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Rhapsody 07-11-2008 12:43 AM

Some interesting facts I came across today while researching vitamins with out nickel.

* * * * * * *

The average adult body contains about 10 mg of nickel and it is found in many body tissues, therefore, you should be able to get all the nickel you need from your daily diet... and the nickel found naturally in our food shouldn't cause any harm.

Most nickel is eliminated in the feces, some in urine and some in sweat.

Recommended Dietary Allowance:
Studies indicate a variable dietary intake of nickel, but most averages are about 0.2-0.7 mg per day... no more than 1 mg per day.

* * * * * * *

And - I found these vitamins -
No Nickel - Equate Women's One Daily Vitamin Supplement (@ Wal-mart)

Fish Slayer 10-23-2008 03:38 PM

Would like to join the disscussion
Hopefully some of you will check this tread from time to time.

I also suffer nickel allergies. I found out after having a bout of Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Which is basically my white blood cells attacking my esophagus die to an allergic reaction. In my case Nickel and beef.

I have been managing to keep things under control by avoiding the common foods that are known to be high in Ni. The problem is that there does not seem to be a very comprehensive list. My reactions are not always immediate, cause and effect testing can be challenging. I have found a danish list that listed a good number of foods and the concentration of Ni in ppm, but after eating iceberg lettuce which was listed as low in Ni, I had a bit of a reaction, so i am not trusting that list any more.

Does anybody know of a better list or reference? I had a bit of trouble swallowing my breakfast this morning (which is a symptom of the EE) and I am trying to figure out what the culprit is. I am suspecting pomegranate as this is a new addition to my diet and thinking about it, most seeds are on the "to avoid" list when it comes to Ni.

I have rambled on enough for now, but i would appreciate any resources that you could point me to.

MustangMoe 11-09-2008 12:07 PM

Hi Rhapsody, This nickel allergy is all new to me. I am only allergic to shrimps and I find it anoying. I can't even start comprehensing this nickel allergy has on peoples lives. I have a question for you. I make wine and I am planning on plating my wine press machine to protect it from rusting. It is presently stell painted. The chemist at the plating company is the one who told me about nickel allergies. I was thinking of plating my machine nickel. So the question is, will my wine affect those who drink it? Only about 10% of my wine will come in contact for a very brief period of time with the nickel-plated machine (for about 5 seconds). My wine is then bottled in glass containers.
What do you (or anyone else) recomend? I personally do not know of anyone who is allergic to nickel, at least not that I know of. I don't to fix one problem(rust) by making another (nickel allergy). I thought of tin plating my machine.

Rhapsody 11-10-2008 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Fish Slayer (Post 395165)
Does anybody know of a better list or reference?

Sadly, finding a better list is not the solution here.... as this allergy has to do more with how sensitive your body is to nickel, therefore, what may not effect you in small amounts could break another person out in a full body rash. :)


Originally Posted by MustangMoe (Post 404855)
I make wine and I am planning on plating my wine press machine to protect it from rusting.

So the question is, will my wine affect those who drink it? Only about 10% of my wine will come in contact for a very brief period of time with the nickel-plated machine (for about 5 seconds). My wine is then bottled in glass containers.

What do you (or anyone else) recommend?

This is a touch one, but one that must be considered as a Nickel allergy can be triggered by the smallest contact in some people... while others need to be exposed to higher levels of Nickel to have an reaction.

I personally am one of those people that cannot have the smallest amount of extra Nickel around me or I will break out in a rash that itches.... I have even had to stop taking vitamins all together due to my allergies.

If there is another way for you to plate your wine press I would suggest looking into it.... as a life is not worth gambling with.

MustangMoe 11-10-2008 10:52 AM

Nickel in Wine

Originally Posted by Rhapsody (Post 405282)
Sadly, finding a better list is not the solution here.... as this allergy has to do more with how sensitive your body is to nickel, therefore, what may not effect you in small amounts could break another person out in a full body rash. :)

This is a touch one, but one that must be considered as a Nickel allergy can be triggered by the smallest contact in some people... while others need to be exposed to higher levels of Nickel to have an reaction.

I personally am one of those people that cannot have the smallest amount of extra Nickel around me or I will break out in a rash that itches.... I have even had to stop taking vitamins all together due to my allergies.

If there is another way for you to plate your wine press I would suggest looking into it.... as a life is not worth gambling with.

I've been doing some research in the net trying to find a way to protect my wine press machine from rust and yet not make it harmfull in other way (nickel). Eventhough I know no one personally who is allergic to nickel I want to make sure that my wine is not the cause of some one's reaction. I've been looking at it from a different perspective now. I was looking at a list of beverages that contain high to moderate amounts of nickel and found out that wine has quiet a bit of nickel to start off with. so I've been wondering: if some one is allergic to nickel and knows it, will that person venture into drinking wine regarless of how it was made? Does a nickel intolerant person drink wine? Was the list I saw correct? According to the list, beer and red wine are among the top 3 in this high nickel content list. Beer being #1 and red wine #3.

