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bizi 09-06-2014 08:51 PM

hi jess.
welcome to the forums!
I have not heard of that name before. Have you done research on it? What reviews have you read?
my bigest problem is drinking alcohol I tend to gain wight then I am inactive and lazy. Have a great club member ship but don't go.
I take magnesium oxide for constipation, works like a charm!

ginnie 09-07-2014 07:09 AM

Hi Bizi
I try to keep up on what is happening to you too. I wish your weight loss was easier. You mentioned alcohol being the culprit, any chance you could change that one desire to something else that brings pleasure? I have heard if you substitute something you really want or like, it helps to get rid of the habit you don't like. Remember the old cig adds where they would put a pack in water and then let it sit awhile. Well it ruins your love of cigs that day anyway.

Stand by someone who is sick from booze and make yourself be around them. Maybe seeing someone really __it faced would shock you a bit. Bizi you are such a good woman, and so kind to others. There has to be a way that you can enjoy all of life like you deserve without drinking. My folks were heavy drinkers, and it scared me so much I don't touch much at all. A glass of wine when out to dinner. Maybe work at a drunk house for a day, something to get under your skin.

I know this is crazy, but you have struggled so hard with this, and I can't tell you how much I respect you for doing so.

Is there some great tasting drink you do like without alcohol? Wish I could do something to help you on this road of yours. Just keep trying Bizi. we are all behind you.
My news....
I am in heavy duty therapy as my shoulder cannot have the surgery. The nerve is not trapped, it is compressed from all areas from swollen tendons,muscles, and the sheath that covers the ulner nerve. I blew out my arm trying to take care of this place, this jungle. ruined the ulnar nerve actually as the entire arm is inflamed. Have neuro massage which is hell several times a week. Water therapy, wax therapy, acupuncture, hot and cold therapy, and PT for the rest of me. I am in and out of some office almost daily. Can't believe how bad that neuro massage hurts, OMG!!!!
The thing is this arm is so bad, that If I do not do something I will lose my ability to use it altogether. Being an artist, that would be devastating to my mental health. You cannot give up what you are, and believe me working with my left hand is awful. I dropped more things the last month than I have in a life time.
All is well in the love dept. If I can get well this fall, and be able to at least cut a cabbage, I will marry this man come Jan. Don't think I will be out of therapy until then. Also I have to save money, and so does my son in order for me to return. No expense with lodging, only food and transport. The new frog I am workng on in beads is adorable.
Just wanted to catch up with you and folks as I have not been around for a time, and this has been the reason.
I miss all of you very much and still keep NT in my prayers. This site has and always will be a blessing to me. Take care Bizi and gang. ginnie:grouphug:

bizi 09-07-2014 04:27 PM

dear ginnie,
thank you for your sweet note. I know that you care about me and I appreciate you so much for your truth and honesty.
I am so afraid that you will lose your art. What are they telling you?
the muscles and tendons need to heal, with that much therapy is that helping or hurting? sorry the neuro therapy hurts so much. Hate to hear that you are in pain. are you in florida or jamaca?Not sure....
Glad to hear that you are thinking about a january wedding. I am sure he will want you arm healed or not just yet. I am sure he loves you very much. I am so happy you have found someone to care for, you deserve love and happiness.
your friend

ginnie 09-07-2014 05:10 PM

Hi Bizi
Think I would rather have a baby than the neuro Massage. Sounds great right? nice music, in fact bring your own, candles, nice smell. Well, while one side is being really invaded by fingers that know every nerve, the other half is curled into some fetal position in hopes of some kind of protection from the pain. Tears stream down, the snot runs, groans and moans are constant. If it weren't so painful it would be funny. Even got a charlie horse, begged her to give the break too. Real intensive and I didn't know that kind of therapy existed. Athletes that blow out a leg, arm or body part, this is the kind of therapy they receive in hopes of recovery. My age works against me, but I will fight for sure. My art is at Stake. Fiancee is very supportive. Soon as this arm is well enough, I will return to Jamaica. Hope to Marry at that time in that country. Visas on this end are two to four year wait. I am not young and neither is he!
UP SIDE OF THIS. after 6 treatments,, and being a pin cushion, the intensity of the pain is down a bit. My son says that is great as I am responding. I have to believe that this will work. The other thing I found out is that the tendons in my hands, have atrophied and pulled the tendons inward and shortened. Big time, and I have intensive therapy there also so I can keep my hand. doing 4 kinds of therapy, My son is paying for it. No choice if I want to keep my arm and hand going. If I am to be a Jamaican wife I have to at least be able to cut a cabbage!
I cannot give up being an artist so I must do this and succeed.

