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OhKay 07-13-2017 06:21 AM

Another Thread
When I went to the new apartment leasing office and asked the asst. manager about viewing the apartment and possibly moving in the weekend before the 1st, she wanted to confirm my contact number, so I guess I should wait for her to call me, but waiting is driving me up a tree... I won't call, at least this week, because I don't want to be a PITA before we even move in.

I got a late start yesterday because there was no hot water, and I didn't get a shower until around 11:30am. I will not miss this place. I needed to go out to get supplies before I could get any packing done, and by the time I got home I was ready for my nap, so the day was wasted.

None of the boxes I have are the right sizes/shapes for my current needs. I went to the U-Haul up the street yesterday, but they were sold out of the medium-sized boxes I need. I'm going to have to go to one in NH unless I want to wait until sometime tomorrow afternoon when they get a delivery, but I don't want to do that. There have been enough delays. I'll be heading to NH this morning, but I'll call ahead to make sure they have them in stock.

I have an appointment, I should not have, scheduled with my neuro today around noon, but his secretary never called me back to straighten things out, so it looks like I have to go... total PITA because it's right smack in the middle of the day, and I have a lot to do today and tomorrow and much of it is non-moving-related.

I have to go food shopping before the weekend because I've learned my lesson the hard way. I'm also not going back to THAT grocery store... partly out of embarrassment, and partly because it's always a zoo, and I'm afraid someone will mow me down again :o

bizi 07-13-2017 08:17 AM

Hi kay,
lots on your plate.
Good luck at the neuro today.
Hope you can get more boxes.
How are the kitties?
How are you feeling?
(((((HUGS)))) to you today.
love bizi

OhKay 07-14-2017 06:33 AM

The lady from the new apartment complex called me back yesterday... Apparently a lot of things need updating, maintenance staff and contractors have been on vacation, so things have been moving slowly, and they are readying 7 apartments, so...
1) I can't see the apartment this week because it's all torn up :(
2) And I still don't know when we can move in :confused:
She said she still hopes that they can get us into the apartment the 28th, but she just doesn't know yet, and won't be able to give me a better answer until next week. I'm not getting the vibe that things will go our way either. The worst part was telling my husband all that. I'm so upset and anxious, I feel sick :(:(:(

I'm planning for both scenarios in my head. I think I need to put pen to paper to straighten things out. Maybe then I will feel like I have some ****ing control over the situation and can manage my anxiety better... I don't know if that's possible tho... my anxiety is already sky high just because we ARE moving... I have so much to do, and I need to straighten all that out as well... packing AND cleaning.

I was in and out of the apartment yesterday and was able to get all of my non-moving-related crap, with the exception of grocery shopping, out of the way. I had a lot to do. It just made sense to take the day to get it all/most of it over with.

I have plenty of boxes and tape, so I'm finally going to start packing this morning. Hopefully I'll be able to make a good deal of progress today before going to the supermarket. But I can't start packing until I throw the laundry in the dryer when I'll be free for an hour... did I mention I'm also doing laundry? That **** has to get done somehow, too.

I'm glad I saw my neurologist yesterday. He's referring me to a physiatrist to help me find ways to help manage my various pain issues since I'm opposed to taking pain killers long-term. I couldn't get an appointment until September though. I'm also going to restart a med called Baclofen (only at night for now) for the spasticity (type of spasms in MS) in my legs, which has gotten worse. Of course he told me I shouldn't be doing the things I'm doing, and he doesn't understand why my husband doesn't help out more.

What is a physiatrist?

Mari 07-14-2017 09:46 AM


The 28th-- when is your lease up at the current place? Will you be able to move in before the lease is up?
How far is the old place from the new place?
I know that you hoping for a clear date to notify people who will help with the move.

I've moved a kazillion times:
The old place does not have to be perfectly clean and the stuff does not have to be perfectly packed.

The dates matter from my experience but maybe the old place would give you an extra day.

Packing make sense. You have control over that and it is progress on getting
into the next place.

I am sorry that you are going through so much thinking and planning and
hoping and working. It will be a relief when it is over and you are
happily in your new place.:heartthrob:

Above all, take care of yourself


Dmom3005 07-14-2017 03:33 PM


See if you can get a truck to keep a few days if nothing else works.

Not sure but it might be better than unpacking and re-packing.

