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Old 09-09-2010, 10:40 AM #31
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Default We need to be heard! Yes, I have post concussive syndrome. It has been 10 years.

Originally Posted by Nikko View Post
I have post concussion syndrome, from being assaulted by my husband, he hit me in the head with a beer bottle at the pool, then my chair went over and I hit my head on the cement.

Since, I had a X-ray of my neck because I have a 2 level fusion with plate and screws, and a cat scan. That was right away, and this syndrome occurs later. Plus X-rays don't show what a MRI will.

The headaches are horrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Besides other factors.

My PCP is now ordering a MRI of my head and neck.

I was just wondering if anyone has been through this type of syndrome or knows of anyone.

Thanks, Nikko
Nikko, PCS is very frustrating but here are some facts. Women are more susceptible to it than men and if you get injured again, you may suffer from permanent brain damage. The worst part about PCS is that most doctors can't give you any definitive answers. COGNITIVE THERAPY does work. You may need to be on an antidepressant because of depression brought on by the physical injury to your brain. Your symptoms will likely be worse in the morning because your brain "swells" overnight. Alcohol aggravates your physical problems which may be stuttering, facial ticks, forgetting "words" like nouns or not being able to do math. You may have "seizure" like episodes in which you may pass out or your mind goes blank and then you may need to sleep allot after this and avoid light and loud noises.

Low self esteem is a problem because your symptoms may frighten others. Hang tough.**
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Old 09-09-2010, 11:01 AM #32
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Default Yes I have post concussive syndrome

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
My 15 year old daughter has PCS and I agree, the pain is horrid!!!

8 weeks ago she was hit in the eye with a soccer ball. Not only does the headache not stop, she still can not see correctly - it's like sunglasses convered with Vaseline. And yesterday, she blacked-out and fell. When her sister arrived home, she called 911 and they took her to the ER.

If would appreciate it if anybody knows of any unusual/new treatments or pain medications to try. I'm talking about thinking "outside the box".

Dear Eric,
The headaches are do to swelling in the brain. The blackout can happen again and again. This may be the beginning of what may be a long journey. Please note the following:
Your daughters symptoms will be worse in the morning because the brain swells up over night and this aggravates the situation. It is best she wakes up SLOWLY. have her sit and listen to music. The reason it is imp. to wake up slowly is that when the brain is waking neurons are rapidly firing but your daughter's brain cannot handle the activity. have her drink Gatorade or G2 in the morning and during classes. Doctors will tell her she does not have seizures but anti seizure drugs may help and cognitive therapy. Please write if you need more info, doctor's names articles, etc...
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Old 09-09-2010, 11:07 AM #33
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Originally Posted by wade84l View Post
hi i recieved a blow to the head by my surfboard bout 3 months ago which from it im suffering from pcs.

haven't been to work since and life seems to suck at the moment. My vision is like fuzzy all the time now and it jus seems to be getting worse. I have seen an eye specialist and he reckons there is nothing wrong with my eyes.. does anyone have any suggestions or treatments etc that they know of. thanks heaps
I understand PCS for 10 years. Eyesight may improve over time. Cognitive therapy helps all symptoms BUT right after therapy sessions you may feel worse. Drink LOTS of water, gatorade or G2 in morning. Anti-convulsive meds may help. The headaches are because of swelling in the brain so avoid alcohol, caffeine if possible. Think of your brain as a coke can after it has been shaken. Need articles, doctors, please feel free to *message* me
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Old 09-09-2010, 11:11 AM #34
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Originally Posted by owen View Post
Im so glad i found this place. Heres my PCS story.

I was at a paintball tournament in florida. It was two days before our team was scheduled to play. We were walking through the vendor area when a freak gust of wind blew one of the vendors balloons, about 10'12 feet in diameter, tethered by rope maybe 50 feet in feet in the air, it came down directly on my head. I didnt see it coming, i had no idea what had happened untill someone told me. I went to the ER, they xrayed my neck. Nothing was broken. They called it cervical strain, and said "physical activity as tolerated". Well, two days later my team needed me to play, so i indeed tolerated. The persistant headache i was having since the accident, I just assumed was from the extremely sore neck.

