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tovaxin_lab_rat 05-23-2008 04:31 PM

Welcome and Daily/Weekly Check In!
Welcome to the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Forum!

I wondered if you might like to have a daily/weekly check in thread to see how everyone is doing?

If so, let's start one. I myself haven't been dx'd with either but I do have MS so I do have chronic fatigue associated with MS.

How is everyone? I would like to get to know you!

Idealist 05-24-2008 12:56 AM

Hey, Cheryl! I have a half-sister by that name. Very pretty. I'm sorry that you are feeling sick right now. I have very little knowledge of MS, but I am quite familiar with CFS and FMS. Both conditions are secondary ones for me, sort of like for you. My primary illness still hasn't been diagnosed, even after six years, twenty-seven doctor and specialists, and seven different hospitals. Right now there are two theories about my condition. One is that I suffer from a rare muscle disease, and the other is that I'm a victim of spreading nerve damage.

I think a weekly check-in is a good idea, especially if enough people get involved. It promotes a sense of comraderie and caring. I really do hope that everyone is having a good week this week, because we all know how these things come and go. Good luck and best wishes to you all! :hug:


Judy2 05-26-2008 09:52 PM

Hi Cheryl!!! Fancy meeting you here! Yes, it probably would be a good idea to have a check-in as this board can be really slow. Thanks for trying and taking the time!

DM 05-28-2008 02:36 PM

CHERYL!! Or Flygirl (FG) as those who know her, like to call her. Great idea. Sorry I'm a lil late at seeing this thread, but I was away last wkend.

My FM has been acting up alot lately, but the weather has been flip flopping from damp and cool to sunny and warm. Nothing consisitant, so my body is not amused.

Hope others will check in too. Have a good day everyone!! :hug:

tovaxin_lab_rat 06-25-2008 11:08 AM

Well, I see this check in idea is real popular! Come on you guys....let's get going! It's been almost a month since any of you checked in!

Do I have to crack the whip!!!

How are you all doing?

warbelsnap 06-25-2008 09:46 PM

Hi. I've been on the board for about 1 week. I'm a 36 year old wife and mother. I have a wonder husband and an awesome daughter. They are my life raft. Also, look forward to reading the board at night for new posts, etc.


tovaxin_lab_rat 07-01-2008 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by warbelsnap (Post 309654)
Hi. I've been on the board for about 1 week. I'm a 36 year old wife and mother. I have a wonder husband and an awesome daughter. They are my life raft. Also, look forward to reading the board at night for new posts, etc.


Welcome Betty!! It's great that you have a good support system at home!

Check in when you can! :hug:

Idealist 07-05-2008 01:04 AM

Ooops! I'm way late, aren't I? I have a terrible time with schedules and remembering to do things on the right day. (Or week. Or month)

I've been doing fairly well, except for a really big flare-up I had last week. But it's pretty much over for now, so I'm mostly back to just the regular stuff.

I'm glad to hear that everyone else seems okay! Good luck to all you guys, and I will try to remember to make this a weekly habit! :)


houghchrst 07-07-2008 08:19 PM

Hi all. I am new to this particular group though I have been a member of NT for over a year. I tend to lurk more than I post, guess I have a hard time meeting people.

My diagnosis of fibro is new er I should say though I have been having some trigger point problems and some other pain issues for years it didn't become really severe until an accident I had in Aug. 2006. They tell me it isn't progressive but you couldn't prove it by me. Then again maybe my diagnosis is wrong all I know is I hurt, all the time. I just finally got a pain management doc this May and he has started me on Nortriptyline daily and Zanaflex which I don't like to take cause it just makes me sleep so I have no idea how well it works. I have only taken it maybe 4 times. The other is doing nothing for me, I go back in August and we try the next thing. I also have osteoarthritis, widespread inflammation (cannot figure cause of this yet), migraines and a couple of other minor things.

I am a recovering addict, clean and sober for almost 9 years so in a way I am afraid to stress the need for pain medication. To be labeled as drug seeking. I have never gone to the ER for pain though I have wanted to. Well except for a migraine that scared the beejesus out of me. I put up with the pain instead of demanding a need for relief. My rheumie has flat out stated that the only relief I will get is with medication. I have done everything else. I put up with the injections because the ESIs occasionally turn off the fire that is my pelvis and I pray that eventually this wonderful man that is my new PM doc will catch up with my need for relief.

