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SandyC 08-30-2008 11:18 AM

Hi Judy, good to hear your pain in somewhat under control. Enjoy your massage today!

NurseNancy 08-30-2008 03:52 PM

it was a good massage. no rebound pain. i came straight home.
now i'm ready for a nap. i'll try my bed first, no screaming. but i have the couch made up just in case.

otherwise i'm in this wk/e. still plenty i could accomplish here.

later gators.

DM 08-30-2008 04:25 PM

Hey Judy~ Glad to hear your massage helped. Hope you squeezed a nap in, too.

I'll be good if AMN will. (crossing fingers)

We aren't camping this wkend, as our town is having a Labor Day celebration and lots of people home for a visit. It's busy, but I'm taking it in stride.

I had my annual check up Thurs and I have to start watching my sugar and fat intake. (gasp) Geez, I just went Thurs and already got my low cholesterol/low sugar diet from her in the mail. Talk about "leaning" on me. She is a good Doc though, and that's why I travel 90 mins for my appt. But, I was happy that my renal GFR came back to normal, so I was able to get my Boniva IV inj. BUT DRAT!!!! I have lost one inch in height!!! BOOOOO!

She thinks I may have some compression fx's that are the culprit and is concerned about my hip. I said I'd have a scan in Sept *or Oct*. I am just too busy right now.

Double Geez, I used to be 5'3" and am now barely 5'2". *grrrrrrr*

Well, Judy dear..... rest up and check in when you can. Next wk is a big one for you and we'll all be right here, cheering you on.

Take care Sweetie~~~

AfterMyNap 08-30-2008 04:57 PM

Oh dear, dear Judy, I see that you have a fly on the wall.


All better! (mmm, that wasn't a fly, it was a bat... of the genus "ding") oh, well!:D

I'm lying low this weekend myself, no plans, no travel... no life.:o This was supposed to be my mellow week before a jaunt so I had declined the invite I had and made no other plans, lol, so much for that one! It's okay, I'm not taking the warm sun too well anyway.

I just got up from a nap myself and I must have needed it.

I'm glad you had a good massage, were you able to lie fully prone, or were the girls still being difficult?

NurseNancy 08-30-2008 10:37 PM

well, we all slept this time. i finally got my afternoon nap.
the girl cooperated altho at times i had some burning pain. but readjusting helped.

sorry about your height DM. now we can see eye to eye in the hallway at 0400. i'm soooo glad that your kidney studies came back wnl. yay!

i'm sleeping better at nite too and i think that's one reason my pain levels are down.

if anyone lives in the hurricane's path God speed. i'm sending prayers to all my cyber friends that may have to evacuate etc.

Taffy 08-31-2008 10:40 AM

Glad you are sleeping better Judy. Sleep is so important for ya!

DM...How can that be? You are such a thin little thing.

(Let that go to her head....)

SandyC 08-31-2008 10:57 AM

Glad your doing Ok Judy! You;ve been through so much and it's nice to hear things are looking up. :hug:

DM, sorry about the height news. Hope it's nothing real serious. Do you think falling on your hip made things worse? I'll pray the xrays come out OK.

NurseNancy 08-31-2008 03:37 PM

i was bad last nite. i fell asleep in my chair and woke up at 0400.
went to bed til 0730 and got up.
needless to say i don't feel as good as i did yesterday.

i'll do as AMN says. take the pills and go directly to bed. don't pass GO and don't collect the $200. i'll pass on jail but take the get out of jail card with me.

been doing stuff around the apt. do something then sit....

can't wait for fall and the weather to change. this wk it's supposed to cool to about 80 :D

hope you're all having a fun wk/e. :)

Taffy 08-31-2008 04:16 PM

Oh no Judy!:eek: I hope tonight is better for you!:hug:

NurseNancy 08-31-2008 09:21 PM

thanks taff,

how are you?
what are you up to?
havn't "talked" in awhile.

Taffy 08-31-2008 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by NurseNancy (Post 358898)
thanks taff,

how are you?
what are you up to?
havn't "talked" in awhile.

Thanks are so sweet!:hug:

Still fighting these silly headaches!:mad:
I have some other things going on and they keep taking my blood!:mad:
Like this last time....she said, "Oh, are going to have a bruise."
I just keep thinking...Where is my Judy? She wouldn't bruise me!:hug:
Ah...If I learn anything...I will let you know!

soxmom 08-31-2008 10:52 PM

Good luck this week Judy. I hope all goes as well as it can.


AfterMyNap 09-01-2008 07:58 AM

You'll do great this week, dear Judy! No fear, we're here!:hug::grouphug:

Things are quiet in these here parts. Weight is in the right zone and I have been obeying my own rules.