About a week later, i noticed my vision was noteably worse. I woke up one morning and anything past 6 feet or so was extremely blurry. Like vaseline smeared glass. I was also have a hard time concentrating, which i blamed on the headache. So i went to the ER. They said the persistant headache unresponsive to pain medicine, difficulty concentrating was text book PCS. That it normally gone within 4 weeks. They said as far as the blurry vision goes i probably had bad vision and are just now noticing it. Which angered me, because up untill a week before i could see fine. Now i cannot recognize a friends face from across the room. I can guess with a high degree of certainty, but there have been several bad guesses. Including my GF of 5 years.The part that bothered me the most in the ER was that they treated me like pain medication seekers. I never asked for any kind of pain medication. They talked to me with a high level of disbelief in their voice. Granted i was rather miffed at the idea of having this pounding headache for possibly 4 weeks ( i wish at this point ). I had already tried ibuprofen and tylenol to no avail. They reitterated the fact that persistant headache unresponsive to pain medicine was textbook PCS. And then they have me 500 mg of ibuprofen. I wish i had thrown it in their face and told them to eat ****, but i just did as they said. I was desperate. They called it a "loading dose" as they chuckled at each other ( the two ER docs ). I was thinking "wtf you just said its standard for medicine to not help pcs headaches." They told me to keep taking ibuprofen to get it to "build up" in my system. Which i did for a couple days, which did nothing so i stopped. Now my normal pre-PCS self, i dont like taking anything for a headache, cause its normally gone within 6-12 hours. I just dont like polluting my body if not needed. So i wasnt going to keep taking the ibuprofen if it wasnt going to help.

4 or so weeks pass. Nothing had changed. I got a refferal to see dr. jane ( of christopher reeves fame ) who simply poked at me, and said it was the PCS, but he wanted to run an MRI to make sure it wasnt something else. I had the MRI ($2,200 for my uninsured self), then waited anxiously waiting results. After battling the UVA health systems automated phone system for some time I had a nurse of dr. janes call and say " dr. jane wrote on your record here, " mri does not show anything to explain the symptoms patient is having."" So im like ok, wtf? Dr. jane also reffered me to a opthalmologist for my vison problems.

So a few weeks later i have my opthal appt. with dr. newman. An interesting fellow, but definitely a wound up guy. After his techs tested my eyes he came in, just shy of yelling said " your vision problems have nothing to do with getting sacked on the head, your visions been getting bad your just now noticing it." and left. Again, F you guys, i could see fine before this happened.

I go get glasses, so atleast i can see. But my non stop headache, and problems concentrating are still there, and dr. jane says "mri doesnt explain symptoms". So i dont know whats wrong with me. So i go to my primary care doc. She was the first helpfull dr. and explained that it was PCS, and that it normally doesnt show anything on an MRI. And she had no idea what dr. jane was talking about. That with PCS theres nothing really you can do but wait. As far as the headaches, she suggested i try midrin, a mirgraine medication. Which i tried. It knocked me out, but didnt help my headache. Ive never had trouble sleeping, despite having a headache. If anything its hard to wake up, because when im a sleep its the only time i get a break from the pain. So i wasnt going to keep taking the midrin if it only put me to sleep.

My PCP Dr. way reffered me to a neurologist at uva dr. perrin. She performed the same neurologic tests, squeeze my hand, watch my finger, whats todays date, where are you questions. She again told me theres nothing you can do for PCS except wait. When describing the headache as coming from the bottom half of my skull, she wasnt sure that it wasnt a torn ligament in my neck. I asked her if i should stop seeing the chiropractor, she said it would be a good idea untill the could rule out a torn ligament. My neck had still been bothering me so i thought i could be possible. So she ordered an CT scan. As far as the headaches, she said she didnt think i was at a point where i needed anti depressants, but she wanted to try a drug called Nortriptyline which would "lower my pain threshold". So i filled my prescription, immediately researched nortriptyline. Turns out its an anti depressant , also used for bed wetting. I decided id give it a try, i was desperate.

time passes, i have the ct scan. ( $1600 ) Fight the UVA phone system again
finally get dr. perrin to call me back. CT doesnt show anything. At this point my neck is killing me, so i ask her if i can go back to the chiropractor now. "no, i want to do an MRI to rule out any torn tendons". ****. The part that bothers me the most is knowing the extent of my injury, they could have just gone down a couple more layers when they were doing my brain MRI. But it doesnt work like that. So i get my neck MRI ( yes another $2200 ).

IN THE MEANTIME - The nortriptyline, I started out at 10 mg a day, and supposed to go up to 20 mg. the 2nd week, and so on till i reached 50 mg. So, 10mg was bearable. It helped knock the headaches down a notch. But they were still there. Well when it came time to move up, at 20 mg. I could not stay awake. So i just stuck to 10 mg. I originially blamed the medication on feeling crazy. But now that ive been off it for a while, im just feeling crazy.

