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Mari 06-18-2016 05:24 AM


I remember paying COBRA insurance after my first husband left.
It was expensive and stressful but there was no other way for me to live than to send that check on time every month. Somehow I made it a priority.
(I also prayed for Ted Kennedy and his family everyday for what he was accomplishing with health care.)

That apt needs some major work! I hope the landlord steps up and takes care of things for you.


OhKay 06-18-2016 07:40 AM

It's gotten to the point now where I know I'm going to have to see my pdoc about my anxiety issues. The klonopin is helping, but the frequency and persistence of my symptoms is concerning. Yesterday was terrible, and this morning isn't starting out well. I'm also having an overlap of PTSD, OCD, intrusive thoughts (pdoc calls it a "ball")… I'm just a ****ing mess when I wake up and/or the klonopin starts to wear off. I'm tempted just to add the extra 50mg of seroquel myself at this point so that I'm not experiencing these symptoms at all.

I woke up with a junky cough and some sinus issues. Yay! I had some Mucinex DM laying around and took that this morning. Hopefully it will work some magic and this problem will disappear. It's my allergies… aside from the allergra (I can't take anymore) has worked.

Thank you for that link Mari. That was good work by CNN, and written for everyman so it can be widely understood. There was nothing said on air during that particular Fox segment that would mitigate the damage done by the anchor's comment. BTW, I'm sorry I ran away with your thread :hug:

We have multiple problems aside from the bathroom ceiling and the AC unit. We call and they just slap bandaids on. You get tired of calling. Those are just the 2 biggies. On Monday I'm going to reload the laundry card and will stop by the office to ask about the new lease. I'm also going to ask for the ETA on the AC unit. I'll show the office manager pictures of the BR ceiling while I'm there and tell her it's time for a permanent fix.

I did do the food shopping yesterday, but I got a late start. I got lucky and my husband was home by the time I got back so I only had to carry 2 light bags :) I was feeling crappy so even though I went to the butcher shop yesterday and I ended up making hot dogs and french fries for dinner.

My husband needs new work boots, so the plan for today is to get that over with. He's super quick. Nobody wants to go shoe shopping with me. I'm terrible. My brother is 8 years younger than me. When I had custody of him (he was 13-15), it was an actual punishment. I'm not kidding.

We swapped the placements of the cat condos, and they're both getting more use now. Buddy is spending half of the morning on a perch behind me instead of climbing all over me, and that's a welcome change because he can get obnoxious. I weighed the cats the other day because Dottie clearly gained weight (4 lbs, so now she's at 21). I was surprised that Rocky lost weight (26 lbs to 23). Buddy stayed about the same at around 7 lbs. I hadn't weighed them in years. Dottie won't eat people food, or even cat treats, and I never see her eat, so I don't know how she got so fat. I keep feeling her up for tumors, but she feels absolutely solid all over. The other two will eat anything.

I'm thinking about hiding some of the toys for a while. We have about 8-10 of them. They're all over the apartment. I put them away, and as soon as I stop vacuuming, get in the shower, or walk out the door (i.e./ to get the mail) Rocky drags them all out again.

OhKay 06-19-2016 09:23 AM

The Mucinex DM is really doing the job. I'm still taking the Zyrtec, too. I'm so happy that it doesn't seem like this will linger or lead to a trip to the doctor :)

I don't know if my father-in-law forgot about our conversation, or I'm not privy to other conversations because my husband decided to keep me in the dark, but my father-in-law was under the impression that I would be at breakfast this morning even though I had told him I would not be going and why. I did not go, and he is bull****. I didn't want to make my sister-in-law uncomfortable or ruin father's day for him, but I bet I ended up doing both. I told him it wasn't my sister-in-law's fault, and she probably didn't even expect me to be invited. I hope she doesn't get blamed. My husband should have handled all of this. He obviously didn't, but if it's a **** show, I'll be the bad guy. The jury's still out because they're still eating breakfast.

After breakfast with his father, my husband is going to his mother's to visit his step father. I didn't get him a card, but will send him a text. Sometimes they will return texts, sometimes not. Whatever.

Mari 06-20-2016 04:09 AM


'Glad to hear that the Mucinex and Zyrtec is working.

Any man whether, it was father in law or husband, could easily not
remember/ not have paid attention enough / not passed on the info from you.
You did more than your part in getting the info out.

Jeeze. Your husband had to go to two fathers' days? I was on the phone with
my dad Sunday and did not even say Happy F's Day or send a card or anything.
(I am so removed from the culture of holidays that I am weird and free.)

