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Dmom3005 07-30-2019 07:20 PM

August 1, Tomorrow
Hi all, I'm starting a new thread.

I don't post a lot so I don't have a lot on the old one.

But Derrick is doing well. Still takes a nap lots of afternoons, he went
to orientation today. THen we went to get his things for work. The
clothes and shoes he needs. I will put in the supplies list for SSI, and
it will come to $89.00 they wont probably pay for the blue jeans.
But I'll submit them anyway. Because I'm made at SSI because they
decided that they wouldn't pay for his not working in June, by making
him wait a month to prove what he worked in August.

So he is out a months pay. Just life.

Anyway, I haven't heard yet if Will came home. But will find out soon.
He will be going back to school soon. And Harmony looks so good, and
is doing really good. Dan is doing good too.

Dale is working on Derrick's house and is doing pretty good.

Me I'm working my clients and we are getting ready for school.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-30-2019 10:50 PM

HI donna,

thank you for making a new thread.

I hope you are well.
YOu always sound so positive.

I hope Dale supports you when you are down a bit.
And of course you can always come here.

mymorgy 07-31-2019 05:58 AM

No matter what you seem to have on your plate you never sound down. I am so impressed.

OhKay 07-31-2019 09:44 AM

I'm so happy to hear that everyone is doing so well! :):):)

But how are YOU doing, Donna?

Dmom3005 08-01-2019 09:05 AM

Oh I am doing much better than yesterday. My internet went
down yesterday, thanks to AT& T not understanding what my husband
was doing. But luckily they got it fixed earlier than they said they
would. They had said it would be down till monday. But its back
up today. Yah, I can't get on, on my phone so when my internet
is down I can't get on.

Anyway I take Derrick to town to go to the doctor today. My friend
Shannon takes him to this doctor. So I'll wait and run some errands.
Then hopefully we will meet my husband Dale and go and eat.
And see what all he has gotten done at Derrick's house.

Derrick is looking forward to that. So am I.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-01-2019 09:14 AM

So Derrick is moving into one of the rental properties? Was he living in an apartment before?
just curious.

Dmom3005 08-01-2019 06:32 PM

Yes Derrick is still living in an apartment renting it till the 30th of September.
This is the 3rd year I think he has rented this apartment.

He will be moving into one of our houses, and will be given at some point
this house its in the town he works in. So it makes sense.

His VNS didn't get turned on today because its still to sore or new.
So he has till Sept. 5th still living out here. I will be taking him
to work for about 3 weeks.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-01-2019 07:25 PM

I hope he heals soon!

Mari 08-02-2019 01:09 AM

Good luck to Derrick with his VNS.


Rain shower 08-02-2019 08:35 AM

How nice to have a house for him in the town he works in. I hope his recovery continues to go well.

Dmom3005 08-02-2019 10:54 AM

Thanks Ladies.

If that house had just been a little more finish and had air conditioning.
I could have moved into it with him for a few weeks so he could have caught
the bus there. And then did my work while he was gone and came back.

But its not there is just to much they still need to do. Oh well it will work.

I don't talk about our cats much, but we have two one that is a beautiful
black kitty named Christina that Derrick took care of at the humane society when he worked there. And one that my friend Shannon gave us named Angel that is a boy when she found out she was very allergic to kitties.

Angel kind of adopted Dale my husband and things he is the best thing.
Well he has been visiting with Derrick a lot lately. And Christina visits
me a lot. She is a very skittish kitty and wouldn't when she first came
to live her let anyone pet or hold her. It took lots of time and stuff.
She loves her treats and really knows who will give them too her the
most. But she knows that my husband will buy them for her if she
ask. Anyway he also buys the cat food, and because its a big bag most
of the time he has to pour it out in the container and they both will
go running when he does.

She also loves wet food, and will sit in a special place upstairs when she hears the can open and the guys are on the stairs getting ready to place the can. because the dogs will try to eat the wet food if its downstairs.

So she is has really become more friendly. She also likes to come visit bedrooms and climb on you and jump when your sleeping so she can say hi.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 08-02-2019 11:13 AM

How wonderful! So sweet. Thanks for sharing.

BlueMoon1950 08-02-2019 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1278609)
Thanks Ladies.

If that house had just been a little more finish and had air conditioning.
I could have moved into it with him for a few weeks so he could have caught
the bus there. And then did my work while he was gone and came back.

