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PhilfromOz 08-11-2015 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1142770)
Well, in the past 2 1/2 years I have piled on over 50lbs due to the Mirtazapine making me mentally constantly hungry, and the Metoclopromide emptying my stomach rapidly, leaving me feeling - empty! ALL this weight is the dangerous 'stomach' weight.

So, falling and having my own body mass bust up my ribcage has made me determined to diet. Illness and disability prevent exercise, so it will all be down to will-power, much smaller portions and cutting the rubbish.

Wish me luck.


Good Luck Dave, wishing you well in you quest.
Phil :grouphug:

EnglishDave 08-23-2015 05:56 PM

Surprisingly, another 4.6lbs again this past fortnight. 37lbs in total.

If only my Mood reflected my success with this battle.


Diandra 08-23-2015 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1165321)
Surprisingly, another 4.6lbs again this past fortnight. 37lbs in total.

If only my Mood reflected my success with this battle.


Wow Dave!!!!!

A 37 lb weight loss is remarkable!

You deserve a hot fudge brownie sundae as a reward. ;)

When you set your mind to a task, you have amazing willpower to follow through. What's your secret?

How close are you to your ultimate goal?

Keep up the great work.

DejaVu 08-23-2015 07:10 PM

Congrats Dave! :D

Amazing! You've been through so much extra lately, it's awesome you have been able to stay focused and committed! :D


bluesfan 08-23-2015 09:59 PM

Well done Dave - that's a brilliant achievement.

Forget the hot fudge sundae - if I reached that goal my treat would be a lovely piece of fresh grilled salmon with a side of scallops.

I know you've had to rest up since your last fall but have you noticed any other improvements health wise since the weight loss. ie: easier breathing, sleeping etc?

Sorry I can't remember any more bad jokes to cheer your mood.

Thanks for keeping us posted.

bizi 08-24-2015 08:44 AM

congratulations dave!
wish you felt better.

EnglishDave 08-24-2015 11:21 AM


I am 6lbs off a major target - there may be a Reveal then! Who knew it would come so soon? I was aiming for Christmas.

My Target is 24lbs away.


Steamed salmon is part of my diet, I rotate it with mackerel and sardines. All Sustainably Caught.

I had a big treat last week, flapjack topped with caramel and 1/4inch thick chocolate. It was to celebrate 3 months of being strict. Tasty as it was at 500cals, I had no cravings for more.

I know internally I am getting better, my A1c is good for a Diabetic and I am reversing/protecting my liver issues. It is easier to breathe, especially when laid down, I do not snore as much. It is also easier to drag myself back up from collapses and a little easier to stand from sitting - but that is spinal/neuropathic, not weight.

Thank you all so much for your support, it means so much to me.

bluesfan 08-24-2015 01:30 PM

Glad to hear the weight lost is having discernible improvements on your health.

That first goal only 6lbs away - another few weeks then - keep it up.

Re the salmon - it used to be a regular part of my diet as well until it became too expensive ($35 per kilo) - that's why it's in the treat dept. Most fish in NZ is now too expensive for the average consumer - a lot of it's exported. A lot is also caught in our oceans, shipped to China for processing, and then shipped back here to be sold. Crazy economics. Fortunately it's Hoki season (a local white fish) right now and the price has come down so I'm putting a few fillets in the freezer. The only mackerel & sardines we get down here come in tins.

bizi 08-24-2015 10:14 PM

I am very happy for you dave, keep up the great work that you are doing. It really matters that you succeed!

kiwi33 08-24-2015 10:39 PM

Dave, I reckon that you are travelling really well :).

I am a big fan of salmon (a couple of times a week) too.

EnglishDave 09-05-2015 10:46 AM

Weight loss has slowed this past fortnight to 2.8lbs. I had a difficult week on my own, fending for myself, so the convenience foods came out. I am physically incapable of prepping a meal myself.

I have also been struggling with the feelings of hunger driven by Depression, aggravated by the increased pain.

As per bizi, I must increase my water and fluid intake. The drop off in the loss rate makes me more resolved for the coming fortnight - that Target is tantalisingly close.


bluesfan 09-05-2015 03:11 PM

Hi Dave
Had been wondering how you were doing towards reaching your goal. A week on your own is tough for keeping routine and it's not surprising your weight loss slowed.

I'm somewhat amazed you didn't hit a plateau before this but you've maintained a steady reduction - that's a success. Don't sweat the speed bump - you'll be back on track soon.

The 'depression - hunger - comfort eating' cycle is a difficult beast to tame - try remembering back to what it was like before you started (a good while ago now) and that may reduce temptation - you don't want to go back there.

Hope your family's back soon and you don't have to fend for yourself any more.

Meanwhile here's something to keep you distracted - it's a radio station in NZ that plays the music our generation grew up with - bookmark it - lay back - listen and cruise.

