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bhogaji 07-18-2011 03:13 PM

doctor paneri
somewone have news about doctor paneri, is it really working or not?

Thanks everybody

lurkingforacure 07-18-2011 09:31 PM

out report: we gave up....
Sadly, we had to give up. We ordered two months of his pills and when they came, many were broken and crumbling and the instructions not at all clear to us. "Take the little brown pill in the morning with milk and the other brown pill at lunch with milk...then take the powder also with milk in the morning..." what? The pills looked very similar to each other and smelled, honestly, like dung. They also looked like dried and compressed dung. We just could not stick with it.

I too asked for some statistics of pwp he has helped but got nada, not even the "I can't talk about other patients because of confidentiality" language I half-expected. I hope anyone taking his concoctions gets some benefit.

villiers 07-24-2011 01:29 PM


I stopped taking dr Paneri treatment and diet after 5 months and i keep thinking i should go back to it stopped as i was a bit lazy ,and there's a very specific order to take the pills
Also i saw a real improvment the first 2 months only...
though Paneri had warned me that PD would be cured in an average of 3 years
it's true that one of the pill smells like dung ,i guess it was dung actually but isn't faecal transplant the next step for us ?
And some very high end Probiotics like Dulac or Dr Ohira do contain faecal bacteria (that's why they're supposed to be more efficient )
so swallowing a lil' dung pill made sense to me
As some of you may know i am following a transdermal Nicotine Protocol i received from the Public Hospital
My treatment is working well ,but i must say i returned to Dr Paneri diet 2 months ago and it improved me even better than before
I found out that DR Paneri diet is a strict Anti-Candida diet
so my thought is traditionnal Indian Medicine,Ayurveda has identified PD as a kind of Candida/H.Pylori
I must add that because of this,i am eating Broccoli twice a day since 6 weeks as Broccoli has been proven to make H.Pylori dormant after a minimum intake of 8 weeks
All i can is that this strict candida diet,broccoli & Nicotine protocol are just making me better weeks after weeks,and they seem to be much more effective and to last longer
I used to need my meds at 9.30 am...this week it seemed pretty ok to get them at 3 pm
i am currently taky 2/3 of 1 mg azilect (i am slowly slowly decreasing the dose since 3 weeks ) and i take 1 sinemet lp 100/25 (my Neuro wanted me to be on 3 simet lp/day,i decided to gtry an other path )

jmselva 11-30-2011 04:56 AM

Bonjour Villiers. Is there a way I can get in touch with you ? I also live in Paris. And would like to know more about your experience with Dr Paneri's method. Thank you. JM Selva.


Originally Posted by villiers (Post 686735)
Hi Trixidee

No,I don't know all the herbs & my feeling is that he would not tell everything as my impression by meeting him,is that he has found something really powerful ,and he is hoping for big recognition
He is not greedy for money in my opinion but more waiting for big respect from the Western world towards Ayurveda medicine

(Trixidee,you were my inpiration for going the holistic way)

villiers 12-01-2011 06:27 AM

Salut Jmselva !

i just sent you a message in your box
check it !

bhogaji 02-13-2012 06:31 PM


Pouriez vous me dire si vous avez continue avec le traitement du docteur Paneri ?
Vous pensez que ce traitement peut guerir parkinson ?


Drevy 02-19-2013 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by villiers (Post 789371)

I stopped taking dr Paneri treatment and diet after 5 months and i keep thinking i should go back to it stopped as i was a bit lazy ,and there's a very specific order to take the pills
Also i saw a real improvment the first 2 months only...
though Paneri had warned me that PD would be cured in an average of 3 years
it's true that one of the pill smells like dung ,i guess it was dung actually but isn't faecal transplant the next step for us ?
And some very high end Probiotics like Dulac or Dr Ohira do contain faecal bacteria (that's why they're supposed to be more efficient )
so swallowing a lil' dung pill made sense to me
As some of you may know i am following a transdermal Nicotine Protocol i received from the Public Hospital
My treatment is working well ,but i must say i returned to Dr Paneri diet 2 months ago and it improved me even better than before
I found out that DR Paneri diet is a strict Anti-Candida diet
so my thought is traditionnal Indian Medicine,Ayurveda has identified PD as a kind of Candida/H.Pylori
I must add that because of this,i am eating Broccoli twice a day since 6 weeks as Broccoli has been proven to make H.Pylori dormant after a minimum intake of 8 weeks
All i can is that this strict candida diet,broccoli & Nicotine protocol are just making me better weeks after weeks,and they seem to be much more effective and to last longer
I used to need my meds at 9.30 am...this week it seemed pretty ok to get them at 3 pm
i am currently taky 2/3 of 1 mg azilect (i am slowly slowly decreasing the dose since 3 weeks ) and i take 1 sinemet lp 100/25 (my Neuro wanted me to be on 3 simet lp/day,i decided to gtry an other path )