I hope things work out.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-14-2017 08:56 PM

I agree with Mari,
ask the old place for 2 days.
I guess you won't know before next week.
Waiting is hard especially for you and your anxiety.:(

Please take it slowly...

mymorgy 07-15-2017 07:00 AM

i went to one. he just referred me to a physical therapist on site. I think the worse is behind you. It sounds like the new apartment is so much better than the old apartment. You are going to be all right. you been under so much pressure. I think you are reacting to all of that.

OhKay 07-15-2017 07:15 AM

I realized yesterday I didn't get the reassurance from the lady at the office that the new apartment would at least be ready by Aug.1st, so I called her yesterday. I'm glad that I called, because she said that she wasn't sure, and she asked if they would let us stay in our current apartment for "a couple more days." She knew when we applied, and when we were offered the apartment weeks ago, when our lease here was up...

We have to be out of this apartment by NOON on August 1st (a Tuesday). We signed a "Notice to Vacate" form that says just for every day we don't turn in the keys, they will charge us $100. If I managed to get them to agree to let us stay for "a couple more days", which is doubtful because they're ***holes here, they would make us pay through the nose, maybe another month's rent, to penalize us, and we can't afford to do that.

I told her moving after Aug.1st was unacceptable because we have nowhere to put the cats. We can't board them, because their shots aren't up to date. She suggested I take them to the vet to get their shots so we can board them... I told her that it was ridiculous to expect us to pay for vet visits and board 3 cats since we will also have to hire movers if we can't get into the apartment Friday the 28th, as we hoped...
I asked her if I should start looking for another apartment, and she said that was up to me. I said I DID NOT want to HAVE TO do that...

Then she told me to take a deep breath (which made me irate) because they were still hoping/trying to have the apartment ready by July 28th. She said she would call me Thursday, the 20th, to let me know when the apartment will be ready. So... the apartment be ready Friday OR after Tuesday? WTF?!?! I REALLY hope to hear GOOD NEWS from her before Thursday... it's a shame I can't wear my lucky underwear until Thursday... yes, I am superstitious.

Now it looks like not being able to move in until August 1st, which was bad enough, may be the best we can hope for now :(

So EVERYTHING is up in the air until Thursday.
When the time comes, I will do the best I can to deal with whatever situation we find ourselves in... somehow I always find a way...
Meanwhile I'm just a total ****ing mess. I don't plan on driving anywhere this weekend, so at least I can take more than 1mg of Klonopin to try to control my anxiety.
Packing is a distraction. I made some progress yesterday. If I can keep up that pace, I will easily finish by the time we are ready to move, whenever that is, unless my husband slows me down by not engaging in making decisions.

At least I slept well last night. I took the Baclofen for the first time since 2015 and I didn't wake up in pain with any spasms, but I don't know if it's because I didn't have any, or if it was because the med was so sedating they didn't wake me up. I was still up at 5am tho.

mymorgy 07-15-2017 07:23 AM

I just feel it will work out. maybe she can screw another new tenant.

bizi 07-15-2017 10:55 AM

Oh kay,
I don't know what to say except...
Try to let go , place on back burner. Concentrate on packing as you still know that you are moving and you do have control of packing if nothing else.

I wonder how you can keep from shouting at corey...he drives me crazy!!!!!

Maybe the baclofin worked!
Wouldn't that be wonderful!
Why did you stop taking it in 2015?
What side effects are there?

I am glad that you have the weekend to take more klonipin to help with your anxiety.

Dmom3005 07-15-2017 01:04 PM

Does your contract with the other agency/apartment company state you
will have keys on Aug. 1st. Or do you not even have an contract.

If it does, tell her they can be responsible for the fee of $100 a day,
or the cat fees all the way around.

Ask which one she wants to pay.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 07-15-2017 01:22 PM

that is a very good point

Mari 07-15-2017 02:55 PM

Moving should be easier than this

Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1247178)
Then she told me to take a deep breath (which made me irate) because they
were still hoping/trying to have the apartment ready by July 28th.

She said she would call me Thursday,
the 20th, to let me know when the apartment
will be ready
. So... the apartment be ready Friday OR after Tuesday? WTF?!?! I
REALLY hope to hear GOOD NEWS from her before Thursday... it's a shame I can't
wear my lucky underwear until Thursday... yes, I am superstitious.

I really hope that you hear good news from her before Thursday.
My read on what she said is that she cannot 100% percent promise to have it ready but
does intend to have it ready for you by the 28. You did great making yourself clear and stressing the imperative.

