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Alffe 12-28-2006 10:50 AM

What's on your plate ?
I don't care if I ever eat too full to go to Curves. :o
Our daughter made the best french toast..puffy little torn up went directly to my hips.

We have one more Christmas party and if I don't eat anything for the rest of the day, I may find room to eat tonight. My sister in law is coming to spend New Years with us and I have promised her a chocolate pie...may have to make Wishes peanut butter pie too and get it over with. When she leaves, I am closing the kitchen indefinitely!! :p

I delivered Curious's hug to a suprised Bizi...:D and Kell, I don't know how to post pictures. Bizi keeps telling me how easy it is, trust me...lots of people have "walked me through it" to no avail. I want to change my avatar again and will need Doodys help with that. :rolleyes:

Ok....what's on your plate?

Doody 12-28-2006 12:37 PM

Rest, rest, and more rest!

The last month presented fractured tailbone, pa's heart attack, helping tons with granddoody, pressure at work, and this old broad is absolutely down for the count with gigantic fibro flare. I took the week off work and have slept until at least 10 am every morning. I hate that!

Watching lots of movies, resting, and cleaning little bits of house in between. Tomorrow night I'm having a movie night with my best friend for the first time in years! I'm hoping she doesn't back out.

Daughter and family are in Palm Springs picking lemons and grapefruit, golfing, swimming, shopping, hottubbing and generally having a very good time! So I'm happy about that.

But what I really want to do is go to Alffe's house and have her baby me and join in her festivities and food! :D

Julie 12-28-2006 12:47 PM

Taking the kids shopping to spend all their Christmas money. I'm taking them to lunch too. Need to pick up Michael's prescriptions. Robert wants to buy stuff for his train set up.

Tomorrow is E's last day working for Bill Gates. No job and the prospects look bleak...that's what I am obsessing about.

Curious 12-28-2006 12:51 PM

hopefully NOTHING!!!

was at the airport at 5:30AM. :( my daughter left, but will be back in the spring.

no cooking or baking for me either alffe. all i did was cook and serve people for days. wasn't a helpful crowd this year.

FeelinGoofy 12-28-2006 09:24 PM

i'm suppose to take my daughter shopping saturday so she can spend her christmas money. Not for sure if i'm going to be able to as i sure feel like i'm running a temp right now:Sigh:

i need to start taking down my christmas stuff.... i "just" got it all up like last week....:Sigh:

AND trying not to put a guilt trip on myself for not sending out Christmas cards to everybody who sent me one..... i think we got over 100 this year!!!!:eek:
i think i sent out maybe 30...:Sigh:

Alffe 12-30-2006 06:42 AM

Well it's Saturday, I think! Really confusing to have these Holidays on a Monday.
I need to get into the kitchen and start cooking for this mornings funeral. I wonder if stuffing is a vegetable? :rolleyes: How about if I put lots of celery and onions in it?

We have had so many funerals this year in our small church if I never see another greenbean casserole it will be too soon. The population of members in their 80ties is be expected I guess but it's so hard on them to say goodbye to people they have known for over 60 years...and we've been losing about one a month. :Sigh:

On a happier note Mr.Alffe's sister is coming for the Holiday...driving her bright RED Toyota saldara CONVERTIBLE up to our house before driving it to Florida. Now who says a 61 yr.old cancer survivor is too old for a red convertible. :D

SeamsLikeStitches 12-30-2006 02:30 PM

My kids have gone shopping with their dad to spend their money! I'm staying home making a big pot of ham and beans with the ham bone from Christmas dinner and playing in the sewing room. It's almost noon here and I'm still in my jammies and robe! Woo Hoo! I'm totally enjoying the day! Watching the cooking channel, flipping through my sewing books, and trying to decide what to spend my gift certificate at the fabric store on. Guess you can tell by my name that sewing is my passion. It keeps me sane.
My daughter just realized she can wear my pants this morning, so I think I had better make myself a few more pairs of slacks for work, as I think she is going to be taking over my three pairs of jeans! She has already taken over my sweats! As long as she is clean and sober, she can wear all my clothes! I'm just so happy she is home and healthy after three years of worrying about her being on the streets with that Meth in her system and those scary people she was with. She has been home for five months now. I'm pretty sure this is the time that is going to stick! She has gained enough weight to wear my clothes now, and she has gotten back into school (Jr. College) and finished her re-hab program. She goes to N.A. and A.A. meetings EVERY day, she is doing all her community service and is very involved with the family this time. The two previous times were just to placate me so she would have a place to live. This time she is doing it for herself.

Anyway, my plate is a bowl, and it's going to be full of Ham and Bean soup and corn bread! C'mon by in your Jammies and slippers, pull up a couch in front of the fire place and have a bowl!