So, i got hooked up with a neurologist named Dr. Isaacs. Did alot of weird neck manipulations. nothing like a chiropractor, no jerking or twisting. weird stuff like, head in his armpit, looking one direction, hand in my mouth, moving a foot. Holding my head. He then sat me down and asked me a lot of questions. Explained that while he was a neurologist, he studied osteopathy for many years, but emphasized the fact that technically he was not an osteopath. He said he wasnt sure it wasnt my neck causing my headaches. After the 1st visit my neck was 75% better! The 2nd visit he asked me to bring my GF. He asked her if i was irritable? Yes. Was i acting crazy? Yes. Then he manipulated my neck again. Same weird stuff. At this point my neck is 95% better! but it hasnt helped my headache any. He ordered a test to see what exactly my brains problems are, as far as concentration and abstract thinking and whatnot. Its not untill 4/25 so ill let you know afterwards.

Dr. isaacs said i could stop taking the nortriptyline because it could just as easily be a hangover headache from the drugs. So i stopped. my head still hurts, but im glad to not be throwing chemicals into my body.

MRI came back not showing anything torn.

So thats about where im at. Its been 5 months. My head still hurts 24/7, i still need glasses, i cant concentrate, and im feeling crazy. Crazy because these constant pounding headaches just start to wear on you.
Owen- Drink lots of water and gatorade in the morning. Avoid alcohol. your brain swells up overnight so the symptoms may be worse in the morning. Cognitive therapy helps all symptoms. **
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Old 09-09-2010, 11:18 AM #35
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Default I understand

Originally Posted by erica21 View Post
I am a college athlete in my senior year of college and sustained a concussion back in october of 2009. It was my second concussion in the same year (first one was january of 2009). In late october I returned to playing, lying about my symptoms (idiotic of me I know) and ended up having major whip lash from running into a metal pole when I was running to save a ball from going out of bounds. It gets worse- I stood up into a metal pipe at my teams holiday party in december.

I have been struggling with severe headaches and fogginess since day one of my second concussion, and developed neck pain in january 2010 which in turn made my head feel like it was going to explode. That headache is different from my concussive headache which is more a pounding in my forehead, which has caused me to wear earplugs often and also keeps me from being able to even talk at times. No one has been able to address this foggy feeling I'm having--it's not that I cannot concentrate, i've never had issues doing that, but its this strange feeling, kind of like when you first wake up in the morning and things aren't entirely clear.

The doctors here at my school have repeatedly told me that cognitive rest (no TV, no computer, no NOTHING, basically being a vegetable), is the only way I am going to get better. I've tried their way multiple times, with little to no improvement. And they have repeatedly come back at me claiming that the reason I'm feeling this way still is because I haven't done what I've been told--which has been absolutely infuriating. Laying in a dark room with nothing but my thoughts only makes me cry. It has been pretty depressing to say the least when I am missing my entire senior year of college- I don't go out, I've grown apart from all my friends, I don't even attend practices because standing on the sidelines is way to taxing and as I"m sure all of you can relate I often think I will never get better.

I've had to take incompletes this semester in some of my classes and was planning to come back next year for a fifth year to play (I'm redshirting this year). But as the weeks and months go by I am becoming more and more doubtful that I will get to have my senior year.

My mom has been my one and only advocate in this entire ordeal. My parents brought me home for a week so I could see some doctors at home, to get second opinions. I received some EXCITING news and thought this was my chance to get better and get to play for my senior year. It's something called the subsymptom threshhold recovery program-- It is a study done and performed out of Buffalo and one was done out of Montreal-
It won't let me submit the link but Just google "Subsymptom Threshold Recovery Program" and It's an article by J. Leddy. It's some breakthrough stuff and they have found success with each person that has participated.

A month later after seeing those doctors who introduced me to this research, the doctors here at my school are now just starting to administer the program with me. (actually starting tomorrow) They have been very difficult and reluctant to treat my situation in any other way but their own.

