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Old 09-25-2006, 08:35 AM #1
Mother's Heart Mother's Heart is offline
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Default MILI! We got it!

Mili, Thank you, thank you for the book! We got it and it looks pretty good. At first I opened it near the back and thought, boy, may be too hard or not interesting to the boy...but I'll like it. Then, since I was hanging around while he did water hose investigations in the back yard, I skimmed/read through practically the whole thing. Some of it I can't wait until we're ready to do it. The Puddle Wonders looks like just the ticket as a carrier for science method lessons for the puddle lovin lad. And I really wish we could make that giant-sized whale!
Thank you for your generosity. You've inspired me to do more and to pursue the Stream Team for him.

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Old 09-25-2006, 12:58 PM #2
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Hee hee, yeah making the life sized whale might be a bit much!

And though lots of things are advanced in that book, lots are doable. I thought that book was a fantastic 'idea maker' for anyone that wants to homeschool, or just have fun with learning. BUT, you can't skim through it then leave it in your closet for a year like I did, or it doesn't work .

You can modify anything really, to suit you. I hope you get totally inspired and have fun with it! It was fun sending it, knowing it would arrive to a sister mgh-er.

Have fun!
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Old 09-28-2006, 06:24 AM #3
SuperMama SuperMama is offline
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Default hello

hello people

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Old 09-28-2006, 06:34 AM #4
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Have been bawling - watched the 20/20 special with Terri Irwin. We were gutted with Steve's death and still upset. Have been saving for the last year to take kids to Australia Zoo. Have saved $6,500.00 and need another $3,500.00

I am selling art online through a website in NZ a bit like ebay. Bought a new puppy (stud dog) same breed and Possum my first dog.

Took Kids to the Alexandra Blossom Festival (its spring here) and these are some photos of the day. It is my anniversary today - 9th. I completely forgot, but my sweet dh remembered and brought home two bunches of daffodils for me

Hazel may be starting work in a day care centre 3 days a week. With the goal to build up to five days a week. When I say day she would work from 11 am to 1pm. A two hour working day seems pretty cruizey. She is obsessed with other people having autism currently. If there is a programme on TV about an Autistic or person with Aspergers we all have to shut up and watch and preferably tape the show.

I see Oprah and Angelina are in a war over there. Well thats what the magazines say - sorry realise that was a bit random. Talking of random things, did John Lester drop dead or something???

Well it is 11.31pm I need to go get some sleep. Life sux - there is no good reason why Steve had to die and my heart breaks for his wee family. I reckon we might still go to see his zoo though.


wife of Peter
Mum to
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Old 09-28-2006, 08:05 AM #5
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Me too, bawling my eyes out during the 20/20 with Terri Irwin. When that man died, a light went out that was so bright...he really was gifted in a way that was not of this earth. Maybe he was an angel here all along? Terri was so inspiring in so many ways. With my love for animals (and sheer volume of them I have!) I just found her to be every bit as much a wildlife warrior as a mother I found her even more inspirational. But then a guy like that would have to be married to an amazing woman.

Onto the, what a great update. For some reason I still see your kids in my mind like they looked 6 years ago. And Hazel is 'into' autism...good! Peta, take this from my heart to yours, get Hazel on the website. Have her learn about her core deficits, so everything in her world and in the world will start making so much more sense. I feel like for the first time, I'm beginning to open my eyes, to see myself, my son, daughter, husband, and the entire world around me. No way can I describe the experience...but I finally am starting to feel human. I can't even describe that, but try and imagine what it felt like to never feel like a human being, like part of my own species. It's aweful really. In all the time I've known you, in all my life for that matter, this is the first thing that really makes sense. I want to see you posting here in a year or two, that Hazel has full time employment, a great boyfriend, a life you dreamed for her when she was born...a life that she dreams for herself. Do not settle for less. This ain't wishy washy idealism, it's real.

So...Oprah and Angelina are fighting? Didn't know that. Aparantly I'm not to the RDI chapter that gets me in 'the loop' yet, hee hee.

I sure love and miss you here. Hope you post more often.

How's Happi doing? We need a Happi many kiddos now, 7? I can't even remember (sorry). Preggers yet again? She's sure got one gorgeous family, and I don't know how in the world she manages them all. That's a whole lot of youngins, I bet the older ones are more responsible and intelligent than most grown ups.

Ok ya possum grubbin pal of mine,
I really miss you!
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Old 09-28-2006, 11:32 AM #6
JungleMcButterchick JungleMcButterchick is offline
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Happi is "Hapu" again --- *hapu means pg*

Mili, dont worry, I didnt know the 2 creepy chicks were fighting either. I have no respect for either of them so I refuse to be in the loop LOL!

Nice to see u Peta! I LOVE that you have a piper in your family!!
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Old 09-28-2006, 11:44 AM #7
Mother's Heart Mother's Heart is offline
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I didn't know they were fighting either. Since I basically ignore that kind of news....uhm....and I don't even know who Angelina is....but she's fighting with O? hmmm. Looking over my shoulder to see if there's anybody named angelina in my room....nope. oh well. no skin offa my nose.

