> Our product uses healthy USDA inspected cattle for the glandular
> extract.
> If you have any links to more information on this subject I would like
> to examine them.
> Thank you for your interest and concern,
> Dr. Smith
> ============
> From: Randy Smith
> To: "'flounder at'"
> Subject: RE: [Fwd: Your submission to the Inquiry]
> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:37:07 -0800
> Terry,
> Thank you for your note and the information links you forwarded to me.
> I am new to Metabolife International, however hopefully as my role here
> enlarges I well have a greater impact on formulation and product
> development.
> Metabolife International does believe in placing safety first. And I am
> going to do my best to see that we continue to do so.
> Sincerely,
> Dr. Smith
> ============
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry S. Singeltary Sr. [mailto:flounder at]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 1998 5:49 PM
> To: rsmith at
> Subject: [Fwd: Your submission to the Inquiry]
> Dr. Smith, I am truly impressed with you honesty, THANKS.....I am not
> just spouting off about the potential dangers, here. THEY ARE REAL.....I
> have forwarded an e-mail from the BSE Inquiry, in which I made a
> statement about them........You might want to go to the site and read
> The Department of Health, here in the U.S., is also worried about the
> potential dangers involved hear............Terry/MADSON
> ================================================== =======
> From: Randy Smith
> To: "'flounder at'"
> Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:55:17 -0800
> Return-Receipt-To: Randy Smith
> Thanks very much for the info. I appreciate all these articles I can
> get. It does sound very familiar - just follow the green ($) trail.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Terry S. Singeltary Sr. [mailto:flounder at]
> Sent: Friday, December 18, 1998 5:15 PM
> To: rsmith at
> Randy, thought you might be interested in this...............MADSON!!!!!1
> snip...
> ===============================
> Sender: "Patricia Cantos" <patricia.cantos at>
> To: "Terry S Singeltary Sr. (E-mail)" <flounder at>
> Subject: Your submission to the Inquiry
> Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 10:10:05 +0100
> 3 July 1998
> Mr Terry S Singeltary Sr.
> E-Mail: Flounder at
> Ref: E2979
> Dear Mr Singeltary,
> Thank you for your E-mail message of the 30th of June 1998 providing the
> Inquiry with your further comments. Thank you for offering to provide the
> Inquiry with any test results on the nutritional supplements your
> mother was taking before she died.
> As requested I am sending you our general Information Pack and a copy of the
> Chairman's letter. Please contact me if your system cannot read the attachments.
> Regarding your question, the Inquiry is looking into many aspects of the
> scientific evidence on BSE and nvCJD. I would refer you to the
> transcripts
> of evidence we have already heard which are found on our internet site at
> Could you please provide the Inquiry with a
> copy of
> the press article you refer to in your e-mail? If not an approximate date
> for the article so that we can locate it?
> In the meantime, thank you for you comments. Please do not hesitate to
> contact me on 0171 261 8332 should you have any queries.
> Yours sincerely
> Patricia Cantos
> Families Team Leader
> Attachments
> ==============
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: re: METABOLIFE AND TSEs GAO-03-494 ''URGENT DATA''
> Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 16:04:35 -0400
> From: "Marcia G Crosse" <CrosseM at>
> To: <flounder at>
> CC: "Charles W Davenport" <DavenportC at>, "Carolyn Feis Korman"
> <FeisKormanC at>, "Martin Gahart" <GahartM at>
> Mr. Singletary,
> We were informed by representatives of Metabolife, Inc. that Metabolife
> 356 was reformulated to remove bovine complex as an ingredient in the
> product, approximately September 2001. We did not independently verify
> the contents of the product.
> Sincerely,
> Marcia Crosse
> Acting Director
> Health CarePublic Health and Science Issues
> U.S. General Accounting Office
> 441 G Street, N.W.
> Washington, D.C. 20548
> ===================
> -------- Original Message --------
> Date: Thu, 01 May 2003 15:48:52 -0500
> From: "Terry S. Singeltary Sr." <flounder at>
> To: Marcia G Crosse <CrosseM at>
> CC: Charles W Davenport <DavenportC at>, Carolyn Feis Korman
> <FeisKormanC at>, Martin Gahart <GahartM at>
> References: <seb14599.014 at GAOGWIA1.GAO.GOV>
> now all we need to do is;
> snip......
> one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind ;-)
> however;
> ''We did not independently verify the contents of the product''
> ???
> ####### ########

18 January 2007 - Draft minutes of the SEAC 95 meeting (426 KB) held on 7
December 2006 are now available.


64. A member noted that at the recent Neuroprion meeting, a study waspresented showing that in transgenic mice BSE passaged in sheep may be more virulent and infectious to a wider range of species than bovine derived BSE.

