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tkrik 11-10-2009 08:57 AM

Daily Insights - The Next Series
Hi all! The next series begins . . .:D

sabimax 11-10-2009 09:37 AM

Debbie, that other script I think was called in from neuro office..hmmm as when I called and left first message at neuro yesterday I said, that I want to try cympbalta but also had questions on the tramadol.... so wondering if they called it in..hmmmm

anyhow... gave you a message... cymbalta and I wow... chest ache, no sleep, and vomitted this morning. not sure folks on this one!! going to call soon to neuro office... boy an expensive test trial... drats~

going to call my mom soon, to come over so I can try to nap... just jittery though... having tough time typing even but need some sleep. hugsss,sarah

sabimax 11-10-2009 09:38 AM

oh and hi all, hugssssss to you all and have a wonderful day! My last day of vacation... but spending it in bed to try catch up on some sleep... I am going to cancel bowling tonight... in case I do not get enough rest... and then I or son will pick hubby up at airport tonight! hugss all, shakey sarah

Kitty 11-10-2009 10:16 AM

Hope you feel better soon, Sarah. I'm not a big fan of taking lots of meds, either. Sometimes they help and are necessary, though. I hope your doc figures out the correct combo for you.

It's raining here today and there are flash flood watches and warnings out. Flood prone areas are still saturated from the last flood we had. Those who live in those areas and had damage from the last flood haven't even finished making repairs.

I've been out in the garage cleaning out two tall filing cabinets we have. Lots of stuff I have no idea why I was saving. But I did find several picture albums I had been wondering about. I don't remember putting them out there. I found the album that contained Father's Day 2001 pics. That was our last Father's Day with DH. There were some really good pictures of him manning the grill and everyone in the pool.

The trash company is going to wonder what in the world's going on at my house because I have umpteen bags of trash and lots of shredded up documents to go in this weeks garbage pickup. It feels good to get things cleaned out and downsized. I think I'm going to like becoming a minimalist! :rolleyes:

Everyone have a good Tuesday! :grouphug:

soxmom 11-10-2009 10:39 AM

Thanks for starting this Tricia.:hug:

Insane , busy day here. Just wanted to wish everyone Happy Day!

I wanted to say thank you! to all the veterans out there as tomorrow
is Veterans Day and we will be busy with the parade and other
festivities. Thank you!!!!!!

hugs and prayers to everyone!!!!:hug::hug::grouphug::grouphug:

FinLady 11-10-2009 11:09 AM

Sarah, hope those are only temporary side effects while you get used to the med. :hug:

Sandy, Hoping they get to the bottom of things with your mom. I think the hearing test is a good idea. :hug::hug:

Everyone, :grouphug::grouphug:


Even though I was tired last night, didn't fall asleep until around 4. Ick! Hoping that I can get my sleep schedule back on track after the past few days.

Did manage to work a little on the office upstairs, but still have more to do. Crossing fingers I can get this stuff done.

So waiting for the ye olde coffee to brew right now. Hoping everyone has a good day. :grouphug:

barb02 11-10-2009 12:18 PM

Hi All! Just gave a exam in my class (all essay). Now I have to grade them. Been having some problems with one eye -- largish floater. I have had little ones before, but this is really annoying. Plus lights were bothering my eyes yesterday. I went to doctor yesterday and had it checked so I could not really see for the rest of the day. The good news is that they are generally harmless and should eventually disslve, plus there was no sign of optic neuritis. The bad news -- I am getting old!:eek: I guess this is another sign of aging. Lovely!:rolleyes:

Kelly -- Don't you just love throwing things away?

Jenn -- Had another sllepless night in Illinois too.

