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TXBatman 08-12-2011 09:35 AM

Did a spin class last night, then spent 1.5 hours walking around with my sister checking for bats in a couple of bridges that are about to be replaced. My shoulder and neck are still hurting. I go in for PT appt #3 today at 3pm. Appt #1 on Monday went well and I felt better for a day or so after it. PT appt #2 on wednesday, the good feeling lasted about 30 minutes and yesterday was all pain. Hopefully today is more like monday than wednesday.

Dejibo 08-12-2011 10:39 AM

I feel a bit better today, but took the day off from walking. Even tho its a sparkling day out there. HAd many errands to get done, and a full boat of other stuff, so I wanted to rest a bit more.

I hope everyone is up and swinging! :cool:

SallyC 08-12-2011 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 795048)
I hope everyone is up and swinging! :cool:

I am up and swinging all fours..TYVM..:D

Erin524 08-12-2011 02:13 PM

Got to the gym yesterday. Got a machine that actually worked and walked for 20 minutes. I'd gone to Costco with my parents earlier in the day yesterday and was tired already from walking there, so that's probably why I only walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill. (but it was 20 minutes at a treadmill speed that I hadnt done before. Walking fast feels good)

Had insomnia last night, so I didnt fall asleep till around 5am, slept till noon (started waking about about every half hour around 8am tho. seems like I was having weird dreams)

It's 2pm and I'm still in jammies and havent even gone upstairs and talked to my parents yet. I want to be really lazy today for some reason. I need to get out of my jammies and go wash my hair and everything else because I'm offending myself. Just feel too tired to get up and go wash my hair. Exhausted today.

If I manage to get a shower and make it so that I dont announce my presence with my body odor 5 minutes before I walk into a room, I'm going to Borders to see if they finally have decent prices on their clearance sale and see if they have any Kobo readers left. (saw they might be selling them half off in some parts of the country)

Might go to the gym after that if I'm not super tired. Not counting on it tho.

Dejibo 08-13-2011 07:28 AM

Got up at 5am. have a buzzy foot, and I am unstable today, so I chose to sit here and not walk. DH is out on a major hike without me. I am just as happy to take the day off and see if I can get this buzzy leg to shut up.

I hope the rest of you got more motivation than I do today.

SallyC 08-13-2011 11:56 AM

I got my exercise at 6am, when pooch decided to pee poop and throw up, in that order and over again. He got the piddle and pooh on his paper, but the :vomit2: was mostly on the floor and carpet..:mad:.. Poor wittle guy tried to be good..:hug:

So after all that clean up, I am veging out today. I'll be right overe Dej.:D

dmplaura 08-13-2011 12:17 PM

Dej, sorry to hear of the stability issues today. Resting is a good plan!

Sally, what an ordeal to wake up to first thing! Ack!

I did 30 min walking this morning. Tonight I will relax after work, almost done my novel and want to finish it!

Dejibo 08-15-2011 08:28 AM

feel a little better today, so I walked. started raining. gentle at first, but by the time we hit a mile we were soaked, so it did not matter. Then...downpoured! got home soaked, but put two miles in. My shoes will never dry! I have my yellow vest with floresent tape on it, so at least I was seen when the trucks when roaring by and splashed us.

No matter how much I complain DH and I carve out time to talk on those walks, and its been nice to have some time to just chat without little ears listening or interuptions from phones, or emails, or doorbells. I am looking forward to our walks more than I was.

He said on days when I dont feel up to it, he spends the entire walk thinking about me and what we would have talked about today. Too funny. He also told me I am looking trim again!

SallyC 08-15-2011 11:21 AM

That is so nice Dej, you lucky devil.:)

I did my usual stretches and stuff..woohoo.:D

Feel pretty good today.

dmplaura 08-15-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 795910)
He said on days when I dont feel up to it, he spends the entire walk thinking about me and what we would have talked about today. Too funny. He also told me I am looking trim again!

Awwwwwww, that's so sweet (thinking of you when out walking), and I bet you are looking fabulous. You're doing a lot of walking, which is awesome! :hug:

I walked today and yesterday, more so today as it wasn't as hot, but the humidity was a killer! I felt migraine-type creepy crawlies (I get numb/pins and needles when migraine kicks up), which I KNEW was coming when I saw our weather's drastically changing yet again! Like clockwork!

