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Pryjmak 08-22-2020 02:08 PM

Hi again Battyinthemountains - Sometimes a trip to a neurologist can help alleviate the fears..even though the one I went to was not familiar with adverse side effects of this vaccine. At least he did some physical testing that was negative for anything serious. I went to him with a detailed timeline of my issues from the vaccine. So that helped. Now 9 months post last shot I am dealing with the ongoing side effects but of course, the fear of having rabies is long gone. Keep positive, and keep telling yourself 'this too shall pass'. Take one day at a time, find ways to alleviate the symptoms and you will be just fine. Over the counter meds like Ibuprofen helps with muscle aches and I purchased heating pads to help with nerve pains. Look online for your specific side effects to get more info on how to help control them. Thanks for your too are helping persons who will be going through the same thing we have. Giving people hope that all will be okay and they are not alone. Have a wonderful weekend.

battyinthemountains 08-24-2020 05:53 PM

Found a DR
Just a quick update...

Last night my 4 year old said her thigh hurt, it got me worried so today I got on the ball and got my kids appointments set (well child, but just something to get a paper trail). I also inquired into a different doctor a town away and they take my insurance. I will be seen next week for a general appointment to get established and I will be able to express some concerns as my local health department told me that these tingles/nubness/pains are not from the vaccine. :confused:

It's times like these I miss living in the city where access to healthcare is more readily available.

I had a thought today that perhaps some of these pains could be an allergic reaction? I haven't tried any allergy meds, but figured it wouldn't hurt.

Hope you are all well.

battyinthemountains 09-01-2020 09:52 PM

An update
Since my last post I have been doing somewhat better. I spoke to a doctor via telemedicine and was diagnosed with GERD, today I saw a real in person doctor and will begin SSRI meds tomorrow to curb my anxiety because he doesn’t believe I have GERD. He confirmed anxiety could be causing most of these symptoms I have. My reflexes and all vitals are fine and will report back when I get test results from labs.

As of now feeling optimistic and hopeful that I’ll feel normal again soon. Thanks for following along.

clouds z 09-02-2020 10:10 AM

ill read later

gn94 09-13-2020 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Batbite24 (Post 1283037)
Glad you found us, and thank you for posting your experience. It is all helpful to this community. No experience with jaw pain. Hope yours is not related to the bat bite/rabies vaccine. I think we all will live with the shadow of "what if" after this. Yes I sure hope all the immune globulin donors were way to know for sure.

Hi Batbite,
I have been following your story. I may have a MTHFR mutation and got the rabies vaccine. After getting the rabies vaccine I noticed that my joints starting subluxing, especially my shoulders. What did you do to heal? Do you think it was the rabies vaccine that hurt you?

gn94 09-14-2020 01:23 PM

Anyone else’s joints starting subluxing after the rabies the vaccine?
My shoulder joints pop out of place. It is weird. My doctor suspects I may have EDS, but I never experienced this problem until after I had the rabies vaccine?
Any tips? Any tests to check to see if the vaccine is affecting my collagen?

battyinthemountains 09-15-2020 07:19 PM

Nearing 90 days post first exposure...
I finally got in to get my labs done, told the lady my bat story and got the results this afternoon. Everything normal, no numbers were shared, but told everything is normal.

Yesterday I had itching at the bite site and literally stayed up all night trying to calm myself as I am nearing 90 days post bite (still not sure my bites were from a bat, but given the circumstances it's assumed). This led to numbness in my forearms/hands/elbow. Then an increase of muscle spasms. It was a scary night for me. This morning I realized I was taking down the drapery yesterday and may have upset a bug to get a bite of some sort. No intense itching today, has to be a good sign, but feeling tired & achy today... hoping it's just from staying up all night.

That said the last two bats were found on 8/21 and 8/22 in the basement. My husband insists they were dead. We haven't seen one since inside since. They were found on the floor which means they could very likely be sick. It is my understanding you are OK with exposures 3 months after completing your vaccine schedule, then you get boosters from that point.

I have yet to start the SSRI mainly because we had a couple of outdoor BBQ's with neighbors and wanted to be able to have a couple of drinks without worrying about bothersome side effects. After last nights episode I may begin this week.

I hope this finds you all healthy and enjoying what's left of summer.

battyinthemountains 09-18-2020 11:04 PM

It’s back.
Yesterday I was talked into a flu shot and today my legs have been twitching like crazy and well as numbness in my left shoulder, face, and hands.

I’ve continued to have muscle spasms/twitches since beginning the vaccine, but this evening has been the twitchiest I’ve been.

I have a full body heating pad and used that this evening and it seems to have made things worse.

Currently I’m taking magnesium, D3, vitamin C, Zinc, and a basic probiotic/fiber...

Is there something I’m missing?

battyinthemountains 09-20-2020 06:08 PM

Thank you
I just wanted to come back and say thank you again to everyone who has updated through the years. The past few days I’ve been very scary (on and off whole body numbness and tingling, muscle spasms, lump in throat is back), but reading through and reminding myself I’m not alone has really helped.
Thank you all.

Bee1216 09-21-2020 01:44 PM

quick question on this vaccine
Has anyone here gotten the rabies vaccine without a confirmed bat or animal sighting here? Or everyone either had bites or a bat in the house? I felt something on my head in my neighborhood with bats. No idea if it was one but it was dark/dusk and i don't know what it was. Was considering getting the rabies vaccine for peace of mind to stop my anxiety but sounds like it may open up more problems and worries? ( although not as scary as rabies) this mystery event was already about 11 days ago.. I am leaning towards NOT doing it but just curious.

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