But what do I know.

your lucky underwear. :winky:


OhKay 07-16-2017 07:42 AM

We haven't signed a lease for the new apartment yet, so we really can't hold their feet to the fire. We are very good applicants/prospective tenants tho, so one would think that they would want to do their best to deliver the apartment on time...

I called my brother-in-law yesterday, and he said he would do his best to help us with the move no matter what situation we find ourselves in. He said he may even be able to deliver more warm bodies to help. I will call him as soon as I know our moving date so we can come up with a plan. His help will not solve ALL our problems if we can't move in until Aug.1st or after, but he is always so reassuring... what a big relief... I love him to death :)

Yesterday packing really was a good distraction, and being able to take more Klonopin helped. I've half managed to convince myself that we'll be able to move in by August 1st. I don't want to consider the possibility that we won't be able to- unless I'm confronted with it with certainty.

I've managed to do a good deal of packing and sorting, and I've been through 2/3 closets. I had 4 big bags of garbage that I managed to get my husband to throw out last night in exchange for a ride to the liquor store :)

In 2015 I was on A LOT of med for MS symptoms. I take 300mg of gabapentin as a mood stabilizer now, but back then I was on 600/1200/1200mg for dysthesias. I was on the Baclofen, and also Zanaflex, for spasticty. All that **** is sedating, and when I started on heavier psych meds, I made the decision that I would rather be in pain than be a ****ing zombie, and I didn't want to be on so many meds that act on the brain because maybe they were why it was so hard to stabilize my BP. The gabapentin was easy to let go of because it wasn't working anymore (I obviously had to do a slow taper tho).

For a long time, the big dose of Seroquel I take at night put me out, and I wasn't waking up as often with the spasms in my legs, but that's no longer the case, and it's increasingly become a problem. I experience spasticity during the day, and that's getting worse, too. Eventually I'll have no choice but to start taking the Baclofen during the day because the spasticity has been making walking more difficult than I'm used to, and more painful.

bizi 07-16-2017 04:59 PM

Oh kay I hate to hear that you are in more pain:(

OhKay 07-17-2017 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1247295)
Oh kay I hate to hear that you are in more pain:(

I'm not doing myself any favors by being as active as I have been. It just makes everything worse :o

OhKay 07-17-2017 05:12 AM

It's really too early to pack our clothes, but I've pulled out everything I'm donating, and managed to get my husband to make decisions about the clothing in his dresser. He had a lot of work clothes, too many, some he had never even worn, so some of that had to go. We still have to get through his side of the closet tho. We already have 3 full lawn and leaf bags full of clothes for donation.

He had a big blue Sterilite bucket and a couple of bags filled with cables and wires (RIDICULOUS), and I made him sit down and go through them. He was not a happy camper at all, but he threw most of that crap out, and now there's only one bag of it :)
He still needs to go through a trunk with various crap in it, but I'm not pushing that issue yet. I already feel like we're filming an episode of "Hoarders" and I can't expect him to go at my pace, since he has a hard time letting things go.

I think I've reached the point where I've packed everything I can pack right now. I can probably go through the apartment throwing some **** out, and can do some cleaning, but there's a bunch of **** in my cleaning path now. And, unfortunately, there are more large items that my husband will need to throw in the dumpster...

He told me that he would take apart the furniture this weekend so it would be easier to throw out. Surprise, surprise, HE DID NOT. I told him last night I was going to TRY to do it myself today because I was ****ING SICK OF WAITING. He told me he'd bring his drill in today after work to do it... what are the odds of that happening? If he doesn't, I swear I will pitch a ****ING FIT!!!

bizi 07-17-2017 09:25 AM

Heavy sigh about your husband.....:mad:

ger715 07-17-2017 09:27 PM

You must be physically and mentally exhausted. I have considered moving and when I think we might be getting a bit serious; I panic. You really have accomplished much in spite of your condition. Hopefully you didn't have to "pitch a fit" today....


OhKay 07-18-2017 06:46 AM

I did laundry and a couple of random things around here yesterday, but my body needed a break, so I intended on relaxing for the rest of the day. The problem is the apartment is like a construction site, and I was getting claustrophobic and antsy. I went out for a bit to Target, where I bought more cleaning products... we're going to need a separate U-Haul truck for all of them.

