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OhKay 07-23-2017 06:51 AM

Getting the kitties their shots was a DISASTER, and I couldn't feel worse for them for what they went through... POOR KITTIES :(:(:(

Getting them into their carriers was pretty easy, but as soon as Buddy was in his, he was shaking the whole thing like I had caged the Tasmanian Devil (I think it's too small). We had a 40 minute ride to the PetCo where they were holding the clinic, and of course, they all cried the whole way there.

Corey put Dottie and Rocky in the back seat face to face, and Dottie projectile vomited into Rocky's cage and all over the back seat. I could only wipe out the front of the cages (with paper towels from one of their clean up stations) so they wouldn't escape, but their paws were covered in puke, so I just did the best I could. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait in line long. The vet was very understanding about the mess in the cages... Dottie pooped in hers, too.

They all behaved very well when they got their shots, and got good reports from the vet. They let me take Dottie's carrier into the bathroom to quickly wipe it down with disinfectant before we took her home. It was ****ing gross.

If that whole ordeal wasn't enough for them, when we got home, we had to clean the puke off Rocky and Dottie in the shower because it was EVERYWHERE. I felt SOOOO BAD because they had already been through enough...

I have no idea how, but they were all back to normal by last night, and they seem to have forgiven us already. I think they are all just happy to be home.

Afterwards I had to take apart the two big carriers to clean and disinfect them, then I had to go out to deal with the puke in the car.

I'm worried about putting them in their carriers again so soon and taking them to a new place. I don't know how well they will tolerate it... :(

So after another day of distractions and getting nothing done at home AGAIN yesterday, I feel A LOT more pressure to get things today. My anxiety is so ****ing high it's making me SICK. I REALLY hope my husband will be cooperative. I need to make a list of things that he absolutely has to do TODAY. I'm not accepting the usual I'm tired, I don't feel good, and other excuses... we're starting to move in 5 days... and it IS the 11th hour, so it's time for him to get off his *** now.

mymorgy 07-23-2017 09:01 AM

there are no words. how far away us your new apartment? can you give dittie a little klonopin? Clonazepam (Klonopin(R))

bizi 07-23-2017 10:24 AM

Oh kay.
how awful for the kitties!!!!!!
And for you too. What a f******* mess.
I am glad that you were forgiven quickly.
Maybe they vaccinated them with the 2 year vaccine????
Jeff took ours last week.
I hope Corey gets his **** together to help you.
Words fail me.....

Mari 07-23-2017 11:46 AM


I appreciate the stress your kitties and you went through.

It must have been really hard . . .. and they the shower clean up afterwards not
great for them either.

I hope that all of you are doing well today.


OhKay 07-24-2017 07:06 AM

Bobby, I wouldn't feel comfortable giving the cats meds unless a vet prescribed them. I tried giving Rocky Benadryl once (recommended dosage online) to relax him before clipping his nails, and he started foaming at the mouth! :eek: Thank God he was okay!

I'm very upset about yesterday...

My husband sorted through a trunk of junk, but he kept just about everything. At about 8pm he threw out the remaining wood from the furniture he broke down, and three trash bags, two of which had been sitting in the kitchen for days, AND THAT'S IT.

So, there are a ton of large items left to be thrown away, and I don't know when he plans on doing it... He is so ****ing lazy, and I'm so tired of his excuses :mad:

I didn't do everything I planned on either... I didn't clean behind the fridge or stove, but I finally finished repairing the scratching post on the cat condo tho, something I hadn't planned on doing, but did because I decided I didn't want to take an unfinished project with us. It didn't take long, but what a PITA. The kitties are already enjoying it :)

I have to get rid of the clothes we're donating before I can pack our clothes because the bags are in my way. I split the load up into 6 lighter trash bags that are light enough for me to lift. The Salvation Army is only 10 minutes from our place, but I may just keep them in my trunk until I get more packing done.

I have to call the assistant manager today to arrange a time to see the apartment. I want to see it today. Corey won't be out of work until after 2:30, but if that's too late for her, he said it's okay for me to see it alone...
I would rather see it alone, then drag him out couch shopping... usually there is a wait between when you order a couch and when it's available for pick up or delivery... hopefully not too long in our case. But he may not play ball. He has no sense of urgency.