Sarah -- I only took cymbalta for 5 days. I could not handle the nausea either.

supermoo 11-10-2009 12:47 PM

Hi all from a wet dull & cold UK. Have been out several times getting shopping done buying a few christmas gifts as I go along. Got a bit cold and am in pain now trying to warm up. Hope you all are ok and on the up. Sending good wishes your way & huggss :hug::grouphug::hug::grouphug: xxxxxxxx

Vonn07 11-10-2009 01:07 PM

hi all ... :Heart:

been busy trying to keep my mind off of all the craziness (with the lawyer and tests .. liver biopsy this thursday) ..

so - I mailed out a bunch of quilts ... 13 so far this week ... and fiendishly making up more to send out ... :yahoo:

it's so fun to surprise others with little things that I make .. the more I give away - the less I have .. so the MORE I can make!! I love this circle!!

off I go ... :BeamUp:;)

Bannet 11-10-2009 01:43 PM

Hi everyone. Lots of craziness on this end. I think I'm ready for a padded room.

dh is out of town. MIL is in rehab center trying to heal her broken leg, shoulder and arm. DS Mark has been called back to active military duty. He leaves on Thanksgiving day, and my poor sweet beautiful grandma who I brag about all the time is now dying. She started going down hill since she had a stroke in march.

We called in Hospice yesterday. They come right to the house. Even though I'm 50 miles away, I have been spending a few hours everyday with her. She is still aware and knows me and talks so that is still a blessing.


barb02 11-10-2009 01:49 PM

Wow Beth! You certainly have a lot of stress going on in your life. Hospice is great. They really helped out in the last three months of my dad's life. Hang in there!:hug:

soxmom 11-10-2009 02:02 PM

hugs to you Beth! I am keeping your family in my prayers.:hug:

Debbie D 11-10-2009 02:05 PM

Aw, sorry to hear that you're dealing with all of that...:hug:

How come bad sleeping for so many? Sarah, I pm'd up after that awful time...

I'm under the weather a tummy bug. So I'm taking it easy.:Sick:

Had preop testing done this morning. Had to go back later for a nasal MRSA test that the pcp wasn't clear about on the order...

:yahoo:After weeks of doing dishes by hand, my dishwasher got fixed! The mother board went glad to have it back before Thanksgiving, when the kids & spouses are all going to be home.

It's kind of icky out...but not as bad as the South...Kelly, hope you all don't get flooded out...:hug:

Well, I'm watching DIY network, and resting up, drinking ginger ale, and hoping I'll feel better by the time DH comes home this evening.
Have a good afternoon, all.
And thanks for startig the new thread, Trish!

sabimax 11-10-2009 02:14 PM

Beth HUGSSSSSSSSSSSS! take care of you during all the changes going on, hugsssss

hugsss all, not much nap yet, but resting!!:) hugss,sarah

Kitty 11-10-2009 03:27 PM

:hug:'s for you, Beth. I know you've probably said it, too, but ENOUGH ALREADY!! You have more than your fair share to deal with. I hope things settle down for you soon. Is it for certain that DS will go back to active duty? I know you said he had a doctor's appointment to go to first.

My Dad had hospice and it was a blessing. They're wonderful people.

It's been raining steadily here all day and boy is it ever windy! The cover on my grill blew off....and it was on there pretty securely, too. I have wind chimes hanging on the front porch and they've been clinging and clanging all day. Call me crazy but I just love weather like this. Curl up on the couch in a flannel gown and thick socks and watch movies type weather! :)

hollym 11-10-2009 03:48 PM

Beth - So sorry your grandma isn't doing well. I lost my precious grandma in May and I keep wondering when I will get used to her being gone. We did hospice, too, and it was a good experience. Those people are angels. Be careful to not overdo things and wear yourself down, though. May God be with you during this.

SandyC 11-10-2009 03:59 PM

Hi everyone. HUGE :hug: and prayers for everyone in need.

I spoke with mom's doctor today and he said she's doing better. We talked about how long she would have to stay in rehab and he said 2-3 weeks. That is not going to make her happy at all! Anyway, we requested an appointment with her neuro and a hearing test to rule out a hearing problem. We also went over her meds. We haven't called to tell mom yet that she may be there longer. Any volunteers? She's madder than a hornet caught in a mason jar!