The sun has been kicking my butt more than ever this year. It's so not fair, I'm weak enough, dangit!:mad:

Now that Jack seems to have landed at a pretty stable zone, I can get out some and not be paranoid the whole time. This means that I can finally have the jungle atop my head pruned back. It's a 4-hour friend date every time I go to have my cut/color session so that's something to look forward to.

I had left my slate totally clear for Sept. in anticipation of being occupied otherwise and now I have a blank calendar staring up at me! What to do??? I suppose this is a sign to get rid of more unused junk and clothing. Where's Bewitched when I need her?:eek:

NurseNancy 09-01-2008 03:50 PM

thanks sox. good to hear from you. what's going on in your neck of the woods?
how are YOU?

thanks taff. i hope you're ok and sending headache vibes to you.

cin, glad things are more stable. except for the radiation my calendar looks pretty sparse too. i cleared a lot of stuff away in july. from what i hear i'm going to be pretty tired. we'll see.

today is an in day. relaxing and starting to go thru my clothes to make the switch to fall. ever so slightly as it can be hot in sept or we can get snow. go figure. colorado.

have nothing to do tomorrow either. wed is the simulation. it sounds like i'm going to outer space or something. anyone else been thru radiation? tips?

AfterMyNap 09-01-2008 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by NurseNancy (Post 359469)
anyone else been thru radiation? tips?

Yeah, I've been through tips. Had to do it for a wedding. The worst part was when they started peeling but I couldn't just pop them off. DM does gets new claws all the time too.

SandyC 09-01-2008 05:19 PM

Hi Judy! Your making me feel the need to go through my closet again. I need some new clothes but have to be a good girl and not spend right now after I bought the new beds. We bought the SAT (Self Adjusting Technology) mattresses with the adjustable base. They are cheaper than the Sleep Number bed and feel so good! I bit the bullet since the VA keeps giving Jim camping mattresses. :rolleyes: I even called and suggested they consider them for vets but I was welcomed about as much as a limp noodle. They costs too much I guess.

Jim is having yet another UTI. If the antibiotics don't work or he gets sick from them he has to go into the hospital. :( This time he has two bugs, ecoli and enterococcus which are only sensitive to Macrobid this time. If you remember last time Jim took this med he was deathly ill. Well, for some reason, this time he's fine. :confused: I think God is watching over him and letting him stay where he's comfortable, at home, for now.

I will be thinking of you Judy as you start your radiation. Don't be scared or nervous. My mom and grandma did radiation and were fine during and after. My grandma used to tease that she looked like someone whooped her with an exposed wire on her chest. She was always joking about things even though I know she was scared. My mom on the other hand never talked about it. She just went and had it done and acted like nothing happened. I think she was just grateful it wasn't chemo.

:hug: Judy!

DM 09-01-2008 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 359507)
Yeah, I've been through tips. Had to do it for a wedding. The worst part was when they started peeling but I couldn't just pop them off. DM does it all the time too.

*taking funny looking cigarette from AMN* :p

What are you talking about?? Have you been in the sauce again? haha

Hey Judy dear~ As everyone said, we are here for you. Lots of rest and just let us know how your'e doing when you can. Keeping you in my prayers, dear friend. :hug::hug::hug::hug:

AfterMyNap 09-02-2008 08:53 AM

How are you this day, dear Judy?

Okay in MI but we're headed for a scorcher so it will be a quick trip to the store (LMAO: "quick") and then an inny all the way.

DM 09-02-2008 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 359985)
How are you this day, dear Judy?

Okay in MI but we're headed for a scorcher so it will be a quick trip to the store (LMAO: "quick") and then an inny all the way.

I didn't know you had an "inny" AMN???~~~??? Always considered you to have an ''outtie" hahahahahaha (too early in the day to be this freakin funnnnnnnny) hahahhahaha

Supposed to be HOT here, too!

Hey Judy wudy? How's our star pupil today??

TWEEEEEEEEEEEEET! *just for ole time's sake*

Thinking of ya and sending lots of :hug::hug::hug::hug:

NurseNancy 09-02-2008 01:38 PM

sandy, i'm really sorry to hear about jim's infection.
i hope he tolerates the med and gets well soon.
the bed sounds great. i'm glad i spent the $$$ on my tempurpedic. didn't even need to break it in. just went to sleep.

thanks guys.
i actually slept good last nite.
walked first thing this am.
darn weight is stable. i'd like to drop 5#.

i got a lot accomplished yesterday in my closet. now have to start on my drawers. my aim is to just have at hand what fits and suits the season. it hurts me to put away some clothes as i've gained weight. but...

the weather is great here right now. 60 today, 70 tomorrow.

i'm very grateful that my cancer was caught so early and that i don't need chemo. i'm expecting the radiation to go fine. still trying to decide on a time of day that will work for me. i'll see what they have available.