Now I am bumming around on my living room floor typing on Neurotalk :p I won't be going back out there today! Tomorrow is going to rain, but I'm still planning on walking in the morning before work. My reward to myself each morning while out on my walk is a Fiber One bar :D.... I'm a big kid, I get all excited for that damn bar every morning!

ewizabeth 08-15-2011 08:35 PM

I walked the nature trail for 28 minutes after work. I need to keep more of a schedule for exercise. At least now the weather is a bit cooler so it will be easier to spend time outdoors. I can go to the pool on my days off.

Dejibo 08-16-2011 05:37 AM

off for my 2 mile hike. I may go for 3 if the rain holds off.

dmplaura 08-16-2011 08:14 AM

Good luck Dej! :) I hope the rain does hold off!

It was pouring this morning, but I still went out and walked. I got home after 30 minutes with completely drenched pants and shoes (my umbrella does little versus wind and rain lol).

Air's quite humid, head's a bit fuzzy today. Time to start working.

Debbie D 08-16-2011 02:21 PM

I mowed the lawn took longer, since I had to reduce the size of my rows due to very long grass...took about an hour, and I was soaked and beet red when I finished...then took puppy for a short walk...I'm done...

ewizabeth 08-16-2011 04:44 PM


That is REAL exercise. I wish I had time to mow, I love doing it when it isn't too hot. I like to make fancy diagonal rows. :rolleyes:

I had DS get the bike down from the garage rack and tune it up. When it cools off later this afternoon I'm going for a ride. I need to work on homework now.

ewizabeth 08-16-2011 08:37 PM

Ok, went for a 20 minute ride before sundown. It was nice and cool! :)

Erin524 08-16-2011 11:23 PM

I played the Wii a couple of times over the past few days. Used the Wii Fit some for a few balance exercises. (I didnt fall over this time! yay!) and I've been doing the bowling games because my arms feel tired and sore a lot, and I figure I needed to move my upper body around some. Actually did a couple of strikes.

I need to beat my boyfriend's score on the bowling games. I dont like him having the high score on MY Wii.

The Wii Fit was nice to me when doing the annoying part where it weighs you and sees if you met whatever goal you set. I hit the weight goal (cant remember what it was) so apparently my walking at the gym has helped that part. I think the treadmill walking might have also helped to improve the balance.

I got a high score on the throwing snowballs at wii characters on the Wii Fit game. I'd never been able to do better than get a score of 2 or 3, and yesterday I hit the target 24 times (it's a balance game, you have to move side to side to fire the snowballs) This tells me that my balance got better (and so did my aim)

I think I'll go play a few more Wii games. I feel like doing the sword play game and beating up on some computer generated people. My arms hurt from playing that yesterday. I need to do it more so my arms wont hurt any more.

Hoping to go to one of the museums here in Omaha this week, so that's going to count as exercise because of all the walking I'll do there. Museum has an exhibit on George Washington Carver that I want to go see. (hoping the exhibit will have an example of one of his crochet projects he did. I've seen video of him crocheting, so I'm hoping they'll have one of his samplers) I'm just hoping I have the energy to walk thru the exhibit and see some other stuff at the museum.

I have to go beat up on computer generated Wii people now.

ewizabeth 08-17-2011 12:36 AM

I've considered getting a Wii system but it might be like the exercise DVDs that I rarely use. :o

Dejibo 08-17-2011 06:14 AM

went for a 2 mile walk. its chilly here, so I picked up the pace, but it made me stumbly and clunky. I think cold can be just as bad as hot. I cant win.

dmplaura 08-17-2011 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 796524)
I've considered getting a Wii system but it might be like the exercise DVDs that I rarely use. :o

All depends on the games you get. I play "We Cheer" (1 and 2, mostly 2 though!) for the exercise training (it really gets you moving, not for everyone, it's high energy, kicks my butt!).

There's "Wii Sports Resort" which is HOURS of fun. Archery, skiing, sword fighting :D And you can't mess with bowling on the Wii!

Did my 30 min walk this morning.. I was up nearly an hour before my alarm sounded. I dragged HORRIBLY this morning. Feeling the weather change (cold, rainy, damp giving way to dry skies and heat today) and it made me sluggish as all heck this morning. The last 1/4 of my walk was actually better than the first 3/4 when I just dragged the walk out and didn't enjoy as I normally do in the morning.

Will walk tonight, as it will be dry. Was pouring all evening last night and I will not go out in that. It was a white out with water!

