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daniella 05-05-2007 06:43 PM

Sorry I'm confused so what should I take? The b complex is not good? The neuro said to stop taking it for a week which is confusing. He didn't seem so concerned with the high levels.So there is not an side effects? When I go to the store it says b12 or do I get script?What is the b complex for then which was told to be taken by the foot/ankle doc. See my problem is every doc I see tells me different. Too many people in the mix and now I have 2 more docs coming up. I feel like an experiment. All it seems is to make me worse as when he sent me for pt. I have an apt at a pain managment clinic in a week. Very nervous for that.Thank you

rose 05-05-2007 07:14 PM

Sorry I was not clear. B complex is fine. It just will not provide B12 to a person with severe B12 malabsorption, and a healthy percentage of those who malabsorb somewhat progress to severe malabsorption (which means they need a much larger dose of B12).

I don't blame you for being confused. Stopping B complex for a week is a strange request, if no reason was given.

Some buy their B complex and 1000 mcg or more methylcobalamin B12 online. The selection is usually better and the prices can be much better. Many of us have used for years.

Get a good, reliable brand. Do not fall for hype.


Brian 05-06-2007 12:10 AM

Hi Daniel, if you take notice of the people that answered your post you won't & can't go wrong, they really do know what their talking about.
I wish doctors all over the world would read Roses website,, their b12 knowledge is a bit scary to say the least.

Brian :)

daniella 05-06-2007 02:20 AM

Thank you. I did look at your site Rose its very informative. Thank you for saying its ok to be confused. I see so many docs and just now am I starting to ask more questions as I see they don't always offer. The reason the neuro said to stop the b complex is cause my b12 was very high but need to get exact numbers. The 1 week thing was confusing cause how will I know if it comes down. On your site though it says you can still be deficient so I wonder how you find out or is it impossible? I have had 2 huge sets of blood work. It just showed high liver enzymes,high b12,and low white liver count. In addition I have severe stomach bloating,nausea,cramping,and constipation.I talked too the neuro about diabetes but my blood sugar is normal.In the past I did have a hypolycemia and still sometimes will get the symptoms. I drink a huge amount and now with these syptoms but is pre diabetes though when your blood sugar is starting to get too high? I was just diagnosed with ibs c and at one time pancreatitis symtoms but the tests further said no but to watch. Anyhow I was also wondering on many of the sites its says so important to get up and move. I'm not looking to exercise but like I said have in been in bed for 3 months with basically no errands even. Today I am going to attempt a shoe on the real bad leg/foot/ankle because like I said the other leg/foot/ankle is hurting more and I feel may be from so much pressure.I'm calling the neuro about that new symptom tomorrow. I just feel the pain is so horrible and some days I just can't get out of bed.Or fear it will get worse. I had pt one time and he did some stretching and massaging of the area and for a month after I could barely move and had to take vicadin 3 times a day. On that note I'm not a lazy person as for 12 years of my life I didn't miss a day of exercise ?'s. You all have helped so much and I feel so less alone. I'm sorry though for everyones pain.Thanks again.

nursegirl 05-06-2007 02:30 AM

B-complex may contain B6 - so too much of that is a bad thing..........
Found this online:

"-----------Vitamin B6 Overdose

People taking large dosages of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) on a regular basis for an extended period of time should be aware that problems can arise. There is a potential for damage to your nerves, but in most cases it is reversible.

Symptoms that you will notice first with a vitamin B6 overdose are numbness and tingling in the hands and feet.

You may also notice a loss of manual dexterity and your balance may be a bit wobbly.--------------"


Brian 05-06-2007 06:27 AM

Daniella, Prediabetes is when the blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
Normal fasting blood glucose is below 100 mg/dl. A person with pre-diabetes has a fasting blood glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl. If the blood glucose level rises to 126 mg/dl or above, a person has diabetes.
Brian :)

mrsD 05-06-2007 06:44 AM

weight gain....
I think is best served by eating FAT... good fats that is.

People who lose weight thru dieting (bariatric surgery) and/or eating disorders develop what is called "slimmer's paralysis"...which is nerve damage due to
poor fat nutrition.

There are 9 calories in fat/gram compared to 4 for sugar and protein.
So eating good fats in quantity will help you gain faster.
Nuts ( a good source of magnesium and unsaturated fats)
and you can do the new peanut butter now (Smart Balance) with its 1 gram of Flax oil in each serving.
Smart Balance spreads ... instead of butter
Smart Balance Mayo... are all good choices and taste good.

Avocados--are very good... some guacamole sounds like fun to me!

daniella 05-06-2007 10:28 AM

Thanks. Thats funny I was just eating a pb sandwich made with that new omega 3 spread. Its good. Anyhow I'm freaking because for 3 months its been only the left leg and now yesterday and today my right was has similar pain not as severe as the other one but very painful. I wish it was Mon so I can call the neuro.About being on your legs with this issue I feel like it aggravates it and some days I just can't get out of bed like I said but I see here how movement is important but doesn't it make the symptoms worse?Is anyone here on meds? I'm suppose to start elavil. I had tried nurontin,cymbalta and lyrica with all bad side effects. Thats what I thought too about diabetes and though I have other symptoms I feel are similar my blood sugar is normal. I'm going to ask the neuro tomorrow about my b12 and the foot/ankle on tues who told me to take the bcomplex but for now have stopped it.See every doc tells me something different. Too many opinions.

MelodyL 05-06-2007 10:45 AM


Don't be surprised if, when you tell your neuro about the B-12, he or she looks at you like you have two heads.

Doctors DON'T GET THE B-12 thing. You'll be lucky if your neuro says "oh, it can't hurt you, so go ahead".

But if your neuro says "wow, that's a great idea", wrap up your neuro like a christmas present!!!


rose 05-06-2007 11:48 AM

Lots of good advice, of course. Great place and people.

Regarding the B12: Stopping for a week will allow you to get some idea (not an accurate indicator) where your stores might be now. Make sure the doc doesn't think that stopping for a week will show where you were before you started taking B12. Not true at all.


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