I wanted to not only share my story but see if there is anyone else out there who is suffering from PCS with similar symptoms and if they got better. I hope that I will be able to report back to this forum that this subsymptom threshold recovery program helped cure me, for it is not only my wish to feel NORMAL again but to be able to have a senior year.
Dear Erica,
I have had PCS for 10 years. Note the following: Not doing anything is NOT the answer. You have to stimulate the brain in order for it to generate new neurol paths. If you don't get cognitive therapy, your symptoms may become permanent AND if you black out as well, your brain retrogrades after each episode. I have found taking Kaplan courses with online tests helps bigtime. Wake up slowly each morning, drink Gatorade or G2 and lots of water in the morning AND during classes. Do not drink alcohol. Anti-convulsives help if you stutter, have ticks, slurred speech, your feet hesitate when you walk...
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Old 11-09-2010, 11:10 PM #36
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Yes. Over three months now, unfortunately. Hope you recover soon.
I'll be in the PCS section now (new member).
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Old 01-29-2011, 06:00 PM #37
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Default I cant believe this is real!

Originally Posted by concussiongirl View Post
I am 27 and about 6 weeks ago was involved in a fluke accident at a bar where I was in the wrong place and wrong time, meaning some moron threw a beer mug across the room and it broke on my head. Besides a small cut in my forehead and feeling dazed I felt fine, if not worn out. The next week I was vomiting and had horrible headaches along with a lot of dizziness which kept me from being able to walk normally.

I have had a CAT Scan and an MRI, neither of which seem to show anything. I have a lot of trouble with lights, pain in my ear that comes and goes, and headaches that last forever. Somedays, I don't have a lot of these signs but I am always exhausted. The most frustrating thing is that my symptoms change from the nausea, headache, diziness, neck pain, ear pain and so on. Also it seems like I have a very low threshold on my emotions any time I feel any kind of stress. I am not depressed but I will feel low, or suddenly sad or suddenly irate over nothing at all. I tend to be a phobic in open places and have irrational thoughts about what dangers could be around.

My Dr's have said that this will take time to heal and have given me come anti anziety medicines to help. I am going to the neurologist this week and hope that he can shed some light on this whole situation. At times I feel like I am actually going crazy from the overly emotional feelings to the physical symptoms that seem to pop up all the time. Though my Dr. assures me this is not due to me going crazy, it sure feels like it sometimes. It is hard for my bf to understand my sudden changes and the fact that I get phobic at times with no warning. Sometimes just being touched makes it all so much worse.

Don't get me wrong, I have some days that are better than others. Some days I almost feel "normal" again. My concern is that I can not do a lot of daily things like grocery shoppping or driving without getting serious headaches, nausea, dizziness and ear pain.