Rhapsody 11-12-2008 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by MustangMoe (Post 405449)
Does a nickel intolerant person drink wine? Was the list I saw correct? According to the list, beer and red wine are among the top 3 in this high nickel content list. Beer being #1 and red wine #3.

I do not drink either beer nor wine, so I have never given any thought to them with my nickel allergy, but I do know that beer is listed as a big no no when you are allergic to nickel... and you would think that a newly dx patient would look into what not to consume to lessen the effects of the allergy.

Harmony 12-06-2008 11:11 PM

Fish Slayer - In 2007, the "US Food and Drug Administration" created a "Total Diet Study" which lists the average mg/kg for various elements, including "Nickel", for a variety of foods tested. I can't post the link because I'm a new user, but if you search on those key words plus "Summary of Results" you should get it. The last column lists the average.

While this is not comprehensive, it provides more data than just a list, and has lower level information for those who are more sensitive. Of course, any food listed that has multiple ingredients will likely have different mg/kg depending on how it's made, but at least it's a ballpark.

Looking at this list, Nickel content in iceberg lettuce is a medium level. Since Ni concentration in foods will vary depending on the Ni concentration in the soil where the food was grown, possibly the USFDA list will be more representative for food bought in the US than the Danish list. I hope this helps!

calukaline 12-29-2008 06:22 AM

I'm another one...
It's great to know I'm not the only one having to live in such a strict lifestyle...

I have been suffering from eczema the past 2 years and only 3 months ago they decided to do a patch test and found i was severly allergic to Nickel...

Good news is there is one type of chocolate that does not contain cocoa and that is Milkybar, Not sure what countries it is for sale in but it can be purchased at most supermarkets in Australia.

Has anyone had any experience with Psorizide Forte? From reading on the internet apparently this homeopathic medicine can reduce the effects of Nickel Allergies but i have not been able to get in contact with a homeopath who knows about it...

Well hope to hear some news soon....:wink:

trikerlady 01-02-2009 08:35 AM

i have same thing -- nickel allergy .but have founf=d a company that sells nickel free jewelery . Its have had good luck with them . no food alergy to nickel :)

herbie 01-15-2009 03:16 PM

Familuiar Story

Originally Posted by janedough (Post 185860)
I'm a 44 year old female with major allergies, asthma, fibromyalgia and polycycstic ovary syndrome. I just found out last summer that I had a nickle allergy when I asked why I was breaking out around my wire frame glasses. I got titanium frames this time and it has made a huge difference.

Over Christmas, I have been having a major anaphylactic reaction, swollen tongue and throat, trouble breathing, hives, heart palpitations etc. My allergist felt it was due to the metformin I take for the PCOS and took me off of it. On one trip to my allergist, I picked up a freebie publication on allergies. They had an article on nickle allergies. In the article, it said that if you have a nickle allergy, you shouldn't cook in stainless steel or eat canned goods. It said that the nickle from the cans and pans leaches into the food, particularly with high acid foods. Given the "bucket theory" of allergies (your immune system is like a leaky bucket, as long as you don't add allergens faster than the bucket leaks, you don't react. If you add too many allergens too fast, the bucket overflows and you react), I decided to act on the tip. I got rid of all my canned goods and bought some aluminum pots and pans. (I did some research first, the whole aluminum cookware/alzheimer's connection seems to be pretty well debunked, there is something like 15 times more aluminum in one antacid tablet than you get from cooking a meal in aluminum cookware and diabetes is looking to be the biggest risk for getting alzheimers. Besides, the restaurant industry never stopped using aluminum, so if you eat in restaurants, you're getting it anyway).

Anyway, the result is that my anaphylaxis is steadily retreating. Interestingly, my fibromyalgia seems to be retreating with it. I take a muscle relaxer for it, and I can take anywhere from 4 - 8 milligrams a night depending on my level of pain. Over Christmas, I was taking 8 milligrams and still having pain. The last two nights I've only taken 2 milligrams and had little or no pain. I have never taken that little muscle relaxer before. I've also stopped having trouble swallowing and stopped having symptoms of what I thought were hemorrhoids but now appear to have been internal hives. I'm starting to think that this nickle allergy has been going on for a long time at a lot more serious level than I realized. Has anyone else out there encountered any of this?

Thanks for sharing this Jane doe. Its the storey of my last 4 years and I'm just realizing now that its the damn nickel. Used to get anaphalactic eruptions of swollen lower face every 12 to 18 months for 25 years and then following one of these in 2005 my mouth became constantly swollen (lips, tongue and cheeks). A trip to the Mayo Clinic in Feb 2007 pointed to gold crowns (patch tested but they didn't do nickel) which I subsequently had removed and things seemed to settle down a bit. Don't get the major anaphalactic reactions now but do use Reactine (10 mg) almost daily although I did go through a period from Sept 07 to August 08 with very little of the antihistomine. i've only just started to watch the nickel (utinsels, cooking pots, glasses, etc.) but the diet's all new. I didn't think I could get on a smaller list of acceptable foods as I only eat fresh and mostly organic. just a couple of prepared foods that I seem to tolerate (ones' a cranberry/apricot oat square from Planet Organic-Mmmm good) I'd be interested to hear of recommended foods. Also, I have lost significant amounts of structural fat, particularly on the balls & toes of my feet and palms & fingers of hands. Anyone else experience this and has a way to treat it?

herbie 01-17-2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by katweena11 (Post 274529)
Hi everyone! I'm new here so please excuse me if I'm barging in on this thread but I'm getting desperate! :(
So many here seem to have an allergy to nickel so what better place to start :p
So here's my story...
I've been getting puffy, red itchy flaking eyes for about a year on and off. Been to several doctors and it's been nothing more than a run around.
I've also gotten a patch test and the only thing that has come up is nickel. Even without make-up I get flare ups. So my question is:

could I get a reaction only on my eyes if it's nickel in food related?

