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mymorgy 10-02-2019 09:18 PM

Out of control III
Thank you Donna

mymorgy 10-03-2019 08:38 PM

i am back on kiwis

mymorgy 10-04-2019 07:45 AM

yesterday my right leg started hurting. I don't know if it is a side effect of praulent that lowers cholesterol by injection.I really had trouble walking. I will try to see if tylenol helps.
I am so embarrassed with the doormen. I have been buying so much. eeks.
I bought a lot of essential oils among things. I wish I could stop.
I used three laxatives last night. At least one worked so I don't need the olive oil and apple cider vinegar today. Last night I ordered another kind. I didn't have a stomach ache last night or early this morning. yeah.
Pudge is still sleeping on the bed. She is so silky. Yesterday I was anxious. I took peppermint and chamomille tea. I got about two hours of sleep.
I see my cardiologist on Monday and she will test my cholesterol. I will bring in the medication and inject it in front of her to see if I am doing something wrong.
The following week I see my g.i. doctor. Not sure what to say.
I am not depressed...just anxious and still feel like spending. so out of control

mymorgy 10-04-2019 08:01 AM
wonderful story

Dmom3005 10-04-2019 10:22 AM

Wish I had an answer for your spending but I don't.

Sorry. And also thank you for the new post. It sure helps me a lot.

I am glad your doing better. I hope the ankle gets better.

Donna :grouphug:

bizi 10-04-2019 10:50 AM

What is it with ankle/foot issues? all 3 of us have them.
mine is no better.

mymorgy 10-04-2019 11:41 AM

mine is the whole right leg but it is beginning to feel better. Last night it was hurting and I was just lying in bed. The other day in the morning I walked so well when I went downstairs. I can only blame it on medication. I will ask my cardiologist on Monday if praulent could do it to me.
I just put three drops of lavender essential oil on my pillow. It is so very wonderful.
Lavender essential oil is the most used essential oil in the world today, but the benefits of lavender were actually discovered over 2,500 years ago. Because of its powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, sedative, calming and antidepressive properties, lavender oil benefits abound and it’s been used both cosmetically and therapeutically for centuries. (1)

The Egyptians used lavender for mummification and as a perfume. In fact, when King Tut’s tomb was opened in 1923, there was said to be a faint scent of lavender that could still be detected after 3,000 years.

Early and modern aromatherapy texts advocate for lavender’s use as an antibacterial essential oil. The leaves and stems of the plant were used to prepare decoctions against digestive system diseases and rheumatism, and lavender was valued for its cosmetic purposes. The Romans used lavender oil for bathing, cooking and purifying the air. And in the Bible, lavender oil was among the aromatics used for anointing and healing. (2)

Because lavender oil contains such versatile properties and is gentle enough to apply directly to the skin, I consider it a must-have oil, especially if you are just getting started with using essential oils for your health. Science has only recently started to evaluate the range of health benefits that lavender essential oil contains, but there’s already an abundance of evidence that points out the amazing capabilities of this oil. (3)
Today, lavender is one of the most popular essential oils in the world. And for good reason. People are beginning to catch on to lavender oil benefits, for your body as well as your home.

10 Lavender Oil Benefits and Studies
1. Antioxidant Protection
Free radicals, like toxins, chemicals and pollutants, are arguably the most dangerous and most common risk factor for every disease that affects Americans today. Free radicals are responsible for shutting down your immune system and can cause unbelievable damage to your body.

The body’s natural response to free radical damage is to create antioxidant enzymes — especially glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) — that prevent these free radicals from doing their damage. Unfortunately, your body can actually become deficient in antioxidants if the free radical burden is great enough, which has become relatively common in the U.S. because of poor diet and high exposure to toxins.

Thankfully, lavender essential oil is a natural antioxidant that works to prevent and reverse disease. A 2013 study published in Phytomedicine found that lavender oil increased the activity of the body’s most powerful antioxidants — glutathione, catalase and SOD. And more recent studies have indicated similar results, concluding that lavender has antioxidant activity and helps to prevent or reverse oxidative stress. (4, 5)

2. Diabetes Natural Treatment
In 2014, scientists from Tunisia set out to complete a fascinating task: to test the effects of lavender essential oil on blood sugar to see if it can help reverse diabetes naturally.