Other work presented suggested that BSE and bovine amyloidotic spongiform encephalopathy (BASE) MAY BE RELATED. A mutation had been identified in the prion protein gene in an AMERICAN BASE CASE THAT WAS SIMILAR IN NATURE TO A MUTATION FOUND IN CASES OF SPORADIC CJD.


3:30 Transmission of the Italian Atypical BSE (BASE) in Humanized Mouse

Models Qingzhong Kong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Pathology, Case Western Reserve University

Bovine Amyloid Spongiform Encephalopathy (BASE) is an atypical BSE strain discovered recently in Italy, and similar or different atypical BSE cases were also reported in other countries. The infectivity and phenotypes of these atypical BSE strains in humans are unknown. In collaboration with Pierluigi Gambetti, as well as Maria Caramelli and her co-workers, we have inoculated transgenic mice expressing human prion protein with brain homogenates from BASE or BSE infected cattle. Our data shows that about half of the BASE-inoculated mice became infected with an average incubation time of about 19 months; in contrast, none of the BSE-inoculated mice appear to be infected after more than 2 years.

***These results indicate that BASE is transmissible to humans and suggest that BASE is more virulent than
classical BSE in humans.***

6:30 Close of Day One

1997 TO 2006. SPORADIC CJD CASES TRIPLED, with phenotype
of 'UNKNOWN' strain growing. ...

There is a growing number of human CJD cases, and they were presented last week in San Francisco by Luigi Gambatti(?) from his CJD surveillance collection.

He estimates that it may be up to 14 or 15 persons which display selectively SPRPSC and practically no detected RPRPSC proteins.

[Docket No. 03-025IFA] FSIS Prohibition of the Use of Specified Risk Materials for Human Food and Requirement for the Disposition of Non-Ambulatory Disabled Cattle

[Docket No. FSIS-2006-0011] FSIS Harvard Risk Assessment of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)



9 December 2005
Division of Dockets Management (RFA-305)

James J. Kramer, Ph.D.
Vice President, Corporate Operations

Embassy of Japan

Dockets Entered on December 22, 2005
2005D-0330, Guidance for Industry and FDA Review Staff on Collection of Platelets by Automated ... EC 203, McDonald's Restaurants Corporation, Vol #:, 34 ...

03-025IF 03-025IF-631 Linda A. Detwiler [PDF] Page 1. 03-025IF 03-025IF-631 Linda A. Detwiler Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. Page 5. Page 6. Page 7. Page 8. Page 9. Page 10. Page 11. Page 12.

03-025IF 03-025IF-634 Linda A. Detwiler [PDF] Page 1. 03-025IF 03-025IF-634 Linda A. Detwiler Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. Page 5. Page 6. Page 7. Page 8.

Page 1 of 17 9/13/2005 [PDF]... 2005 6:17 PM To: Subject: [Docket No. 03-025IFA]
FSIS Prohibition of the Use of Specified Risk Materials for Human Food ...

03-025IFA 03-025IFA-6 Jason Frost [PDF]... Zealand Embassy COMMENTS ON FEDERAL REGISTER 9 CFR Parts 309 et al[Docket No. 03-025IF] Prohibition of the Use of Specified Risk Materials for Human Food and...

In its opinion of 7-8 December 2000 (EC 2000), the SSC ... [PDF]Page 1. Linda A. Detwiler, DVM 225 Hwy 35 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 Phone:732-741-2290 Cell: 732-580-9391 Fax: 732-741-7751 June 22, 2005 FSIS Docket Clerk US ...

Terry S. Singeltary Sr.
P.O. Box 42
Bacliff, Texas USA 77518

Last edited by Curious; 02-11-2007 at 04:46 PM.
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Old 02-09-2007, 02:51 PM #2
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Thumbs up very interesting...

Thank you for posting.

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Old 02-09-2007, 07:34 PM #3
jamietwo jamietwo is offline
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Another thing to be aware of is that gelatin capsules (those that aren't labeled vegetarian capsules) are made from cow parts...
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Old 03-19-2009, 09:11 PM #4
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Exclamation Chronic Wasting Disease Prions in Elk Antler Velvet (Nutritional Supplements and CJD)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chronic Wasting Disease Prions in Elk Antler Velvet (Nutritional Supplements and CJD)


not good. ...TSS
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Old 03-19-2009, 09:35 PM #5
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im kinda worried about this cause I think i had tried elk antler velvet, just a sample from st paul joint komfort brands, and hopefully i dont have this awful condition. i did happen to get an MRI of my brain tho, so i think im safe, *crosses fingers*
dx: fatigue,, SOB at times(asthma), insomnia, anxiety.

fatigue, insomnia, migraine issues

omega 3 fish oil, b complex,
acid blocker(famotidine)
low dose aspirin

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