I hope you had a good day.:hug::hug::hug:


OhKay 06-20-2016 08:31 AM

My father-in-law's feelings were hurt because I didn't go to breakfast, he's mad at me, and is laying the guilt trip on pretty thick. My husband said it went well, he had a good time, and his father would get over me not going. I feel terrible though.
This won't be the last time we have to deal with this type of issue. My father-in-law will be up north for several weeks, and will expect to see me at some point. I get the feeling my husband doesn't want me to see any of his family members. I'm not making any more excuses. I'll throw my husband under the bus if my father-in-law asks to see me and my husband says no.

My husband left the house at 9am yesterday and came home at 7pm. He only spent about 2 hours with his father (which I think is unfair). He spent the rest of the time at his mother's house to celebrate Father's Day with his step father (I sent him a text and he didn't respond). I made a pot of chili for dinner. I texted my husband at 6:30pm since I hadn't heard from him, and he said he'd already eaten. I wasn't thrilled about that, but at least the chili will keep well in the fridge.

I have a busy week coming up. Wednesday morning I see my neurologist, and my endoscopy is Friday. I hate having two appointments in a week. Friday will definitely be a washout because I'll be sedated for the procedure and will probably want to sleep most of the day when I get home.

I think I'm going to try to do at least phase 1 of the South Beach Diet. I bought the book on Amazon, and it should be here on Friday. I don't know how strictly I'll adhere to it. Even losing a little weight will make me more comfortable. Using the exercise bike is good, but I'm not going to lose any weight that way.

Mari 06-21-2016 01:18 AM

It is hard to get in the way of a man's feelings for his father, mother, step mother.
Apparently,you can advise, suggest, and use some logic, but he is going to
do what he is going to do.

Good luck on South Beach. I did it for a couple of weeks two times and felt good about it.


OhKay 06-21-2016 06:53 AM

I don't ask my husband too many questions. Sometimes things come up and I get some breadcrumbs, though. I mentioned that I texted his step father "Happy Father's Day," but he didn't return my text. My husband said, "They acknowledge it through me." He never mentions it though. Odd.

We've been back together for a year and a half. I'm sure there has been some conversation about how we are doing, etc. We are doing well, with the exception of his behavior, which he would never acknowledge. He has his reasons for keeping us separate, whatever they are.

I was 11 months sober yesterday. It think if I can do that, I can handle at least 2 weeks of the highly restricted South Beach Diet. I'm not going to cut out coffee though, but I will switch to fat free 1/2 & !/2, use less of it, and use sugar substitute. I don't think it will be too difficult to prepare 2 different dinners. My book arrives on Friday.

I'm going to continue my work on the exercise bike. That can only help.
My only worry is that I won't be taking in enough calories to tolerate the meds I'm on. I'm going to have to listen to my body, and add a few more carbs if I need to.

eva5667faliure 06-21-2016 07:16 AM

You have accomplished sooooo much

Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1214787)
I don't ask my husband too many questions. Sometimes things come up and I get some breadcrumbs, though. I mentioned that I texted his step father "Happy Father's Day," but he didn't return my text. My husband said, "They acknowledge it through me." He never mentions it though. Odd.

We've been back together for a year and a half. I'm sure there has been some conversation about how we are doing, etc. We are doing well, with the exception of his behavior, which he would never acknowledge. He has his reasons for keeping us separate, whatever they are.

I was 11 months sober yesterday. It think if I can do that, I can handle at least 2 weeks of the highly restricted South Beach Diet. I'm not going to cut out coffee though, but I will switch to fat free 1/2 & !/2, use less of it, and use sugar substitute. I don't think it will be too difficult to prepare 2 different dinners. My book arrives on Friday.

I'm going to continue my work on the exercise bike. That can only help.
My only worry is that I won't be taking in enough calories to tolerate the meds I'm on. I'm going to have to listen to my body, and add a few more carbs if I need to.

And don't you ever forget it
Just the fact you can and have not
gone off grid
And maintained soberiety is everything
It is so hard
Just to do
One day at a time when bombarded at all sides
You have kept your composure
Family and how fickle they can be
And amazing job it is to having a significant other in that way
and you are willing to in that unit
You can only do for you
And make things happen for you
Easy it isn't
But you have conquered
One day at a time
You matter

Dmom3005 06-21-2016 09:01 AM

Congrats Kay on the 11 months. Keep up the good work.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 06-21-2016 08:53 PM

HI kay, just trying to get caught up....
sorry for the fathers day outcomes...what drama.
I feel for you on many levels.
I miss the espresso machines of italy.
My coffee was so weak this morning....blah

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