During the 15-day animal study, the results observed by researchers were absolutely amazing. In a nutshell, lavender essential oil treatment protected the body from the following diabetes symptoms (6):

Increased blood glucose (the hallmark of diabetes)
Metabolic disorders (especially fat metabolism)
Weight gain
Liver and kidney antioxidant depletion
Liver and kidney dysfunction
Liver and kidney lipoperoxidation (when free radicals “steal” necessary fat molecules from cell membranes)
Although more research is needed to understand the full capacity of lavender oil for the prevention or reversal of diabetes, the results of this study are promising and indicate the therapeutic potential of lavender. To use lavender oil for diabetes, apply it topically to your neck and chest, diffuse it at home or supplement with it for the health benefits.

3. Improves Mood and Reduces Stress
In recent years, lavender oil has been put on a pedestal for its unique ability to protect against neurological damage. Traditionally, lavender has been used to treat neurological issues like migraines, stress, anxiety and depression, so it’s exciting to see that the research is finally catching up to history.

In 2013, an evidence-based study published by the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice found that supplementing with 80 milligram capsules of lavender essential oil alleviates anxiety, sleep disturbance and depression. Additionally, in the study there were no adverse side effects, drug interactions or withdrawal symptoms from using lavender oil. (7)

The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology published a human study in 2014 that revealed that Silexan (otherwise known as lavender oil preparation) was more effective against generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) than placebos and the prescription medicine paroxetine. After treatment, the study found zero instances of withdrawal symptoms or adverse side effects. (8)

Another study published in 2012 took 28 high-risk postpartum women and found that by diffusing lavender in their homes, they had a significant reduction of postnatal depression and reduced anxiety disorder after a four-week treatment plan of lavender aromatherapy. (9)

Lavender oil has also been shown to improve PTSD symptoms. 80 milligrams of lavender oil per day helped decrease depression by 33 percent and dramatically decrease sleep disturbances, moodiness, and overall health status in 47 people suffering from PTSD. (10)

To relieve stress and improve sleep, put a diffuser by your bed and diffuse oils while you sleep at night or in the family room while you’re reading or winding down in the evening. You can also apply lavender oil topically behind your ears for the same benefits.

4. Supports Brain Function
The neurological benefits of lavender essential oil don’t stop at its ability to treat depression and boost mood. Research also shows that lavender oil serves as a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease! Studies conducted on rats show that inhaling lavender essential oil vapor can help to prevent brain oxidative stress and improve cognitive impairment. (11, 12)

Also in 2012, the Swiss journal Molecules printed the results of a study that shockingly proved that lavender oil is a viable treatment option for neurological dysfunctions such as stroke. Researchers believe that lavender’s neuroprotective effects are due to its antioxidant properties. (13)

To support the nervous system with lavender oil, diffuse it at home, inhale it directly from the bottle or apply it topically to the temples and back of neck.

mymorgy 10-05-2019 05:52 AM

I am really out of control. I just bought a few more tops. I bought more essential oils. I have been ordering sweets. I haven't been sleeping much. I put lavender on my pillow and I think that might be calming me.
I still don't feel like talking to Stella. She really upsets me with her crazy ideas. She is so into Byron Katie and the jerk never heard of projection.
I am getting closer to one of my oldest friends from elementary school. She said something very insensitive and hurtful after my mother died and it took me years to get over it. She had a daugher Sarah who died of cancer when she was three. She mentions Sarah a great deal. Tragic a precious blondie. She and her husband are so active. She still teaches singing and the flute and Sandro plays the cello for the ballet.She goes to so many concerts, plays and museums. She is having knee surgery next Monday. With all the pain she just pushes herself. She still even plays tennis. When we were young we would plays hours of ping pong.I didn't play tennis with her because I was too good and would have gotten bored. Bad me. I loved her mother who died young of cancer. I knew she had it but wasn't allowed to tell Kathy.I kept on dropping hints but she didn't get them.I learned in eight grade. Her mother died when we were freshmen in college.They kept on sending her away to boarding school and for the summer to schools and to Europe for more schools.

mymorgy 10-05-2019 09:43 AM

Treating Bipolar Disorder with Essential Oils

11 Essential Oils For Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive Illness) - Health Guide Net
he seems to be the cheapest seller

Mari 10-06-2019 12:12 AM

I used to keep peppermint oil in the house.

