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bizi 07-05-2016 08:50 PM

starting diet july 6th 2016. Who is with me?

bizi 07-06-2016 09:59 AM

I ate a piece of cake, left over bread pudding, a pint of chocolate ice cream, and 5 beers.:eek:
No wonder I did not sleep well.
Woke up this morning and weighed myself...
weighed the most I have weighed in a very long time.
Time to get serious.
No more beer, no more cake.....
I did not even use half and half in my coffee like usual, just stevia.
I can get used to this.

bizi 07-06-2016 10:29 PM

weighed 159.5 this morning.
weighed 137 last november
I made it to the gym and walked on the tred mill for 40 minutes
about 2 miles....burned supposedly only 175 calories. That is depressing!

bizi 07-07-2016 08:17 PM

I ate very well today.

3 cups of coffee with just stevia(no cream)
a greek/lebanese dish with egg plant and
grass fed beef. peppers and potatoes.
collards and squash

1/2 cup of Indian chick peas and sauce and 6 oz chicken
with 1 cup of cut green beans.
1/2 cup of Raspberries
and 2 small chocolate squares for desert.

Hoping that I will sleep better tonight, had strange dreams early this morning.

bizi 07-08-2016 10:17 PM

I figured out my BMI and I am borderline normal weight and overweight.
So it is time to get serious. I have a lot of belly fat.

bizi 07-08-2016 10:41 PM

I calculated my BMI and I am just at the level of normal and overweight.
So I know that I need to be serious about this. I have alot of belly fat.

Ate lunch today at sandras with Jeff, my friends stood me up. Oh well.
Had grilled salmon and veggie lasagna(gluten free), Both were very good.

tonight ate at whole foods.
( they weigh your food and it weighed a pound and a half!) I over ate.
I had a big salad with roasted califlower, edemame, mushrooms, red peppers, butternut squash, roasted sweet potatoes, spinach and balsamic vinegrette and some beef casserole and chunks of turkey and 3 oz of cheese sticks.....I ate on it a long time. I am still full hours later!
But I only drank water!
Better is better! _________________

bizi 07-10-2016 09:57 AM

It was a great day!
2 of my clients in the afternoon, wanted to hear all about our trip so that was fun retelling some of it. and we get along so well. It is a joy that I get to see them. Our conversations are so thoughtful we talk politics and history, current events and families etc. So healthy stimulation and bonding. I stayed 2 hours at my last clients that put me home later so that cut into our art walk time after a dinner. But some of the galleries were closed so we had plenty of time to see what we wanted to see. The biggest gallery was full of art work that I could not appreciate, huge paintings of geometric shapes, very modern/abstract. You read the little placards and the inspiration is just the shapes were way over my head. sigh. One of the rooms though had gorgeous quilts!!!! They were spectacular. some of them used new techniques, like paintings almost with embroidery. pictures of herons, a 3 dimensional approach. Loved them!!!!
There is a big band concert this afternoon at 3:30. Over 100 members from around the country are coming together to perform this concert. Jeff may come along but is probably going fishing so will drive separately.

I felt so out of touch at art walk last night.
Uncomfortable. They usually have wine and snackies out but since I am dieting/not drinking I felt resentment over not participating. I know these are self imposed limits I set for myself. I have said before ...I am either dieting or gaining weight. I can't seem to get to a good weight and stay there.
Took a much needed shower this morning and getting ready to go to the hub city diner for brunch like usual.

Went to sleep at 11pm, felt really tired then got up at 2:30 to use the bathroom and went back to bed and layed there for 20 minutes, legs had restless leg syndrome so could not sleep. So I got up and took an extra .5mg of klonipin..I should not do that because I don't have extras to spare.( I do have some 1mgs that I hoarded from before but save those for when I really need them like if I drank alot and can't sleep and have to work in the morning).

Jeff read my horoscope and it said something like getting a handle on spending, or something like that. The only real spending spree that I had was of late....350 bottles of nail polish...on sale and discontinued.

have a great sunday!

bizi 07-11-2016 07:58 AM

Slept soundly last night, got up at 7:15 a solid 8 hours of sleep.
Weighed my self. Down 5 pounds in 5 days of not drinking and dieting. I know it is water weight from bloating after drinking so heavily for so long.
Still it is encouraging to see the numbers go down.
Have a great day all.

bizi 07-15-2016 07:03 AM

155 pounds this morning.
BMI= 24.3 which is barely in the area of normal weight almost overweight.
so that is down 4.5 pounds in 11 days. I think some of that is water weight. But hey I will take it.
Have a great day today!
I just figured out the BMI ranges for my height.
118-159 are "within" normal weight for my height.
abdominal measurement should be less than 35 inches.
mine is: 38.5 inches
Which is over weight!

bizi 07-21-2016 07:04 PM

I confessed to jeff this morning that I have sneaked drinks before he got home.
A big 32 ounce "white russian" with ever clear. Drank it in no time right before he came home. I drank one of his IPA'S the night before and I don't even like them!
I don't drink and drive anymore....
Yesterday i decided that I would go to whole foods and have dinner there and drinks as jeff was having dinner out with friends. He would pick me up afterward and then we would go get my car in the morning....I have a pact with one of the bar tenders there. Donna. I wrote out a note saying that I wanted her to not serve me any more than 2 beers. So before going into the bar I had picked up a 500ml of wine bottle. I did not know if she was working or not so I drank the entire bottle of wine in minutes flat out in my car, before going in. She was working and it was steak night so I had a big steak and baked potato with butter and sour cream and some spinach I finished the entire meal , even the skin of the potato! And then had a piece of chantilly cake. I had 2 1/2 pints of beer, one of which was a strong ipa same one as last night that I only drank half of and gave the rest to my hubby who enjoyed it. I only drank it because it was on special and it had a high percentage alcohol content, would get a buzz quicker.
My scrub pants are so tight....You should not be able to see a bulging panty embarrassing.....

I am a mess....

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