I woke him up last night trying to get in on his side of the bed, and then he found me asleep on the toilet again. I'm going to have to stop taking the Baclofen, at least for now.

bizi 07-24-2017 09:23 AM

Hope you get to see the apartment! and get your couch ordered soon. Glad that corey took some stuff out.
have a good day kay!

OhKay 07-25-2017 06:26 AM

When I got to the Salvation Army yesterday they said they didn't accept donations at that site… I would have to go to the one 25 minutes away! Fortunately there was a young woman there who overheard the conversation and said her church was always looking for donations, and a man there helped load the bags into her trunk :)

I dragged my husband out couch shopping yesterday. My husband was being stubborn, but we finally agreed on a couch… my choice :) And we bought the matching chair and ottoman. We can pick it up anytime after 2pm on Friday. I think he plans on picking it up Saturday morning.

I have an appointment to see the apartment today at 10am. I can't wait!!!

I have to pick up bubble wrap, then it's back to more packing. Yesterday I packed our clothes, but I still have to do something with the things hanging in the closet. I have some 1/2 packed boxes as well. I'm having trouble deciding what should go in what box… OCD.

mymorgy 07-25-2017 07:45 AM

things are really getting exciting now in a goodway!

bizi 07-25-2017 08:59 AM

Can't wait for you to see your new apartment!!!!
very exciting!

OhKay 07-26-2017 08:15 AM

I saw the apartment yesterday, and it is BEAUTIFUL!!!

There's laminate "wood" flooring everywhere, except in the bathroom (linoleum) and the two bedrooms (carpet). We'll be getting all new kitchen appliances, but the old ones were in the living room, making it hard to tell how big it really is, but it *looks like* there will be plenty of room for our new furniture. I'm sure Corey will find a nice way to set it up. The kitchen is tiny tho, and I think it will be ****ing impossible to fit our kitchen table in there. Corey can take a look Friday, but he will come to the same conclusion. There are a lot of cabinets in the there tho, and plenty of closet space throughout the apartment. The deck is twice the size of our patio, and the view is very pretty :)

I'M SO EXCITED!!! :):):)
It's TOTALLY different than our current apartment. I hope Corey likes it... I think he will tho. If he doesn't, he will just have to learn to love it.

We have things that we want to replace in time, but I think that Corey will want a kitchen table sooner rather than later. I can buy a smaller inexpensive one (possibly a high top) that suits our needs off and have it shipped to our local store for pick up pretty quickly. I still need to buy new trash barrels and a toaster (only 1/2 of ours works because of the constantly leaking sink), but that's no big deal.

I left enough clothes out for us until Monday, but the rest is finally packed. It was a MUCH bigger job than I thought it would be... my husband has SO MUCH clothing! I also packed up everything in the living room, with the exception of the electronics, which my husband is responsible for. I don't have a much left to pack that is pack-able right now. I expect to be done today. I will be dealing with the kitchen Thursday night or Friday afternoon.

I have to go out today to buy more boxes and pick up a couple of things at the store (milk, TP, etc), and I'm not happy about it, having been out to view the apartment and run errands yesterday. Between that and packing, I HAD TO TAKE A NAP because it was too much, and I'm already feeling run down today.

bizi 07-26-2017 11:22 PM

Hang in there this is going to all work out, I am just sure of it.
Just a few days left....
You are managing well.
sorry for the anxiety, that is normal for your experience.
So glad that you got to go in and see the place.!!!!

Mari 07-27-2017 02:59 AM


So happy you will have new cabinets and then a new small table for
the kitchen.

Great also that you have a new couch, chair, ottoman.
(Cool story about getting rid of your old couch.)

Do the cats notice the packing and such?

What's the view? Are you happy with the step down I think I remember
you mentioned earlier?


mymorgy 07-27-2017 04:33 AM

can you get a leaf table?> would that solve the problem? the patio sounds wonderful. can you get a feliway spray for the cats' room? maybe that would
help the initial peeing.would the kitchen furniture fit on the patio or would it not be appropriate. wish you could send us a picture of the view. It sounds so tranquil.

