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Old 06-22-2015, 03:52 PM #1
steve lord steve lord is offline
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Default How I permanently reversed 12 threatening, progressive, chronic diseases,

I wrote this cure in the context of telling it to my brother with Parkinsons. He knows Im not a Doctor and takes everything to his Doctor before trying it.

"Roger I have cured or permanently partially reversed about 12 or 13 serious, chronic , progressive , totally resistant to reversal illnesses or injuries with the following method , see below and one progressive acute case of food poisoning being the only non chronic non serious one Its as simple as giving up doing anything about the illness and instead turning the healing of it over to my inner more powerful self or consciousness. I believe that we have an inner or subconscious self which is all powerful, from that information being discussed by many channelled entities, foremost being Elias at and and in the book of some of his quotes, "The Shift" I have no affiliation with any of it.
With some of these diseases, I was on my way to death or loss of body part without treatment and maybe even with it, since Listeria and staph both have defenses against the immunity or hide from it. ... Listeria infection I couldnt control, staph infection impossible to control with anything, skin and throat, benign tumor blocking my throat almost totally and growing fast, progressively enlarging prostate, increasing mercury poisoning, probably torn retina, progressive loss of circulation in hands and feet-a side effect from a Mexican pharmaceutical, getting steadily worse with age until it started causing infection, progressive arthritis in sacro part of the back , chronic rosacea, , an injured stomach chronically from drinking lemon juice and taking caffeine pills, a tumor on my arm that had grown progressively for six months, pinched nerve arm (the pinched nerve being chronic and leading to arm atrophy. and others. . All of these reversed in from 2 seconds in some cases or to me noticing reversal or cessation within the same day, except the tumor one arm that took 3 days to begin to change color and reduce, none of them ever getting any worse again even years later even with further aging, as if the aging process is frozen in that site, some cured, some partly, some only slightly, reversed, the one taking the longest to get the full effect was the listeria and the arm tumor five days to cure them the listeria was half cured in five minutes after 3 weeks of hell before I did this method.
But to get this method to work, it is necessary to at least temporarily intend to give up any other method of healing or treating the illness or injury. If you exercise to treat it, then if you continue to exercise it would have to be for another reason, , that you would be exercising even if you didnt have Parkinsons. Forego your daily pill for the time being, to see what happens by the next day but dont think to yourself you are only going to try it for a day, keep it open ended, and if it doesnt work then you can start treating again.
Then say the following exact words.
"I will hereby for the time being cease doing anything to cure or treat my (problem or disease) except to turn the problem over to my inner consciousness to cure"
I have enormous experience doing these verbal intend messages to my inner self and at least in my case it can negate the intention if I allow too much of a pause between words or if I get one word wrong that changes the meaning but it works just as well and is foolproof for me to rather than say those words, write out the exact words, then draw a line around the sentence, then pull my finger across the words to show my intent that I mean the whole sentence and at the same time say "This.", meaning the words in the sentence. Dont say anything even in your mind for five seconds before and after doing that or they may merge with your sentence. That gets it done for me. I have a lot of innate ability in achieving via sending messages like this to my inner consciousness, so I cannot say this will work for another person, but if it can be done safely, I see no reason not to try it for the time being and see what happens knowing the longest I ever saw it take to begin some noticeable healing action was for the tumor on my skin, three days, the rest I saw the permanent reversal within the same day. . At first it worked only for major chronic progressive problems but now it is working so far for even acute minor problems.
