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Old 06-30-2014, 11:01 PM
Beamer Beamer is offline
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Beamer Beamer is offline
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Default Wondering how your doing

I have had Lyme many times in my life. When I first got it in the late 70's we didn't even know what it was, so we didn't treat at that time. I believe I have Chronic Lyme because although I have been treated for it with Doxycyline for 2,4, or 6 weeks depending on the year I got concurrent infections, I now know that that was not enough to kill the cysts and late stage Lyme. I began to develop symptoms of generalized MG about 18 months or more ago. I am older so I thought.. I was just getting old. I decided to research Lyme and discovered MG during my very lengthy research. I recognized the leg weakness that abates after rest. The difficulty climbing stairs or hills but no problem on flat ground. I have had some blurry vision but I wouldn't call it double vision. My mid back muscles started acting weird last winter and for a while it seemed to come and go but now it's almost constantly there and seldom away. I'm wondering how you have done with the Lyme and if you have managed to minimize or eradicate it, and if so has it effected your MG? I am exploring nutrition ways to address MG and just last night I watched and excellent vid by Dr. Deitrich Klinghardt on you tube about Lyme. He is one of the foremost experts on Lyme in the Alternative movement in the entire world.
I hope your making progress!
Best ,

Originally Posted by Tracy9 View Post
Many of the symptoms are similar. I bring it up because I have both diseases and I can't help myself, because I see people posting without a definitive diagnosis that really fit the profile of Chronic Lyme Disease. Also I see people posting symptoms are that very fitting for Chronic Lyme, maybe more so than MG. It is called "The Great Imitator" and is a huge epidemic. It is hard to diagnose, makes you very sick, and has a ton of symptoms.

Also, when you have a bacterial infection for a really long time, you can develop an autoimmune disease. For myself and a surprising number of people I've met in other MG groups, our MG started with years of Chronic Lyme disease. If the Lyme goes undetected and untreated, the MG will never get better. My doctor is certain Chronic Lyme was the cause of my MG. I started to feel better when I went on long term IV antibiotics. I've been on them daily for 14 months.
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