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OhKay 06-15-2019 10:35 AM

Thank you all :grouphug:

I was able to get off the toilet long enough to get to my appointments :rolleyes:

I saw my GYN on Thursday. The NP had done my Pap, and the GYN was upset that she had just sent me out a letter with my results and had the colposcopy scheduled in the office without consulting her.
She thinks that atypical glandular cells that turned up are likely related to all the abnormal bleeding I've been having, but everything needs to be investigated, and I am going to have a colposcopy, hysteroscopy, and D&C under light sedation on July 19th... unless the hemotologist/oncologist turns up something that makes having that done a bad idea.

I met with the hematologist/oncologist yesterday. What a nice doctor! It is very depressing (and takes a long time) to have to go through my entire medical history with a new provider. It was very clear that he felt terrible for me. I don't know how many times he said he was sorry.
Of course he doesn't know what's going on yet. He seemed very concerned about my past iron levels tho (I didn't realize that they were that low and don't know why the NP never told me to take some). I may have to have some IV, depending on how they come back this time. They took 5 tubes of blood from me. I'm going to have CAT scans of my neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis on July 1st to look at my lymph nodes. He thinks that the largest one they find should be removed for further investigation because he thinks that's the only way we'll find out what's going on. I just hope that the largest one is in a superficial area... He'll call me to discuss any hinky findings and to let me know if I need to have the IV iron or not. I have another appointment with him in 6 weeks.

I've definitely been happier...
But I figure I'll just get this s*** over with so I can figure out what's going on. Most times, the answers are better than the unknown.

mymorgy 06-15-2019 12:49 PM

again sending huge prayers. What a trooper you are

Dmom3005 06-15-2019 07:51 PM


I have a really good friend that has had to have the IV blood.

And I know that she feels lots better after she has gotten it.
In her case the pills aren't something she can take they make
her very sick. So I'm hoping that if he started you on the pills that
they help. I'm also going to guess this is part if not most of the
reason you have been so tired. I can tell when I've forgotten
to take my Iron, because of the tiredness I get .

I sure hope you finally get some breaks.

Donna :grouphug:

Mari 06-15-2019 11:58 PM


It's good that you had a productive visit with the hematologist/oncologist and

that you can look forward to his helping you.


OhKay 06-16-2019 08:46 AM

Thank you for your support, ladies :grouphug:

IF I do need the iron if would be given by IV because of my intestinal problems.

Mari 06-16-2019 03:46 PM

That makes sense about the IV.

I'm glad you have confidence in your doctors.


OhKay 06-17-2019 10:13 AM

I have been very fortunate in that all my specialists are the best of the best in the area, and I do have a lot of confidence in them. I have seen enough doctors to know very quickly whether or not they know what they are talking about/doing.
I've had trouble getting access to my PCP since my old one retired 2 years ago (?), and had only been seeing his NP for sick visits until I was discharged from the hospital, and got to see him for the follow-up visit. He wants to follow me more closely now, and I have an appointment scheduled with him in August.
All of my doctors also have excellent bedside manners. I got very lucky there, especially considering how many f'ing doctors I have, and how many doctors out there are A-Holes.
My pdoc is amazing. I would find a way to pay out of pocket to see her if for some reason she stopped taking my insurance. She is irreplaceable.

Yesterday was a LONG day. I was out for almost 7 hours!!! :eek:

We took my father-in-law out for breakfast at his favorite place, which is about 40 minutes away from us. He always brings his friend, Carolyn (about 60yo), who Corey and his sister don't like, but I usually do in small amounts. Well, she blew it, and said something beyond stupid and insensitive to me about having/not having babies (after I endured her talking about babies all f'ing day), and she's lucky I didn't smack her in the mouth, or flip out on her. I didn't because it was my FIL's day. I'd be happy to see my FIL again any time while he's up here from Florida, but not if he intends to bring her with him, as he usually does.

Then we went to see my husband's stepfather, and I got stuck there for hours. Apparently he wanted to do a cookout, but there was no mention of it for hours. I had to stay because Corey and I came in one car, and he was drinking. They wonder why I seldom go over there... I can't stay for so long. And I shouldn't be driving when I'm THAT F'ING TIRED. It was good that I got to spend some quality time with my MIL though. She is very unhappy. Her husband is an A-Hole. Corey said that they fight all the time now, but this was the first time I witnessed it first hand. Honestly, I was kinda happy to finally see her sticking up for herself.

I passed out very early for me lately... maybe I made it to 9? IDK.

I have a TON of s- to do. I'm going to try to work out how I'm going to get it all done this week, but right now it's all overwhelming. I'm just going to have to make some lists I guess, and hope that works.

Dmom3005 06-17-2019 03:06 PM

Even though you had to stay out way to late. I'm glad you got
to spend some time with your MIL. I'm guessing it was nice
for her too.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 06-18-2019 11:42 AM

I guess it was, Donna. She sent me a text a little while after we got home telling me so. We should probably spend more time together when I'm feeling a little better. It would be good for both of us.

I decided that the #1 thing I needed to do yesterday was put down some carpet powder and vacuum because the rug was a mess and our living room smelled like cat farts (it already smells like cat farts again). Then I did some dishes and did some cleaning in the kitchen before going to CVS to pick up some staples: coffee and ice cream.

Today I got to see Judy and I got my nails done. So, that was a nice start to the day :)

I had to go buy some MMJ today, as I'm almost completely out. I had a hard time deciding which dispensary to go to because neither of them had a lot that was really appealing to me. I ended up going to the PITA local place that I usually go to. There was only one strain that I've tried before, the other two are hail Mary's. I hope that they work out.

I'm already ready for a nap, but I will try to do some reading on the forum.

Dmom3005 06-18-2019 12:18 PM


I think the text probably showed how much the visit meant to
here. I'm guessing she really needed to spend some time
with someone that would spend time with just her.

And you really did something special doing that for her.

I know how hard the time you guys spent there with them
was for you.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

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