I have a wonderful fiance (please don't ask a date, I am the hold out) who works 10 to 12 hours a day and comes home and takes care of us. I have 2 wonderful boys. One almost 16 who is Bipolar (me too only I am type 2) also ADHD and has Anger and Anxiety issues, is funny, smart, loving, still likes to hug and is not afraid to let his friends know just how much he loves his mom, some days I am cool, some days I am a dork lol. My other is 7 and my love bunny though he unfortunately is reaching an age where he doesn't want lovins as often but will still curl up on my lap and watch a movie with me.

I have given up a lot within the last few years that I use to love to do. Cut back on a lot of things. Learning to roll with the punches. Most days I am really tired of living like this. But I go on. Smiles on my childrens faces make it worth it.

tamiloo 07-18-2008 01:42 AM

OMG...I am so blonde, didn't see this one. I'm am having one of those days where I feel like I'm on of those days that I have had for over a week of days together. Time to break out the drugs:o!! As I tell my honey...I hurt so bad my skin hurts. Other than that life is great!!!:D

Hello all!! Hope we can make a go of this one...good to know that there are others that are hanging out in the fibrozone with me. When I was diagnosed a few decades ago I had never heard of it much less knew how to spell it. Back then you didn't really talk about they consider it a disabling disease...who would have thounk it...:cool:

redheadjudy 07-29-2008 01:02 PM

Hi, I'm new to this site. Love it. Hope everyone is having a better week. I'm trying to file for disability thru my employer, at their suggestion, due to injury from work & fibro preventing me from being able to work. problem is my dr doesn't want to deal with it, so info she submitted was very limited & resulted in denial which I am appealing, at the suggestion of the case manager. All very frustrating, which doesn't help us, we know.
I'm going in armed with info tomorrow to see the dr & hopefully will be able to open their eyes about this. They have been my dr for 4 yrs, you'd think they'd have a clue!

anyway have a good week, all. Judy

tamiloo 07-29-2008 02:18 PM

I've been lurking for days...hurts to much to sit...I'm having a horrible time right now. I know it will get better, always does...Hugs to you all:hug::(

Epiphany 08-12-2008 09:32 PM

I have both fms and cfids. I'm currently in a flare of symptoms that include migraines also. Weather changes and unusual stress probably triggers this time.

:hug: Hugs to us all that deal with this.

warbelsnap 08-12-2008 11:01 PM

I have also kinda been hiding for days. My level is so not being nice right now that I have been shaking and my muscles feel like they are very weak and wanna give out. I've been having a hard time just walking. Just 1 more weak this I go to the Neurologist. Yahoo....May their can help.

tamiloo 08-19-2008 03:43 PM

I was wondering if anyone has a problem with sleeping...not in going to sleep but with going to sleep at the drop of a hat...or shoe...or whatever. I sleep at least 10 a night and then get up and if I sit down to watch TV I will fall asleep. I try to do something with my hands while watching TV, like knitting or folding cloths.

I know it is a blessing to be able to sleep but not this much. Of course I do have my nights where I don't sleep but not very often...

tamiloo 08-19-2008 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Epiphany (Post 345531)
I have both fms and cfids. I'm currently in a flare of symptoms that include migraines also. Weather changes and unusual stress probably triggers this time.

:hug: Hugs to us all that deal with this.

Epiphany...stress is like throwing gas on a fire to those who have fibro...and I also have problems with weather changes...some clouds can blow through the valley and I'm in a world of pain...hugs to you!!:hug::hug:


Originally Posted by warbelsnap (Post 345626)
I have also kinda been hiding for days. My level is so not being nice right now that I have been shaking and my muscles feel like they are very weak and wanna give out. I've been having a hard time just walking. Just 1 more weak this I go to the Neurologist. Yahoo....May their can help.

Warbelsnap...I call them my cave days...pull the blinds and leave me alone.:hug:

Doody 08-20-2008 06:32 PM

Well I certainly missed seeing this thread!

Thank you Flygirl!!!! :hug:

I've hardly posted in fibro because it is so slow. So is the arthritis forum so I don't post there much either. But I have both and lordy...well, y'all know what it's like.

Last week was a really bad one for me. Have no idea why, but it was. I finally stayed home from work on both Thursday afternoon and Friday and slept really late on Friday!