Thanks in advance! :grouphug:

Hi Katrina
What about eye glasses with metal frames?

Rhapsody 01-18-2009 11:10 AM

Yes - it is possible to just have the reaction of nickel to show up on your body in just one or two places - I on the other hand am not so lucky as I often get a full body rash... a body rash that once made my dermatologist think I had Lupus.

And I second the suggestion to look into what your eye glasses are made of (if you wear any) and or sunglass..... and all females should always look into what their make-up is made of - I had to give up wearing make all together up after my allergies started. :(

herbie 01-22-2009 01:35 AM

Loss of Structural Fat
Through a series if anaphalactic angio edema attachs during which I experience rapid weight loss (about 5#'s in course of 10-15 days), my structural fat has been depleteded, Although my weight has returned to normal, partially due to the use of a testostirone cream, the pads of my fingers, hands, toes and feet remain very thin and it makes walking difficult. I'd appreciate hearing from others who have experienced this. I've patch tested positive for Goldsodiumthiosulfate (found in dental prosthetics), nickelsulfate hexahydrate, potossium dichromate and Quaternium 15. The gold crowns went 2 years ago and I'm now thinking my continuing eposodes, primariy being a swolen mouth 24/7 may be connected to nickel. And there has been a slight improvement since staying away from nichel/stainless steel, etc. in the last week. I'd love to here from any of you with experiences of a similar nature and what worked for you. Thanks

joyse 02-22-2009 11:58 AM

My first response here or any blog... but I am having a nickel sulfate reaction only around my eyes. It's incredibly painful and definitely not attractive. I was convinced after spending Christmas Day with cold compresses on my eyes it was because I was drinking red wine the weekend before. Since that day I have only been drinking white wine. And it didn't go away completely. But I am broken out worse today. The doctor says that the skin around the eyes is the most sensitive and that may be why the reaction centers there. I've been reading today about nickel sulfate in red wine and white wine and in all the products you all write about here. But I also came up positive on Lyral which is a fragrance in many, many products. I fortunately have been given an ointment which takes away the symptoms but it's a steriod and can't be used all the time. This is really depressing.

Frustrated Mother 02-23-2009 12:35 AM

My daughter has been allergic since birth
Thank you for this community. My daughter first reacted to nickel when she was a baby from the snaps of her onsies. She is now 11, and I have let so much damage go on. She is obese, rash from head to toe, severe scars from rash near the rivots in her jeans, eczema, swollen lips, and just looks like she is retaining water. I have done everything you can think of to eliminate the contact. It has just really hit me. I make her eat nickel in high doses every day by giving her a granola bar, eating nuts for snacks, can vegetables and soups, salads, wheat bread. I could go on,... Pretty much everything on the lists. I want to cry. I have been doing everything wrong. Trying to make her eat better has only forced more nickel into her diet. I could go on and on about her symptoms and reactions and such. She is very active in sports, but is very exhausted other times. Looking back she has always experienced a lot of upset tummys and vomitting. I have wanted to help her eat right for her weight and health, and I am practically poisoning her. She has dermatologist and Peditrician. But its down to the diet and more strict no contact to nickel. I wondered if the Atkins diet would be a plan and an idea for a day to day following. I do not want to give up. I want her to feel better. Gosh the school lunches probably serve their vegetable and other things out of cans, the water fountain, WOW!!!!

herbie 02-23-2009 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by joyse (Post 469605)
My first response here or any blog... but I am having a nickel sulfate reaction only around my eyes. It's incredibly painful and definitely not attractive. I was convinced after spending Christmas Day with cold compresses on my eyes it was because I was drinking red wine the weekend before. Since that day I have only been drinking white wine. And it didn't go away completely. But I am broken out worse today. The doctor says that the skin around the eyes is the most sensitive and that may be why the reaction centers there. I've been reading today about nickel sulfate in red wine and white wine and in all the products you all write about here. But I also came up positive on Lyral which is a fragrance in many, many products. I fortunately have been given an ointment which takes away the symptoms but it's a steriod and can't be used all the time. This is really depressing.

Hi Joyse
There are a very few wines that don't have sulfates added that if you're lucky you might find. I know don't give my wife ordaughter-in-law the red rashes they used to get. These are generally listed as organic although you have to be carefull with them also. Some of "Chapoutier's" wines I believe are sulfate free. Otherwise I can send you a bottle of Canadian Rye Whiskey and you can forget about the wines.

