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Old 01-18-2007, 04:19 PM #1
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Thumbs up Thursday & Friday check in~

Well it is late but I'll start the post anyway. Bear and I have been shopping today. We had a ball. Found many things 20 % off. I even got pet stuff. My cats like their new toy so well, they won't even eat. It seals to a window, has a ball with elastic on it and feathers and of'course catnip. They love it! I enjoy giving them pleasure. Bear got pig ears for himself. I got candy. Isn't that terrible? Oh well, look out. Yes, but it was on SALE!
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:23 PM #2
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we got new smileys!!

thank you billie for the check in. are you gonna share that candy?

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Old 01-18-2007, 04:36 PM #3
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Yes, I will share the candy. I have chocolate covered peanuts (2 bags) & taffy. Come on over and bring the gang.
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Old 01-18-2007, 04:53 PM #4
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Attachment 723 i'll pick them up.


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Old 01-18-2007, 07:54 PM #5
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I passed up candy while I was at Walmart and was such a good girl...then I got home and ate everything but the kitchen sink. Hee, hee, I really piged out, wish I had some candy too.
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Old 01-18-2007, 08:48 PM #6
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Heart Gaye

Come and get it. I'll be sure to have some when you come up. I got Zoe a little present today. I'll wait till I finish something else, then send it. Gotta keep you guessing.
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Old 01-18-2007, 09:20 PM #7
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Cool Are you desperate for something to read?

I think Gaye didn't go to her yoga class tonight, well maybe~

Why exercise?

Remember when you were a child and loved to run and jump and spin around in circles? When is the last time you had that feeling?

It's never too late to start dancing again -- or bicycling, hiking, swimming, or whatever else you loved to do when you were young. So many of us grow up and slowly forget that our bodies are built to move, love to move, and need to keep moving even as we get older. This class will help you get moving again.

Don't know where to start? Too hard to overcome the inertia of your current routine? Maybe you'd like to exercise more but you're thinking, "Well, I've tried joining a gym before and I never went," or "It's too hard to fit a weekly class into my schedule."

Well, now just might be time to try again. If the gym isn't for you, maybe a daily walk or a yoga class is more up your alley. Instead of dwelling on your previous efforts at getting fit, think about your next. Here's the good news: No matter when you start to exercise, it will improve your health. A recent German study found that those who waited until after age 40 to become moderately to very physically active were still 55 percent less likely to be diagnosed with heart disease than lifelong couch potatoes.

And that's not all. Exercise helps you sleep well, cope with stress, and focus better on mental tasks. It gives you more energy and boosts confidence and self esteem. Exercise makes your bones and muscles stronger, improves endurance and flexibility, helps ease the pain of arthritis and other conditions, and reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety. On top of that, exercise helps control heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol, and even reduces the risk of certain types of cancer and dementia. If exercise were sold in a bottle, it might be advertised as a fountain of youth or wondrous cure-all!

Still not ready to change? Look at it another way. How much do you spend on health care? On prescriptions and medical supplies? Over the course of a year, it really adds up. And every year, that amount usually keeps going up. How would you like to save some of that money and feel better at the same time? There are no guarantees, but there's a good chance that exercise can improve your overall health.

Before you start

If you have been sedentary for quite a while, plan to start out very gradually with short blocks of moderate activity. If you have any health problems such as diabetes, or are at risk of any problems such as heart disease, it's important to see your doctor before you begin a new exercise program. If you plan to start a vigorous program, check in with your doctor if you're a man over 40 or a woman over 50. (Most people should be fine if they start out slow.)

Exercising if you have:

•Heart disease
•High blood pressure
•Back pain

Step 1. Get into a positive frame of mind

The first step is the hardest. Once you take that first step, it will get easier and easier to lace up your shoes and head out the door. People who exercise regularly will tell you that if they miss a whole week, they start feeling irritable and stressed, they find it harder to concentrate, and they may even experience a decrease in energy.