(They're playing Crosby, Stills & Nash - 'Southern Cross' as I write this - personally I believe this should be NZ's national anthem - forget about changing the flag! :D)

EnglishDave 09-05-2015 04:36 PM

Thanks, as always, bluesfan,

My daughter is back now, she put on 2lbs in a week staying with my other daughter. She has charged straight back into the diet, it's the first one she has ever stuck to as I am making all the meal decisions. She just cooks them all and keeps track of her calories and fruit/snacks.

The radio station was playing The Pretenders when I clicked on it - Chrissie Hynde, mmmmm! - I'll have to wait until I can use my Tablet to listen properly, being stuck on my phone doesn't give the power or quality to enjoy.

Despite the rapidly deepening Depression, there is no way I am going back to where I was. Most noticably, the stubborn waist fat is melting away. In 2 or 4 weeks I will feel comfortable in admitting my Starting weight and measures and where I have gotten to.


DejaVu 09-05-2015 06:52 PM

Hi Dave,

Continuing to offer supportive healing energy. :hug:

I get excited when I think I see signs of you participating more often, as I am hoping you continue to feel better and better each day. :D


bizi 09-06-2015 12:18 AM

dave you are still losing weight so that is great!!!!!
1-2 pounds a week is healthy!
keep up your momentum, sorry about your depression...keep up the good fight.

vintagewine 09-06-2015 05:48 AM

I wish you the best of luck Dave on your weight loss. I know you will do it, although it might take longer than you'd like.

I worked so hard to lose weight and I did so well.

But then, I gained weight from one of my past medications and now I can't take it off !!

I guess that's why they call it the " battle of the bulge"


Enna70 09-06-2015 02:38 PM

Although my weight loss is different, I remind myself I didn't gain it overnight so I do not expect to loss overnight. So proud of you Dave. Keep up the fight.
Vintage.....those medications are horrible. So enjoy the new you. When I became less active and couldn't keep off the pounds....I enjoyed food. Didn't deny myself my cravings. So happy I didn't. Due to injury and teeth I had to give up chewing. Gave up a lot of foods cold pun intended.:o and now I am so content with myself because when I could I didn't deprive myself. So I look at this new situation with a positive out look.:grouphug:

bizi 09-13-2015 04:53 AM

How are you dave?

vintagewine 09-13-2015 06:33 AM

Hi Dave,

The 2.8 pounds you lost is much better than if you gained 2.8 lbs.

You're headed in the right direction :-)

I'm trying to draw inspiration from all of you here as I cannot seem to lose the weight I put on because of the last medication I was on.

I should change my name to Duncan..... like the yo-yo !

I keep on going down a couple of pounds, but I gain it right back....down a couple of pounds and right back up.

My will power has not been good at all these days :-(

EnglishDave 09-13-2015 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1170718)
How are you dave?

Hi bizi,

Thank you for asking. The numbness in my right hand and arm, coupled with the pain, makes typing very difficult. I still cannot use my Tablet, so am on my phone with all the additional vision issues.

It is very frustrating, being unable to participate fully here, although I am struggling through reading everybody's Posts.


bizi 09-13-2015 11:07 AM

hugs to you today.

EnglishDave 10-03-2015 09:06 AM


After only losing 1lb in a fortnight, the last 2 weeks I have lost 2lbs again. This has left me EXACTLY 0.2lbs above my first Target. Even going for a pee didn't bring the scales down.



bizi 10-03-2015 11:40 AM

you keep at it and that is important. you are still losing!
keep strong, you are doing great!

bluesfan 10-04-2015 01:56 AM

Hey Dave
So close and yet so far . . . not long to go . . . you'll get there . . . sadly unlike the English team . . . commiserations. Haven't been following the games too closely - timing is wrong and other distractions keeping me busy at present.

Stick to your plan and we'll see you posting that first target success soon I'm sure. YEEHAH! for when you make it.

kiwi33 10-04-2015 02:40 AM

Dave, I have sometimes used you (with no identifying info of course) when I have run tutorials for med students in their pre-clinical years.

I have made the point that here is an example of a guy who is doing everything right - portion control, talking with his health care team, knowing the calorie content of his food and (most important), determination. The students are usually impressed with that.

I am as well :D.

EnglishDave 10-08-2015 05:32 PM

Despite it not being a Weigh-in day I had to jump on the scales, being 0.2lb over my target on Saturday. I have lost 2.2lbs in 5 days! So I am ready to reveal where I came from and where I am.

145 days ago, after a fall breaking my ribs, I weighed 243lbs/110.5kg. Now, after cutting out junk, calorie counting and writing down everything I eat and drink, I have broken 200lbs! I weigh 198lbs/90kg and have lost 45lbs/20.5kg. That is a loss of 18.5% of my bodyweight. My waist, at greatest measurement has gone from 48 to 42 inches. 40 inch trousers are a little loose, 38s a little tight.

I still have a way to go, but this milestone feels good.


Lara 10-08-2015 06:06 PM

Well done Dave! :D

kiwi33 10-08-2015 06:46 PM

Good job Dave - congrats :D!

bizi 10-08-2015 08:34 PM

wow dave!
That is awesome!
YOu have worked so hard to do this and your hard work is paying off.
Keep at it we are cheering you onward.

bluesfan 10-08-2015 11:05 PM

We're going to have to give you a new moniker: "Amazing Dave".

