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OhKay 05-25-2019 11:36 AM

I'm so glad that you had such a nice birthday out with Alice! :):):)

You are not a failure! I am so sorry that you are feeling that way right now :hug::hug::hug:
You did so much for the children in your neighborhood when you were young, and the children you worked with as a therapist. And you are such a good friend to so many people, especially Suri. People who give so much to others are not failures, they are blessings (((HUGS)))

I took Rexulti for a while to break an episode of depression. It worked very quickly for me, but I was on it for a couple of months, and I had zero side effects, including no weight gain, but that's me...

If I remember correctly, you have already tried Rexulti, prescribed by your old pdoc because it worked so well for me, but it did NOT work for you. I don't remember you having any side effects either tho.
So, that is a failed drug trial, so you should not bother taking it, no matter what the side effects are. You can tell your pdoc that you forgot you had already tried the med and it didn't work. But I'm kinda surprised that your old pdoc prescribed it for you given the side effects because he was always so cautious, but he may have realized that the risk of some of the more serious side effects are low, and they are.

In a brief, but not complete summary: Weight gain is common- up to 30% of patients, and 10% actually reported weight loss in clinical trials. It can also cause a host of common GI issues and increase anxiety, which have been big problems for you lately. It can also raise blood sugars and cholesterol, as I think you or someone else has already mentioned, but those side effects tend to be dose-dependent.
There have been an "unknown frequency" of cerebrovascular incidents such as stroke, which means the incidents are likely rare, and possibly not related to the medication. Sometimes patients have medical problems during the course of clinical trials that aren't related to the medications, but still have to be reported.

I definitely don't think it's the best med for you to be taking. But, like I said, I'm pretty f'ing sure you've taken it before anyway, and it didn't work, so there's no reason to take it again. I'm surprised you don't remember taking it before.

bizi 05-25-2019 01:37 PM

your cognitive skills are great kay being that you remember about Bobbies meds.
Thank you for that.

mymorgy 05-25-2019 02:22 PM

I thought it was familiar. Thank you so much. I wound up having a wonderful morning. Stella and I had coffee at 10:30 and then we wound u talking at length to an adorable guy i his thirties outside of the coffee place for over an hour. Stella did most of the talking. I have to look up Atlantis. Then she took me to the Indian buffet which was delicious and we kept on talking.

bizi 05-25-2019 06:16 PM

I am so glad that you have stella in your life!

Mari 05-26-2019 03:49 AM

Great morning with Stella. :)

mymorgy 05-26-2019 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1275701)
I am so glad that you have stella in your life!

yesterday I sent her an email saying that I was blessed to have her as a friend.
Last night I didn't sleep much at all. I am upset about the meds the doctor prescribed. I won't take either. One of the serious side effects of equetro are bruises. I don't know if it from the blood thinner but I often see black and blues and don't know how I get them.The medicine would make me too anxious and anxiety and depression are my major problems besides the physical problems like walking,diabetes and controlled blood pressure and high cholesterol. I will ask her again for topamax. I was able to handle that drug and it did reduce my cravings for sweets.

OhKay 05-26-2019 09:37 AM

I remember that Bobby took the Rexulti because when she did, I was really hoping it would work for her like it did for me, but it didn't, and I was really disappointed :(

Are you going to call your pdoc, or just keep taking your antidepressant and Klonopin and wait for your next appointment?

Are you on a blood thinner, or just worried about the fact that you get mysterious bruises (I do too), or worried about bruising as a side effect of a medication?

I'm glad you had such a nice morning with Stella! :):):)

mymorgy 05-26-2019 09:44 AM

one of the side effects of equetorSp) is bruising and I bruise so I don't want to take because it will cause more anxiety. i take a blood thinner because of my stroke I will tell her when I see her. It is too scary

OhKay 05-26-2019 03:37 PM

I thought your insurance doesn’t cover it?
So if you can’t even get it, the side effects shouldn’t be relevant...

mymorgy 05-26-2019 05:15 PM

she told me that she has a lot of samples which she could give me. Thank God I haven't taken it. I have two big black and blues on my leg and I didn't bump into anything. Because I am a worrier and tend to think negatively if I had taken it I might have assumed it was from the medication and would have gone to the emergency room. I decided after thinking about it all night and getting two hours of sleep I will tell her the truth and say I didn't take it because I do bruise easily and would be scared stiff. also it is for mania which I don't have, just depression and anxiety which is really high now and interfering with the antidepressant. I am now depressed and anxious and so tired.
also she immediately cut my klonipin to 1 1/2 mg from 2 mg in the morning and 2 mg at night

bizi 05-26-2019 07:48 PM

You know your body best....keep trusting your instincts.