Erin524 08-17-2011 01:02 PM

Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort are the games that I've been using. I like the baseball games on Wii Sports, and the bowling, archery and sword fighting games on Wii Sports Resort. (sword fighting game is fun. I can beat up on Wii Mii's)

Woke up this morning to sore muscles in my arms. I had fun last night beating up on the Wii Mii's.

TXBatman 08-17-2011 02:54 PM

Went spinning Monday and Tuesday nights. Shoulder felt good after PT monday afternoon...still doing ok for now. Going to another PT appt for my shoulder in about an hour, then going to ride outside with a coworker for a couple of hours tonight. Wish me will probably still be around 98F when we get started...

SallyC 08-17-2011 07:40 PM

TX, what do they do for your shoulder at PT. I used to get a wonderful treatment for my lower back pain and weakness in PT.:yahoo:

Dejibo 08-18-2011 06:29 AM

walked 3 miles today. Im kinda out of sorts today. I think its from all the energy draining BS of yesterday, but the walk felt good after I got started. Company tomorrow. I hope I can walk before they get here.

dmplaura 08-18-2011 07:06 AM

Great job Dej, take a day off if needed to gather your energies. I'm glad to hear that your walk today felt good after you got going. Do you find that you 'blow off steam' or your worries (to a degree) melt away while you're walking?

I walk by myself currently (until hubby moves here!) and it's like a form of mediation for me. I just toss on my sunglasses, put on my non-flattering comfy walk clothing, and leave my cares behind for an hour while I'm out.

I hope you have much better days to come :hug:

TXBatman 08-18-2011 10:25 AM


They have me do a series of stretches to loosen the muscles up some. They seem to be adding a few new and extra stretches each time. Then they do manual manipulation of my shoulder and neck (think very deep tissue massage). Finally, they put me on a traction machine that alternately stretches and releases my neck for about 15 minutes.

It seems to be slowly working...the deeper they work in the manual manipulation portion, the better it seems to feel. Went to PT last night, then went out with a coworker and rode about 20 miles in 100F heat afterwards. My shoulder only hurts a little today, so maybe I am past the worst of it.

ewizabeth 08-18-2011 10:46 AM

Yesterday I went for a 20 minute swim and today I went for a 20 minute bike ride. :)

SallyC 08-18-2011 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 796931)
Yesterday I went for a 20 minute swim and today I went for a 20 minute bike ride. :)

Wow, I'm jealous!!!!:cool:

dmplaura 08-19-2011 07:34 AM

Had a wild day yesterday.... boss showed up at home office last minute to go over my Q3 results (I ranked "outstanding" - very good!) and then she told me they're moving me up before end of Q4 (as of next pay) by a pay scale, as I've been performing at such a high level and she convinced her boss to speed up the process and get me compensated earlier than later for my work. So yay to that!

I walked yesterday morning (and this morning... these morning walks are the best ever!). I received a shipment from hubby (one of his large televisions) via UPS/Purolator yesterday, only to get charged duty as an "importer" (this is a used tv, several years old, and was a gift), so whatever to that... then open the box to find they tossed it around so bad they broke the styrofoam casing that holds the TV stable in the box, and broke a corner of the tv casing! I freaked!!! I knew he'd be upset, and that was my main concern.

Stress went through the ROOF. Burning mouth flare up, blurry vision flare up, tinglies and numbies flare up... walking time bomb! So I went out and did a 4.5 km "blow steam off" walk last night.

Converting rage and anger to exercise = smart! LOL :)

Calmed down - TV works, only the front 'casing' (which could be replaced) got broken on the corner, at a distance near impossible to see/tell, as it's more the top/back facing, versus the front.

Dejibo 08-19-2011 08:18 AM

went on a 3 mile hike UP rabbit hollow. I made it all the way to Stone mountain road. WAHOOO! OMG that is quite the feat. I didnt stop to rest, I just kept trucking.

Dejibo 08-20-2011 08:27 AM

no rabbit hollow today, but I did a flat walk of 2 miles. its chilly this morn and that helps me so much. We are off to another state for MIL b/d party. this will be fun, and tons of running around with all the neices and nephews.

dmplaura 08-20-2011 09:29 PM

I hope you have a great time Dej!! :)

I did only my 30 min jaunt this morning. Took the night off and talked to Mom on the phone for a couple hours.

Tomorrow's my running around day.. Monday could be a wash out, so lots to get done tomorrow. Early to bed. I've been filled with fatigue this week, not like me at all!

Erin524 08-21-2011 12:32 AM

Went to the gym yesterday. Barely did 20 minutes. Too tired.