Savor you success and enjoy the well deserved treat you had planned for that milestone.

RSD ME 10-09-2015 04:36 AM

congrats on your awesome weight loss dave! i am so proud of you!

EnglishDave 11-14-2015 11:15 AM

I have been having problems this past fortnight. Darker Depression caused by worry and increased pain, along with the effects of my Mirtazapine and Metoclopramide, have made me eat more - especially at night. I do not sleep well and have taken to easing my hunger with extra cereal bars. This has driven up the guilt and made the Depression worse, it is just the way I am.

On the plus side, I thought I would have put on weight, I have actually lost another half pound.

Back to being strong-willed and dieting properly.


bizi 11-14-2015 11:54 AM

I am thinking of you and rooting for you dave. I believe in you.

DejaVu 11-14-2015 02:18 PM

Congrats, Dave!
Hi Dave,

Wow! Outstanding! :D

You are doing such a great job!
I know it's not easy, especially when mobility is limited.
Thanks for the inspiration!


EnglishDave 01-22-2016 08:48 AM

Due to the Holidays, Depression and Mirtazapine I have been having a tough time. I still record everything and count calories, but overnight I have felt gnawing hunger. I believe this to be purely mental, yet I have succumbed somewhat. I wake roughly every hour during the night due to pain and every 2nd waking I have been snacking on cereal bars (100cals). This promotes feelings of guilt and I have been avoiding the scales for the past couple of months.

Today I decided to check out the damage. This past week we have stripped the kitchen of all the junk accrued over the Holiday period, so it is time to buckle down and follow my diet properly again. And the snacking damage? I had reached 197lbs, surprisingly I still register at dead on 200lbs - just a 3lb gain. My restrictions during the days offset the nights. I am happily surprised with this.

My new Target is 182lbs - 13 stone in our 'old currency'. That should be a pretty good weight for me.


bizi 01-22-2016 09:31 AM

Dear dave,
my friend, I am sorry that you are dealing/ battling with depression, pain and guilt.
Shake off the negative feelings and embrace the new year. Is there anyway to ask for better pain control, increased pain meds????
Do they understand the extent of your pain?

EnglishDave 01-22-2016 09:54 AM

Oh boy, bizi! Does my wonderful Pain Management Consultant understand my levels of pain! He is an Anaesthetist who runs the Pain Clinic. He has me on:

Lidocaine Infusions - 4 weekly.
Tramadol - 100mg 4x day
Ketamine - 30-60mg 4x day
Morphine - 10mg 4x day
Arcoxia - 30mg 1x day.

The Topiramate I take for Cluster Headaches has the side effect that it dulls my Neuropathic Facial Pain/Paresthesia/TN by 25%, but it still varies between a constant nagging and occasional excruciating pain.

I have reviews every year and can see him more often if I need to. At the end of my Lidocaine cycle, when my meds have worn off or I have been a little active my pain is around 9. Doped up completely it is taken down to a 5. Of course, when Cluster Headaches attack all quantifying numbers are meaningless.


bizi 01-22-2016 10:08 AM


NurseNancy 01-22-2016 03:49 PM

hi dave,
i don't know why but i've completely missed your thread, but, here i am now.

what an amazing achievement your weight loss has been. i've fought with my
weight all my life so i understand how hard it is. i'm in awe of you. especially with dealing with pain.

i'm curious...what does the metoprolol have to do with weight issues?
i'm on it. just 1/2 tablet/day.

since i've just about decided not to have gastric bypass i made a push to improve my A1C. i'm ashamed to say it was 9.7 and i just got it down to 8.7.
a big feat for me. however, my scale hasn't moved. you're making much better food choices than i am but i'm working on changing that.

don't write back to me if it's hard. i just wanted you to know i'm impressed.
sometimes in weight loss you'll come to a plateau. it's just your body readjusting. don't be hard on yourself. give it some time.

best dave,

EnglishDave 01-22-2016 07:20 PM

Hi Judy,

First of all, thank you for dragging yourself through my Thread:) It is an ongoing journey I am attacking with renewed vigour now.

Re: you picking up on the Metoprolol reference, that was actually a meds 'flashback' mistake. I meant to write Metoclopramide, which reduces nausea by emptying the stomach contents into the intestines rapidly. I took Metoprolol as well up until a few years ago for heart/anxiety issues. It can actually cause some weight gain. Sorry for the confusion.

You have done very well to cut your A1c number. That is another reason for my diet, and I will know this year's number next week when I see my Diabetes Nurse for my full check up. I have had my Bloods taken already.

The best dieting tool I have found is to write everything you eat and drink down on a daily chart, with the number of calories and carbs (for Diabetes control) alongside. Being pretty much housebound I aim for 1200-1400cals per day. Over the past month I have found around 1800cals keeps my weight pretty much stable. Writing everything down makes you feel accountable to yourself and makes it easy to see where all the 'empty' calories are.

Of course, having everyone here for support and now having my daughter dieting with me helps tremendously.


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