Usually now I look for things that can calm me. Maybe
then I was looking for energy.


mymorgy 10-06-2019 02:52 AM

I bought two diffusers today and different oils.I bought some peppermint and will try it.I forgot what I bought for anxiety besides lavender. That url I put down has great prices. I wrote my friend Robert about them because his dog is so wild and hyper. I think I wound up insulting him because he didn't write me back.
He had sent me a youtube about a fisher wallace(sp) gadget to put on your head for depression but I wrote him back that I knew about it and it cost around 500 dollars even though I got an email offering a special for 400. I didn't like that you needed a prescription and they gave you an url where you could get one.medicare doesn't cover it. It wouldn't help my anxiety and irritability and overeating and overspending even if it worked.
Lately I have been so angry at myself for overspending and being so irritable and overeating and wanting to drink. I am even angry at being angry.

According to research published by Silva MJ, health benefits of ylang-ylang essential oil include providing relief from stress and anxiety. [5] Studies reveal that ylang ylang oil helps sedate and calm nervous afflictions, stress, anger, and anxiety while inducing a relaxing feeling. [1]
Ylang-ylang essential oil is a health booster for the nervous system. Research on the aroma of ylang ylang essential oil denotes that it helps stimulate the nervous system and repairs any damage it may have suffered. [4] Furthermore, it also reduces stress on the nerves and protects them from developing a number of nervous disorders. [6]

mymorgy 10-07-2019 05:17 AM

I didn't sleep the night before. Last night I put chamomille essential oil on my
pillow and was asleep so fast! I didn't wake up during the night!

mymorgy 10-07-2019 06:13 AM

I got on the scale and gained six pounds. I am really sad. I am so out of control. I have been having a lot of Chinese food.
so out of control

Dmom3005 10-07-2019 09:05 AM


Make sure when you go to get on your scales. That you have moved it around some way. Weird as it sounds. Sometimes something will either get on it or
under it. And that will add some weight. I have figured out that because
all the sudden after not really eating anything that will put on weight.
I just all the sudden go up say three to four pounds. And if I double
check to make sure their is nothing under or around the scale it goes
back down.

So I just think maybe its that to a degree too. Since it goes up and then
goes down some times.. So dont take it to heart to much just one day of
up. It could also be water weight.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 10-07-2019 09:51 AM

yes chinese food is notorious for having a lot of sodium and linked to water weight gain.
sorry about your scale.
glad that you slept!

mymorgy 10-08-2019 04:25 AM

I lost three pounds so i guess part of it was water weight. I went to the cardiologist yesterday to have my cholesterol and thyroid checked. I injected myself with the medicine and THERE WAS NO PROBLEM. I really gained confidence. I really like my doctor and her assistants. I told her I started eating artichokes and she thought that was great. She said to eat avocados and said they were great anti-inflammatories. i found this list Anti-Inflammatory Diet: 3 Best Foods to Reduce Inflammation
last night I used lavender and got so tired. I got a lot of sleep. My body feels more relaxed.
I ordered more artichokes.
I had a confrontation with Marci. Robert came over to pick up meat. There was a rubber toy on the table. She proceeded to give it to Danny. I told her it was for Prince. Then she started to challenge me and said didn't you give one to Prince. Robert was right there. She said I left it on the table. I know. I am not organized. then she said didn't you give one to Prince. I really don't remember but I said no. When Robert left I told her not to challenge me again. She tried again. I said that I already told her I wasn't going to get buy any more toys for Danny, just hamburger and bones. she backed done and there was a lot of tension for a while. then it eased. this was the first time I confronted her. I was afraid she was going to quit.