No traditional exercising today. But, I am cleaning my closet out. I needed to put new light bulbs in it, and couldnt get the ladder in there to do it. So, I had to clean stuff up. Now I can get in there. Found some dead spiders and one live one. (eeeekkk!!) Vacuumed up the creepies. Picked up some junk. Put yarn in boxes. Hung up some clothes. Vacuumed again (found another spider) and then got my aunt to come over and put the light bulbs in the fixture for me. (I was dizzy)

Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with a ton of yarn that I didnt put away in boxes. I'm crocheting a scrap afghan, so it's not like I wont be using it. I just need a container.

After all that cleaning, I'm tired as heck, and I still have to put more stuff away. At least I'm doing something constructive and I consider this exercise. Sweating more cleaning my closet than I do when I walk on the treadmill at the gym.

Dejibo 08-21-2011 05:25 AM

Im off to tackle rabbit hollow. wish me luck!

SallyC 08-21-2011 01:38 PM

I house cleaned yest and that was all the exercise I needed TYVM!!:p I changed bedding today. That always was a tough job...tougher now.

Veging out for the rest of the day, with emphasis on REST!:)

You guys are all doing so well..:grouphug:

Erin524 08-21-2011 04:29 PM

I'm still working on my closet. (it's a walk-in)

Geeze, I have a lot of crap in my closet! I cleaned it out last year when we did all our remodels, and I dont know how it happened, but there was a ton of stuff in there that I dont know where it came from or how it got there.

Woke up with my knee hurting really bad this morning. (hurt it last month. Thought it healed. Guess it wasnt) I'm having to clean my closet for a few minutes, and then go sit for 20 because the knee hurts so bad, and it's making my back hurt too. At least I'm doing some sort of exercise tho. My knee hurts more when it's bent for sitting than when I'm standing, so standing and cleaning my closet out is less painful than sitting here writing this post.

Next, I have to clean off my desktop. Mostly because when I find something in my closet that I want to save, I put it on the desk. So some of my junk is just getting relocated and not actually cleaned out.

At least my closet is cleaner...and finally getting vacuumed after getting new carpet last year. I'm going to suck down a bottle of tylenol and lay in bed and cry later tho. (need to have a doctor look at my knee eventually)

dmplaura 08-21-2011 07:48 PM

I baked a chocolate cake today... from scratch! I haven't baked in ages! I used gluten flour, egg whites, + a few other modifications to the recipe. It still turned out very good, though much denser than the version Mom makes using her ingredients.

Otherwise, I ran around a good portion of the morning/afternoon grocery shopping etc. Tomorrow I have the cable/Internet company coming over bright and early (switching providers), then I'll do my chores I set aside today to bake.

Dejibo 08-22-2011 06:07 AM

mmmm cake!

im off to run rabbit hollow road. pray for me. it will be a 3 mile day. Then I have a million errands.

dmplaura 08-22-2011 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Dejibo (Post 797971)
im off to run rabbit hollow road. pray for me. it will be a 3 mile day. Then I have a million errands.

Prayers sent! :hug: 3 miles is quite a hike! :)

Dejibo 08-23-2011 08:01 AM

Whooo! what a wild ride! type in Rabbit Hollow Road, Winchester, NH then follow the map. you will see Route 10, which leads to Forest Lake, swing around off of that till you see Rabbit Hollow. Once you hit rabbit hollow, keep clicking on the corner of forest lake and rabbit hollow till it turns into pictures, and you can drag the mouse up the hill and see my walk. Whooo!

If you double click on the map on Rabbit hollow it will eventually turn into a picture trail, and you can see for yourself how long and steep it is. We walked all the way from Lake Shore, around forest lake, up Rabbit Hollow and over to stone mountain. WOW! thats a walk! I was blind, huffing, and my knees were burning, but I did it! Go ahead, follow along on the map. its a walk and a half!

Im beat! Im off for a hearty breakfast now, and to find DS who is supposed to be helping paint a historic buidling in another town, and he doesnt have enough money for lunch, so we will surprise him with a basket of goodies. He is working so hard. Hurray!

The map does NOT give credit to just how steep many parts of that road are. huffing and puffing, snot blowing and nose dripping with DH saying "breath thru your nose!" and Im saying "im gonna puke, just keep walking!" but I have done it several times now, and its easier each time. Im so proud of me! It takes about 2.5 hours for our walk but so pretty.

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