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NurseNancy 08-14-2009 09:31 PM

ps...sandy, how are jim's legs? i hope he's better. we all have to keep searching for answers to our problems.

NurseNancy 08-17-2009 08:05 PM

i got 6 more PT visits approved for the lymphedema.
in a wk or 2 i'll start the pool therapy.

boy was i tired today. i laid down 3 times. a record for me.
the muscle pain is better but my butt and legs are relentlessly tight.
maybe the pool will help. i hope i can do it. it's 92 degrees. may be too hot.

my friend and i got tickets to see Yo Yo Ma in dec. i got the last 2 tickets for the handicapped section on tier 2. pretty good seats. only thing is it's at 1930. i'll really have to plan to be able to tolerate being up that time of day. doesn't that sound ridiculous? 1930! the shank of the evg and i'm getting ready for bed at 2200. mostly it's the pain so hopefully by then it'll be better. i've already dug on my binocs.

soxmom 08-18-2009 07:45 AM

Wow..that sounds great Judy(except for the time)...You will just have to
rest extra the next day....yesterday, we got tickets to see Bill Cosby in
October...its a birthday present for my dh.....Bill Cosby used to play tennis
at the same indoor club (winter club) as my parents. He would always take
time to make the kids, who were waiting on parents, laugh.:)

Well, its too hot to even think about getting some excercise but Ive been
spending the days in the pool as its the only thing that gets rid of my
creepy crawlies that come out in the heat.:(:mad: I guess Im lucky
I have a pool.:);)

Everyone stay cool and painfree!:hug::hug:

NurseNancy 08-18-2009 06:25 PM

it sounds like you're idling away the summer sox.
i'm glad you're doing well.

i had my carpet cleaned this am (whoo hoo) so went out for a bit to let it dry.
then i came home and took a 2 hr nap. (whoo hoo). :D

this wk will be a quiet wk. NO dr appts! :eek: now that's hard to believe!

SandyC 08-18-2009 07:47 PM

Sorry I've been MIA everyone. Jim's legs are doing well and he is pleased with the Botox and willing to keep going so far. The spasms are still there but less. The tightness hasn't changed much but nothing a little leg massage can't fix.

He is having some weird facial breakout, rash like. I think he's starting to develop some reaction to the Beta so we're gong to try adding Benedryl when he takes a shot.

Other than that all is quiet around here. I frickin' gained all my weight back and I can't see how since I have been working my butt off all summer. Jim thinks it's muscle weight from lifting all the supplies and building our pond. That's all grand but darnit! my pants are tight! Argh. :rolleyes:

Hope your pain gets under control Judy. :hug:

AfterMyNap 08-18-2009 08:48 PM

Hey, guys, I'm still kickin' and eating a little carelessly. I admit to eating one of those awesome cinnamon buns at the HiEx the other day.:eek:

Tonight, I was good, had a salad with shrimp & chicken, but they force fed me two beers. Damn them! My motivating force on this trip is that I didn't bring any fat girl clothes and it could get ugly. :o

Judy, you'll love Yo, he's amazing!

NurseNancy 08-19-2009 12:51 PM

weight, weight, weight. the bain of my existence :(
i'm still stable but i'm still dealing with the same 5#.
so i know what you mean.

sandy, i'm glad jim's legs are better.
you, me, and cindy have to get on the stick and get rid of these stubborn five.

DM might have to mail nappy some of her plaid clothes!

NurseNancy 08-20-2009 05:19 PM

i've been laying pretty low.
the amrix i'm taking (1900) makes me really tired during the day. i get up and go back to bed. tues i did that 3x's and still slept at nite.

i hope in the coming wks i'll become more adjusted.
the bottle says to take it as needed but i don't want the pain to rachet up again if i stop. the pain is much better and i havn't taken any pain pills for 2-3 days!

AND, my walking on the dreadmill is up to 15 MINUTES :eek: i may surprise everyone and try for 30" a day. but, that will take a few months. if the pain stays down i'm going to work on that.

my massage is tomorrow and i'm curious to know if sherie will feel what i feel.

DM 08-21-2009 03:42 PM

Hey all! Hello Judy dear! I think we all have our moments of being AWOL esp this time of yr. I am limiting my pc time, due to the constant ''vertigo'' However, w/both the Dr and Phys Therapist working together, I feel like we are heading down the right path. :) Albeit, the road has been long and somewhat rocky; but I am aiming at the prize.

I thought that was you in the hallway the other night, Judy dear. Did you hear me say ''bread and butter''?? :hug: Sure hope your pain gets under control and you find more relief.
It's cooler here this wk and I sense Fall looming; which BTW~~ stinks! I just hope they are predicting correctly and that this Winter will be easier on us. I have heard the El Nino' effect from different sources and hope they are right.

Have a good wkend all and let's just kick back and take it easy. We aren't camping, so it's going to be a low key wkend for us.

Hugs all around :grouphug::hug::grouphug:.... even to our wandering Goober.. :D:D:D:D

NurseNancy 08-21-2009 10:17 PM

i'm so glad you're making progress in your pain/headaches DM.
i want nothing but the best for you.

i had my massage today and she confirmed what i'd been feeling. LESS, MUCH LESS, muscle tightness. i actually only said owww a few times. i could carry on a conversation. i don't think i've had such news in 18 mos. i pray that this lasts and the medication works.

and, my nerve pain is much better too. i wonder why my MS specialist neuro couldn't have come up with these medication ideas. he does have a Ph.D. in pharmacology. i really may have to force myself to find someone else.

i don't have any particular plans this wk/e but i'm sure something will turn up.

i came home and fell into a dead sleep. and now i'm ready to go to sleep again.

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