OhKay 07-27-2017 06:58 AM

The kitties have been tolerating the packing very well. They are enjoying laying on the boxes. Rocky keeps chewing on the tape though, and I'm afraid the bottoms of the boxes are going to fall out! There's pretty much nothing left in the bottom of the closets, so I've left the doors open, and they've been spending a lot of time laying in there.

We won't bring them to the new apartment until Saturday, but I'm going to plug in the Felaway diffusers as soon as we get there on Friday. I don't know where we are putting the boxes yet, but I bought 3 new ones based on size alone. Their comfort is what's most important. We'll find a way to make them work.

My assigned parking spot is right next to the door. I'm going UP to the second floor now, but there are the same amount of stairs as if I was going DOWN (like I am now) so it doesn't matter. There are less stairs at the new place, and my apartment is right at the top of the stairs. The stairs are better at the new place because I can clearly tell them apart. The carpet pattern is funky here so it's hard to do that and I've had quite a few falls.

I won't talk to my husband about buying a new kitchen table until he sees the new kitchen. When I say it's tiny, I mean it's TINY. Our set isn't even that big (round glass table, 4 chairs), but it won't fit. It's not appropriate for outside use, but we have a little patio set with 2 chairs and a little table. We would need something VERY SMALL for the space we have. He won't want to spend the money right now, but he can be convinced.

I got a call from the lady in the leasing office asking if I could come in and sign the lease yesterday vs. Friday. So I paid the security deposit and first month's rent (OUCH) and signed for myself and Corey. We have the keys, but we can't get into the apartment until after noon tomorrow.

I got very little done yesterday because we had no water in the morning, I had to run errands, and go sign the lease, but I think everything will be okay. I don't have a lot left to do as far as packing goes. I'm going to clean some of the furniture when I'm done. I don't want to take dirty/dusty things into our nice new apartment. I was going to do one more load of laundry here, but I may not bother.

I get my nails done every other week, and I'm overdue. I was going to skip this week, but I changed my mind. I've worked LONG and HARD and decided I should do something nice for myself because I won't even have time to breathe for quite a while. My appointment is at 8:45am, so it's early enough that it won't interfere with the rest of my plans for the day.

We are supposed to pick up the U-Haul truck tomorrow at 9am. While Corey starts putting boxes in the truck, I'm going to pack up the kitchen. We won't be getting any help moving until Saturday afternoon. I hope he doesn't hurt himself trying to do too much before then.

I don't know when I'll be back online since I'll be so busy over the next few days...

I wish everyone well, and look forward to checking in when I can :grouphug:

bizi 07-27-2017 09:44 PM

Things are winding up. I hope you guys have a seamless move and I look forward to hearing about the move....
Watch your stress level.
and please don't hurt yourself.
and good luck!

Mari 07-28-2017 02:01 AM


I enjoy your updates and hearing about your move and such. Thank you.

I appreciate them even though some days I am not up to reading/posting.


ger715 07-28-2017 08:25 PM

Looking forward to any little updates that you can squeeze in.


OhKay 07-29-2017 05:32 AM

Yesterday started out badly because I had left my lights on the day before and my battery was dead, so we were stranded. I had to call the U-Haul store a couple of times to tell them we would be late and ask them not to give our truck away. After a lot of wasted time and misadventures, we finally took a cab to pick up the truck, bought brand new jumper cables, and Corey used the truck to jump start my car.

This is the 3rd time this year I've done that. To put it mildly, Corey was NOT HAPPY with me, and it was a miserable day for us both.

When I brought him over to see the new apartment, there was a random refrigerator in the living room. I don't know if it was that, his bad mood in general, or the shock because the apartment is so different, but he really didn't seem thrilled about it... not exactly the reaction I was hoping for, but he did say it's better than where we're living now, so that's something. I called the office and left a message about the fridge. I REALLY hope it's gone today. If it's not, I don't know what we'll do with it, and I know Corey will hit the roof.

He worked like fiend putting almost all the boxes in the truck yesterday. It's almost full. I wish he had paced himself. My BIL is coming some time this morning. The truck has to be empty before Corey picks up the furniture from the store, but I hope he doesn't plan on emptying the truck all by himself. He's sooooo impatient.

