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soxmom 09-30-2009 08:13 AM

Hey all , I am down thirty pounds!!!:D I see the doc next week about
new high blood pressure meds. I have a few more pounds to go(few, hee
hee) so onward I march.:D

Glad things are stable Judy.:hug: Everyone else...hello to you.:)

NurseNancy 09-30-2009 04:52 PM

OMG sox! that's fantastic! :D

how are you doing it if you don't mind me asking?
i hope you won't need ANY meds for the BP. is it more stable.

i got my hair done today. it's a good thing i told her not to go too short because she went really short. but, my hair grows fast.

i ran some errands. went to AAA and got a FLA map.
massage tomorrow so i'll be hurting but fri will be better.
my wt is bouncing all over the place. i gained 9 lbs and now i've lost 4, about ready to hit 5.

i also got a new computer chair. it was half price too. it's leather with a memory foam seat. i think it's going to work. yay!

SandyC 09-30-2009 05:09 PM

Sox that is amazing!!!!!!!!! :hug:

I'm with Judy, bouncing away.

Judy, glad you got a new chair! I never heard of one with a memory foam seat. I want one now. lol

soxmom 10-01-2009 08:32 AM

Thanks guys.

Judy...well, this is what I am doing. Im trying to eat well balanced meals
but do sneak in small treats here and there. The biggest change is
I eat my largest meal at noon. I sit with my family at dinner but dont
eat...Then while I am picking up dishes, I have a small snack. Then I
usually eat a peice of fruit before bed.

Now I need to joing the Y or something so I can swim. Its the only
thing I can do without major pain. I swam all summer doing laps in our
pool, but unfortunately we live in New England so its a short season.

Onward and downward:D

NurseNancy 10-02-2009 03:27 PM

hi guys,
gosh, another wk/e is upon us. i thought i had a PT appt at 0900 so i got up at 0700 and got into the shower. then i realized i didn't get a reminder call about the appt. they always call. i'm sure i set this up with the therapist or i wouldn't have written it in my book.

anyway, i called this am and sure enuf they didn't have me down. so i did the only reasonable thing that any normal MS person would do. i went back to bed!

tomorrow i have brkfst with lenora, then i'm going over to my friend's house. her son just bought a 3 mo old bulldog named biggy. i just have to go over to see him.

then sunday is the game. we're 3 and 0. yay! and the rockies are going to the playoffs, again (baseball). yay! this is really a sports town. last yr basketball went to the playoffs. we did lousy, but we went. but, football is my fav. GO BRONCOS.

DM 10-04-2009 06:35 PM

Hello Judy dear and everyone else. Wow, have been offline more than on, but yes Judy, we are camping a bunch. The season is winding down, so I'll probably be around more when the colder weather hits. *grumble*

I am still doing PT for my neck and the therapist has been working a ton of magic on me. Now, if I could just stop stumbling/falling, I wouldn't undo all his hard work.

take care all and I'll check back in again.

HMHY Judy wudy!

NurseNancy 10-04-2009 08:57 PM

good to hear from you dearest princess.
i don't like to hear about stumbling but glad your PT is working.

i hate the pool and maybe tomorrow will be my last pool PT. we're backing off to 30" from 60". it takes me 1/2hr to get dried off and dressed. i feel like i've got 100lb wts on my legs. then i have to sit in the lobby for 10" before i can make it out to my car. then i come home and sleep for a couple of hrs.

and, the goal is to teach me the exercises there so then i can take it to a community pool. did i say i hate it?

tues i'm going to a brief workshop given by my financial planner on long term care. i've had a policy since '96 but have some Q's and want his take on it. i don't even think i could get another policy since the CA and MS.

i spent a nice day sat with lenora. we sat and talked for 3 hrs. we almost had to have brkfst and lunch. then i went to play with my other friend's son's little 3 mo old bulldog. gosh was he cute and so playful. i know my BP came down 10 points.

sunday was the football game. it was hard fought but we won; 4 and 0. go DENVER! hope your wk/e was good.

AfterMyNap 10-06-2009 11:28 AM

Hi, all, Sox! You animal! That's awesome, you go girl!

I have the grave misfortune to report that I'm too sexy for my skinny girl plaids! This just bites the big one and I'm not sure what's going on, I am not doing anything much different than I usually do.

I have a wedding out of town this weekend and have been trying to be mellow on my spastic back while keeping the movement. Sheesh, can't win.

Thanks to Ken Burns, I have a hankering to get back to Yellowstone again. Crap. Could I please have about $10k ya'll (for liposuction)?

Judy, you have no right to hate the pool! take a different approach, get yourself a microfleece sport suit, wear your simsuit to the pool, ride your scooter in, do the pool, get out of the swim suit, towel off as much as possible and jump right back into the fleece nekkid and then go home to change.

This will do you two favors, you get to use your own shower & conveniences and it will keep you from making a lunch date after every swim!!!

NurseNancy 10-06-2009 02:20 PM ANIMAL! thanks for the advice. i think i'm actually going to try my own pool. i'll take a cane and keep it right by the edge near the steps. and see if i can get in and out. that will make it all much simpler.

sorry about the plaids. how 'bout a tailor?
isn't PBS/Burns just beautiful? a trip out west?
yay for me!

i went to the workshop on LTC insurance. very interesting. i made an appt with my financial planner to discuss a few things.

tomorrow appt, thurs massage.

NurseNancy 10-07-2009 08:10 PM

i had an appt this am and then went grocery shopping. OY.
i was exhausted by the time i got home and put the groceries away.
today was about 68 degrees and i knew i should do it today because tomorrow it's supposed to be 30 degrees colder and some snow.

our first snow of the season, and also for this wk/e.
i guess i should enjoy it because next winter i should be in FL.
i've been watching the nat'l weather and it's still 92 in FL!

cathy was in the St. Pete area but they didn't like it. they're heading back towards orlando and St. Augustine.

massage tomorrow. fri i may go to a friend's house and my brother will be in town so he's coming for dinner.

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