PS I started doing this method successfully and then it was confirmed independently by two channeled entities. Sharee, and Bashar.
Bashar said the way to achieve healing by the higher (inner) self was to intend the healing and then get the conscious mind out of the way, meaning doing nothing more about it. I will try to get a copy of it.
SHaree stated:"Sharee: I will tell you the most important thing about the subjective;(edit, your higher self), It ALWAYS responds, and it responds immediately (edit, to your request)
The problem is that when you try to control or influence it with your thoughts, you almost immediately disrupt your own request, because that is forcing energy which quickly changes your energy from choosing something into not choosing something.
Your difficulties with creating what you want has NOTHING to do with whether you are able enough to create, whether your intent is the right one or any other EXTERNAL reason.
They are due to misinterpreting your function as essence focused into a conscious and objective human being. The role of your conscious and objective aspect, that which you percieve as the "real" you, has one major function: Directing. You choose your own experience. That is your purpose as a physical being; to choose, direct and experience.
Your role is NOT to control or manage the energy that is required in order to manifest a certain outcome. Your subjective takes care of that aspect, but it must be allowed a process in which your energy is matching that which you want to choose. That process requires zero physical effort or concentration.
Indeed, the energy that you percieve you should spend concentrating, would be much more effectively spent not concentrating; not managing, but merely acknowledging that you already know what you want and allowing the process of creation to run its course. This subjective process is extremely effective but entirely dependant upon you and your objective energy.
Technically speaking, the actual manifested outcome is but a fraction of the entire creation. The process incorporates much more importance and energy. You generally assign that importance to the end result, which is why you struggle and become disappointed; If you are not seeing your result, you imagine you must not be creating it! You are actually likely doing that, but you are not allowing the process to complete itself.
When you're forcing energy or trying to control, you are discounting your own abilities, disrupting the process and changing your energy into something that does not match your initial desire, which may either prolong the time period for you to create something or not create it at all.
Additionally, do not fall into the trap of trying to control or force allowing in order to get faster results, since that very likely will be counter-effective to what you want.
You might interpret this as doing nothing. You might have to practice this "doing nothing", and it may be initially difficult as you are not used to it. "
Steve again: I avoid paying attention to the problem during the healing process, but especially, like I said above t I dont do ANYTHING ELSE to cure the problem. I did once and lost all the gain of healing my stomach in a heartbeat. Its possible my phrase that "For the time being" will all later some attempt to heal further someone one has success with with another method , but know you will lose all you gained and may never be able to restore it, although now if I use that phrase, I can try other methods later on and that loses the gain but I can restore the gain again at will by using the above same method. BUt maybe thats just me.

