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Old 11-24-2007, 12:09 AM #21
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Post propaganda for sale: who are the vaccine pushers?

this is a propaganda sheet...

and this was a headline in 3/28/2003

3rd Smallpox Vaccine Death Reported

WASHINGTON, March 28, 2003

(AP) Three people have died of heart attacks after receiving the smallpox vaccine, and expert advisers are recommending that the federal program be slowed down, throwing a struggling campaign into even deeper trouble.

Health experts are investigating a possible link between the vaccine and heart problems that have occurred in 17 people, including the three fatalities. Two of those were health care workers in private hospitals. The third, announced Friday by the Pentagon, was a 55-year-old National Guardsman, the first death in a military inoculation program that has treated 350,000 people.

The civilian program, which unlike the military's is voluntary, has moved much slower. Federal officials had aimed to offer the vaccine to at least 450,000 people in the program's first month. After two months, only about 25,000 have been vaccinated, with many hospitals opting out of the program altogether.

Despite the low numbers, the Institute of Medicine recommended this week that federal officials consider whether they have vaccinated enough people to handle a terror attack using the smallpox virus, should one occur. Many states might discontinue their programs as they reconsider their readiness, said Dr. Brian Strom, the head of the Institute of Medicine's smallpox committee, which is advising the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the program.

The recent deaths add weight to the recommendation, Strom said in an interview Friday.

"They're going to have more trouble now" getting volunteers, he said. "I think people are going to be afraid."

He predicted that questions about heart disease may also prompt states formally or informally to suspend their programs. Already, New York state suspended vaccinations for two weeks while questions are sorted out about the possible link between heart disease and the vaccine.

At the CDC, officials are trying to figure out what changes are needed, given the possibility of a heart disease connection.

They believe the vaccine may be to blame for a dozen cases of people who have suffered heart inflammation, a relatively mild condition. But there is no way to screen out those who are at risk for it, so there is little they can do to prevent it.

There are known risk factors for heart attacks and angina, or chest pain, but experts are not convinced that these conditions are related to the vaccine. Four people who had been vaccinated suffered heart attacks, including the three who died, and two reported angina. Many Americans suffer from heart disease, so these could be coincidental.

All three heart attack victims had risk factors for heart disease. The Guardsman, who died Wednesday after a heart attack a day earlier, smoked and had high cholesterol, and an autopsy showed that he had had coronary disease, the Pentagon said.

Still, to be safe, after learning of the first death, the CDC ordered that people with a history of heart disease not be vaccinated. The Pentagon now has adopted the same precaution.

On Friday, a panel of technical advisers to the CDC recommended that the screening be expanded to exclude anyone with at least three risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. The CDC estimated that would exclude about 6 percent of health care workers and 10 percent of the general public.

That panel, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, had considered a more drastic step: Excluding anyone over the age of 50. But members worried that would essentially kill the program.

Still, at least one member of the panel want to go even further and suspend all vaccinations while the heart question is investigated.

"There still hasn't been a case of smallpox anywhere in the world," said Dr. Paul Offit of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

"There are a lot of people who have heart problems and may not know it," he said, suggesting that the screening system might not find everyone at risk.

No matter what the recommendation, news of the deaths is likely to make health care workers even more wary of the vaccine, said Dr. Deborah Kamali of the University of California, San Francisco, who helped organize area doctors to write the CDC and urge that the program be stopped. They argue that known risks of the vaccine outweigh the unknown risks of an attack with smallpox, which was wiped from the Earth more than two decades ago.

"I think it will definitely make health care workers more reluctant. This is something they can relate to," she said. "As a field, we've already been reluctant."

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Old 11-24-2007, 12:14 AM #22
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Exclamation military vaccines - lies -damn lies and FDA stats



Our American medical boast has been that anti-typhoid vaccine wiped out typhoid fever in the Army. When this claim was made public, the people in general accepted it without question. But those who were not satisfied without some facts or evidence of truth, decided to look up the Army records of that period, and found that just the opposite was the case.

In comparing records before and after the enforcement of Army vaccination in 1911, we find that the highest typhoid death rate prior to that time was during the Spanish American War in 1898- 1899. This infamous war of aggression was fought in the tropics of Cuba where the heat and other unhealthful conditions were conducive to the development of typhoid as well as many other diseases. There was no refrigeration, so the food spoiled, except that which was loaded with poison preservatives including formaldehyde, nitrates, salt, saltpeter, etc. Decomposed protein and other poisons are the cause of ptomaine poisoning and other diseases of intestinal putrefaction, such as typhoid fever, typhis, yellow fever, malaria, cholera, etc. These diseases are not caused by germs, bites of insects, rats or any of the other things which doctors like to blame. There was no sewer system or sanitation measures, and the heavy rains, slime, mud, and noxious fumes in the swamps the soldiers had to wade in day-after-day, were ideal breeding grounds for fever diseases.