I just have to pack up the clothes I left out for us for the week, our everyday bath items, and the rest of the kitchen. I would have packed up the whole kitchen yesterday, but Corey wanted me to make dinner last night, then changed his mind, and we ordered out.

I have an appointment with the cable guy between 10am-12pm. I have to have at least 1 phone, the TVs, and the router there. Corey has to disconnect everything this morning. It will no doubt put him in a bad mood.

We'll wait until late afternoon to bring the kitties to the new apartment. I REALLY hope that this car trip goes more smoothly than the last one. The new cat boxes came a few days ago and are waiting to be picked up at the office here.

mymorgy 07-29-2017 05:43 AM

i guess there won't be smooth sailing til it is all over. I so hope it will be okay with the kitty cats. I guess you will have them in one room. I guessed wrong about Corey. I thought he would be thrilled too. At least he came through.
I hope the weather is with you.

bizi 07-29-2017 11:57 AM

Oh man....
I am so sorry that your battery was dead. How very frustrating for you.
Please don't be hard on yourself. You are human and are doing the best that you can do. My car beeps at me when I have left my lights on, also we have running lights on too so they're on While driving.
So sorry that it was an awful day for you.
I hope today is better and that they have moved the refridgerator out.

Mari 07-30-2017 03:29 AM


Sorry about the dead battery.

This moving stuff really is hard. Try to be kind and patient with yourself
because you are really doing the best you can.

I cannot remember the issues, but hubby and I were often not on the same
page with the move and we disagreed. For some things I put my foot down
and sometimes he put his.
I hated that he disagreed with me because I was always 100% right, having
moved so many times in my life.
But sometimes he was unmovable and I would give up.

I wish you luck in your new home.


We brought a few things in that symbolized good luck/good vibes.

Mari 07-30-2017 03:34 AM

I remember that an older woman who was working as a secretary told me that this is what she ALWAYS did to remember to turn off her lights:

1 When she turned ON the lights, she would throw her purse in the back seat/floor of the car.

2 That way when she reached to get her purse, she would look to
double check the lights that the lights were out.

After she told me that, I did that from then on. It saved me.

My CBT psychologist had a similar system for himself but I liked the secretary's system better for me.


bizi 07-30-2017 09:13 AM

my car dings loudly if my lights are on.
Hoping to hear from Kay today some time I will post when I do.
hugs for kay(((((HUGS)))))

Mari 07-30-2017 06:06 PM

Sending you lots of good thoughts, Kay.

Good luck with the move.:Good-Luck:

I hope that you feel o.k.:Heart:

Sending happy moving vibes.:):):):)


bizi 07-30-2017 06:11 PM

They picked up Kays new couch. She does not like the new pillows that came with the couch. A hodge podge of pillows from her picture.
I did not hear any more from her so I am assuming things are going ok.

ger715 07-30-2017 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1248132)
They picked up Kays new couch. She does not like the new pillows that came with the couch. A hodge podge of pillows from her picture.
I did not hear any more from her so I am assuming things are going ok.

Hopefully Kay will find other areas in the room to put the pillows on tying everything together.

Understandable about the lights/battery; she had soooooo much on her plate.....


OhKay 07-31-2017 07:34 AM

I guess the car does ding if you leave the lights on, but I'm oblivious to it... I am oblivious to a lot of things. Thank you for your suggestion about putting my purse in the back seat, Mari. I will try that :hug:

I was (obviously) in control of all the packing, but my husband took control of the move. I did not like the way he rushed me, or told me how to do things, but he was doing all the heavy lifting, so I didn't argue with him. My brother-in-law was with him most of Saturday when I was not, and convinced him to get rid of some things that I had not been able get him to part with (BONUS). We were pretty much on our own Sunday.
I spent a lot of time holding open both entry doors at once for Corey and/or my BIL to bring things in... not exactly easy for me. Being on the second floor will be okay, but it's not exactly easy to continuously go up and down the stairs when you're moving though. I'm very sore from all that, and from everything else.