Debbie D 11-10-2009 04:31 PM

You could play the game we used to with the know, trying to put a good spin on not-great news...
You can tell her, "Mom...I have some really great news! You will be home for Christmas! Isn't that wonderful?"
If she starts complaining, you can interrupt her and say, "Gee, I was excited. I didn't think you were ever going to go home from here."
Do you think she'd feel more positive after that?

sabimax 11-10-2009 04:50 PM

Great idea Debbie, yes Sandy say something like that example.. I find that is awesome!! I do not volunteer to call no way no how.. but if she is ornery.. it does mean good things:) she is on the mend!!

hugss all.. still going... lol..going to try a nap before picking up hubby at airport...if needed my son can pick him up. I want to though hehe kissy kissy!! Just could use a good nap first, but mind is going!!

Well, the neuro said to take a dose tomorrow morning and see how it goes with taking it in the morning. I am gonna talk with hubby, decide if I even want to try it... some of me says can not hurt take one more dose see if less side effects.. some of me is it worth it...

sorry rambling wish I could be a better decision maker, I always go back and forth uggggg

hugss to all in need, Debbie I sent you a message...hoping your legs are doing better!:)

love and hugsss,sarah

hollym 11-10-2009 05:40 PM

Sarah - How much baclofen are you on? I'm just curious why he would try to switch you rather than up the dose.

TwoKidsTwoCats 11-10-2009 06:18 PM

:grouphug: to all!

Ida delivered rain here all day. Hopefully it moves on out because I have had aches and pains from the storm all day! We did see about 2 minutes of sun at 4:30 today.

DS is back at school. He still coughs a good bit, but the worst is over. He saw his pediatrician yesterday and she thinks he actually had H1N1 and could not believe that the 1st doc did not do the swab test on him to find out for sure. Now she wants him to get both flu vaccines soon. Interesting thing is that none of the rest of the family has caught this.

Sandy, :hug:bless your heart, your momma sounds just like my mother-in-law. Delivering news to her makes one want to visit Lynchburg before doing so. :D Praying she cooperates and benefits from the rehab time.

Beth :hug: I'm so sorry about your grandma.


sabimax 11-10-2009 07:19 PM

Holly I three times a day, total for day is 50mg I think! he said something about side effects once you go much higher??!!

sabimax 11-10-2009 07:22 PM

Nap did not work, I could not sleep, surely I am tired enough, I slept maybe the 45 min last night, and about hour in day today.. but I did lay down a lot today so at least rested!

I head back to work tomorrow, so I will talk with hubby on the med in morning or not... Holly, yes I asked about more of the baclofen.. he mentioned orally if you get higher it jsut gives more side effects and less effects on the stiffness... I do not know as I think I have read people here on much higher doses?? let me know thanks

About to shower and go pick hubby up at airport for 915.. it is only 10 min from here right in town. I am excited to see him and get a great big hug! snuggle and then bed for hopefully sleep! hugsss,sarah

tkrik 11-10-2009 08:36 PM

Hi everyone!

Beth - Good to see you posting. I am sorry about your grandma and all you have going on.:hug:

Sandy - Prayers for your mom.

TKTC - Glad you DS is doing better. Phew!!!!

Sarah - What dose did they start you on with the Cymbalta? Cymbalta is one of those drugs they titer you up on. Maybe the dose is too high right now.

Vonn - 13 quilts is a lot!!!:eek: I am sure those on the receiving end will appreciate them so much as you do such beautiful work.

Debbie - Yahooo! You got your dishwasher fixed. LOL.

Another mellow day at my house. Slowly starting to feel better. Brain MRI preliminary report showed no changes in 3 years!!!!! I am thrilled with that news. They did not do cervical/thoracic this time though so I don't know about those.

Hope you all have a great evening!:hug:

FinLady 11-10-2009 09:07 PM

Beth, sorry to hear about everything. You're in my prayers. :hug::hug:

Trish, glad the MRI showed no changes. :Dancing-Chilli:

Sarah and Barb, :hug::hug: This no sleeping even though we're tired stinks. Here's hoping it gets better soon!

Pam, Glad to hear DS is better. :)

Sandy, Love Debbie's idea with how to break the news to your mom. Hope she continues to improve! :hug:

Everyone, Uber :grouphug::grouphug: all around.


I finally got that second rewrite done. No touching that run away story line for awhile, LOL!

Tomorrow going to prep a canvas to try out my new painting style idea. Gonna take a few days to get that finished, but can't wait to try it out.