The men drank from polluted streams and were fed vermin-infested rancid foods. Therefore it was not surprising that their bodies’ internal safeguards were worked to the breaking point in an effort to eliminate all this contamination. So-called disease is nothing but a remedial effort of the body to get rid of poisons, blockages, and conditions which interfere with normal functioning. These healing efforts of the body manifest in such ways as sweating (fever — to force impurities out through the skin, which is one of the channels of elimination), diarrhea (bowel-cleansing when a rush-job is needed to get rid of drastic poisons), vomiting, coughing and sneezing (to unload toxic waste from stomach, lungs, nose, throat, etc. Lack of appetite suggests to the patient that he refrain from taking in more food (fasting). Weakness forces the patient to rest. All of these processes are essential to healing.

The stricken soldiers would probably all have recovered if they had avoided doctors and their poison medication and suppressive methods. Unfortunately, they were sent to the army hospitals and drugged to death by the doctors, who know nothing about the true principles of health and natural healing. The doctors, then as well as now, mistake the symptoms for the disease and give drugs to suppress the symptoms instead of letting the internal healing mechanism do its work to bring about normalcy. The doctors think they must do something to bring down the fever and give certain drugs to stop the coughing and other drugs to stop the diarrhea. All these damaging medical methods block the elimination of poison waste, and death or permanent injury is the result.

After the heavy toll of lives, when they learned that all the tricks of medical science (?) had completely failed, the Army was resourceful enough to realize that they would have to give some attention to health measures if they were to survive as a living army. So they set up a rigorous regimen of hygiene, sanitation and improved nutrition. This sensible program reduced the incidence of typhoid to less than 3 cases per 1,000. This marked decline in disease was brought about in less than 10 years, from 1899 to 1908. And this was done without one injection of anti-typhoid vaccine being administered, or any other vaccine.

In contrast to this remarkable record of disease prevention, we find that after vaccination became compulsory in the Army in 1911, not only did typhoid increase rapidly, but all other vaccinal diseases increased at an alarming rate.

I have heard some of the Army personnel argue that vaccination is not compulsory in the American armed services. But I -have also talked to G.I.’s who testified that those who refused to line up for the shots were seized by military police and forcibly held while the medics injected the poison serums into them — all fourteen shots. I have also seen the records of several soldiers who were given long prison terms (seven years) at Fort Leavenworth for resisting vaccination. They may have had to fight the M.P.’s to do this, and that went against their records. Other penalties were also imposed on the soldiers, such as demotion and witholding pay, for this rejection of enforced blood poisoning (vaccination), which the military interpreted as "insubordination."

It was during World War I (we entered it in 1917) when vaccination was enforced to the fullest extent, that the death rate from typhoid rose to the highest point in history— even higher than it had been during the pre-sanitation days of the Spanish American War. This 1917-1920 death rate could not be blamed on bad sanitation or spoiled food as was the case in the tropics. The deaths occured after the shots were given in sanitary American hospitals and well-supervised army camps in France, where sanitation had been practiced for years. There was no typhoid in the camps before vaccination, so it couldn’t be blamed on contagion. The only reason for this extremely high death toil was the blood-poisoning practice of vaccination.

The report of the Surgeon General of the U.S. Army shows that during 1917 there were admitted into the Army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia. The report for 1919 covering 1918 shows the total admissions suffering from anti-typhoid vaccinations to be 23,191, and 10,830 suffering from vaccinia. (24,021 in all, from vaccine poisoning). This takes no account of those whose vaccine diseases were attributed to something else, nor of those whose sufferings, though great, were not great enough to cause them to be sent to the hospital (from VACCINE AND SERUM EVILS by Dr. H. M. Shelton).

This official Army report didn’t speculate as to whether or not the diseases could have been caused by germs, viruses, contagion or other things that usually get blamed for disease; the doctors knew without any question of a doubt that all these thousands of cases of disease and death were caused by vaccination, and it was so stated in their medical reports. I doubt, however, that the grieving parents were told that their sons were killed by the poison doses administered by the doctors.

Knowing the devastation caused by vaccination, we wonder why they didn’t stop the deadly practice way back in 1916 when they found out—for sure—that vaccination was a killer with no redeeming feature. But they didn’t. The reasons are given in another chapter, "The Money Motive."