On another subject, I do take one perscription mediacation; "zopoclone". I believe the trade name it sold under are Lunesta and Ambien and today saw a TV add for the latter which stated that swollen mouth and tounge were side effects. Maybe that' part (or a lot) of my problem and will try to live without it for a few days to see if there is a change in swelkling, but I was wondering if there was anyone else who had experience either with the swollen mouth or Ambien?


ToxicLover88 02-25-2009 07:01 AM

HELLLLLLP! This is driving me crazy!
Hi there,
I feel so much better now that i've found this site!
I've been allergic to Nickel for over a year now, most of that time was spent trying to find out what this misterious rash was!
I've been to the doctors and dermatologists time after time only to walk out in fits of tears and a perscription for anti-hystomines(?)
Ive now been told im immune to anytype of anti-hystomines and awaiting yet another dermatologist appointment.

I was put on steriod tablets for a while, this may be helpfull to some. It helped start to clear the painfull rash, but i became severly depressed on them and was advised by my doctor to stop the tablets.

I feel kind of thrown into the deep end at this stage. Being told you have a nickel allergy and then your left to just deal and figure out for yourself how to cope!

But how?!! How can you avoid contact with nickel?! its in almost EVERYTHING!
Simple tasks such as opening my bedroom door, or flushing the toilet, washing your hands. These tasks cannot be completed without touching nickel! As far as i know!

I have not tryed the nickel free diet yet, but i would like to know if anyone could reccomend any sites that explain this diet. Part of my reaction is on the corner of my lip and sometimes i can't even open my mouth in order to eat as the skin cracks deeply. Possibly a nickle-free diet could be the awnser?

I wondered if anyone knew any razors i could use for shaving that do not contain nickel?

Also does glitter contain nickel?

Can i get a peircing and what jewelry can i wear?
I used to have 7 ear peircings, but upon finding out about the allergy i have removed the earings and they have sadly closed up. sadface.

Can i have a tattoo safely?

I know some of my questions may sound stupid, but i just don't know what to do anymore. There's no way of figuring out if an item in question contains nickel as it doesn't come with a list of ingredients/componants like food does.
Ive looked everywhere and i've had no luck so far.

I also read a few months ago that a nickel allergy can be classed as a long term disability depending on the severity, does anyone know how true this is?

Id love to hear back from anyone,
thanks a bunchhh! =]


Rhapsody 02-27-2009 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by ToxicLover88 (Post 471051)
Can i get a peircing and what jewelry can i wear?
Can i have a tattoo safely?

Platinum Jewelry is the way to go when one has an allergy to nickel - Ebay has some nice pieces to choose from, check them out - I have and now I can safely wear jewelry again. :)

As far as the tattoo goes.... the ink does have metal in it, therefore, I would have the artist do a skin test to see how sensitive you are or are not to the ink.... some people are more sensitive than others.

ToxicLover88 03-03-2009 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Rhapsody (Post 472068)
Platinum Jewelry is the way to go when one has an allergy to nickel - Ebay has some nice pieces to choose from, check them out - I have and now I can safely wear jewelry again. :)

As far as the tattoo goes.... the ink does have metal in it, therefore, I would have the artist do a skin test to see how sensitive you are or are not to the ink.... some people are more sensitive than others.

Whoa, thanks! I really want my tongue peirced, apparently you can get plastic jewelery, but its more what the use to peirce it that im worried about, nothing that a bit of research can't sort out! =]

This is the most advice ive had for over a year! I walked into my doctors about a month ago and i had to explain to my doctor what a nickel allergy was!! Ridiculous!

Smilie 03-03-2009 10:58 PM

i think i am allergic to nickel too, as i react very badly to cheap earring and chains. a few years ago, i had my ears pierced with a needle at a piercing & tattoo shop with surgical steel earrings locked with a little bead. they said they were nickel free, verbally only, but they said they couldn't officially confirm it in writing because no documentation was available. after one full year of struggling with severe infection that refused to heal, even with very good hygiene (3 times a day cleaning with a natural product they were selling, containing essential oils, then a contact lenses saline cleaner for sensitive eyes, then, rubbing alcohol) i decided to remove the rings for good. i suspect that they were not really nickel free, but who knows. :eek:

on my 2 other sets of ear piercings, i wear silver sterling earrings, as well as neck chains, from Mexico or India, without problem, on a regular basis. i'm not sure if there is any nickel in silver sterling?

my eyeglasses frames are made of titanium and plastic. i never had any problems with them. :)

santopietro 03-17-2009 06:54 PM

New to Nickel allergy

I wondered if anyone knew any razors i could use for shaving that do not contain nickel?

Hello Toxiclover88, I recently found out that I am allergic to nickel. About a month ago I became really itchy on the backs of my legs and torso. I went into my dr. and she just told me that I was allergic to something but gave no suggestions on finding out what it might be. After taking the steroids that she gave me and them not having any effect she sent me to a dermatologist. He only told me that yes I have hive. The next day doing everything the same as the last week except shaving my legs. I broke out even more. I figured it had to be the metal from the razor and didn't know what to do. I live in a warm climate that long pants and long sleeves would be even more unbearable. I was walking along the isles at the store looking at hair removal and came across an electric razor that said right on the package that it is nickel free. It is made by panasonic and is called close curves. I was a little skeptical but as it was only $20 I decided to try it. I patched tested and everything turned out just fine. Hope this helps.