Alffe 12-30-2006 03:13 PM

Yummm...I love bean soup made with ham...I split the corn bread, put the thick soup on it, a few chopped onions........I'll be right over!! *grin

Curious 12-30-2006 03:15 PM

i'm gonna sneak over to terri's for some of her ham and beans! cornbread too! :p

i'm making a small pot of black eyed peas for new years. not a family favorite, no matter what i do to them. they will eat them...but it is more cornbread with a side of peas. lol

i'm getting all the christmas stuff packed away. sorting da monkeys clothes. they have both been growing. that is good for grandmonkey...he is 5, but lil'monkey is 12...and she says when her and hubby measured her this morning...she was 5' 9 1/2" :eek: finding jeans a size 3....and a 36+ inseam...yikes

terri...i LOVE to sew too. i haven't had much time for it. i sure miss it. hmmm...sounds like a 07 resolution..:D

alffe...yep...sounds like a veggie to me too. :p i add grated carrots sometimes for a little color. sautee'd mushroms. too. i am hungry. i made french toast this morning out of banana bread...wonder if there is a piece left. :rolleyes:

Curious 12-30-2006 03:16 PM

terri....get the table ready...looks like me and alffe will be there. :D

SeamsLikeStitches 12-30-2006 06:17 PM

I'll get the honey out too! I love it over the corn bread with some butter melted over it! MMMMMMmmmm can't wait! I've been working on a muslin pattern for a pair of pants all day, finally got it right. Now I'm off to the fabric store for some fabric and lining!
Oh, I better take a shower and change out of my jammies first. OOOOpps!
Geez! It's 3pm, no one's home and I forgot to take a shower today! See what happens when the kids are gone all day! I get to cook and sew all day!
I'll get the table ready! Soup will be done in about an hour! I'll even change outa my jammies for y'all!

Doody 12-30-2006 06:56 PM

Now I'm hungry.

Especially after trying a million different products to get the darn stain out of my bathtub!!!!! Geesh!

Curious 12-30-2006 07:22 PM

doody...i asked my mom what she used to use when we lived up north. she said tooth paste for dentures. even the tablets you soak dentures in...make a bubbly paste and let it sit.

she said try a small spot. you don't want to scratch it. she used to put the paste down and cover it with a saran wrap if a spot was stubborn.

Julie 12-30-2006 07:28 PM

Hmmmm, I got jury duty in the county I used to live in. Seems moving out of the county isn't one of the exemptions. I guess I'm going to be making that suggestion when I send them my reason for not 270+ miles for jury duty.

I scrubbed my kitchen and mopped. Polished the wood floors, swept and mopped the tile in the foyer, at some food from Whataburger and really had to avoid the lawn guy coming buy because I look like hell.

I've been watching President Fords' arrival in Washington. It's just made me realize watching Mrs. Ford and how stoic she is at what strong women the First Lady has to be. I cried when they arrived at the church in California and they played "O God our help in ages Past". It's a beautiful hymn. How comforting to hear Episcopal prayers to this Anglican. I'm moved by the beautiful sites in Washington and the solemn walk up the stairs with his casket.

Alffe I can relate on the funerals. Lately so many of my parent's friends have passed in our church. It's different from yours as we have over 2,000 members, but it really touches me. A few weeks ago we had our 4th and 5th grade Sunday school class send cards to the shut-ins and nursing home residents. I was saddened at how many were my parent's contemporaries and parents of my friends from high school. On Christmas Eve, I went to the collumbarium there at the church with one of the priests and Michael to go visit my parents. Again I was so touched at how many people interred there I know.

Julie 12-30-2006 07:47 PM

Try hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to give it a little bit of scrubbing power. Kills germs too!

jingle 12-30-2006 09:16 PM

Have you tried "Bar Keepers Friend" ? It's a very good commercial product and you can find it anywhere.
I'm a big fan of Mr. Clean Magic Eraser too :p

Julie 12-30-2006 09:44 PM

OOh that BarKeepers Friend is great.

Abbie 12-30-2006 09:49 PM

I'm a little late in the conversation but.... Curious... may I have some of those Black-eyed peas please??? I love those but I can't cook because I can't stand the heat from the stove and microwaving things messes with the taste of many things....most things come out tasting like rubber...well chewing like it anyway.

jingle 12-30-2006 09:54 PM

Pinto beans cooked with smoked pork chops ................:Dancing-Chilli:

Abbie 12-30-2006 10:05 PM

Oh Jingle... that sounds yummy too!!!

FeelinGoofy 12-30-2006 10:32 PM

I was going to suggest the Mr clean eraser too Doody... our tub has this insane pattern on the bottom and thats the only think i've found that will get it clean.

Doody 12-31-2006 01:29 PM

I think the stain is just so ingrained into it I just dunno. Barkeeper? I'll check out all the solutions!