Under the most antiseptic conditions in hospitals all over the world, diseases develop, such as typhoid, polio, pheumonia, virus X, paratyphoid, flu, etc., when there is no other case in town for the victim to "catch it from." The patients have already received shots to "protect" them from the diseases. Doctors cannot blame it on invading viruses, germs or bacteria, because their germicides and antiseptic precautions in hospitals have been used to kill the germs. Why cannot the doctors understand what many other people already know, that it is not germs and viruses which cause the diseases, but the body-poisoning from medication, vaccines, processed foods, etc., which cause the sickness?

When Walter D. McCaw, Chief of Army Medical Staff, saw the shocking increase of typhoid among his well vaccinated "protected" (?) troops, he tried to lay the blame on laxity in sanitary precautions, such as unsterile needles, etc. He should have known that nothing on the needle could ever do as much harm as the poison vaccines inside the needle. Their reliance upon vaccination gave them a false sense of security which blocked any effort toward looking in the right direction for the real causes of the disease

McCaw said that "75% of the men in the Chateau Thierry offensive (France) were afflicted with typhoid," and that at one time in the Argonne sector "there were more than 300 cases of typhoid." He referred to "a unit of 248 men from Camp Cody, New Mexico, which arrived in England in July, 1918 with 98 cases of typhoid, of whom 8 died." He spoke of another contingent which lost 10% of their typhoid cases. All these men had been vaccinated in the Army, and all had been healthy when inducted.

Sir William Osler, the famous British physician wrote an article in the "Lancet" (renowned British medical journal) on this subject. (Nov. 28, 1914) An excerpt is as follows

"Perhaps the best chapter in British sanitation is that which deals with sanitation and typhoid fever.. . . It has beer well said that enteric fever is the sanitary index of a country; and that today our camps are not hot-beds of the disease is a result of more than half a century of intelligent and efficient sanitation.’

We notice that he did not say that it was vaccination which wiped out typhoid and other diseases of intestinal putrefaction such as typhoid (enteric fever). He knew for a fact that it was not vaccination that brought about the improvement; it was the reforms in sanitation and better nutrition and other healthful measures which prevent body poisoning in the first place. It is the poisoning that causes disease.

England had learned by the bitter experience of over century of vaccination, that it does not prevent nor cure disease of any kind. They knew that if they were to control widespread disease they must attack the real causes, the main ones of which were vaccines and bad living conditions. After these reforms were made there was a rapid decline in the disease rate. (Details given in a later chapter.)

England already knew this when our men were suffering and dying in the swamps of the tropics and the battlefields of France. But I’m quite sure our needle doctors would not listen to any warnings of vaccine hazards from the British — at that time However, as stated previously, our military doctors finally did turn to sanitation and nutrition reforms and reduced their disease rate without the vaccinations, in the Spanish American War.

According to British Army records, "In 1938 there was not a single case of any form of enteric fever (typhoid) among the unvaccinated soldiers, while in the vaccinated ‘protected’ class there were 37 cases and 5 deaths." Compulsory vaccination has been abolished in the British Army. However, it is available for those who want it, and a few unenlightened people still want it, in spite of all the evidence against it.

Another news item says: "Hundreds of inoculated soldiers in India have contracted typhoid or paratyphoid and the Army Medical Department reports record at least 200 deaths among inoculated men."

"THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION," July 28, 1917 (Vol. 69, p. 267) under the heading "Vaccination in War, "states:

"Bernard and Paref, in an analytic study, reported in 1915 a great preponderance of paratyphoid infection in the anti-typhoid vaccinated over those in the non-vaccinated, presenting the remarkable figures shown in Table 2.

"Table 2: Preponderance of Paratyphoid Infections over Typhoid
Cases Vaccinated Non-Vaccinated
Typhoid (Eberth Bacifius) 77 45 32
Paratyphoid 248 222 26

"Table 3: "

Paratyphoid 150 120 40

According to General Goodwin, the British Army had 7,423 cases of typhoid, with 266 deaths, up to 1918. Compulsory vaccination was in force in the British Army at that time.

In the book MEDICAL VOODOO by A.R. Hale, the author states on page 185: "In World War I, in the French Army alone, there were 113,165 cases of typhoid with 12,380 deaths up to Oct. 1916. Anti-typhoid inoculations were made compulsory in the French Army in March, 1918."

A.R. Hale, researcher for the U.S. Congress, said:

From one Congressman I learned that he was at the very moment pleading the cause of three ex-service men before the Veterans’ Bureau, two of whom had been made totally blind by army vaccinations against smallpox, and the third had been driven insane by an anti-typhoid vaccination followed by a spinal puncture. He said the Bureau was fighting the compensation claims of these disabled men, because it was unwilling to admit their disablities were caused by the army-camp treatments, although the evidence in all three cases was clear and inescapable."