Then the cleaning and organizing that desperately needs done. This no sleep and feeling rundown has got to go. I'm half tempted to down some wine tonight to see if it helps.

Take care everyone!

FinLady 11-10-2009 10:00 PM


Broke down and got some merlot out. Been a good girl trying to avoid ye olde alcohol since starting Rebif. Forgot how much I like wine, LOL!

Getting to the silly, giddy stage. Trying my best not to embarass myself. :D

Vonn07 11-10-2009 10:03 PM

taking a break ... and added some more quilted things and painted things .. I wish that I had a BIG screen to view these pix ...

looking at some of the hand-lettering that I've done on these large boards - is inspiring to me!! makes me want to get some more 4 ft x 8 ft boards and paint paint paint!! all I need is a 2-stall garage .. I think they sell kits at Menard's!!

FinLady 11-10-2009 10:13 PM

Vonn, You go girl!

barb02 11-10-2009 10:16 PM

Love merlot, but my sinuses do not:(

SandyC 11-11-2009 12:26 AM

So I called mom and she told me she didn't get her meds and asked if I would call the nurse. I did and they said she got them. I called mom back and she said they were wrong and she was shaking and feeling like she was going to have a seizure. We went back and forth and she told me if she has a seizure.... She left the last part off. In other words, it would be our fault. I convinced her to go show the nurse how she's shaking and she said ok but they didn't like her. I told her I'd call her back.

Get this, mom was right! She didn't get her meds because she was in therapy and she must have missed the med pass. The nurse argued with her and mom persisted. They looked and whoops, she didn't! Needless to say mom is not as confused as before and this is great news! Of course she made sure we all knew she wasn't losing it. lol

Oh, and she has relented to living with us. I think at this point anywhere is better than where she is in her mind. lol

tkrik 11-11-2009 09:56 AM

Not doing too much today. I have some friends coming over this afternoon and need to tidy up a bit this morning. That will be it for the day. Pacing myself - yea, right.:rolleyes::D I am NOT good at that at all. lol

Sandy - That is good news about your mom. Maybe she is coming out of it now. Keeping my fingers crossed and the prayers going.:hug::hug:

Fin - I was never much of a wine drinker. Too sweet for me, even the drier types of wine. Glad you "enjoyed" your glass of wine. My old neuro recommended that I have a glass every night as it is supposed to help with tremors. Did it help?:p

Vonn - Have you seen David Bromstad's paintings on Color Splash? He always paints on boards. He is an awesome, awesome artist. I always get inspired by him. Of course, I don't have cable so I usually am at someone else's house when I see the show. He is also nice to look at.:D

Hi everyone else! Hope you all are doing well this morning. Have a good day!:hug::grouphug:

FinLady 11-11-2009 11:01 AM

Sandy, at least she's noticing her own care, and that's a very good sign. Prayers still going for continued improvement. :hug:


I was knocked out for about 10 hours, so think the wine helped a bit. Not sure if it really helps with tremors or if you don't notice it since a "valid" excuse for your bod acting weird has become available. :D But it did help me stay asleep despite the way my body's been waking me up the past few nights, so maybe it does help. :)

I like red wines like Merlot. Not too sweet or too bitter for me. Got to be careful sometimes. I've had a couple of bitter merlots in the past that weren't so good. :p

There might be something to the one glass of alcohol thing. My dad's father lived to his mid-90s, and he traditionally had a glass of scotch every night before he went to bed. (I can't stand the stuff personally. :p Think I'll stick with the wine.)

Hope everyone has a good day. :grouphug::grouphug:

SandyC 11-11-2009 12:29 PM

Awww shoot, my cat got sick and is in the hospital and then my car started acting funny. Ok, so who's going to stop the rain now? LOL Just talked to mom and she's OK, a little confused but I think it's because she needs to eat and rest. She knows she's coming up here so that's good.

Kitty 11-11-2009 12:41 PM

Sandy, so glad Mom's doing better. I'm sure it's frustrating to her to know she's right about some things and the nurses not listen to her. I'm glad she persisted with her concerns.

What's wrong with your cat? I hope he's going to be okay.