I guess I am just looking to see if everyone else had similar types of symptoms, how they dealt with them and any other suggestions that might help me out. I keep being told that it just takes time, but sometimes I wonder if they really even know. I just want to find some more ways to get my life back to normal so I can work and do the things I normally do!
WoW! I have herd and been through alot of things in my life but this I have to say is a test of sorts. I am 34 Years old a mom of five and live a very busy life...well i used to. on November 30 a pair of my daughters roller skates came down from the top shelf in a closet. two wheels striking me in the back of the head. I thought for sure it killed me. despite feeling soar from the actual hit everything I thought would be o.k. two days later the E.R diagnosed me with a concussion told me to motrin the pain. I lived normal for two days after. on that third day my hands started to go slightly numb! day four arms and legs with a connection inside my head. Ill never call it a head ache it was a total skull ache! since then i have had my hearing come in and out, went through weeks that i couldnt get out of my bed. I was so overwhelmingly dizzy plus vertigo, yes there is a difference. If I stood for more than two minutes on my feet I could feel this strange pulling feeling. start at the inside of my head all over and through my arms, legs and stomach would go numb. I would also have such a pins and needles sensation all over my body more like nails and screws. headaches,blurred vision. hearing loss, ringing in ears. I seen lights and black spots when i tried to look down. I could go on and on. I have suffered the past tw months like this. The worst part is noone understands. right now on Jan 29 I can say the symptoms have eased about 45 to 50 percent but I am no where near normal. and all because a five year ols roller skate! The dpctor told me I have a concussion that make athletes quit sports! and even though it was so mild to have this go on and for so long is the scariest thing. did the mri too. negative. Thank the lord. So No you are not alone. believe me from what i have read some people have it worst if thats even possible. not sure how far to push. it controls me. and my concentration is of a child also with anxiety mixed in there also. and the tears are amazing. I didnt cry this hard when my dad dies and he was my best friend. Advise. go one day ata time. I think the lord sometimes has a way to reset our patience button. I have learned alot through this whole process and still am. but remember one day at a time. Ill pray for you. wish I could tell you when it stops. Im still suffering, Jessica
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Old 06-09-2011, 04:53 PM #38
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Originally Posted by hatingpcs2010 View Post
WoW! I have herd and been through alot of things in my life but this I have to say is a test of sorts. I am 34 Years old a mom of five and live a very busy life...well i used to. on November 30 a pair of my daughters roller skates came down from the top shelf in a closet. two wheels striking me in the back of the head. I thought for sure it killed me. despite feeling soar from the actual hit everything I thought would be o.k. two days later the E.R diagnosed me with a concussion told me to motrin the pain. I lived normal for two days after. on that third day my hands started to go slightly numb! day four arms and legs with a connection inside my head. Ill never call it a head ache it was a total skull ache! since then i have had my hearing come in and out, went through weeks that i couldnt get out of my bed. I was so overwhelmingly dizzy plus vertigo, yes there is a difference. If I stood for more than two minutes on my feet I could feel this strange pulling feeling. start at the inside of my head all over and through my arms, legs and stomach would go numb. I would also have such a pins and needles sensation all over my body more like nails and screws. headaches,blurred vision. hearing loss, ringing in ears. I seen lights and black spots when i tried to look down. I could go on and on. I have suffered the past tw months like this. The worst part is noone understands. right now on Jan 29 I can say the symptoms have eased about 45 to 50 percent but I am no where near normal. and all because a five year ols roller skate! The dpctor told me I have a concussion that make athletes quit sports! and even though it was so mild to have this go on and for so long is the scariest thing. did the mri too. negative. Thank the lord. So No you are not alone. believe me from what i have read some people have it worst if thats even possible. not sure how far to push. it controls me. and my concentration is of a child also with anxiety mixed in there also. and the tears are amazing. I didnt cry this hard when my dad dies and he was my best friend. Advise. go one day ata time. I think the lord sometimes has a way to reset our patience button. I have learned alot through this whole process and still am. but remember one day at a time. Ill pray for you. wish I could tell you when it stops. Im still suffering, Jessica
I have similiar things happening with me since being diagnosed with PCS. My headaches are just dull throbbing now. My vision is still off. My mental clarity is getting better on some days. My biggest problems are anxiety and the numbness in my body. It feels like I have lost my cordination. Like my body is made out of heavy playdough. It's really scary for me. My emotions are like being on a roller coaster. My neurologist prescribed Celexa for depression but I haven't been able to bring myself to take it. I do take something for anxiety when I have panic attacks. I take life one day at a time and hope that I will be better soon. Are you any better yet? If so what has worked for you? I really need some feedback from what has helped others with PCS. I hope you are better!! God bless.
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Old 06-10-2011, 01:00 PM #39
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Hi I'm Megan and i'm new to this.

2.5 years ago i hit my head on a flat screen tv that was mounted on the wall. Don't know how it happened. Pretty much stood up off the ground in full force and hitting the corner of it on the back of my head.

Didnt do anything about for like 2 weeks b/c i didnt think anything of it. I started feeling dizzy and my eyes were like slow. Pretty much felt like a had a really good alcohol buzz.

I first got cat scan, which showed nothing wrong.

Then went to the doctor and got referred to a neurrologist and put me on some drugs but they made me so tired so i stopped taking them.

I went to a chiropractor and took xrays of my head and neck. Nothing was wrong. Nothing helped.

Then i went back to my doctor and got referred to therapy. I went to a physical therapist, speech therapist, and a psyciatrist 3 times a week for like 3 monthes.

By this time i was diagnosed with PCS and more symptoms accured. My mood changed, very tired, i got angery about the stupidest things, memory loss, personity changed, super dizzy, messed up eyes, dull pain from the area i hit my head. Tons of things changed, i'm no the same person anymore.

I graduated from there and few monthes later i still wasnt doing good, so i went in to get a MRI, which showed nothing wrong.

I saw a new neurrologist and did nothing for me.

Then i was on my own a for a while, but now i doing bad again. I went to the doctor the other day and got referred back to therapy, but they rejected me. I'm gonna go to a balance center soon. Hopefully that will help.

I'm at the end of my rope. I've been suffering with this for so long now and no one can give me any help or suggestions, I felt like a pile of crap after talking to them. I could really use some support from others who get what i'm going thru. Seems like no one gets it.

As of today: i'm still super dizzy, eyes are still messed up, angery yet, very tired. And is it werid the part of my head is still sensitive to the touch where i hit it? Werid.
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Old 06-10-2011, 09:34 PM #40
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