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janster 11-28-2006 12:19 AM

OK you guys.......member how I said I got a one pound box of candy from a date about a month ago? Also member how I pigged out on it?

(That was my Lost in Space Robot imitation)
He sent a TWO pound box today!! and I just went out and counted the number of pieces that were gone, and there were 7 gone!!! Yes, I am the only one here today...... but, OH MANNN I think he's trying to fatten me up some more so no one wants to look at me so he can keep me all to himself! Wrongo! The last box he gave me on a date I made my daughter in law eat the last part of it so I wouldn't. It's Abdullahs--an excellent brand made in the cities--Burnsville I think, and it's heaven. Hand made if I'm not mistaken, I just got pi$$ed cuz I promissed myself just ONE MORE, so I went and took so long to decide, then put it away, bit into it and was so disappointed----it was a chocolate covered cherry-- yuk--I was expecting a white creme drop or cocoanut or somthing good......

WHAT THE BLAZES AM I GONNA DO WITH ALL OF THAT CANDY? I HAVE NO WILLPOWER!! I don't wanna give it away--Laura doesn't need it--she's gaining back lots of weight from her bypass surgery--it's getting bad!! Poor thing....... Brady said there's a guy at work that has had that same surgery 3--yes that is a 3--times. I didn't know they could keep having the surgeries. Thought once they had one and blew it, tough luck, but guess not. I wish I could have one, but not that drastic.

Time to go to bed. I'm typing all k's again on here---nodding off. Oh, I pi$$ed off Iowa guy--not going to Indiana this weekend with him. Hey BC, I think I was coming close to you maybe. Northern Indiana I think he said. He was gonna go to a big hog and boar sale. Oh well, one more down.....

beddy bye time.

Curious 11-28-2006 12:24 AM

re bag it up and tie a pretty bow on it. give it to your mail man.

Attachment 429

or would you like my address? :p

:::slaps hand::: not send them to send don't

i'm having left and right brain fights ....:o

janster 11-28-2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 42962)
:::slaps hand::: not send them to send don't

Why not send a piece to everyone? That way we could all enjoy it, and I wouldn't put on 10 pounds, and it would be going to my friends!! I could put a piece in a baggie and in an envelope with your addresses on! The only problem is it would cost me 39 cents for each piece---OoooKKKKKKK you guys ARE worth it. (but it was a closie!!) :eek:

So, anyone that wants a piece of Abdullah candy, (am I spelling that right?) email me your home address, and I'll send you a piece of candy! Hey--I'm liking this!!

Ho Ho Ho Little Santa Sister is spreading her candy cheer. I need to get out more.......she wonders if the candy will get flattened by the Post Office's machines.....:confused: Well, they'll be in a baggie, so still eatable.

We should see what we can get by mailing in an envelope to each other!! That would be a hoot!! Couldn't ya just see one of those marshmallow santas all stretched out the size of the envelope? hehehe Or, pour out a crispie cookie...... well, I think it would be a blast......giggling
Little Santa Sister
Jan the Candy (Wo)man :D

Fancylady_2006 11-28-2006 03:26 AM

Jan, you are so thoughful~
Jan, your candy idea sounds lovely! I can't believe I am saying this. I have been eating some already. I told myself that I needed the added strength in order to get my work done.

Now I have over worked and paying big time for that. I have got my knee hurting and I can't sleep. I have tried everything and nothing is working. Mark & I raked leaves most of the afternoon. it is supposed to rain today. That is why I pushed myself. it wasn't worth it now though. He swepted the yard and it does look nice now.

I am expecting company this morning. My cousin & wife are on there way to Fl and are coming past here. Sure wish I could go along. This weather isn't bad, but it is suppose to change Thursday and snow. Not looking forward to that.

Well I better close and see if I can drift off again.

Sherloc56 11-28-2006 01:14 PM

Thanks everyone!
Well as it stands right now I am so unsure of what to do. Jamie swears he is ok now...but!!! I have tried to get him to tell me what made him slip and feel like he had to go that direction but nothing yet. He is one that has a hard time talking. Me....I hafta get it out! So it makes it hard sometimes. He isn't a bad man. Like I said he has never raised a hand to me. I am hoping it was a one time thing. After 7 years I was totally shocked he even did it! He swears he is sorry and he loves me and blah, blah, blah! Do I stay, or do I go.....ennie,meenie, miney mo!! :confused:

Jan send me some of that scrumptious chocolate please!! My major weakness! I have lost a few pounds but not intentionally. STRESSSSSS!!!!! But ya know what? I am gonna be fine!! Betcha that!

Thanks everyone for letting me put my problems out there on you. You are all the greatest!!

janster 11-28-2006 03:20 PM

Sher, honey, you know I'm behind you whatever your decision is. I just want you to be happy. YOU need to do what makes you happy. If you don't, so one will. Life is too short to not be happy. Now, will you please tell my brother and sister that?????? My biological sister---not the ones on here--you guys are cool. I will back you 100% whatever you decide to do sweetie!

PM me your address and your candy will be in the mail! Wonder if it will get there....... This is gonna be SO much fun!!! Any special request as to which piece? I got the dumb chocolate covered cherry yesterday, so we don't hafta worry about that one not making it. I just SO HATE those!! Did that stop me from eating it?? NOOOOOOO!! Oh, sorry for yelling.:o

Anyway, I await your address and choice of candy. hehehe--or, I should say, hohoho!

Sherloc56 11-28-2006 04:26 PM

:eek: You ate my favorite one!! I LOVE Chocolate covered cherries!! But carmel and nuts are good too! :D

Thanks Jan. I know what I NEED to do. Its just doing it!

bizi 11-28-2006 06:13 PM

Dear Jan,
Could you hide the candy in the freezer?
Taht way you could get a peice out when you want....
I could not do this....I just have to eat it all then it would no longer be a temptation.
There is always the obvious answer...throw it away or give to a neighbor or yes the mail man!
WE have no trouble throwing out spoiled food throw it away!
I know.....much easier said than done.
I completely understand your situation....

froglady 11-28-2006 07:43 PM

I stole a froggie! Oh boy I stole a cute one Curious! LOL

I ate a microwave dinner 290 calories and then made a thick p-nut butter and honey sandwich all after super and before bedtime last night. Bad girl, bad girl, bad girl, ummmmmmmm it sure was good though! :D

janster 11-28-2006 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by froglady (Post 43260)
made a thick p-nut butter and honey sandwich :D

Here we go again.............

Back away from that 2nd peanut butter and honey sandwich........ you heard me a day is enough...........

:D :D

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