Cloudy day here and windy! Boy, did the wind ever blow last night. This morning my lawn is covered with leaves and twigs. it's not raining anymore but lots of areas are flooded again today. Mostly the same areas that got hit last time. I hate that. :(

I think I need a day off from my garage sale activities. I have so much stuff in the garage now. I just hope it all gets taken!

I did find a party rental company that rents out 8 foot long tables for $6.25 per table. I could have it from Friday night until Monday morning for that price. I may just have to get one. It would certainly help.

Ya'll have a good Wednesday! :grouphug:

Vonn07 11-11-2009 01:13 PM

Sandy - my thoughts and prayers are with you .. it must be so tough with your mom being so far away ... sorry about your cat and car ... and rain!

Kelly - aren't you getting some of that weather system from the hurricane??

UPDATE: talked with a very good friend .. got the 'lecture' about moving and not having money ... what 'IF' the disability isn't approved ... then, where will I be .. :Bang-Head:

this is SO tough for me .. I'm just so outta sorts ... and don't like NOT being in control ... :Dunno:

SandyC 11-11-2009 01:15 PM

Rick, the cat, can't go potty. He was fine yesterday until I caught him on top of my shoes about to go potty on them. I got onto him and he ran under the bed. Last night I saw his tail sticking out and picked him up. He started crying when I touched where his bladder was. It was like he was telling me something. I let him go for the night in hopes he was just acting out because he got yelled at. This morning he still didn't go potty and when I put him in the litter box he just sat there. He eventually tried to go potty but nothing would come out. I called the vet and they said to get him in there.

The vet said his bladder is very full and they have to cath him and put him on fluids. He probably has a lower UTI and needs to stay there two days. We hope that's all that's wrong but wont know until his testing comes in. They do it all on site so it shouldn't take long. The first thing they had to do is cath him to release the bladder.

The darn car started flipping out too and telling me it needed servicing. Yet when I shut it down and turn it back on it's fine. Must be a computer/electrical issue.

Kitty 11-11-2009 01:34 PM

Sandy, make sure your gas cap is on securely. Sometimes my car will flash the service light but as soon as I tighten the gas cap it goes away.

My cat Tigger had that same UTI problem. They found "crystals" in his bladder. The vet suggested Royal Canin Urinary SO cat food to keep the crystals from forming. I put him on that (it's dry so it's in addition to his Fancy Feast) and he hasn't had a problem again. You can get it at PetSmart but you have to have a vet's rx for it.

Vonn, yes we got lots of rain and wind from Ida. It's still very cloudy and windy but the rain has stopped.

Someone's home alarm has been going off now for the past two hours. Not sure why the alarm company doesn't call the police. I think the wind may have something to do with it but it sure is annoying!

I'm getting some laundry done and reading. It's a stay-inside type of day here. Highs in the 50's! :)

SandyC 11-11-2009 03:00 PM

Well, my car needs some electrical module. I am pretty sure it's under warranty. I also talked to mom and she sounded good enough to leave that place. She worries over her bills and I told her not to worry. We can close her account from up here once we get her on another one. The main worry is finding a doctor up here fast and getting all her records sent here. Maybe we can get them while we are down there.

That's about it. We haven't heard from the vet yet.

barb02 11-11-2009 03:17 PM

Sandy, Hope your cat recovers soon. that sounds like positive news regarding your mom.

Kelly, I would be calling the police about the alarm. That would drive me crazy.

Vonn, I hear you about not being in control. But as AMN reminded me no one is ever completely in control of their life. I guess we would just prefer an illusion of control:).

I am at home relaxing for awhile, and then I have to go back to school for a department meeting. The president, provost, and dean are coming so it should be loads of fun.:rolleyes: I imagine there will be lots of talk about how we need to do more on less. I am going away this weekend with friends to go Christmas shopping. I plan on taking a book with me as I spent lots of time last year just sitting and watching people. Wish me luck!

supermoo 11-11-2009 03:30 PM

Hi every one warm wishes all round.:grouphug: Been busy getting things sorted for classic car show this weekend set up tomorrow. Then show runs 3 days so I'm hopeing all goes well. Hope you beat all your troubles and have a very good evening. :grouphug::hug::grouphug::hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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