I could have chosen a more convenient time for the appointment for the cable installation on Saturday, but I didn't know how ****ed up the previous install was here. The cable man couldn't find the source of the signal and had to locate it, drill holes, run cable wire around the front door, and God knows what else. He was here from about 11:30am-2:30pm... time I could have spent doing a million other things. When he has the energy, Corey will still have to clean up his work, too. I guess it was sloppy.

With everything we threw away/gave away, I can't believe how much **** we still have!!! Corey worked SO HARD... I can't believe he went to work today. I wish he would have taken today off because he must be in a lot of pain.

We brought the cats over to the new apartment Saturday afternoon. Dottie didn't puke or **** in the carrier. This time she peed in it, and was covered in it. I had to wash her up and let her dry for a while in the bathroom before I could set her free. For a while, Rocky was hissing and growling at everything/everyone. Buddy wouldn't come out from under a little end table for a long time. Later, I found Dottie hiding between Corey's two pillows (lol) and Buddy hiding under the quilt on the bed. Now Rocky is happier than I've ever seen him! Dottie seems very comfortable now, too. Buddy was spending most of his time under the covers, but I saw him sneaking out to eat and use the box. He's been out exploring this morning tho, maybe because Corey isn't here.

I bought a corner litter box and I worried that they wouldn't take to it, but it's been a big hit. They've all been using it. All 3 boxes I bought are HUGE. I used my black light everywhere last night, and there's been no improper urine marking so far!!! :)
They've also been good about not scratching the couch so far, at least in front of us.

I still have to clean the old apartment... there is A LOT to do... I don't know how I'm going to do it all, but I will do the best I can and that will have to be good enough. I know I have until tomorrow at noon, but I want to be out of there TODAY. I wish I was hypo/manic, but I'm not... I'm dragging ***.

I have to buy trash cans and TP. It would be nice to pick up some food, too because our cupboards are bare, but my car is full of **** that Corey (understandably) just didn't have the energy to bring in last night. I may bring in a few small things before I set off to the old place to make room in the car for the other things. IDK if I want to waste my energy doing that though. I have enough to do today already. Corey is coming by the old apt. after work to (hopefully) pick up the vacuum and the rest of my cleaning stuff.

Yup, I really do ****ing HATE those couch pillows! They're ugly as sin and feel like sand bags. I'd like to burn them, buy new ones, or at least put pillow covers over them, but Corey wants to keep them as is... yuck!

Wish me luck cleaning! I need it!

bizi 07-31-2017 09:20 AM

Thank you so much for the update!!!!!
Yeah Corey pulled thru when you really needed it. Thank goodness for your brother in law!

Wonderful news about the kitties getting used to the new place and no CAT PEE where it should not be!

Good luck cleaning and be safe today.

Dmom3005 07-31-2017 01:22 PM

I just caught up on everything. I'm so glad the kitties seem to
be liking the new place, and things went smoother with the moving of
them. I am so glad you like the place and the couch.

Even if Corey likes the pillows like they are. I'd just say these are
Corey's and buy one or two when you can for you.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

ger715 07-31-2017 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1248165)
I just caught up on everything. I'm so glad the kitties seem to
be liking the new place, and things went smoother with the moving of
them. I am so glad you like the place and the couch.

Even if Corey likes the pillows like they are. I'd just say these are
Corey's and buy one or two when you can for you.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

That's a good idea...:winky:.
Hopefully Kay will be able to get a couple of pillows she can call her's...(May even help Cory's pillows blend in.)


Mari 07-31-2017 11:50 PM

Hi, Kay,

I am really happy to see your update and know that you and your husband and the cats successfully made the move.

I am glad that you are going to be practical about the cleaning in the morning -

--- do what you can and not any more than you should.

I wish many blessings for you in the new place. :circlelove:


OhKay 08-01-2017 05:31 AM

I was at the old apartment for almost 6 hours cleaning yesterday and couldn't finish... it was the work behind and under the stove and fridge that really killed me. I had to scrub the floor and walls by hand. I took pictures when I was done.

Thank God I cleaned the oven a week (or so) ago, and cleaned the fridge recently or I would really be screwed. All the things I was working away at on my "moving-soon" list amounted to less than a drop in the bucket because everything at least needed to be touched up.