So how do you take that first step? It helps to have a personal reason, something more than just "it's good for you." Think about why you want to start exercising. Maybe you want to have more energy for your family, stay strong and independent as you grow older, or relieve stress and sleep better at night. Maybe you want to run a marathon next year, trim your belly for swimsuit season, or keep up with your kids. Maybe you want to lose some weight, or just feel better when you wake up.

If you have an ambitious long-term goal, you may want to break it down into smaller, more achievable goals. For example, if your goal is to hike Yosemite's Half Dome next summer (8 and a half miles with a 4,800 foot elevation change each way), it may be more practical and less discouraging to focus on hiking just a few miles to start, and increase gradually from there. If your goal is to lose weight, maybe you want to start by simply committing to walking for a half hour three times a week, and gradually increase that to walking every day.

Once you're excited about your goal, it's time to make a plan.

Step 2: Think about what you like to do

If you don't like a particular activity, you're not going to do it. Before you decide that running is the activity for you, ask yourself whether you’re likely to do it week after week. Do you like to exercise alone or do you prefer a partner, class, or team sport? Are you excited by "problem-solving" exercises like rock climbing, by the varied terrain and scenery of a mountain bike ride, or by the meditative mood of a long walk or run? Our Fitness Finder will list some activities that suit your personality and lifestyle.

Think about your exercise as a fun hobby and allow yourself to play.

Many people thrive on activities such as salsa dancing, surfing, or going on group hikes because these activities are not measured in minutes or calories burned, but in having fun and learning new skills.

Also think about time and cost. While the expense of a gym membership may motivate you, will you be able to work it in your budget every month? Your YMCA may offer a sliding-scale fee, and if you're over 55, your local senior center may offer a surprising range of free classes, from dance to yoga. If a gym is a long drive away from your home, or if you're caring for small children or a family member who is sick or disabled, would you be more likely to exercise if you had a treadmill at home that you could use on your own time? For many people, walking is the best place to start because it doesn't take much equipment, you don't need to drive anywhere to get started, and you can do it as part of your daily routine.

Whatever you decide, this week, start with one activity. Next week we'll talk about ways to mix up your routine to get the most health benefits and prevent boredom.

Step 3: Create a support system

You're more likely to stick with something if you have another person helping you. Make sure your family knows about your fitness plans, and ask for their help and support. That could mean anything from cooking dinner twice a week so you can exercise, helping you keep junk food out of the house, or reminding you to go to yoga class. Better yet, get them actively involved -- take your kids walking or swimming with you, attend dance classes with your partner, or get him or her to come to the gym so you can work out together. If you can't get a family member to accompany you, find a fitness partner to help you stay on track and make your long workouts more pleasant.

A friend or coworker with similar abilities and interests makes a good exercise partner. If you have trouble finding someone with the same schedule, a local running or hiking club could hook you up with other people at your pace, or you might be able to meet someone in a class or gym. Even your dog can be your exercise buddy! And if you can't find anyone to join you, try asking someone to be your designated "reminder" -- a regular phone call or friendly nudge from someone else may work better than just a note on your calendar. Studies show that people who have a fitness partner are more likely to exercise and stick with their fitness plan.

Depending on where or how you exercise, it may be best to have a partner even if you're not doing a team sport like doubles tennis. If you get hurt while running or bicycling far from home and out of cell phone range, your partner can get help. While rock climbing -- even at the gym -- you'll want someone to belay you, (that is, hold the rope to which you are harnessed to stop a potential fall).

Another type of support system is to hire a personal trainer. The benefits are many: You get expert advice on how to exercise and achieve results, and learn how to avoid injuries and other common pitfalls when starting a new exercise routine. A good trainer will also be able to motivate and provide encouragement to keep you going. Regular check-ins with a trainer can even keep you accountable so you’re more likely to stick to your workout routine.We'll talk about personal trainers in more detail in a later class.

Step 4: Make a commitment

Now that you know where you're headed and how to get there, write yourself a road map -- a fitness plan. This will also serve as a "contract" with yourself so you remember what you promised yourself.