Steve Lord
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Old 07-19-2015, 04:21 PM #2
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Originally Posted by steve lord View Post
I wrote this cure in the context of telling it to my brother with Parkinsons. He knows Im not a Doctor and takes everything to his Doctor before trying it.

"Roger I have cured or permanently partially reversed about 12 or 13 serious, chronic , progressive , totally resistant to reversal illnesses or injuries with the following method , see below and one progressive acute case of food poisoning being the only non chronic non serious one Its as simple as giving up doing anything about the illness and instead turning the healing of it over to my inner more powerful self or consciousness. I believe that we have an inner or subconscious self which is all powerful, from that information being discussed by many channelled entities, foremost being Elias at and and in the book of some of his quotes, "The Shift" I have no affiliation with any of it.
With some of these diseases, I was on my way to death or loss of body part without treatment and maybe even with it, since Listeria and staph both have defenses against the immunity or hide from it. ... Listeria infection I couldnt control, staph infection impossible to control with anything, skin and throat, benign tumor blocking my throat almost totally and growing fast, progressively enlarging prostate, increasing mercury poisoning, probably torn retina, progressive loss of circulation in hands and feet-a side effect from a Mexican pharmaceutical, getting steadily worse with age until it started causing infection, progressive arthritis in sacro part of the back , chronic rosacea, , an injured stomach chronically from drinking lemon juice and taking caffeine pills, a tumor on my arm that had grown progressively for six months, pinched nerve arm (the pinched nerve being chronic and leading to arm atrophy. and others. . All of these reversed in from 2 seconds in some cases or to me noticing reversal or cessation within the same day, except the tumor one arm that took 3 days to begin to change color and reduce, none of them ever getting any worse again even years later even with further aging, as if the aging process is frozen in that site, some cured, some partly, some only slightly, reversed, the one taking the longest to get the full effect was the listeria and the arm tumor five days to cure them the listeria was half cured in five minutes after 3 weeks of hell before I did this method.
But to get this method to work, it is necessary to at least temporarily intend to give up any other method of healing or treating the illness or injury. If you exercise to treat it, then if you continue to exercise it would have to be for another reason, , that you would be exercising even if you didnt have Parkinsons. Forego your daily pill for the time being, to see what happens by the next day but dont think to yourself you are only going to try it for a day, keep it open ended, and if it doesnt work then you can start treating again.
Then say the following exact words.
"I will hereby for the time being cease doing anything to cure or treat my (problem or disease) except to turn the problem over to my inner consciousness to cure"
I have enormous experience doing these verbal intend messages to my inner self and at least in my case it can negate the intention if I allow too much of a pause between words or if I get one word wrong that changes the meaning but it works just as well and is foolproof for me to rather than say those words, write out the exact words, then draw a line around the sentence, then pull my finger across the words to show my intent that I mean the whole sentence and at the same time say "This.", meaning the words in the sentence. Dont say anything even in your mind for five seconds before and after doing that or they may merge with your sentence. That gets it done for me. I have a lot of innate ability in achieving via sending messages like this to my inner consciousness, so I cannot say this will work for another person, but if it can be done safely, I see no reason not to try it for the time being and see what happens knowing the longest I ever saw it take to begin some noticeable healing action was for the tumor on my skin, three days, the rest I saw the permanent reversal within the same day. . At first it worked only for major chronic progressive problems but now it is working so far for even acute minor problems.
PS I started doing this method successfully and then it was confirmed independently by two channeled entities. Sharee, and Bashar.
Bashar said the way to achieve healing by the higher (inner) self was to intend the healing and then get the conscious mind out of the way, meaning doing nothing more about it. I will try to get a copy of it.
SHaree stated:"Sharee: I will tell you the most important thing about the subjective;(edit, your higher self), It ALWAYS responds, and it responds immediately (edit, to your request)
The problem is that when you try to control or influence it with your thoughts, you almost immediately disrupt your own request, because that is forcing energy which quickly changes your energy from choosing something into not choosing something.
Your difficulties with creating what you want has NOTHING to do with whether you are able enough to create, whether your intent is the right one or any other EXTERNAL reason.
They are due to misinterpreting your function as essence focused into a conscious and objective human being. The role of your conscious and objective aspect, that which you percieve as the "real" you, has one major function: Directing. You choose your own experience. That is your purpose as a physical being; to choose, direct and experience.
Your role is NOT to control or manage the energy that is required in order to manifest a certain outcome. Your subjective takes care of that aspect, but it must be allowed a process in which your energy is matching that which you want to choose. That process requires zero physical effort or concentration.
Indeed, the energy that you percieve you should spend concentrating, would be much more effectively spent not concentrating; not managing, but merely acknowledging that you already know what you want and allowing the process of creation to run its course. This subjective process is extremely effective but entirely dependant upon you and your objective energy.
Technically speaking, the actual manifested outcome is but a fraction of the entire creation. The process incorporates much more importance and energy. You generally assign that importance to the end result, which is why you struggle and become disappointed; If you are not seeing your result, you imagine you must not be creating it! You are actually likely doing that, but you are not allowing the process to complete itself.
When you're forcing energy or trying to control, you are discounting your own abilities, disrupting the process and changing your energy into something that does not match your initial desire, which may either prolong the time period for you to create something or not create it at all.
Additionally, do not fall into the trap of trying to control or force allowing in order to get faster results, since that very likely will be counter-effective to what you want.
You might interpret this as doing nothing. You might have to practice this "doing nothing", and it may be initially difficult as you are not used to it. "
Steve again: I avoid paying attention to the problem during the healing process, but especially, like I said above t I dont do ANYTHING ELSE to cure the problem. I did once and lost all the gain of healing my stomach in a heartbeat. Its possible my phrase that "For the time being" will all later some attempt to heal further someone one has success with with another method , but know you will lose all you gained and may never be able to restore it, although now if I use that phrase, I can try other methods later on and that loses the gain but I can restore the gain again at will by using the above same method. BUt maybe thats just me.