NurseNancy 09-02-2008 01:41 PM

oh, been meaning to ask this.
when i click on the mood thingy it's blank. no words to pick from.

however, when i scroll down i will hit on a blue line (again, no words). if i click on the blue line i will get a word.

anyone know how to get the words back?
i used to have them.

DM 09-02-2008 03:28 PM

Judy~ AMN's gonna throttle you about that mood thingy! ha!

Just click on the "my mood" bar and it should drop down.


Glad your'e heading into your tx w/your determined and fearless leader attitude. You totally are an ANIMAL.

Oh Sandy~ I'm sorry Jim is sick again. He sure has had his share. Tell him his NT friends are keeping him in their thoughts and prayers.

I admire him. have a good afternoon all.

*biffing AMN* wake up and get on this thread. TWEEEEEEEEEEET~

I always have to do everything.

AfterMyNap 09-02-2008 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by DM (Post 360176)
Judy~ AMN's gonna throttle you about that mood thingy! ha!

Just click on the "my mood" bar and it should drop down.


Glad your'e heading into your tx w/your determined and fearless leader attitude. You totally are an ANIMAL.

Oh Sandy~ I'm sorry Jim is sick again. He sure has had his share. Tell him his NT friends are keeping him in their thoughts and prayers.

I admire him. have a good afternoon all.

*biffing AMN* wake up and get on this thread. TWEEEEEEEEEEET~

I always have to do everything.

What's my name? AFTER my NAP!

AfterMyNap 09-02-2008 06:17 PM

Good girl, dear Judy, sometimes we just gotta purge the stuff!

In Safari, the moods don't show up unless you highlight the words, just pick and invisible one and you'll be able to see them one at a time.

Sandy, tell Jim to eat some of that yogurt Jamie Lee is pushing, she said it will fix your life. She promised!

NurseNancy 09-02-2008 08:20 PM

thanks cin.
that's just what's happening. at least i know it's normal for my PC.
i'm not really crazy.

NO ONE IS TO ANSWER THAT with any funny jokes :D

curious was ansy so i put him in my 99 year old bedpan. he's watching one of my plants. i wish i could post a pic for you to see the stamp inside. made in 1809. almost 100 years old. i LOVE it.

sunny is still on my dreadmill. i like her there.
i got one of those bike peddling devices. you can sit in a chair and bike.
i'm doing that once a day and i'll see how far i can turn the tension up. as soon as it's too much it goes down a notch. got to keep my legs moving. they get really bad in the afternoon and evg.

well, i'll check in tomorrow.

Taffy 09-02-2008 09:48 PM

Oh..oh...Sandy, tell Jim to stop that! He needs to stay well!

Judy...thinking of you!:hug:

Dm..Naps..thinking of you alright...


DM 09-03-2008 07:58 AM

*rubbing eyes*

Did I just see a Twerpy Twiffy run by here? NAH!

Hello and good morning dear Judy! Sounds like you've got things under control. I am so proud of you for the way you have entered into this new phase of your life. You have helped so many here w/your weight journey (yes, it's ups and downs) and now, as you enter into your tx, you are inspiring us yet again. Your determination and grace amazes me.

Just remember to take things slow, rest as much as possible, keep that Iron Will and smile, b/c we all care about you so much. HMHY LMLY

Oh what the heck.... *tripping AMN and Twiffy as I leave thread* That really felt good.

SandyC 09-03-2008 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 360281)

Sandy, tell Jim to eat some of that yogurt Jamie Lee is pushing, she said it will fix your life. She promised!

LMAO! :p:p:p

NurseNancy 09-03-2008 04:08 PM

hi guys,

i need a moment to unload...i'm ****** off. i hate that this is happening to me.
i hate that i have to live with pain everyday. i hate that i can't sleep when i have to get my body in bed in the afternoon. and i hate that i have to have radiation thrust into my body every day. i hate that i have to get up at 0715 to make a 0900 appt. i HATE all this carp! :mad:

now...i have to plan to shower the nite before so i can conserve energy for the next morning. if i lay down in the afternoon, even if i don't sleep, that will still help my body. if i utilize my pain meds and go for my wkly massages that will help my pain.

i am really glad that the cancer was caught early, that the surgery was successful and that radiation will help prolong my life. and even that the darn tamoxifen will be there to give me another 30-40% chance of no recurrence.

they may be able to give me a 1030 appt after a few wks.

but, i still hate it!

now...i lost a lb this am. i really didn't eat last nite. i was very good and stayed busy with some other things.
i walked this am before i left the house.
i used the bike thingy too.

i have to stay strong. i will stay strong. I AM STRONG. whew, so there.