Alffe 12-31-2006 01:34 PM

CLR undeluted? I love this stuff. Also love Mr.Clean eraser. are going to over do and end up flat!! Who cares about the tub....get a new bath mat and hide it! :D Are you still having that sleep over with your old friend? (get your mind out of the gutter people) *grin

jingle 12-31-2006 02:43 PM

I haven't tried CLR ... and Doody, Bar Keepers Friend is simply another brand of cleanser, a good one, but that's all. I like the liquid sort best.

And Alffe -- sheezzzzh -- I'd give a lot for a bit - just a tiny bit of the gutter. My spotless life is so boring I can barely take it. Just yesterday I was changing sheets and wondered ......................

:p :o :Sigh: oh well.

Alffe 12-31-2006 03:15 PM

(((Jingle))) Have I got an email for you!!! :D Did I send you the Fruitcake lady?

CLR is great stuff...also comes in a spray bottle but I think the regular bottle is can dilute it but if you have a really tough stain, or's great stuff.

jingle 12-31-2006 03:47 PM

Alf - nope, I haven't gotten the Fruitcake Lady yet .... did my spam filter stop it :p LOL LOL LOL
Don't you think it's a bit sad that it's New Year's Eve and we're talking about cleaning stuff ? Oh, good grief. Just how exciting can you get?

Curious 12-31-2006 03:58 PM

we can talk about cleaning our closets next...

jingle 12-31-2006 04:09 PM

OK Curious - :icon_mad: - was that a shot just because I went through a ....:confused: ... three month fixation with CLEANING the garage, the basement, the work shop, then the CLOSETS?
LOL LOL LOL ------------ I'm serious here. In most places I threw/gave away more stuff than I kept. Poor husband knew the garbage men were getting tired of me and he gave cash to them.
This is a small house but I still have some closets and a LOT of drawers .....

Curious 12-31-2006 04:24 PM

hehehe jingle...i'm a clean hangers are color coordinated.

now is a good thing YOU did the clenaing out. hubby decided to surprise me one saturday. before i got up..he had redone all the drawers in my kitchen. all 26 of them. i still can't find my twist ties. :(

Doody 12-31-2006 04:32 PM

Nope! CLR doesn't do it!

jingle 12-31-2006 05:32 PM

This is going to take some work. Let's form a platoon and head to Doody's.

Alffe 12-31-2006 09:53 PM Jingle..are Marines looking good?...:p I'm was trying to stay up til midnight to wish Bizi and Gretchen a happy b'day but Mr.Alffe plied us with champagne and I have to go beddy. :D

We did however, take a trip down memory lane about the night you two were born. :rolleyes:

Curious 12-31-2006 10:23 PM

alfee...did nobody tell you..mother's are supposed to get gifts on kids did all the work. mothers day..the kids get the gifts. they made you a mom. :p

congrats on such wonderful girls mr and mrs alffe. you dun good!!

Doody 01-01-2007 03:39 PM

Yes, please, come to Doody's. Alffe was right. She said, "Don't overdo!" So what did I do? Overdo!

The only thing that has worked so far is my favorite, Clorox cleaning stuff and Ajax, and scrubbin, and my neck and shoulder and right arm are killing me! I have spent the last how many days on that tub? LMAO!

Well, the finish is gone, but it's almost white. :rolleyes:

Alffe 01-01-2007 10:19 PM


What's on my plate? I can tell you what isn't on my plate...the rest of the cheese ball that went into the disposal....the rest of the Gridella sp? chocolates that went into the disposal....along with the cereal snack..

Mr.Alffe grabbed the last piece of french silk pie or it would have gone the same route.

The Kitchen is closed!! Indefinitely!!!

Hugs for the room...assuming I can get my arms around you all. BJ, please check in.

Nighty night.....;)

Lara 01-02-2007 03:24 PM

avocado sushi and banana cake

SeamsLikeStitches 01-02-2007 04:25 PM

Oh Lara, what a combination!
I've had quite enough of the beans and Ham! I'm bringing it to work to give away to my friends for lunch! My kids want to go back to McDonalds already! Are the holidays over yet?

~scrabble 01-02-2007 04:51 PM

Turkey Chili, stilton cheese with mango and ginger, Ukrainian onion bread ...

I'm looking forward to dinner on Saturday at my sister's house for Ukrainian Christmas Eve. 12 meatless dishes ...... :)

Lara 01-02-2007 05:30 PM

Seams, I have two plates. LOL

~scrabble, I just went and looked at a great site regarding Ukrainian traditions and found a list of the 12 traditional meals you'll be eating. I hope you have a wonderful time. :D

Curious 01-02-2007 06:30 PM


missed you sweety. now pass a plate...sounds D-lish!

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