I hope you succeed too Bizi. You are one neat lady, with an intense desire to do good in life. Wish there was some easy fix to make your struggle easier. I guess no matter what we all go through, we do need each other.
Well I guess the cats out of the bag who I am going to marry. He is Rasta, to complete the picture. Ginnie never did stay on the path expected of me. I sure didn't expect this path. xxxto all of you, ginnie

Mari 09-07-2014 07:33 PM

Hi, Ginnie,

'Good to hear from you. :heartthrob: :heartthrob: :heartthrob:

Keep taking care of yourself and keeping letting the professionals make you better. :heartthrob: :heartthrob:

I send you lots of good energy and good thoughts. :hug::hug::hug:


waves 09-08-2014 04:43 AM

Hi, Ginnie,

So sorrry to hear of all these troubles, and the painful therapy.

I am glad there is a rainbow at the end of the road, of sorts... your rasta fella waiting for you in the islands. :) And maybe not so much at the end of the road. Maybe he could visit, in between? A visitor (non-immigrant) visa shouldn't be a problem, provided he does not "express intent to immigrate" to a US official.

Anyway I am sending good thoughts for your complete recovery, with full use of arm and hand for beaded frogs and mosaic universes and anything else you might dream up to sculpt. :hug::hug::hug:


ginnie 09-08-2014 07:54 AM

Hi Waves
He would love to be just a visitor. This has proven to be very difficult. You would think it would be easy just to visit. We are trying all directions. I will go back down there when I am recovered, Marry, and then see through their embassy if we can get him into the states for a visit. I would Never want to Americanize this person in any way shape or form. He needs to be just who and what he is. I am not willing to get at K-1 fiancee request, as in this country you are not allowed to be poor and sponsor your finacee into the country. You have to have a certain income in order to love and Marry. I thought the USA was Free, boy was I mistaken. To be able to tell you, that you must have money to marry to me is awful. I would live in a grass hut to be with him, and I might just wind up doing that!. thanks waves... for prayers and recovery too.
Someday I will post what he looks like if I can ever figure out how to do it. If anyone want to see, PM me with e-mail address and I can send through my samsung, both of our pictures from Jamaica. xxxginnie:grouphug:

bizi 09-08-2014 08:34 PM

I had no idea it was that hard to go visit. It is easy for us to go there on vacation for a visit, but the other way around.
I bet you are frustrated.

waves 09-09-2014 03:03 AM


Could it be the wait you were talking about is for a green card? That would make more sense to me. Have you seen a lawyer, or where are you getting your information?

Getting a visitor visa (B-2) "shouldn't" be difficult (relatively speaking). An interview at the embassy will be required, but other than that, it shouldn't be difficult. With a B-2 he can stay up to 180 days, I believe, if that hasn't changed. He will not, however, be allowed to work under any circumstances. He will be required to demonstrate that he can sustain costs of the trip and stay. If there is any question that you guys may marry and that he might stay, they will deny a B visa application. He must show clear intent to return to Jamaica, in order to be approved. I'd expect waiting periods to be on the order of weeks or months, but not years.


If you two declare that you are engaged, this might confound the "intent to return" requirement for a visitor visa -- it could be denied for this reason. They might want you to apply for a fiance visa (K-1) instead. K-1 gives him more rights (he can apply to work), but you are then required to marry within 90 days to maintain this status.

I don't see anything to indicate one must have money for K-1. I see no need to show you can support him. Some visas, such as student visas (H-1) do carry those requirements, but I don't see that here.)


waves 09-09-2014 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1095055)
I had no idea it was that hard to go visit. It is easy for us to go there on vacation for a visit, but the other way around.
I bet you are frustrated.

Yes, Bizi. It is really complicated. It's easier to get into the US if you're illegal and fall of a boat. Seriously. Otherwise it is like Fort Knox.

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