I called in the afternoon to remind my husband not to forget to bring his drill in when he got home. I had been up since 4am, and needed a nap BADLY, but I didn't lay down to take one because I KNEW if I did, he would use it an excuse NOT to take apart the furniture. He got home around 3, and once he sat down to deal with the furniture, it only took him 1/2 hour to take apart a full-sized book shelf and two media cabinets. When he was done, I gave him a kiss, thanked him profusely (I figured some positive reinforcement couldn't hurt), and was off to take my nap :)

But now there's a big pile of wood in the living room, and he didn't take any of it out this morning because he was "running late"... so getting him to take the boards out will be the new battle. There are some lighter pieces that I'm going to put in a black trash bag and throw out myself...
I'm also going to put the clothes for donation in smaller trash bags so I can carry them out to my car...
I need him to focus on getting rid of the big things (and there are A LOT of them now). I can't let him get distracted by the little things that he would rather deal with because they are easier, and he's lazy.

I rewrote my "moving-soon list" yet again, and am going to try to focus on some of the smaller things for the time being. I can't even get to some of the bigger stuff right now anyway. I had to buy a new notebook because I ran out of paper writing and rewriting all my lists.

I kept hoping all day yesterday that I would get a call from the assistant manager at the new place with GOOD news. I can't help it... waiting until Thursday is going to ****ing kill me.

bizi 07-18-2017 07:32 AM

Well at least he did something !!!!!!!
a kiss is good positive reinforcement, tell him he will get more if he is good and helps you out.
You are a good wife and have taken so much crap....from him.
you are really making some progress!
happy for you kay.

OhKay 07-18-2017 09:06 AM

I just heard from the lady at the new apartment complex, and got WONDERFUL NEWS!!! She told me that everything was going our way, and we will be able to sign our lease and begin moving in the Friday before the 1st!!! :):):)


I will be able to view the apartment Monday or Tuesday of next week :)

mymorgy 07-18-2017 09:09 AM

that is so fantastic! I am so happy for you
can you call corey?

Mari 07-18-2017 10:02 AM

Good news!

That's great, Kay.


ger715 07-18-2017 10:54 AM

Yeah !!!!!!
I'll bet you are breathing a great big sigh of relief!!!!


Dmom3005 07-18-2017 04:39 PM

You need to give your self a pat on the back or a treat. Because its honestly
because you kept getting updates that she had this news.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 07-18-2017 09:01 PM

Yes doing the happy dance for you.:Dancing-Chilli:
This is awesome!!!!!!

OhKay 07-19-2017 06:51 AM

Thank you :grouphug:
I'm so happy!!! Still anxious, but not to the extent I was before... I was off the rails! I have a lot to do, but I will have time to clean this apartment for a couple of days while it's empty before we have to turn in the keys now, so that takes some pressure off. I still need to chip away at my list because I am so slow, and I can't do everything that needs to be done in a couple of days, AND deal with the move-IN/settling in, too. I'm sure Corey won't be helping with either.

I called Corey IMMEDIATELY to share the good news. It's rare that he answers the phone while he's working, but he did. He was in a bad mood tho, and wasn't as happy as I thought he'd be. Maybe he needs time to let it sink in, or won't feel better until I finalize moving arrangements in general, or with my brother-in-law, who I texted yesterday, and am waiting to hear back from.

I got my new address yesterday, so along with the move-in date, I can get some business done today. After discussing things with my husband last night, I can also reserve a U-Haul truck. So, some details are coming together now :)

Per the lease, it turns out we do have to get the kitties their rabies shots anyway. Fortunately, PetCo is having a clinic Saturday so we can get that over with without having to pay for the cost of the vet visits. Thank God it's on a weekend when Corey can help... I can't carry Buddy, who is 7lbs, in a carrier... so, forget about lugging around Rocky and Dottie, who are both over 20lbs. That is a big factor in why they don't get regular vet care.

I have a "self-cleaning" oven, but it doesn't clean itself. In preparation for the move, I cleaned it the old-fashioned way yesterday, and OMG was it brutal! I let the cleanser sit for hours, so I didn't have to scrub, but I swear you have to be an acrobat to get in there around the oven door! The ****ing thing is clean now, but it took me hours, and my body is screaming at me today! I cleaned the bathroom while I was waiting for the oven cleaner to work, and I'm sure that didn't help.