SandyC 09-03-2008 06:35 PM

You are strong Judy but even the strongest need to unload their frustrations once in awhile. :hug:

Cindy said you can use her as a pillow and throw it. Go ahead, she really said it. She did! DM told me so. :D

Taffy 09-03-2008 08:27 PM

Yep, let it all out Judy!

When you are done with pillow top, Nappy there, here is DM.....

NurseNancy 09-03-2008 08:53 PM

i love the idea of using nappy as a pillow punching bag to unload my pent up feelings :D

oh nappy? where aaarrrreeee youuuuu?

AfterMyNap 09-04-2008 08:33 AM


*frantically dialing phone*

Yes, Acme Armor Supply?...

NurseNancy 09-04-2008 01:00 PM

they won't answer cin. DM took all they had. tee hee :D

home from radiation. as expected didn't feel a thing. it went well and on time.
however, by the time i left the house (about 0830) and left (0930) it turned out to be an hr. maybe with time it will go faster, but i don't go faster. so i better allow an hr for the whole thing.

i went out to brkfst after. it was very nice. i relaxed. had eggs. read the paper and came home. i may do that a few times/wk. i know AMN will hit me but i'm careful to eat the right things.

i'm going to my massage which is today. then they're all on sat. sort of a reward at the end of the wk. plus if i'm tired i don't have to go back out.
i'm sure i'll come home and go to bed.

i was really ticked last nite. i was very tired. took my pills at 2130 and went to bed. after an hr i wasn't asleep, or tired. i got up and ate something :( and was up til about 1130. then i think i fell asleep. maybe a little warm milk before bed. i want to go to bed by 2200 cause if i'm going to radiation at 0900 i need to be up by 0730.

oh, i'm rambling. does any of that make sense? bluh

at least the weather is g r e a t here. enjoying that.

JustWeave 09-05-2008 08:50 AM

Hi Judy. I just peeked in and tried to get caught up on your news. Vent away as needed. You know this is a safe place to do so. Still sending you healing thoughts and gentle hugs.

AfterMyNap 09-05-2008 11:20 AM

Okay, dear Judy, I thought you were going to stay in bed and read instead of raiding the fridge! That's 2 demerits. Go to your room.:mad:

You have a new day today to make the right choices, you can do it! *TWEEEEEEEEE*

NurseNancy 09-05-2008 01:44 PM

why are you scared my little friend? :hug:

i know cin. thanks for the paddling. *judy checking her skinny butt in the mirrow* :eek:

just a quick note for now before i hit the sack, and it's only 1230. i'm beat.
it looks like my appts are going to be at 0900. i've already got a routine down so i'll live with it. it's temporary.

i've noticed that the left girly has been a bit discolored. a rather large area wrapping around the right side of the brst. but yesterday the color deepened and it's markedly red. not warm to the touch. no fever. i showed it to the dr today and he started me on antibx, keflex i think. i thought it might be the radiation but the skin change doesn't happen that fast.

out to brkfst. i have a new best bud at IHOP. my waitress takes good care of me. then grocery shopping. now i'm home and going to rest. it's an in wk/e so i'll get lots of that. i hope i can sleep. that would be even better.

later gators.

NurseNancy 09-05-2008 06:04 PM


i'm so tired but i can't fall asleep.
my breast hurts. it's red and swollen and my armpit hurts.
i took my 2nd dose of antibx. tomorrow at 1000 will be 24 hrs. i really hope this works.

the weather is downright dreary today. but comfortably cold.
what are you all doing this wk/e?

AfterMyNap 09-05-2008 07:47 PM

Judy, I know I'm preaching to the choir, but will a cool epsom compress help at all?

I hope she calms down enough for you to get a decent sleep tonight. Damn girls.:mad:

I was going to lead myself into temptation at a huge thing this weekend, but came to my senses when I paid my bills.:thud:

So, tonight, my bro came down for beer and pizza and tomorrow I'll get back to purging my closet and a few other errands. Not sure about Sun, I was invited to a pool party but might beg off, I do great IN the water but getting TO and then OUT of it are quite an ordeal nowadays. We'll see.:rolleyes:

I hope you 3 girls can simmer down and get some sleep!

Taffy 09-05-2008 08:42 PM

Oh..I hope the flames go out of the chest fun!:mad:

I made it through the first week back to work at school.

Nice group of kids!

But, it sure feels like a long short week!:eek:

(I get to sit with the girl that needs to eat Fritos! Bless that child!:D)
(Let me show you how honey!:D)

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