Steve Lord
Did anyone try the above method? Success or failure?

I tried it on 4 other things, a case of CFS , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that evidences itself by the immune system stays turned on to the max all the time, Ive had it before, and I can tell , long story, totally reversed it with the above method literally immediately. Had ever worsening constipation over a one year period even though Im a vegan, reversed over night with the above method. I figured it was either a tumor or polyps blockage, so I used one of those words in the key sentence described above, and then the other one, so the fact that cleared the constipation showed me it had to be one or the other. Also used it in really nasty foof poisoning from a tomato I eaten without washing after it had rolled on the floor of the place I got it from, smart eh, totally healed in about ten minutes, and finally used it on a common cold sore throat, healed in five minutes completely

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Old 07-20-2015, 11:36 AM #3
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Originally Posted by steve lord View Post
Did anyone try the above method? Success or failure?

I tried it on 4 other things, a case of CFS , Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that evidences itself by the immune system stays turned on to the max all the time, Ive had it before, and I can tell , long story, totally reversed it with the above method literally immediately. Had ever worsening constipation over a one year period even though Im a vegan, reversed over night with the above method. I figured it was either a tumor or polyps blockage, so I used one of those words in the key sentence described above, and then the other one, so the fact that cleared the constipation showed me it had to be one or the other. Also used it in really nasty foof poisoning from a tomato I eaten without washing after it had rolled on the floor of the place I got it from, smart eh, totally healed in about ten minutes, and finally used it on a common cold sore throat, healed in five minutes completely

Steve Lord
Hi Steve,
I tried to read your post but found it very difficult to read because it is so long and no breaks for paragraphs, etc. My brain and eyes are a bit messed up though. Maybe break it into pieces so it doesn't all run together and you will get more responses. I know I am not the only one with neuropathic issues who has trouble reading long posts. Thanks, Diandra
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Old 07-20-2015, 02:45 PM #4
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"two channeled entities. Sharee, and Bashar"
how can any of this psycho-babble be useful to anyone on this site?
what exactly is your goal? you may need to supplement your vegan diet with B12.
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Old 07-20-2015, 04:58 PM #5
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Originally Posted by billybiffboffo View Post
"two channeled entities. Sharee, and Bashar"
how can any of this psycho-babble be useful to anyone on this site?
what exactly is your goal? you may need to supplement your vegan diet with B12.
Babble Yes!
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Old 07-21-2015, 01:14 AM #6
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Steve, I see that the title of your thread is "How I permanently reversed 12 threatening, progressive, chronic diseases"

I think that it would help other NeuroTalk members to assess the validity of what you have claimed if you could respond to some questions:

(1) Specifically, which "chronic diseases" are you referring to?

(2) Were those diseases diagnosed by evidence-based health professional(s) and, if so, what was the clinical evidence for those diagnoses?

(3) Did evidence-based health professional(s) assess you after you had allegedly "reversed" those diseases and, if so, what is the clinical evidence for this claimed reversal?
Knowledge is power.
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Old 07-21-2015, 02:17 PM #7
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Angry this is verbal..................

diarrhea. It has no place here because we want real answers to the horrible symptoms that cannot be reversed. We want repeatable SCIENCE, clinical study results, with references. This post like all brazen claims about curing neurological disease , with absolutely nothing to back it up are the bane of sites like this.
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Old 07-21-2015, 02:41 PM #8
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Originally Posted by ol'cs View Post
diarrhea. It has no place here because we want real answers to the horrible symptoms that cannot be reversed. We want repeatable SCIENCE, clinical study results, with references. This post like all brazen claims about curing neurological disease , with absolutely nothing to back it up are the bane of sites like this.
Charles will you tell me what you think of this site please. Good to see you posting. How are you doing?

Wildest regards thelma

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