I just hate the fatigue, hate it! And so stiff and hurting in the morning.

Anyway, glad to see this thread. Hope it works out.

Hugs and love to all the fibro peeps here. (I'm sure glad there are people who understand this stuff!)

tamiloo 08-21-2008 10:36 AM

I am feeling much better today however last night was one of those nights where deep sleep wasn’t going to happen. My pain was like having a non-stop nightmare. I hope that tonight will be better. :(

Judy…how is your appeal for disability going? Do you have an attorney? The best part of having an attorney was that he did most all of the leg work and knew how to present my case so that I would win. He also didn’t charge me for all he did for the three years he worked for me. I was turned down my fist try as most are. My appeal was a completely different picture. My attorney asked me what was really ailing me….first applied for just my back…then added my fibro, chronic pain and PTSD. When we finally got to the hearing, there present at the hearing was a psychologist and an Employment Specialist. They looked at my fibro and the PTSD as being more debilitating than just my back problems. I guess the combination of all was seriously looked at in making their decision to grant me with disability.

I hope things go well for you and don’t give up….

Oh, hello Doody so good to hear from you...hopefully we can get this thread to go...have a good one!!

Doody 08-24-2008 11:31 AM

Hi Tammi!!! :hug:

I'm wondering about redheadjudy as well.

Yeah, those sleep problems. Ugh. I've tried everything for sleep except trying to sleep without an aid! I've finally settled on (for now) Trazadone. I was worried about it being effective, but it has worked! Plus, the extra added benefit of a bit of antidepressant being added to my Prozac routine. It takes about an hour for it to really help, but it does.

My major complaint continues to be the intense stiffness in the morning and that damnable fatigue. I HATE that part!

I mowed my lawn yesterday and that kills me. I have been taking my Bruna for walks each day. Plus, I've been walking on my break every morning and afternoon at work. It's helping the strength in my legs. When winter hits, I'll just start walking around the building I work in unless it isn't too bad outside.

ACK!!!! Fall and winter coming! I don't want summer to go away this year! Usually I like the 'cozy' feeling of being inside and staying warm when it is snowing....but I have really been liking the weather this summer here. Very unlike a normal Iowa summer.

Oh, redheadjudy, my sister was a redhead. She had gorgeous red hair. Well, she was gorgeous inside and out. (She died Dec. 15, 1986 from metastatic breast cancer.)

Hugs to all.

Idealist 09-04-2008 10:34 PM

Ooops! I think I'm kinda late checking in. :o My fibro has actually not bothered me too bad over the past few weeks. In fact, other than the ever-present pain in my left side and abdomen, I'd say I've felt much better than usual. I hope that everyone else is getting a break, or will get a break real soon. good luck to you all, and all my best wishes! :grouphug:

warbelsnap 09-04-2008 11:01 PM

Its nice to hear from you again on the board...been missing you on them. Glad to hear things are better for you right now. I hope it stays that way.

Dmom3005 09-09-2008 06:59 PM

Hi I'm Donna and when I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia I checked
in here and this forum wasn't very active. So I haven't been here in
a while.

Well I have another good reason, my internet was down for three weeks
till last friday and I've been having problems staying on since then till
last night.

I'm not sure if its my fibro, or my other problems flaring. I'm having
lots of issues and I just deal my way through them. I have arthritis in
my neck with a bulge that is requiring some burning of the nerves to
rellieve the pain. (Hopefully it will work) But I've also found a great
massage therapist that has worked on all parts of my body, and its
doing wonders I'm hoping I can continue to afford this luxury.

I take zanaflex for my fibro at the present, it just put it on hold when
I started. And its been doing good, till now. That was in January I

So I'll be back and hoping this room stays livily I need answers.


Doody 09-13-2008 07:15 PM

Hey Donna, I just posted on another thread wondering about the weather. If there is anything on me that can flare, it has been. But then again, I've also been much more stressed lately than usual.

I hope you feel better soon.

Dmom3005 09-13-2008 07:57 PM

Thanks Doody

I hope we all do. But I've come to realize life just gives us what we can or need to handle.

Hoping all are doing well.


tamiloo 09-28-2008 03:21 AM

Long time since I checked. I haven't had too many problems with my fibro these past few weeks. I am tired most of the time.

My back pain takes me to another place. I do have problems mostly in the evening.