I can tell that the Baclofen is helping with my spasticity because, even for a little while in the morning, my legs feel "looser." But I think I need to cut the 10mg dose in half so I don't hurt myself with those loose legs...
I'm getting up, I guess to pee, at least once in the middle of the night, which is rare for me. I'm not sure I'm even peeing, but I'm falling asleep on the toilet, and kinda sleep walking while I'm on it... I'm in and out, and aware that I'm grabbing for things in the air, on the counter, and on the floor... totally bizarre. Then I wake up to Rocky's staring at me, wondering what the hell I'm doing, or maybe enjoying the show. Last night I dropped a whole roll of TP in the toilet.
I was on much higher doses of Baclofen in the past, and during the day too, and never did **** like this... but I also never took it with 700mg of Seroquel, and a bunch of of other meds (Topamax, lithium, Lamictal, gabapentin), too.
I take less much less med in the morning, but this situation makes me all the more hesitant to start taking it during the day, at least anytime soon.

bizi 07-19-2017 08:42 AM

Kay, please be careful!!!!!
I have to say again how happy I am that things are working out. Yes I too believe that your being very assertive in the ordeal that they insured that it was /will be ready.
good for you!!!!
have a good day!

OhKay 07-19-2017 09:33 AM

The lady in the office has told me several times that she hand-picked us for this particular apartment, which has a beautiful view of the lake, and is getting pretty much brand new everything.

I think it's because:
1) We are excellent prospective tenants, having stayed in the same apartment, paying high rent, for 7 1/2hrs without being late with a payment, and
2) She likes me. I like to do business in person whenever possible, and it usually pays off.

I think that those factors helped grease the wheels more than anything, and that there was a good deal of luck involved. I did plead my case when we were discussing issues with any delays, but I was very anxious, so I could hardly say I was really being assertive...

mymorgy 07-19-2017 02:24 PM

i knew i knew it that she thought you were special and she put you ahead on the list-sometimes things are fair!

bizi 07-19-2017 10:40 PM

I continue to be so happy for you.
You will have every thing new and beautiful view....things are really working out well for you. I am glad that she likes you.... I like you.:)

OhKay 07-20-2017 07:46 AM

Thank you ladies :grouphug:
I do feel VERY fortunate that things are finally going our way... they seldom do. The apartment number is also one of my lucky numbers that I play in a daily lottery drawing, so I see that as a good sign :):):)

Our move is a little over a week away. It's killing me that I can't pack EVERYTHING and this place is such a ****ing mess it's driving me crazy. This weekend, I will pack our clothes, leaving out only enough for a week, which can be packed at the last minute. Next week, all the non-essentials will be packed up, too. I will pretend we are going on vacation. I know I will be a very, very busy lady next week.
This weekend, I will have Corey pull out the stove and fridge so I can clean behind/under/around them. I imagine with all of the cat hair flying around, it will be a big job, but I will manage it. It will be good to get it out of the way.

My brother-in-law got back to me last night. He has some things to do Saturday. He doesn't know about the timing, but will still be able to help my husband move the big stuff some time that day... I know Corey will end up doing a lot of moving himself while he waits for my BIL to get there because he is so impatient. He has a bad back, and I worry he will hurt himself...

I had to go over the oven again yesterday because I didn't rinse off the cleanser well enough (I tested it at 350 and there were terrible fumes within seconds)... just what I needed after the work out the day before, but I managed to rinse it well enough the second time. I realized I'm going to have to go over it again before we move out because after using it last night, it already looks dirty :o

I'm having a significant issue with my iPhone. I hate to do it because walking through the mall will be murder today, but I'm going to have to go to the Apple Store today to see if they can fix the problem. I have insurance on it, and it's paid off, so if they can't fix it, I guess I will have to get a new phone. UGH.

bizi 07-20-2017 06:23 PM

I hope the phone issues work out in your favor.

ger715 07-20-2017 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1247533)
I continue to be so happy for you.
You will have every thing new and beautiful view....things are really working out well for you. I am glad that she likes you.... I like you.:)

That's unanimous !!!!!!!!!:hug:


ger715 07-20-2017 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1247565)
Thank you ladies :grouphug:
I do feel VERY fortunate that things are finally going our way... they seldom do. The apartment number is also one of my lucky numbers that I play in a daily lottery drawing, so I see that as a good sign :):):)

Our move is a little over a week away. It's killing me that I can't pack EVERYTHING and this place is such a ****ing mess it's driving me crazy. This weekend, I will pack our clothes, leaving out only enough for a week, which can be packed at the last minute. Next week, all the non-essentials will be packed up, too. I will pretend we are going on vacation. I know I will be a very, very busy lady next week.
This weekend, I will have Corey pull out the stove and fridge so I can clean behind/under/around them. I imagine with all of the cat hair flying around, it will be a big job, but I will manage it. It will be good to get it out of the way.