mymorgy 10-08-2019 04:54 AM

i just bought this Wild Planet Skipjack Wild Tuna, Sea Salt, Keto and Paleo, 3rd Party Mercury Tested, 5 Ounce from amazon. low mercury

bizi 10-08-2019 08:40 AM

Sorry for the confrontation...
I hope you like the tuna!

mymorgy 10-08-2019 09:00 AM

I have been so afraid to confront and have been eating my anger for so long. I have let her be the boss and run the show. Yesterday was too much. It was the perfect opportunity. She knew I said I wasn't going to buy danny any more toys.She kept challenging me and challenging me and trying to run the show. I really had it big time. I think I finally shocked her when I asserted myself.
I just called the psychiatrist to ask for the higher dose of aplenzin. Donna said she thought I had asked for the lower dose so I wouldn't be as nervous. I told her that it didn't make a difference and the higher dose was better for my depression. She said she would call me back if there was a problem.

mymorgy 10-08-2019 09:14 AM

I got this message from the cardiologist.
Good morning! I wanted to let you know that the results from your blood work came back and your LDL level has dropped significantly, which is wonderful! The Praluent is working well for you, so keep up the good work with the medications!

bizi 10-08-2019 10:02 AM

good news!!!!!

mymorgy 10-08-2019 10:14 AM

my psychiatrist faxed the perscription to the wrong Optumrx. They don't use Epic. they were going to charge me 268. duane reade uses epic so it will only be 20 dollars. I left a message with Donna not to use Optumrx but duane reade.
I will call back when I can reach her and tell her to get rid of optumrx
just got donna. told her to take optumrx from my record and fax it in to duane reade. anxiety really high

Dmom3005 10-08-2019 11:19 AM

Sounds like this might be where the problem has been when they
try to charge you the higher price for this medication. So maybe you
have found one of the problems and this will help you with your anxiety
in the future. So now try a nice hot cup of tea and see if it helps the anxiety.


mymorgy 10-08-2019 12:18 PM

last time duane reade made the mistake. hope they don't do it again.nice idea about tea.

mymorgy 10-09-2019 05:03 AM

There is trouble about getting the antidepressant from
duane reade. I am calling this morning to see if they are making the same mistake which I had already instructed them that they had to do. to do. This medication costs I think close to 5000 a month but I should pay 20 dollars for three months.
I am very depressed and so sad. Today is Yom Kippur, the day of atonement and the holiest day of the Jewish year. I will be alone and really don't have any family. Physically I don't feel well.

bizi 10-09-2019 07:29 AM

Happy Yom Kipper bobby.
I am sorry you are not feeling well.
anyway you can invite one of your friends over for some tea?
sorry you suffer.
love bizi

mymorgy 10-09-2019 07:47 AM

i hardly have any friends in the city. right now cecilia said she is in an antisocial mood. she did invite to watch the patriots this weekend.
bobby who is also fighting anger and who spent a lot of money this morning and terrified what my credit card will look like and i don't dare get on the scale

bizi 10-09-2019 08:20 PM

I am afraid to get on the scale too bobby.
I am approaching an all time high....not good.
love bizi

mymorgy 10-10-2019 12:50 AM

scary isn't it? I spent most of today and night eating popcorn,peanuts,kiwis and hot dogs. I couldn't stop.

