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Aunt Bean 03-18-2010 03:04 PM

Hope you will try planting some favas (even the goya ones at the store will sprout (soak them overnight and then rinse & drain three times a day til you see their little "noses " start to peak out.

Aunt Bean 03-18-2010 03:06 PM

Had a good support group meeting this week. One of the husbands of a PD'r volunteered to come ride the tractor and disk more of dad's plowed ground. Lots to do

Aunt Bean 03-19-2010 11:51 AM

Well, moving day for furniture has been set now for tommorrow (Saturday) It will be so good to finally move to the farm. We may even have help to get more disking done (if the soil is dryed out enough.) Got to get those bean seeds in the ground!

Aunt Bean 03-24-2010 12:54 PM

WE are now moved....thank goodness. What a job. Don't want to do that again!
Farmers Almanac says that today and tommoorrow are the best times to plant peas & beans. So , althought the ground is not ready....some beans will go in tommorrow anyway with the help of my trusty little mattock. Anyone want to help? I am going to soak favas here at work to plant Thursday least here , the ground was worked last fall and I am going to poke them in beside last years and hope for the best and mulch. Much to do!

Aunt Bean 03-25-2010 01:59 PM

Farmers Almanac said that yeasterday & today were the times to plant peas & last night I went to work with my mattock and got three rows planted before dark.
Then up before daybreak impatiently waiting on God to turn the light back on so I could see to get back to work. Got three more rows dug and planted with favas
(The Sutton, Polar, Bunyard, Three Fold White,Aquadulse and Windsor) even though there was no way for a tractor to be on the soft wonderful mattock & me didn't compact it and most of the beans that I ordered are now in. My work was not done (though my back is ready for a break).. for I came to work and planted my friend's fava patch also...we only have four rows left to plant here at work now. She has good soil in her patch, it used to be an enclosure for a buck goat years ago...last years beans were beautiful....we hope for a good crop this year

Aunt Bean 03-26-2010 02:35 PM

I was out in the garden late last nite again and two deer appeared, snorted , stomped and then ran off... I must get a fence up and purchase cayotte urine to put around it very quickly. I was surprised that I could stand up this morning after such vigorous work making rows with my mattock and all the fava bean seeds that were put in, but, after my usual stretches ...was able to get up and come to work as usual. God is Good!

Aunt Bean 04-01-2010 12:34 PM

Got a section of my old-timey stick fence (made from long tree prunings) up this week. Planted snow peas this morning. It feels great to wake up in the country & get out at daybreak and get my hands into the soil. Smashed my thumb with a hammer this week while putting a nail into the crosspeice of my fence, won't be playing dulcimer for a few days, but I am still wraping it up/gloving and digging & planting. Also planted the small cold frame( made from old windows ) with brocoli , brussel sprouts, tomatoes , peppers, huckleberries, and MUCUNA seeds...need to experiment with the other l-dopa producing is of the Hairy Vetch line & I've been told you have to wear gloves to work in it...sounds interesting , and it can get very tall. We'll see...
A Blessed Reserection Day to you all .... Aunt Bean

Aunt Bean 04-13-2010 11:06 AM

Well, just wanted to report that the fava beans have emerged! Last Friday, the first of them started peaking thru the ground & looking for the sunshine. I was so excited. Now I am starting to weed between the rows and mulch them. When we got back from our trip to Indiana (to be with my kids for Easter ) pulling in the driveway was a real treat...we had pink trees/ purple trees/ and tulips a-bloomin" , the farm was even more beautiful than when we had left. There are beds of bulbs coming up and I can't wait to see what colors they will be. Hope many of you can come visit someday.

Aunt Bean 04-30-2010 01:14 PM

The planting is going well. Have about 8 pounds planted. Just finished planting the last of our seeds and hope it is not too late for the last one. Some are up and doing well (about 550 good sized plants, others just coming up) Our support group is coming out the 3rd Tues of June...wish some of you all could come visit. The tincture is still working very well for me and my friend. God is good!

Aunt Bean 05-27-2010 01:43 PM

Had a wonderful discovery last nite working in the garden......with bone dry ground and seeing hardly any honey bees, I had been concerned that we would not have any beans this year. The plants are still growing and beautiful and covered with flowers...only because the soil is so good. But, last nite , low and behold I saw a bean. Upon closer inspection, another here and there and one plant that had several 3 inch beans already!!!
Tonight, instead of going to the dance..I will be harvesting for the first time this year. This year's experiments with the crop are about to begin. I have a dehydrator & my own champion juicer now to work with.
My friend came over to have the honor of "picking the first bean " . We took pictures. Someday perhaps there will be someone who can put pictures on neurotalk for me.
For now, we are rejoicing. "Happy Bean Day to You" ! Perhaps it will be an annual event at the farm. Wish you all could visit sometime.

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