I'd rather hear Hapi's good news. and rather hear about the celebration of Steve's good life than waste time on that useless ....

And Peta, that Festival looks COOL> Good times had for all.
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Old 09-28-2006, 12:33 PM #8
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Default Murphy

Can you folks not see how important and critical it is to stay up with the celeb news!!!!!!!!!!! Far out, your country churns out more celeb goss and goings on than any other and you cant appreciate it. Their life problems and BS makes me feel happier about being a regular normal human being.

Ok - well for those of you who missed it - Angelina is the other half of Brangelina, the woman who stole that good for nothing cheating scumbag Brad (who I never ever fancied) he was married to the poor insecure weeping waif Jennifer Ainiston. And Angelina has a screw loose, always has done, even her family thinks so and her Dad even said it on TV (which is why she doesnt speak to him anymore) and she wants to adopt a 'rainbow' family.

Little adopted children from poor countries is the new 'must have' for A list celebs. Anyway Angelina wants to save the world (much like Oprah does) and she spends a lot of time inflicting herself on Africa. Even insisted on giving birth in Africa. Oprah has a charity that she indulges in Africa too. Once she travelled to Africa and made a 'special' show where she rounded up all the destitute poor children and gave them gift boxes of soccer balls, colouring pencils, Levi jeans and gameboys etc. It was both touching and bizzare to watch.

Oprah sends a msg to Angelina and invites her to attend some special thing promoting the save poor African children charity that Oprah does. Now remember that Angelina wont be impressed with the fact that Oprah and Jen (Brads ex) are best best best pals. So she basically says 'sorry no I am washing my hair that night" and stuff about it clashing with her role as UN ambassador. Oprah is outraged at being snubbed and sent a sternly worded letter encouraging her to rethink the invitation. And Angelina gets her assistant to write a second 'no thanks snub' and the big O had a tantrum and told Angelina that she and Brad would never be welcome on her show ever again.

Gosh I lap this stuff up. Half of it is embrodied by the popular press, but heck just when you are grappling with some of lifes trivial crap, like how to pay the electricity account and the telephone account and buy food in the same month or how to best help your kids survive the 'real' world what the A list celebs are doing is so more captivating.

I am up at 5 am

Did I mention a puppy in my last post?

Well we have a pup. I have Possum who is about 3 and a half years old. She is a rare Swedish Vallhund. I want to breed these dogs. I lent Possum away to a breeder for 6 months and she delivered a healthy litter of 8 puppies for the breeder and in return I got a 'stud dog' out of another ***** and a different breed line. In a year (or less) he will be old enough to breed with Possom. His name is Murphy.

Murphy has been given to my 15 year old gorgeous daught Breezsha. Breezsha is turning into one of lifes loveliest creatures. Murphy is 10% mine and 90% hers.

Well Murphy slept last night in the laundry in his wee crate. Possum who usually sleeps in her shed outside was kept in to keep him company. This was a msitake. At 4 am Murphy woke and wimpering and yelled and howled the place down. We picked him up at the airport yesterday and this is his first night here. He is 8 weeks old.

I crawled out of bed muttering. I forgot about having to get up to babies!!!

I went into the laundry and it was Possum who had peed everywhere and an adult dog bladder can hold a LOT. So I sent her outside. Mopped everything up and washed the floor. Got Murphy out of the crate and he is wiggley and went and peed in his crate and pooped in his crate (rats). Took them both out. Possum was not impressed with life and out of routine so I stuck her in her shed. Cleaned out Murphy's crate gave hime a wee drink of water and food and then thought

HEY this isnt my baby its Breezshas she can have him and so I woke her up and gave her her baby.

Yes Paulette is Hapu - JUST. She is like 4 days late in her cycle and has had a preggy test confirmed. So just pregnant. I knew she was trying for another as she had lost her 40 - 50 pounds and trying for a baby was on her reward list when she shed the weight.

This is her recently

And she has lost a lot more since that last photo. I will send her over here to say hi.

Anyway it is now 5.32 and I am going to go back to bed.
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Old 09-28-2006, 12:41 PM #9
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I forgot to add - Paulette may take a little while to get over here. She and Craig are packing up their house and 7 children and shifting to a nicer home closer to their church. Craig has come to the end of his three year study to become a Baptist Pastor and is now ordained or close to it. He has been offered a position in their favourite church and so they are moving. Paulette is also getting morning sickness already so packing and getting organised has been tough. I dont know if her computer is packed away yet or not.
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Old 09-28-2006, 04:37 PM #10
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>>>>Anyway Angelina wants to save the world (much like Oprah does) and she spends a lot of time inflicting herself on Africa

Inflicting herself on Africa, haa haa haa!

You and your celeb're such an '8' (remember the nt test).

Paulette looks great...but next time she 'rewards' herself for weight loss she might want to try some chocolate cake, lol.

The pup is adorable, as is Breeshza! I'm still dying to name someone around here Breeshza (without insulting her, cause it'll be some kind of critter) what a great name.

Sure is nice to see you here!
Missed you!
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