Mari 05-27-2019 04:37 AM

'Wishing you well, Bobby.

mymorgy 05-27-2019 05:46 AM

thank you so much. I am so depressed and anxious and tired.

OhKay 05-27-2019 09:22 AM

Bruising is only a possible] side effect of Equetro, and it's rare. I do not know that being on a blood thinner would increase your risk of bruising while on this med, but I can understand your concern. It's something you should discuss with your pdoc, but only if you are still considering taking it :hug::hug::hug:

The list of side effects you see online are only possible side effects. I like to go to to view the side effects of medications so that I can see if the incidence of them are very common, common, rare, or incidence unknown (outside clinical studies, and maybe unrelated to the medication). I'm always most interested in the very common and common ones when I start taking a med, but I always read the whole list. If I refused to take my meds because of all of the rare potentially severe side effects, I would be on no meds at all because they all have them, but there are things that exclude meds for me such as they may cause mania or effect kidney function (because of kidney disease).

You seem very anxious about your meds, so I would call your pdoc on Tuesday to straighten things out, and maybe ask for Topamax? I think you will feel better afterwards (((HUGS)))

mymorgy 05-27-2019 11:10 AM

thank you. I will wait for my next appt in two wednesdays. I have asked her about topamax but I think she wanted me to try the other things. As i wrote I am a very anxious person who thinks the worse. You are such a stronger person than me. God bless you.
I feel okay now. just spent over an hour on the phone with suri in Israel. she just took another test last week and it didn't come out worse thank God. She is working on qi gong which she was learning in china. It sounds great.

mymorgy 05-28-2019 06:45 AM

Cecilia took me out for my birthday last night. It was great. My youngest nephew called me yesterday for my birthday. I had sent him pictures that Stella took which showed me laughing and smiling-so rare. I was on the phone with Suri and got the voice message. I am looking for low calorie treats for Abby. She has gained some weight from I think all the treats I have given her. she likes to jump up on the high cabinets and leap from one to another to another. I am afraid the extra weight will interfere with her fun.
Last night I took an aleve pm and it really helped me fall asleep. I wonder if it will work tonight
I feel really sad for Cecilia. Yesterday was the first day she started using her new prosthesis for her throat. She has been having trouble breathing so she has to stretch the hole with the next size. She said it is so painful to put it in.

bizi 05-28-2019 09:35 AM

AM so glad that the alieve pm helped you to sleep. I used to take benadryl(the PM part of any night aide) or any generic allergy med which are cheap. That did the trick so that is good!!!!!
sorry about cecilia. I don't think I knew she had a prosthesis....
poor thing.

Dmom3005 05-28-2019 01:33 PM

Sorry about Cecelia.

Thanks for the idea to sleep, I'm going to look for something with pm, in it.
I might have better luck with that iwth the pain.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 05-28-2019 07:57 PM

donna, just get the generic benadryl/allegy pill. much cheap than the brand name tylenol PM or other with PM behind the name.

mymorgy 05-29-2019 03:20 AM

but the pm has helped me sleep also

Dmom3005 05-29-2019 11:30 AM

I had already bought an generic fast release for 3.50. It worked great the pm part. Really let me sleep. I think I slept from 1pm till 9am. I did wake up a few times, but that is normal, bathroom breaks.
I can't sleep when I take Benedryl it doesn't make me tired so I knew it wouldn't work.

Thanks though.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 05-29-2019 12:43 PM

i just made an appt with my gp on june the 7th at 8:30. my blood pressure is way over 200 and my pulse is very fast. I am scared

mymorgy 05-29-2019 12:49 PM

one of the readings was 222. i just took another klonopin and two cups of chamomillle tea and then the reading was 126

mymorgy 05-29-2019 01:09 PM

I took an extra ramipril pill and cancelled my appt with my psychiatrist nexrt wedneday and on the message I asked for the following week. I have been eating a lot chewy pills for my stomach. I like the taste. I am going to throw them out and save the bottle and show the gp

mymorgy 05-29-2019 01:15 PM

I just bought hibiscus tea which helps to lower blood pressure

OhKay 05-29-2019 01:43 PM

Tylenol makes a product called "Tylenol Simply Sleep" with the PM part and without the pain reliever. I know it has the same active ingredient as Benadryl, but Benadryl doesn't make me sleepy, but "Tylenol Simply Sleep" does for some reason. Maybe it is stronger, or it has different inactive ingredients in it... IDK.

