I was diagnosed with 6th Cranial Nerve Palsy...and 6 mo. later have just found a neurologist to properly test me ie: SFEMG. He started me on pyridostigmine 30mg. x3/day and now I am @ 60mg. x3/day. I also have chemo-neuropathy post stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma. And...I'm an infusion nurse having treated patients with autoimmune disorders for 13+ yrs. I believe the increased dose has made a big difference. I am still waiting for my f/u appt. to discuss labs, all of which were WNL, exception of my IgG and IgM. It has been beyond frustrating and a lesson in patience. I will be in this thread hoping to hear from those of you who may be where I am in the diagnosis/treatment phase. I am trying to stay positive; but it is difficult some days. I realize the weight of a chronic illness and the importance of communicating with like minded individuals. I do know that you cannot give someone "perspective" so trying to expect friends/family to "understand" may be difficult to impossible. That is probably the most difficult; not being able to have family/friends get you. Thanks, and I hope to give to the group as well as resource and lean on you guys!