One of the outstanding authorities on the real cause and cure of disease is the late Dr. Russell T. Trall (a reformed M.D.,) whose teachings are still 100 years in advance of our present day medical methods. Regarding typhoid fever, Dr. Trall wrote:

"Typhoid fever is not essentially a dangerous disease. It may be severe — without being at all dangerous. Nor is pneumonia a dangerous disease. Left to itself, it would seldom terminate fatally. We have known physicians of extensive practice treat this disease for many years without losing a patient. But in those cases very little medicine was given, and that of the simplest kind. The medicines were not (the usual poisons such as calomel, whiskey, opium, antimony, blisters (perhaps this means mustard plasters).

"These diseases (typhoid and pneumonia) are nothing more nor less than a cleansing process — a struggle of the vital powers to relieve the system of its accumulated impurities. The causes of the diseases are constipating foods, contaminated water, atmospheric miasmas, and whatever clogs up the system or befouls the blood. And the day is not far distant when a physician who shall undertake to aid and assist (suppress) Nature in her efforts to expel impurities, by the administration of poisons (drugs, medicines, shots, radiation, etc.) will be regarded as an insane idiot. But now this practice is called medical science."

Dr. John Tilden, another reformed physician, said, "You cannot have a very severe round of typhoid fever unless you have a "first-class" physician to give it strength to down you."


It was a common expression during the war that "more soldiers were killed by vaccine shots than by shots from enemy guns." The vaccines, in addition to the poison drugs given in the hospitals, made healing impossible in too many cases. If the men had not been young and healthy to begin with, they would all have succumbed to the mass poisoning in the Army.

The following are just a few of the case histories which show us how the soldiers were drugged to death in the military hospitals (from BASIC PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL HYGIENE by Dr. H.M. Shelton, p. 532:

"CASE No. 4 — S.P., a private, age 32. Admitted January 16th. Medication: Quinine and whiskey with capsicum were administered in ‘free doses.’ Brandy and turpentine given in enema. The next day the patient was worse (not surprising.) But the treatment was continued; sinapisms (mustard plasters) were applied to the back of the neck, chest, abdomen and calves of the legs. In the evening he was growing worse. "But the same treatment was continued until he died on January 18th, at 7:00A.M." (two days after treatment began.)

"CASE No. 7 — O.W.W., a private, age 22, was admitted into the hospital Monday the 13th. He was taken sick two days previously. Treatment : Wine once every two hours, quinine every three hours, 15 grains of calomel to be followed in three hours with 6 grains of carbonate of ammonia. All symptoms became rapidly aggravated. The patient died on the 22nd." He was younger and survived the poisoning program for nine days before he died.

"CASE No. 8 — D.N., a private, 18 years of age. His treatment included spirits of nitre, acetate of ammonia, camphor, castor oil, chloroform, spirits of turpentine, sulphuric acid, sugar of lead, opium, ipecac and white wine. He died after 29 days."

Although he was young and strong to start with, even he could not survive this onslaught of poisons, experimentation and malpractice by the physicians.

The report states that the condition of the patients got progressively worse every day, but the treatments were continued anyway. We wonder what was the matter with the doctors.

Dr. Trall said that most patients would recover if they were not doctored at all. He Stated: "I have not lost a case in 15 years (including typhoid and pneumonia), and I have treated hundreds. Fatality is attributable to the medication."


Because the average doctor does not understand the cause nor the cure of disease, he flounders around in a confusion of guesswork. Lacking facts, the various medical associations and medical schools base their beliefs on many false concepts with no basis in fact. The germ theory of disease is a graphic example. These dangerous concepts lead the doctors and the people astray— that is, all but the few who think for themselves and seek out proof for their beliefs.

It is bad enough for the doctors to blame the diseases on germs, viruses and bacteria, but when they pick on healthy people who do not "catch diseases" when they are exposed, and claim they are "carriers" and can infect others, this is the height of the ridiculous. See the chapter titled, Why Germs Cannot Cause Disease.

As disease is just a transition period from a contaminated body to a normal, healthy body, it stands to reason that no one can "catch" a disease any more than he can catch a dirty neck. Therefore, if a person is in the company of an ill person and does or does not get the same disease, it does not make him a "carrier" of that disease. Yet some of our medical men promote that theory. On the strength of this unsupported, unproved medical opinion of physicians and Health Departments, people have actually been sent to prison, merely because they were too healthy to get sick when the doctors thought they ought to.