The problem is not my OCD right now. The problem is I'm handicapped and banged up from moving Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'm slow, and even the little things are taking me a lot of time.

I'm going to jump in the shower and head back over there again this morning. I've made a list of what needs to be done by priority, and I don't have to do the same kind of cleaning as yesterday, so things should go much faster. I was going to shampoo the carpets, but I don't think I will end up doing that. I don't think I would have time to finish, and it would not be worth the effort, since they will be pulling them up anyway.

I have until noon.

bizi 08-01-2017 01:46 PM

By now you are finished with your old place....
now you can rest your tired body, maybe take a nap later?
Good job working so hard. I know that you are sore from all of the work you did on your hands and knees...sigh
I wish you guys would have hired a cleaning lady...oh well.
It is done!
And I am sure you turned in your keys by now.
Happy for you that that part is done.
You were smart to make check lists along the way and kept up with the things that needed to get done.
Hope you sleep well tonight.

mymorgy 08-01-2017 02:07 PM

you and your cats need a vacation!
I hope it is your forever place

Mari 08-02-2017 01:41 AM

Wow, Kay,:You-Rock:

You accomplished so much -- cleaning the place two or three times

Getting your stuff moved and getting husband to throw out some old things.

Getting the cats settled . . .

Are you used to sleeping in the new place yet? Even though the bed is the same, I have to get used to a new sleeping situation.


Do you like the neighborhood and the view from your windows?


OhKay 08-02-2017 06:42 AM

I got to the old place at about 7:30 yesterday morning, and I brought 2 iced coffees with me lol :)

The move-out instructions said that cleaning the appliances, the kitchen and bathroom were particularly important, so that's where I focused almost all of my energy. I kept hearing your "voices" in my head telling me that things didn't have to be perfect, so I just did what I could with x, y, and z then moved on to the next task. I was still SO SLOW tho. What a ****ing pipe dream shampooing the carpets was!!! SOOOO MANY cabinets/shelves/drawers to clean... I didn't even get to clean the window sill, never mind wash the blinds, in the master bedroom before I ran out of time, and I really regret that. I wish I had showed up earlier or stayed later Monday so I could have done it. I just finished by the skin of my teeth.


I did take a nap when I got home. It was the first opportunity I've had to take one in a while. Corey had a really hard time getting me up. I haven't had any trouble sleeping here, but it may be because I've been ****ing exhausted.

I fell 3 times yesterday, and am in super-rough shape today. EVERYTHING hurts, I threw my neck out AGAIN, and I'm covered in bruises. But, of course, I have a lot to do today.

I need to do laundry (not in the shape I'm in now tho), go to Walmart, and do some light food shopping, but my car is packed with **** because Corey is back to being lazy. I can't carry the things that are in there, especially in the shape I'm in right now. He said he expects to be done bringing everything in "by the end of the week." :rolleyes:

I think Corey is in love with the apartment now. It's definitely an upgrade. It will only get better once I'm able to unpack more (of course I'll be the one doing the unpacking) and we can settle in. The view from the deck is very pretty and we sit out there in the evenings, smoking cigarettes occasionally. We never sat out on the patio in the old apartment. it was below ground.

bizi 08-02-2017 07:48 AM

It pains me to hear that you fell 3 times and hurt your neck.
and that you are bruised.:(
(((((GENTLE hugs)))))
Glad that you are sleeping and that you got a nap in yesterday.!:Zzzz:

mymorgy 08-02-2017 09:52 AM

oh wow-you have been through the war. I am so glad corey shows appreciation. it is so wonderful you are enjoying your patio. you are allowed to smoke on it? just sounds so wonderful. is the worse over now?

Dmom3005 08-02-2017 12:14 PM

I'm so happy you love the apartment. Also make Corey unpack his things.
He can do at least this.

When it comes to laundry, try doing one load of things you just have to have when you can.
Do rest as time goes on. Its okay if it gets backed up.
Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 08-03-2017 01:22 AM

Yikes about the falls. I hope that you are healing well.

Big job cleaning the old place! I am glad to hear that it is over.

Wonderful to hear that you enjoy the deck together.

Did we get an update on the kitties? (Maybe I missed it) How are
they in the new place?


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