mymorgy 10-10-2019 06:20 AM

I have hardly been reading and my mood is all over the place. I think reading stabilizes me somewhat. I just ordered to Chinese pills for stress. I wonder if they will work. Next time I see my psychiatrist I will ask him about geodon. I just read a lot of reviews and I am ambivalent. I have been bipolar 2 forever but it seems so much worse now, especially anger and irritability. I think my reality testing is okay but everything else is off. I have to experiment more with essential oils. So far I think chamomile and lavender helps.
Today finally Abby seems a bit friendly. She has really been ticked since Pudge got groomed.Pudge started playing with a toy. I can't believe it.
today I will eat eggs and soup.
I emailed stella and wished her a happy birthday. I still don't want to get together with her. There is still now tension with Marci after that confrontation. Robert responded to my email about the great news about cholesterol but he ticked me off by showing off and saying you can take oral or injectible medication and that it is important to have low bad cholesterol. as if I didn't know.
I wrote back that I have been on two oral pills and can't take statins and I still had high bad cholesterol. I wrote how I went to an incredible cardiologist for a second opinion on Praulent and brought my latest blood tests and he took his time and told me to take Praulent and I was lucky the insurance covered it. To really tick him off I wrote that the doctor was in his seventies and everybody loves him and he is a GENIUS lol. He really was so sharp and took his time with me and explained a lot, including a flawed medication that had to be taken off the market.
I pay my credit card tomorrow and it was very high but I thought it would be higher.

Dmom3005 10-10-2019 09:39 AM


I think you and Robert technically compliment each other when you fight.
I think he can't help the way he has to give that advice. So I'm glad you
have just given it back to him. I think he then gives you some back, just
to see if he can get a rise from you. But if I remember he is in his 70's right. Not if I'm wrong I'm going to feel bad. But oh well.

Now about Marci, I wouldn't feel bad about that. Just remember she technically works for you. Even if you have made her technically a friend. And its okay to let her know that you are the boss. If she can't handle that then its her problem not yours.

You are doing great keep it up.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 10-10-2019 11:01 AM

robert is about 77. Very interesting what you wrote. Thank you so much.

mymorgy 10-10-2019 03:53 PM

that chamomile essential oil is really working. I put a drop behind each ear and wound up taking a two hour nap. The phone work me up. I hardly ever am able to take a nap during the day. I got at least 5 hours of sleep last night. Before I was always getting between three or four hours of sleep at night.

Dmom3005 10-10-2019 04:48 PM


When you think you would like to take a nap, put your phone on silent.
So you can get the nap in. Then when you wake up you can
then turn it back on sound.

I think your doing better. And I personally think the more you get
5 to 7 say hours of sleep you will start being not only less anxious
but upset and needing to figure out why.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 10-10-2019 05:53 PM

great idea. I don't know if I can turn off the ringer. I can take the phone off the hook. I have been sleep deprived for so long. Hopefully the chamomile essential oil will keep on working. You are right. I will probably become less anxious.

bizi 10-10-2019 09:22 PM

I hope the oils help you to get more sleep.

mymorgy 10-11-2019 06:37 AM

I have been sleeping more. I wonder if I could get seven hours of sleep if I keep on doing this.

mymorgy 10-11-2019 08:58 AM

i just put a few drops of lavender in the diffuser and I closed the door. I see the mist coming up. I hope this calms me down.

Studies prove lavender essential oil to reduce stress and anxiety
If you need proof and are all about science and facts, you just found it. The Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Applications states the various clinical trials that support of the evidence that essential oil is a powerful form of natural anxiety treatment.

Lavender essential oil capsules have been linked to reducing heart rate during periods of increased anxiety
There’s also a study conducted by United States National Library of Medicine that tested lavender essential oils in capsules, which you ingest orally. When participants watched an anxiety-inducing film, the heart rate variation from lavender was significantly improved in comparison to the placebo. In other words, the study concluded that lavender essential oil capsules may be able to help those with acute anxiety. However, the effects it has on high anxiety is still unknown.

Dmom3005 10-11-2019 10:32 AM


My thought on the calming you down. Its going to work if it works
for you. It works differently for different people. And also remember
if it works most of the time. But then one day it just doesn't work
that doesn't mean it has stopped . It just means for some reason
it didn't help that day. It could be that you had different or more
anxiety or something for that day.

So it just didn't give you the relief for all of it. You seem to find a
solution for many types of things. And they work many times
So I think you are doing wonderful. Keep it up.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 10-11-2019 03:11 PM

thank you so much. I am feeling tired and took another nap. I wonder if I am finally catching up on sleep. I would really like to read now though. I just tried some peppermint for energy. it worked a little

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