How goes Dr Paneri therapy? Are you still doing it or are you just doing the nicotine patch therapy only. Would like to know any information of both therapies good or bad. Thanks.

lurkingforacure 02-19-2013 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Drevy (Post 958596)

How goes Dr Paneri therapy? Are you still doing it or are you just doing the nicotine patch therapy only. Would like to know any information of both therapies good or bad. Thanks.

I would also point you to a post I wrote about finding two dead rats which had busted into our Paneri pills and DIED in my husband's closet where the pills were, you could tell they had gnawed their way into the pill box, ingested some, and then, who knows how many they ate or how long it took, not one, but two, rats died within inches of the pill box (it was cardboard). Search this forum for my post, and proceed with caution.

Great if Paneri's protocol is helping anyone, more power to them.

villiers 02-20-2013 11:33 AM

Nicotine is doing it

I have stopped Dr Paneri treatment but i have continued the Nicotine protocol ,that my Neuro,the brilliant Pr Gabriel Villafane is giving me ...
I am now on a 31 mg dose every last visit to him was 2 weeks ago

this is done in a french public hospital,Villafane is the Director of the Neurologic dpt so this is very serious and official,French State funded research...
Ok,i am gonna write it ...Villafane is now with 3 cases of totally cured PD patients through his Nicotine protocol...when i say cured it means that the patients don't have to take meds,Nicotine patches...they are cured

A german and american Big pharma lab have bought his research and there should be some specific Nicotine meds coming up in about 2 years

The Nicotine seems to be very efficient for Alzheimer,PD and most Neurologic disease

Concerning my case,i am far from cured but definitely much,much better than 2 years ago (when i started the Nico )
i don't have severe fatigue,continuous transpiration,and i def shake much,much less than before.
I am taking sinemet 100 ,four times/day .
Sunshine helps a lot too . this past summer,for 3 days and half in a row,i was able to function almost normal,without taking any sinemet at all
it was gorgeous

So my guess is that PD is def not just a dopamine related disease .
it seems melatonin,and serotonin are key factors for me and my PD .

i did not post anymore about my nicotine great progress,as i received so many nicotine bashing comments,when i did report last year.

it seems Nicotine takes about 4 years to transform in very good,radical way a PD patient.

there is light in this dark tunnel,dear PD fellows !!

lurkingforacure 02-20-2013 11:52 AM

Thank you for sharing, a few Q

I am so happy for you that you are feeling better. When we were first dx'd, we began using a nicotine patch, first 7mg, then ultimately had to go up to 14mg...we tried, later, to use the 21mg but it was just too much. How in the world do you tolerate 31mg? Do you get one big shot of nicotine first thing in the morning, or is it titrated out over the day? Is it a patch, or do you eat it, chew/suck it, inhale it, drink it, what? Do you get nauseaus (sp) do you handle that?

The patches we used were a 24-hour patch, and just for those curious, we would put the patch on first thing in the morning, prepare to feel sick at first, then it would take effect, and last through the day....had to take it off a few hours before bed or we could not get to sleep. If you had a meeting or something you really needed to be functioning for, it was almost like magic in how it would turn things on.

As time wore on, though, for us, it became less effective and seemed to make the offs more harsh and harder, so we had to quit. It was like mucuna in a few ways, one being, it would turn you on pretty much consistently, and, sorry to be crude here, it would help with constipation every time (this was before coconut oil which also helps immensely in that dept.).

We used the patch for the first 2+ years post-dx, along with the infernal mirapex (Lord how I wish we could get off of that!), before having to go on sinemet. I wonder what would happen if we went back to the patch? How did you introduce taking nicotine into your daily regime, and how much have you been able to reduce your sinemet since starting the nicotine?

Thank you so much for being brave and sharing your experience. Don't pay any attention to the nay-sayers. If something is working for you, go with it, just don't forget to let all of us know!

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