As I just found out what my allergy was about a week ago I do not know if I need to look at the lists of food but just right now have contact with it and break out. I can say that this is hereditary. Both my mother and great grandmother had it they just didn't know what kind of metal it was.

shezbut 03-19-2009 01:28 AM

I feel for you-but don't beat yourself up
Don't kick yourself in the heiny for not seeing the truth :( Kick her doctor in the hiney, lol :p! NO, I'm kidding :) There are so many possibilities out there! I know. I've had all kinds of tests to determine what's causing my chronic urticaria (daily hives) for 8 months +. No luck. I've had the CU disappear for awhile and then come back after a couple of years as angioedema, delayed pressure urticaria, cold-induced urticaria. Please do check out the following site for lots of information and support!!


tied 03-20-2009 06:09 AM

would titanium coated work?

also here is a ceramic knife - understand razor is in r&d



Originally Posted by nannyrus@bellsouth. (Post 155977)
Does anyone know of a brand of razors (especially for women) that do not contain nickel?

kathieyates 03-27-2009 04:17 AM

"Has anyone else out there encountered any of this?"

Yes, I'm 42, and have just spent the last five years of my life having test after test. I had a high ESR plus various other symtoms (aching joints, pins and needles, nausea, the runs, headache, extreme Tiredness, Dermatitis) Dr's could not find the problem apart from the ESR they did not have a clue (I was beginning to think I had Chronic Fatigue). One day the skin was iching under my wedding ring so I took it off, something made me take all my Jewellery off. Within the week I was almost symtom free! A month later more bloods were taken to check ESR it had gone down from 49 to 28 (it should be under 21) Each day I feel better and better. I did some research and read about nickel in food, so I try to keep my food as low in nickle as possible! The Dr's don't seem very excited by this, but I am! I'm nearly back to my old self again! An example: Two days ago my 13 year old daughter and I made a cherry and marzipan cake in it was home made marzipan, almond essence, ground almonds, and almonds for the top, I could not help myself I had to eat it, following morning I woke with a migraine, nausea, the runs and had extreme difficulty getting through the day! Never again! Anyway hope this helps (is it Similar?). Kathie

Cathalonia 06-01-2009 05:32 AM

I just stumbled across this discussion after trying to figure out what has been making my life a misery lately.

A few years ago, I went out with my husband & friends and I had several glasses of Pinot Noir from Oregon. That very evening I broke out with a huge, puffy rash under my eyes which exacerbated the few wrinkles I have terribly. The next morning it was worse. Plus, oddly enough, there was a small patch on my neck. No doctor could tell me what was wrong, though I knew it was related to the wine. Also, I wear glasses, but had always worn the glasses and had never had any problems. Moisturizers & cosmetics, even if they had never caused a problem before, stung like hell.

The oddest thing was that this rash just wiped me out completely. I was so fatigued. I had just had a miscarriage and I thought perhaps my body was grieving, oddly, on top of things, or rejecting everything. I was stymied. Eventually, the rash went away, though it would make periodic small reappearances even though I stayed as far away from alcohol as I could.
Things were manageable. I got pregnant and had my second son.

Then a month or two ago the skin under the nose pads of my glasses began to hurt. I thought I needed an adjustment, so I got one. It just got worse, starting to fester and get scaly and sting. Plus the sore area, although in the general shape of the nosepads, was larger than the area itself. Even the skin on my eyelids was puffy and itchy. I had the optician change my nosepads to a hypoallergenic pair. No luck. It started to hurt and bother me so much, I started to suspect the nickel in the glasses was either breaking through or was being exacerbated by something I ate--artifical colors in food seemed to make it worse, perhaps even something as benign as oatmeal. It was hard to pinpoint. I started to research metal allergies, started to put two and two together. In the meantime, I ordered a pair of plastic eyeglasses, but even that hurt because the skin on my nose was already gone. I was desperate, needing to see, but dreading to put anything on my nose. I cried about my tale of woe to my mother-in-law and she and her lady friend trimmed down some of the Dr. Scholl Bunion Pads to fit on my nose pads. (That was pretty cute.) So, yes, finally I did the obvious: even though I hate them, I bought a pair of contact lenses. I got out an old pair of glasses to wear when I could no longer stand the contacts, 3 hours was about the max at first.

I applied some Essie (a nail polish brand) Sensitive Skin basecoat to the metal of all my glasses and used a little of my son's DermaSmooth oil (which makes his eczema nearly disappear) on the raw patches of my nose. Within 2-3 days, I was healed.

During this last bout, I was so tired, all the time, falling asleep every afternoon, after putting my toddler down for his nap. I thought I was just old, too old, that maybe I should never have had a baby at such an advanced age (42!). I obviously couldn't keep up, but then too, I thought that maybe it was normal. Don't all parents of toddlers feel like they can't keep up? Still, I was exhausted all the time.