Who has not heard of the sad case of "Typhoid Mary?" A fascinating book titled MEDICAL VOODOO, by Annie Riley Hale tells the story on page 337. The account reads: "Mary, a maid-servant of the better class in New York City, in the summer of 1907 was working where several cases of typhoid developed. Because Mary did not fall ill with the fever, though in contact with the patients, the only explanation that ‘medical science’ could offer for such a phenomenon, was that the woman was a ‘typhoid carrier.’ There was absolutely no evidence or proof of it except the health officer’s wild guess. Much contrary evidence was offered by Mary and her friends, but she was arrested, charged with ‘a menace to the public health,’ branded ‘Typhoid Mary’ in the newspapers, and imprisoned in the isolation hospital on North Brothers Island." She remained there for 30 years in solitary confinement until she died. She had commited no crime. She was a victim of medical stupidity and ignorance. The whole medical case rested on the fact that she was healthy and didn’t get the diseases which several others had developed.

In the same well-to-do household where Mary worked, there were, undoubtedly, other members of the family who did not develop the disease, but of course, they were not sentenced to life imprisonment for being healthy. There are no "Typhoid Rockefellers"’ nor "Diphtheria Morgans", are there? Neither are there any "typhoid carriers" anywhere in the world, except in the weird imaginations of certain backward doctors.

When we think of all the millions of mothers who care for their children who develop all kinds of diseases, and the mothers do not "catch it", it is a frightening thought to consider that some doctors could haul them off to prison for life because they managed to stay well in the presence of illness.

In the Middle Ages, before Pasteur conjured up his fallacious germ theory, there were some equally strange and dangerous theories of disease. One of them was the belief that diseases were caused by devils, that somehow got inside the body of the patient and caused the illness: The doctors then bored a hole in the head of the sick person to let the evil spirit out. If the patient died of the operation, which I suppose was usually the case, the doctors would naturally claim that the patient came too late and the devil did it. This is not to infer that evil spirits cannot possess a susceptible person; maybe they can, (The Bible says so) but if they got in they can get out the same way they got in, without the dangerous — often fatal — practice of boring a hole in the patient’s skull.

As we look back on these crude and barbaric medical procedures, we hope we have advanced beyond that stage of primitive medical practice; but, have we? The "Typhoid Mary" case was of recent times. She died only a few years ago in prison. But our present-day medical men have not advanced out of the Dark Ages yet; they still chase down healthy, innocent people who do not develop typhoid after being near typhoid cases. These cases are even now, branded as "carriers" and hounded by medical men driven by medical ignorance. This is borne out by no less a medical authority than Roy O. Gilbert, M.D. (L.A County Health Officer.) In the Los Angeles News Herald, 1954, Dr. Gilbert wrote an article titled "Spread of Typhoid Stopped by Apprehension of Carrier." In this article he states: "Typhoid carriers are individuals who act as symptom-free portable reservoirs for the germs of the disease and many of them are unaware that they may transmit the infection. . . - Whether the disease is mild or otherwise, it is estimated that between three and four percent of the individuals who have had it become carriers. - . - About one fifth of all carriers have never had the disease in a recognizable form.

"All known carriers are kept under strict surveillance by the Public Health Officials and are visited at least twice yearly. . . . Annual booster shots are given as an additional precaution."

Dr. Gilbert also states: "Typhoid fever, among the last of the pestilential fevers modern science learned to prevent and keep under control in the Western World is caused by a bacillus called Salmonella-typhosa. The ways in which it may be transmitted are understood and its control readily possible. Nevertheless, an average of 26 cases has been reported in Los Angeles County for the last five-year period."

If medical science (or confusion) knows how to control the disease, why do we have it every year? On checking the news items on Typhoid outbreaks over the past years, we find that the cases are among the guests of a wedding party, a camp meeting, a picnic, or some other gathering where food was served without refrigeration and sanitary supervision. Foods containing milk, meat and eggs are highly putrefactive out of refrigeration, and can generate toxins which cause vomiting, fever, intestinal disturbance and other symptoms of food poisoning, Whether or not the doctors find typhoid bacilli in the patients does not prove a thing, because all kinds of germs are found in sick people. The germs do not cause the disease; they evolve out of the dying cells and do a useful, remedial work.

The doctors have not been able to control the diseases because they are forever looking in the wrong direction for the causes. The cause is usually some form of body poisoning.

They give their so-called carriers a shot of poison vaccine every year, thus weakening their natural powers of defense against invasion of poisons. Vaccines always contaminate the body and weaken the whole physical organism and make one more susceptible to disease. This was proved by the high death rate and disease rate among the 100% vaccinated soldiers in all our wars from 1917 up to the present time. See chapter on "What vaccination did to our soldiers


google video -1.5 hours
Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine
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