But its not there is just to much they still need to do. Oh well it will work.

I don't talk about our cats much, but we have two one that is a beautiful
black kitty named Christina that Derrick took care of at the humane society when he worked there. And one that my friend Shannon gave us named Angel that is a boy when she found out she was very allergic to kitties.

Angel kind of adopted Dale my husband and things he is the best thing.
Well he has been visiting with Derrick a lot lately. And Christina visits
me a lot. She is a very skittish kitty and wouldn't when she first came
to live her let anyone pet or hold her. It took lots of time and stuff.
She loves her treats and really knows who will give them too her the
most. But she knows that my husband will buy them for her if she
ask. Anyway he also buys the cat food, and because its a big bag most
of the time he has to pour it out in the container and they both will
go running when he does.

She also loves wet food, and will sit in a special place upstairs when she hears the can open and the guys are on the stairs getting ready to place the can. because the dogs will try to eat the wet food if its downstairs.

So she is has really become more friendly. She also likes to come visit bedrooms and climb on you and jump when your sleeping so she can say hi.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Love, love, love to hear your kitty stories !! Kitties are soo special and funny and always leave paw prints on our hearts !!

Glad to hear that Derrick is settling into his new home and doing well, Donna *smiles*.


BlueMoon1950 08-02-2019 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1278558)
Yes Derrick is still living in an apartment renting it till the 30th of September.
This is the 3rd year I think he has rented this apartment.

He will be moving into one of our houses, and will be given at some point
this house its in the town he works in. So it makes sense.

His VNS didn't get turned on today because its still to sore or new.
So he has till Sept. 5th still living out here. I will be taking him
to work for about 3 weeks.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Donna ~ You are such a good mom !! You are his angel watching over him (( hugs )).

Hoping that Derrick heals soon so he can have his VNS turned on.


BlueMoon1950 08-07-2019 12:21 PM

CMom unable to respond to threads temporarily
CMom3005 wants you to know her internet is down and has been unable to post.

She will be back soon :)


Dmom3005 08-12-2019 05:53 PM

I'm so glad my internet is back. Yah, I was so withdrawing without
it. It sure hurt to not know if my work was hurting. Luckily my south
bend office could make sure they were talking to my parents and
could give me messages.

I am so thankful Blue could tell people I was off because of internet.


Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 08-14-2019 10:05 PM

Glad that you are back on line!

Dmom3005 08-16-2019 03:59 PM

I have been taking Derrick to work this week. He is really tired when we
come home. So he is resting a lot. So we will see what is up.

He isn't going to his thing tomorrow night, he is that tired. So it was interesting he cancelled it on Wednesday night.

He thinks he will help his dad on his house part of the weekend. We will see.
They had his schedule all messed up this week. But that was okay, his immediate boss just said, it was fine. He could just stay and not work
the day they had him scheduled.

So today I was running a couple of errands in town. And I locked my keys in my car and had to call an locksmith at the library to get them out. Of course I had locked my cell phone in too. The guy was so funny he wanted a phone number, I gave him the libraries, he wasn't happy I wasn't going to be at that number to answer the phone. I said, well I can't help it my phone is locked in the car. And I'll be outside with it.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

mymorgy 08-16-2019 04:23 PM

I hope Derrick is okay. What a pain about the keys!

BlueMoon1950 08-16-2019 08:36 PM

Sometimes things just happen. You have a full plate to deal with, no wonder you locked yourself out of your car. But you were resourceful enough to find a phone in the library and work out your situation quickly and with much success. I used to carry a spare car key in my pocket because I did the same thing.

Glad you are okay !!


Dmom3005 08-20-2019 05:58 PM

I had a wonderful to me at least review for my job yesterday.
The highest we can get is a 4. I got a 3. On all our scores.

I got a higher score than last fall. I was happy with it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-20-2019 07:41 PM

You are so good at your job donna

mymorgy 08-21-2019 05:53 AM

that is so wonderful. congratulations.

BlueMoon1950 08-22-2019 08:06 AM

Congratulations Donna. soo very happy for you !!


Dmom3005 08-22-2019 08:46 PM

Derrick and I went to town tonight. I left him at Noble Romans to
meet his friend Grace and his provider. And went and ran some errands.
Then went to the board meeting for the Arc, and of course Derrick, and
the two ladies with 4 kids that have been sick all week weren't there.

