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jinglelady4 02-05-2009 06:32 PM

tag game - topic colors
I just happen to belong to a local poetry group that meets every 2-3 weeks and one of the meetings requirement was to write a poem about a color.
I chose red. this poem I wrote is a bit long for this thread - but i thought you might enjoy it. Here it is: oops - I forgot to pass it on - the tag topic is - SWIMMING


I can’t make up my mind about the color red
The negatives & positives have me confused
Just when I have, my mind decided – instead
I find it even more difficult to choose.

Red is the color they say the devil is
But red is for true love and Valentines
Once, Russia had bunches of red communists
But red-blooded Americans blood is red, most of the time.

Lack and failure on tests are usually marked in red
And working in the red is - a high ratio of debt
But the red necks that fuel the red hot coals of industry,
That crank out new red sports cars for the “Indy”
Santa’s red suit, red bag, roll out the red carpet, please
These red things are deemed signs of success.

We see red when we are angry, (but not really)
And taking the red eye, leaves us feeling sleepy.
Is the ruby red shimmering of the hummingbird
More beautiful than the powerful red hawk that hunts her?

When we say red skins, we could mean potatoes
Or ball players, or the Natives (that were here before)
And neither ball players nor red Indians, (at least not most)
Come from India, nor do they have red skin, (of course.)

Not even Superman’s red cape or Spiderman’s tights
Could sooth annoyance of red tape or red stop lights
The Red Cross, and candy stripers give helping hands
But we don’t say that we caught them red handed.

When the red sky warns of a storm
Where do ladybugs and robins go to stay warm?
No trivia herein of red so far has had the impact
Or importance understated in these last four facts:

The bloody results left by some words can’t be un-said
Like “you’re HIV positive” or “I’m pregnant”
And it was a future sacrifice illustration
When blood over door was first-born protection.

So there you have it, a silly synopsis on the color red
And “ways of speak” that I bet you hadn’t thought of
Did you get a kick out of the language threads
But then, that might hurt, and I never got to the bottom of.


who moi 02-06-2009 12:03 PM

those are all great, folks!

I did see that the next tag word is: serendipity


Alffe 02-06-2009 04:42 PM

once in a while
it makes me smile
old friends.

going back
takes longer now
while up ahead
it's shorter

elusive things
those memories
wiley in their absence
but once in a while
if everything works
I really do remember.

tag......the word is frog

weegot5kiz 02-07-2009 11:34 AM

frogs are quick to ribit and leap
in serene ponds that are knee deep
with tongues so strong and stout
snagging flies as it reaches out
multi colored skin so bright
singing their songs as day losses its light
their call carries over the swamps and waters
their silence means they dont want to be bothered
so remember frogs are indeed pretty cool creatures
so many colors and some with cool features

ickk lol I tried ok keeping the theme

next tag "Lilly pads"

Alffe 02-07-2009 04:24 PM

There's a theme? :confused: *grin

Tag...lily pads

GmaSue 02-08-2009 02:01 AM

lily pads

we all need a lilly pad to rest our weary bones
a place to go when we are tired and tired of being tired
we all need a lily pad to rest our troubled minds
a place to go when we are sad and tired of being sad

if we don't have a lily pad, and don't know how to get one
we can always ask our friends and they will loan us theirs
if we don't want a lily pad, and have run out of courage
again, just ask an NT friend, they will loan us courage.

I don't really like this poem, but I like it just enough not to delete it.
Maybe someone can fix it or write a better one about lilypads.

tag: emoticons

who moi 02-08-2009 09:21 PM

Tag: "Emoticons"

: )
; )
: (
>: (
>: )
0: )
<3 or x3♥

who moi 02-08-2009 09:29 PM

OK, but seriously...


how can a blank piece of paper
be chockful of emotions

how can one cyber friend
show support for another

typing "smile" might help
but seeing :-) is even better

sometimes words get misconstrued
ending with a :-D or a ;-) makes it lighter

who knew a few lines and a few dashes
can make one's day brighter...

colons become eyes
while semi becomes winks

while emoticons reveal expressions of the face...
a$$icons, well, I rest my case...

so here's a ^_^ to end this tag
and dare I tag the next word: "drag"

mistiis 02-09-2009 03:02 AM

It is truly a drag
When I feel like a limp rag

Down the stairs I creep
Can't find my friend - sleep

It is truly a drag
When I hit this snag

With the coming of light
This mind will be quite a sight

Oh, that this pain would fly away
How I pray

For, then, I could find
That sweet nursery rhyme

And dream, lightly dream
And not be in this drag
That will leave me like a rag.

Tag = dream or dreaming

GmaSue 02-10-2009 07:27 AM

I think it is bright colors and flashing forms
with a story to tell
not sure
I do not dream

I do know it happens nightly
to some people

Some say it tells the future
and some feel it heals the past
does each part really have great meaning
do the pieces fit together at last

what are you dreaming
does it have the makings of a good suspense story
are there lovely heroines or heroes or both
and do they let you have a part

do you wish that when you are sleeping
John Mayer would come to you in a dream
to sing “Dreaming with a broken heart”

Tag: "take one for the team" or "a team of one" or "it takes two"

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