Print our Fitness Contract and fill it out today. It's a convenient place to write down everything we'll cover in this class, from your fitness goals and fitness partner to your schedule and reward system. (You can pencil in the schedule this week with one activity, and round it out more next week after you learn about a well-rounded fitness plan. And we'll cover motivation in more detail in Part 4.)

Once you've chosen something to do, whether it's walking, salsa dancing, swimming, or karate, use our Fitness Diary to help you keep track of your exercise sessions. Writing down what you do -- and when -- will give you a sense of accomplishment and help you stay motivated. The important thing at this point is to get into the habit of exercising regularly. Don't push yourself so hard that you give up entirely.

Step 5: Get started!

The first step out the door might seem like the hardest, but come back to the goals you set above. Start today -- go for a short walk this evening. That will get you in the mood for something a little more challenging tomorrow.

Maybe buying a new pair of sweatpants or dancing shoes will motivate you to get started. A lot of people find pedometers inspiring as well. It might be wise not to go out and buy a bunch of expensive gear, however, until you've tried out the sport for a few weeks and are sure it’s the one you're going to stick with. We'll be covering gear (like shoes and machines) and services (like gyms and trainers) in Part 3.

To-do's for this week

Feeling excited yet? Here are things to do before next week's class:

•Decide on your fitness goal
•Find out which activities would work for you
•Tell your family about your plans and start looking for a partner (if you choose)
•Fill out your fitness contract (as much as possible)
•Take a walk today, even if you haven't done the rest of your to-dos!

Future classes:

Part 2: How to find good activities and put together a great fitness plan for you

Part 3: Guides to gear and services guide, from gyms to shoes

Part 4: Ways to stick with your new plan and avoid injury

-- Deepi Brar is the multimedia editor at Consumer Health Interactive.
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Old 01-18-2007, 11:20 PM #8
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I forgot to tell you Billie, I called to say I was not coming back to the Yoga Class and the gal at the desk changed me to another group (which is what I thought I was going to be in anyway) so now it will be sit down Yoga and I pray it will be beneficial for me.

I really want to try to lose yall, it's just that my get up and go...got up and went! And THAT is the TRUTH. I need to be honest with myself and the group, I want to do it, and then I don't carry through.

Maybe when I get some nice days to ride my bike a little it will get me going. I really did try so hard today until the "great pig-out!" Honestly all the toast and cheese was not that good and neither was the fudge I ate yesterday while hiding it, so hubby would not know, I was eating candy again. So much for true confessions. At least I feel good about being honest.

I really want to lose weight
at least I think I do.

I try and try to resist food,
I try to stay in a good mood.

Along comes something good in my sight,
then I eat and eat and eat all night!

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Old 01-19-2007, 12:02 AM #9
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Hattie the black and white one wrestling with hazel, calico. lost hattie to cancer.....
Happiness is a decision....

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night

I will not give up in this weight loss journey, nor this need to be AF. 3-19-13=156, 6-7-13=139, 8-19-13=149, 11-12-13=140, 6-28-14=157, 7-24-14=149, 9-24-14=144, 1-12-15=164, 2-28-15=149, 4-21-15=143, 6-26-15=138.5, 7-22-15=146, 8-24-15=151, 9-15-15=145, 11-1-15=137, 11-29-15=143, 1-4-16=152, 1-26-16=144, 2-24-16=150, 8-15-16=163, 1-4-17=169, 9-20-17=174, 11-17-17=185.6, 3-22-18=167.9, 8-31-18= 176.3, 3-6-19=190.8 5-30-20=176, 1-4-21=202, 10-4-21= 200.8,12-10-21=186, 3-26-22=180.3, 7-30-22=188, 10-15-22=180.9,
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Old 01-19-2007, 12:18 AM #10
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Heart Gaye~

I do the same thing. I missed lunch and dinner tonight, so the candy did have an effect on me. I do feel good tho. I don't have a pain in the world and yes, confession is good for the soul. I haven't been in the chocolate candy at all! There is suppose to be a measurable snow here Sunday. I dread that. I guess I can pig out on candy then. here is a group hug for Gaye.
God Bless you,

Last edited by Fancylady_2006; 01-19-2007 at 12:23 AM.
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