My brother-in-law got back to me last night. He has some things to do Saturday. He doesn't know about the timing, but will still be able to help my husband move the big stuff some time that day... I know Corey will end up doing a lot of moving himself while he waits for my BIL to get there because he is so impatient. He has a bad back, and I worry he will hurt himself...

I had to go over the oven again yesterday because I didn't rinse off the cleanser well enough (I tested it at 350 and there were terrible fumes within seconds)... just what I needed after the work out the day before, but I managed to rinse it well enough the second time. I realized I'm going to have to go over it again before we move out because after using it last night, it already looks dirty :o

I'm having a significant issue with my iPhone. I hate to do it because walking through the mall will be murder today, but I'm going to have to go to the Apple Store today to see if they can fix the problem. I have insurance on it, and it's paid off, so if they can't fix it, I guess I will have to get a new phone. UGH.

You have got to be exhausted.....It must be "sure will" that keeps you going.

The reward is close tho; your new lovely apartment....

Just please be careful..


OhKay 07-21-2017 07:12 AM

My anxiety is completely out of control this morning. My usual 1mg of Klonopin has done absolutely nothing, and I can't take more because I have to drive later…
I've been unfocused for the last couple of days, and should have been getting more done. I feel like the move, which is now a week away, is closing in on me. I'm torn between cleaning and packing I guess, and am feeling REALLY OVERWHELMED at the moment.

My husband hasn't been taking out the wood from the furniture he disassembled on Monday, so I took it upon myself to take out half the stack (of the lighter boards) in small trips in doubled-up lawn and leaf bags. He said he'll get rid of the rest this weekend, but he also has other large items to get rid of as well, and he doesn't do **** during the week. We're moving in a week, and he just doesn't get it…

My iPhone had to be reset/erased yesterday because it kept turning off. My phone won't recognize my computer anymore because it's so old. Because of that, I can't sync it to my computer anymore, and had to pay $25/yr for a subscription to a service called "iTunes Match" that backs everything from iTunes to the Cloud to save the music on my phone. I was able to restore everything. That service will come in handy when I get a new phone down the line. Hopefully, the problem is solved now.

Today I have the first appointment with my pdoc I've had in months because she's been on maternity leave. I will have to report the manic episode I had, and admit I didn't call the covering pdoc. I wonder how she'll take it…

I have laundry in now, and have to go grocery shopping after the appointment, which is at 11am. I'll be ready for a nap by the time I get home. So, I'm not going to get anything done today unless I skip it. I have a feeling it will be another lost day… :o

OhKay 07-22-2017 06:48 AM

Yesterday I went to my pdoc appointment, did laundry, and went grocery shopping. That is a full day. Sure, I would have liked to have gotten things done at home, but I have to be realistic... I can only do so much. I did contact the cable and electric companies to get things squared away, but I took a 4 hour nap after that- because I needed it.

We have to get the kitties their rabies vaccines today. They're running the clinic from 9am-1pm and 2:30-4:30pm. I don't know when we're going (I hope it's early)... it depends on 1) when my husband wakes up and 2) when he feels like it. I hope we're not waiting in a long line... I really don't know what to expect.

I already know I'm not going to get a nap in today. I have too much to do that requires my husband's participation, and I need to take advantage of the time he is home.
I can get rid of a lot of clutter once he makes more decisions this weekend, and maybe that will help me clear my head for the work ahead. Right now I feel scattered and I don't know where to start... aside from the clothes.

I have to fill some scripts so I can fill my pill case tomorrow. I can pack the rest of my meds, aside from Klonopin, and it will take me through to next Sunday, when I can refill it again when we are somewhat settled in.
I asked my PCP for a refill of lactulose. He wrote it for a 90 day supply, so now I have (8) 16oz bottles of it! Just what I needed to pack up to take with me...

bizi 07-22-2017 08:56 AM

Oh Kay good luck with your kitties. Hate o say it but it could be a very long wait.:(

I hope you accomplish everything on your list today, and that corey gets his act together.:rolleyes:


bizi 07-22-2017 10:59 PM

I hope you had a good day today kay.

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