I'm glad that Siri got a good report, and that whatever she learned in China is working out well for her. I'm so glad that you are so supportive of her (((HUGS)))

I'm happy you and Cecilia had a good time out at dinner! And that your nephew thought of you on your birthday!
I'm sorry that Cecilia is having a hard time with her new prosthetic. I didn't know that she had to wear one either. It's no wonder why she is so scarred from her past cancer experience :hug:

I don't see a problem with you waiting to see your pdoc for a couple of weeks because you're on the antidepressant that has seemed to work well for you before she started farting around with all these other meds...
But I AM worried that in the meantime, your anxiety is NOT being treated adequately. If it was, your systolic blood pressure would not be as high as it has been. It is obviously so high, at least in part, due to elevated anxiety, or it would not have gone down so low after you took the Klonopin. That is something that your pdoc needs to know so she can recognize how high your anxiety really is :hug::hug::hug:

I'm glad that you made the appointment with your GP. You need to get this checked out, but try not to worry too much. It will only make matters worse (((HUGS)))
Try not too take your blood pressure too often, and only take it after you've been resting for at least 15 minutes so you can get an accurate reading.

I'm glad that you have been experimenting with teas to help with your stomach and anxiety. Which ones have helped the best so far?

mymorgy 05-29-2019 01:56 PM

peppermint for the stomach and chamomille to help my anxiety. I just took a warm bath and will wait to around eight to take my blood pressure again. The hibiscus tea might not come to the fourth. rats
bobby ps I have lower back pain from the p.t.'s exercise last year so the pain pill helps.

mymorgy 05-29-2019 02:22 PM

and ginger tea for the stomach

Dmom3005 05-29-2019 03:37 PM


Since you made an appointment with your gp ask about the stomach
issues. Even if it happens to be from anxiety. Its possible that the gp
would be willing to help with the klonipin or an anxiety medicine.

I hope you can keep from worrying about your blood pressure.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 05-29-2019 03:51 PM

Okay. I don't think I am going to take my blood pressure to night

mymorgy 05-30-2019 06:37 AM

i just took my blood pressure and it was in the 170's and then in the upper 150's. I woke up depressed but I think it is going away. I slept til seven. wow. that is the latest I slept in so long. I wonder if it was one of the teas. I will drink
a few cups today. I am afraid to take my blood pressure right now. I have so much anxiety

OhKay 05-30-2019 11:49 AM

You only need to take your BP 3 times a day- tops, unless you have a very high, or very low, reading and want to see if it goes down with rest or a response to a medication :hug:

mymorgy 05-30-2019 02:13 PM

it is 177. I will take it tonight. I am so anxious

Dmom3005 05-30-2019 03:34 PM

Do you take Blood pressure meds now?

Make sure you have relaxed, done some deep breathing,
and not over excreted yourself before you try taking it.

And please try taking it only twice a day. I would call
your gp if it keeps running so high.


mymorgy 05-30-2019 03:41 PM

I have an appt with him next friday I take ramipril in the morning. I used to also take it at night but a few years ago my doctor cut it down. I am still very anxious and have been reading. I love the author emily larkin. I downloaded a lot from kindle. I will take my blood pressure before I go to sleep.

mymorgy 05-30-2019 04:45 PM

the chamomille tea is also helping my ingestion bloating and gas.

bizi 05-30-2019 09:15 PM

glad that the tea is helping you!
Did you try the ginger tea?

That is supposed to help with tummy issues.

mymorgy 05-31-2019 04:35 AM

yes i have. i like it. my bp was 101 this morning. i feel really rotten today.
I ate too much junk and probably gained another pound yesterday. my back is so stiff this morning. i couldn't stand up straight up straight. i haven't used my bike in a while. i feel like crying but i can't.

mymorgy 05-31-2019 07:36 AM

I just wrote to Alice and said if anything happens to me I am sure they would easily be adopted by a shelter. they are so beautiful and purebreed

mymorgy 05-31-2019 12:49 PM

I am jumping out of my skin. I just took a bath and am making peppermint tea.
I am so stressed out that my stomach is beginning to hurt again. the antidepressant isn't working. I won't get on the scale. I am afraid I have gained at least ten pounds if not more. I am so furious at myself. I am having trouble reading. At least I threw out the garbage. I have been praying to God for help.
Stella and Cecilia have gone away for the weekend. My friend Zeynep just called. Her ex husband was dying. He was 96. I hadn't spoken to her in a few weeks. He just died. He knew her since she was 17. I told her I want to take her out for lunch. The funeral is in Connecticut

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