Okay, after all this, what is my point? Just this: today, for the first time since college, I wore contact lenses all day. As usual, I lay down after putting my toddler down for his nap and then realized "But I'm not tired." And I was able to forge through the rest of the day.

Can you imagine? Could it be so simple? Could my rashes, my fatigue & all that misery simply have been caused by a nickle allergy? I'm positive I have my answer. I haven't gone to the doctor with all this--I don't really need the bills when they couldn't help me before.

My own research has been exhaustive, but I can't post any links yet, since i haven't done 10 posts here yet. If anyone else is interested, email me.

I continue to research the nickle content of food and am even wary of my underwire bra. There's so much we don't know.

But I'm starting to feel like a brand new woman.

patio 08-16-2009 02:34 PM

Lip problems
Most lipsticks contain alum, a metal (?aluminum) which many are allergic to. I can't wear lipstick but can wear glosses, gels, etc. I am also highly allergic to nickel in foods and am having a horrible, eczema-filled summer.


Originally Posted by StacyWms (Post 62764)

Boy am I glad to find you. What a familiar tale! I am also a 40 year old woman who is allergic to nickel. It doesn't seem to be "contact dermatitis" for me (meaning, I don't have rashes on my skin from jewelry - although I don't think I wear any jewelry with nickel in it - though my wedding ring is 14k gold, so maybe I do).

My problem is that my lips hurt/burn 24/7. It's taken me over a year to identify nickel (in my diet) as the culprit. I'm at day 10 of trying out a nickel-free diet in order to confirm that it's the nickel making my lips hurt. The problem is that, when researching which foods contain nickel online, the lists don't agree. They all agree as to the worst offenders, but then there are some foods on the "ok" list on some sites (corn, beer/wine, lettuce) but the same foods are on the "avoid" list on other sites. Some have trace amounts, and for fruits/vegetables, I think it depends on the soil they're grown in.

The lists all agree that the only foods that are pretty much 100% nickel-free are meat and dairy (including eggs). So 10 days ago, I started eating nothing but meat and dairy (and drinking nothing but distilled water, since tap water has traces of nickel in it). Pretty severe, yes, and don't worry - I don't plan to do it more than 2 weeks.

Results so far (besides losing 7 pounds in 9 days, which was really quite cool after the holidays, albeit alarming at the same time) - my lips feel better than they have since this burning sensation hit in Sept. 05. I'm disappointed, though, that they don't yet feel 100% normal. My plan was to wait until they felt normal and then add back the "low nickel content" foods one by one so I can find out which of them bother me the most/least. I may have to move forward with that even though my lips aren't 100% because I don't know how much longer I can do this severe diet. It can't be good for me.

Today I realized that the couple of days I've worn lipstick during this test, my lips have felt slightly worse, so lipstick may have to go as well. I'm trying to keep really good notes on everything I do.

Rhapsody, I'd love to continue to compare notes so we can learn from each other. I keep searching the web thinking surely someone has already done all this hard work for us!

algirl 02-26-2010 09:16 PM

Swallowed nickel anyone?

Originally Posted by Rhapsody (Post 50343)
I was just wondering if there might be someone here in the forums that has had to deal with this allergy..... with in jewelry, food, clothing and household/work items.

I am almost 40 years old and while I have never had an allergy of this type - I have just recently become allergic to Nickel and Nickel Sulphate which is often found in jewelry and most common daily foods, especially in green food and citrus fruit.

Any HELP would be greatly Appreciated!!

... for I am tired of all the daily coughing, nasal & chest congestion, spitting up of thick phlegm... not to mention the body rash from where the metal touches my body.

I cannot wear my wedding band any more - :(

[B] wondering has anyone here swallowed a nickle or other item when young or older??
I did, when i was a child and I have many metal allergies and more. hmmm never did find the nickle. I have had x-rays over the years, upper and lower gi series, never looking for a nickle tho. had a sever abdominal infection that they were not sure where it came from. I am much older now, with reactions to everything, it seems, now. seems I have had the metal allergy always. never ware jewelry due to rashes I get. This nickle thing has me wondering. Never did get along with dairy tho. Wondering if any of you swallowed anything? thx for any imput :rolleyes::confused:

algirl 02-26-2010 11:57 PM

oh found out water has nickle in it too.

Rhapsody 02-27-2010 02:21 AM

Nope, never swallowed any coins that I am aware of - and yes Nickel is in about everything we eat (and some drinks) - hence why people with this allergy can have it rough at times.

tied 03-01-2010 11:56 PM

kid tatoo
never swallowed anything, but something i did gave me a tatoo. i don't remember how it happened. it is on my finger so i probably got a pencil lead or something in it.

my allergy is not to nickle but to a dental filling called the empress.