So it wasn't a complete meeting, because we had two other ladies missing.
But we had a good meeting. We are planning our biggest event of
the year, coming up in October the Arc in the Park. I printed out the
Letter Derrick is taking to Purdue to his Food Court tomorrow to see
if they will help us. And the flyers for the event. That he is going
to put up.

So first step done for us. Now to do some more. Trying to figure out
how to go about getting some raffle tickets, We have the games. So
next few steps to go.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-22-2019 10:59 PM

I am sure you will figure it out.....I am sure the event will me wonderful.

mymorgy 08-23-2019 04:39 AM

I agree with Bizi!

Dmom3005 08-26-2019 04:51 PM

Just so everyone doesn't worry. Tomorrow through most of the week.

Maybe till the first of the week. I wont be around much. I have
inservice and then I think Derrick and I are going to have a small
vacation too. Not sure where yet. But that is okay.

So see you when I get back.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 08-26-2019 07:22 PM

oh have a great vacation! look forward to hearing about it when you get back.

Dmom3005 09-01-2019 01:39 PM

Derrick and I had a great time. We went to Kokomo after my conference.

And spent sometime with 2 of my sisters the other one wasn't available.

She usually has lots going on. Its just life.

I was tired at night, but Derrick went to the mall during the day. And
he had found that the Barnes & Nobles had The cheesecake Factory cheesecake
which he had a piece of Red velvet and I had a piece of the chocolate. It was

We then went to do some shopping with my sister at goodwill and Meijers.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 09-02-2019 03:37 AM

Great to hear, Donna, that you two had a good vacation.



Dmom3005 09-02-2019 10:46 AM

Derrick, Dan and Dale(my husband ) went to Derrick's house to work yesterday and are there again today. But when they returned yesterday. Derrick was trying to move some laundry for us. He had started it from our trip.

I was just that tired, anyway. My husband was out putting out some fires in the area. Because on of your rentals had a problem. So when the dryer wouldn't start we had to wait till this morning. I was worried it would be.
I have to get parts so its going to be a while since everyplace I can get them is closed today. But no he got it fixed this morning before they left for the
house. Its so wonderful to have a husband that is handy at times.

Derrick's house is coming along. I am hoping that by the end of this month when he has to move in. Its close to ready. The big bathroom that the laundry area is going in. And the kitchen are the big things that need finished. But those can be finished with him there if necessary.

And new furnace and air conditioner next spring or so I hope. I'm worried abotu that part.

And they have some floors to put in. I'm hoping they get them in.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 09-02-2019 11:29 AM

yes glad that dale is handy! sounds like things are progressing.

clouds z 09-02-2019 01:16 PM

i wonder who is here from old MGH forums

Dmom3005 09-02-2019 02:31 PM

I don't know what Mgh forums are so I can't tell you.

Hopefully someone will come along and tell you.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 09-02-2019 04:08 PM

do you mean the braintalk group?

Dmom3005 09-09-2019 02:37 PM

Derrick spent this last weekend at his apartment. Then today I had
to go get him at work. Which I'm going to have to work out
with his provider some arrangements, if he has a seizure at work.
And because of some new rules he has to come home. I'm a little
concerned because they now say he can work one hour. Then
he has to go home. THis is odd to me. Its all disabilities when they
are anything, I'm guessing sick or any other problems. But then
when they go home early they can't work the next day. Which
would be okay. But Derrick only works three days Monday, Tuesday,
Friday and its almost always okay for him to work the next day.

So I'm not sure what to think on this one. But its okay that part.

I'm more worried about his not having his magnet close enough
to him. He isn't getting it. That it bothers me and not safe
for him. So I've got to figure this one out.

Thanks for listening.


mymorgy 09-09-2019 07:13 PM

I am so sorry this is happening

bizi 09-09-2019 10:46 PM

Hey Donna, that sounds confusing. I hope you are able to figure out getting his magnet handy.

Dmom3005 09-10-2019 11:25 AM

I wrote a email to his team and the contact I have at Olsten the
temp agency. Got response from both. Which was good.

I got it solved for the ride situation, which I thought the one I
got the response from would be a little longer responding. Guess getting
put in notice that your not doing your job worked. I'm pretty sure
my emailing her boss did the job before. Anyway I'm happy with the
response there.

The person from Olsten is working on the magnet issue. Of course Derrick
isn't happy with me on that one. I knew he wouldn't be but it doesn't work
if he doesn't have better access to it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

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