Jasmine33 03-11-2010 05:44 PM

WOW - I had no idea that Nickel was in so many foods!! As you say, a nickel free diet is near impossible. This could explain a lot about chronic health problems I have been having. I have recently discovered that I am allergic to Nickel. It's actually been a problem for many years, but it is only recently that the penny dropped and I made the connection to nickel and asked to be tested. I play the flute, and one day after playing for a good few hours, my face and neck and chest were a mess and my mouth and throat were really itchy - that's when it clicked - I'm allergic to my flute!! This is a big problem for me, because it is my job - so what to do??? However, I hadn't realised that it was in food too - oh my goodness -we are literally poisoning ourselves. No wonder I have been ill for so many years. I was told I have M.E./C.F.S., but may be it's all to do with the Nickel?? I will need to do some research. I will keep an eye on this thread. Good luck to you.


Originally Posted by Rhapsody (Post 51796)
NO.... I have never had any surgery that involved implants or metal devices and YES.... I have the Nickel Kit for items, but that does not help much with food that I eat. I did however realize this week that the Vitamin that I take has 5mg of Nickel added to it, therefore, I am changing to Centrum (reg formula for adults) for it does not add Nickel to its vitamin.... other formulas of Centrum do however, so one with a Nickel allergy must read the label to find out.

I have already been to my doctor and a dermatologist and they both have confirmed that it is indeed the Nickel that I am allergic to, they have a Nickel Testing Patch.

Still lost and hoping that someone else may come along that has this problem as well and maybe they can HELP me out a little.... for eating a Nickel FREE diet is near to impossible. :eek: :confused: :eek:

nickeltemp 04-09-2010 04:17 PM

Noticed some false info on this thread i wanted to point out.
i was just reading up on the posts here and noticed a post or two where someone said they had switched to centrum regular due to it not containing nickel. I just wanted to point out that is FALSE INFORMATION. Centrums regular multivitamin as well as every other type of centrum contains 5 mcg nickel. I read another post by the person who started this thread that said equate womens formula does not have nickel. Im having problems finding the mens formula label online, but ill be stopping by my local vitamin shop this week to hopefully check. Ill update this week.

Rhapsody 04-10-2010 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by nickeltemp (Post 642514)
i was just reading up on the posts here and noticed a post or two where someone said they had switched to centrum regular due to it not containing nickel. I just wanted to point out that is FALSE INFORMATION. Centrums regular multivitamin as well as every other type of centrum contains 5 mcg nickel.

Please take note that the few post you are referring too were written back in 2006... that was four years ago, therefore, the company could have changed its regular formula since then - I always recommend that all labels be read before using. :o

If I remember right I was referring to plain regular vitamins and not multivitamins as I cannot take them due to nickle being in the minerals.

mpkempf 04-26-2010 10:07 AM

My daughter was diagnosed with a nickel allergy when she was two yrs old. It started with the button on her jeans. She is now 13 and this has been a life altering allergy. I have read all of the posts and have some tips for some of you. For jewlery, go James Avery. All of ther jewlery is nickel free, even thier silver. She has been having trouble with her razors as some of you have and I found a titanium razor made by schick that you can get at walmart or target. Titanuim doesnt contain nickel, so for eyeglasses and jewlery and razors look for it. She has to put tape on the buttons of her jeans, the fingernail polish thing works but you CANNOT use clear. It has to be a colored paint. We went to a baseball game the other day and by that evening her legs were broken out in a horrible rash. We had sat on alluminum bleachers and she was wearing a tennis skirt. (its everywhere, in places that you dont even think about!) We carry a towel in the car so when we go to restraunts that have metal chairs or somewhere with metal seats she can sit on the towel. When she breaks out we first of all wash the area thouroughly (a lot of metals, especially alluminum leaves a dust on your skin that you have to wash off) then put hydrocortizone cream on it, then a big dose of benadryl. By the next day the rash was gone. I saw a post about a woman who's lips are burning, you might switch to plastic silverware. In my 11 years of researching this allergy I have found out that nickel is also in blue eyeshadow, and the green felt on pool tables. I stained our picnic table last year and she started breaking out when she sat on it. After doing some research, I found out that stain contains nickel. Even if her towel gets put on the picnic table and she uses it after getting out of the pool she will break out. Its fine to stain your furniture, you just have to put a coat of polyurithane on it. She is in shop class and deals with stain and metal all the time, but wears gloves to protect herself. I am constantly finding common everyday things that youd never think of that have nickel. Its a lifelong learning process. Anytime she breaks out we start looking at what she has been in contact with that could possibly contain nickel. Thank the LORD in heaven she doesnt seem to have any of the food issues, just contact. But, her allergy is getting worse. I was told when she was diagnosed that this type of allergy normally gets worse over time. Unfortunatly all you can do is alter your life around it. Nickel proof your home like you would baby proof for a baby. She keeps gloves in her locker and here at home and like I mentioned we always carry a towel or blanket to have a barrier between her and anything metal.

michelet 06-06-2010 09:37 PM

Well, I have the "eczema" like rash around my eyes, sometimes around my mouth (both things people have posted about) plus the dishydrotic eczema on my hands, and a rash on my neck and arms:( I am going to get a patch test from the dermatologist in July. I took my earrings out today after discovering this thread. I miss them by the way. I have also been told by my chiropractor (who does acupuncture and muscle testing) that I have sensitivity to corn and gluten. An herbalist I have been seeing confirmed this, and also told me that I should avoid rice and basically all grains. My condition has thoroughly ruined my life and self-esteem. I was on a diet of mainly vegetables, meat, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and mozarella sticks for a month, and before that I was gluten free for around two months. The rash never went away, I had good days and bad days as always. Now I'm wondering if I could have nickel allergy, since my symptoms are so similar to many people posting on here. I don't want to wait until the week of July 12th (patch test week) to change my habits. I would like to try the low nickel diet now. Like many of you, I have looked it up and sites are contradicting each other constantly about levels of nickel in foods. Can one of you experienced with this allergy give me some basic food guidelines that have shown results for you?As for contact nickel, I have not worn make up or jewelry since the rash showed up, and I mostly stay in pajamas because I am home all the time. I will worry about that stuff when I feel better. However, cooking utensils? I have always been told to use the metal ones to avoid toxins in the coatings of the other ones, so I am confused as to what I can use

Patkcee 07-10-2010 03:13 PM

Nickel allergy
Hi, it is great that I have found this site. I started having a problem with my lips chapping, burning, blistering and pretty much just in pain and feel awful. I went to my doctor who in turn sent me to my dermatologist. She did an allergy patch test, which was awful and we found that I am allergic to nickel and cobalt. I have always had an allergy to certain metals so I generally just stayed away from most metals except 14k gold. Now I have to find a lipstick that I can use that does not make my lips hurt. I made chocolate chip cookies for my grand kids and ate some, that was a big mistake. I have eaten chocolate all of my life. My doctor gave me a 130 page book an the sunject matter. What can you suggest?

lyndarva 07-19-2010 01:44 PM

Allergy symptoms, etc.
First, I will mention I just recently read to make sure you don't leave any change out where a young child or pet could lick it -- that even licking it could give a dangerous nickle reaction.

Allergies can give approximately 30 different symptoms. Everyone reacts differently to an allergen. I have over 25 tested food allergies and other drug and environmental allergies. Until you read a comprehensive list of possible reactions you have no idea that some things could be allergy reactions and not separate medical problems.

Some people don't understand the extent of some allergy reactions. Some people are so severely allergic to a food that kissing someone after they ate that food can give you a reaction; for some, inhaling the odor, etc. can give a reaction. I heard someone talking about someone here that works in a bakery having celiac disease -- that isn't uncommon. From what the doctors have told me, the more I am exposed to an allergen, the worse my reactions will be. I have esonphilic esophagitis as a result of all of the allergies. Some times my food gets impacted in my esophagus.

I have had some reactions to certain jewelry and was told that was nickel reaction. Some of the foods I am allergic to do have nickel in them and I had not made the connection. The whole subject of food allergies is very very complicated - and controversial.

Pame 07-30-2010 11:11 PM

nickel list
The FDA has tested the amounts of the different metals in foods. Go to page 129 for nickel. I made my own list of foods from lowest to highest in nickel and try to avoid anything above .08. There are a lot of foods in the list and it is very helpful. Some things like nuts, beans, chocolate and oatmeal are so high I get an immediate very itchy rash when I eat them.


Also, I just learned that when they hydrogenate oils they use nickel to process the oils. I had already realized I reacted to hydrogenated oils and I'm guessing the nickel processing is the reason.

eighty8fingers 09-23-2010 01:48 PM

would like to email and exchange nickel allergy info
I'm a 42 year old woman who just got diagnosed with dishydrotic exzema on my hands due to my nickel allergy. Knew I was allergic to nickel for years due to contact issues but never imagined the foods I was eating were causing this rash. I would definitely be interested in emailing you to see what you have learned about nickel in food. Thanks!

arfenton 10-12-2010 02:51 PM

Just learning about the nickel in food
I am a 41 year old woman and I've had serious nickel allergies since I was 5 years old (when I got my ears pierced). I can't believe that none of my doctors figured out that my lifelong battle with eczema must be related to my nickel allergy!

As a child and teenager I had chronic disydrotic eczema on my hands and feet, and I still get flareups now when I'm under stress -- in fact the outbreaks are how I know that I am too stressed out and need to slow down.

I have a huge ugly scar on my back from a bout of discoid eczema (thankfully people think it's a birthmark when I wear a bathing suit).

I have balding/permanent hair loss at my temples from the constant scratching caused by sebhorreic dermatitis (scalp eczema). I wear my hair really long and parted in the middle to cover this up.

Today, I took a look at the 'high nickel' food list and I eat them ALL in abundance: I eat salmon 3x per week, eat a spinach salad every day, nuts in oatmeal EVERY morning, I adore chocolate... I've been poisoning myself all my life!

Additionally I have always suffered from gastrointenstinal distress, constipation, IBS, etc and I am wondering if it might be caused from the nickel allergy, because it's the gut that leeches the nickel out of the food that you're eating.:(

This is how I know for A FACT that the nickel in my food is the problem: when I went on the Adkins diet, all my symptoms disappeared.

So today I guess I will start an elimination diet to see if I can get this under control. A low nickel diet is really severe and frankly unappealing to me... :(:(

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