I have been sleeping maybe three or four hours. Maybe once a week I will have a good nights rest. I don't know if I'm just nervous about my surgery on Oct 6th.

Hope all is well with you all....:grouphug:

Dmom3005 09-28-2008 10:47 AM


Keep checking in. Maybe then others will too. I keep a eye but seems
not too many around.

My fibro comes and goes. But I'm so new to it were not sure if its connected
to what parts were.

But life is just that life.


Doody 09-28-2008 04:48 PM

Awww ((Ms. Loo)) I feel for you. For whatever reason, this past week I was just standing at a funeral for my cousin, and my lower back went WHONK! It's just like the pain I suffered with for years on end come back to haunt me. I immediately went to my newfound I love him chiro plus had my massage appt. Felt better at first but now hurting again.

I gots you on my calendar!!! October 6 is the day! We all hope and pray it makes a huge difference for you. :hug:

((Dmom)) I hear you loud and clear. I've had about 7-8 years to adjust to this fibro life but I STILL often wonder..okay, is this the fibro or is it something else. Should I go to the doctor or is it 'just' my fibro? :rolleyes:

I need to get the updated version of the Starlanyl book, mine is the older one. Have you read it?

Both of these are good.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Survival Manual 2nd Edition

The Fibromyalgia Advocate: Getting the Support You Need to Cope with Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

Dmom3005 09-30-2008 01:45 AM

Nope I haven't read them.

I'm still struggling through the neck and things from the last 6 months.

they had a whole different kind of pain. I've been looking into complex
regional pain too. But just looking. I am not letting anything creep
up on me.


mistiis 10-06-2008 04:09 AM

...just thought I would check in here and join the fun. Pain is keeping me awake tonight...:grouphug:

Doody 10-06-2008 10:05 AM

Same ole same ole here! The myofascia problem is always 'there'. I notice it when something touches me, even my cats stepping on me. Handshakes even hurt. Drives me cuckoo!

Doody 10-06-2008 10:06 AM

And today is Tammiloo's back surgery!

I wonder if her doctor is like mine. Whenever I've had surgery, he reminds me ahead of time that the fibro is likely to flare up from the trauma. I sure hope this isn't the case with our Ms. Loo!!!

(((Tammi))) :hug:

mistiis 10-06-2008 12:13 PM

(((Doody)))...thank you for that reminder..I will send an extra prayer..sometimes I forget how stress affects that.

...and WOW, how sad but nice to read that someone can understand that skin thing. It is so annoying. Sometimes its my whole body. It's hard to lay in the bed. It just makes me want to jump out of my skin. I try to use distraction. When you try to tell someone else what it is like, well, it is just very hard to do that. Hope you are faring well today...:hug:

Doody 10-06-2008 08:49 PM

Hi Mistiis!!! It's nice to see you over here! :hug: I'm so sorry you were up with pain. Boo to pain! :hug:

mistiis 10-08-2008 03:42 AM

(((Doody)))....BBOOOooooooooo....hmmmmmm I wonder if that will scare the pain away for all of us....:D.....OK...going to go back to bed and try to sleep again. I am going to my new doc today and it is more scary than the pain. OH:( I hope he is understanding....

Doody 10-08-2008 06:47 PM

And....?????? How did your appointment go Ms. Mistiis???? :hug:

Do you take anything for sleep? I've tried a lot of them (including Ambien) and have for awhile now been taking a small dose of Trazadone. Thankfully it helps me get to sleep and pretty much stay asleep. (Cept for those annoying potty trips in the middle of the night.)

mistiis 10-09-2008 10:46 AM

Oh doody:hug::hug::hug:...what would I do without you! I am sending you extra hugs and prayers today for that granddoody of yours. We want to hear as soon as you know. Any surgery is very worrisome, especially for a child. :hug:
My doc visit went well and I think he may be a keeper. He is understanding of fibro, the first doc I have had like that. I do have some Trazodone and I probably need to use it more often. I tend to think I can just 'suck it up' and deal with it all without meds. Which, of course, is not possible, not now, anyway. I have had a big increase in my level of pain and I don't like to think about the possibilites, there are just too many. Gosh, I am so glad to have some fibro friends. I don't have anybody in my family who understands it....take care and be sure to let us know about grand-doody in some thread or another. :hug:...I will be checking in today for some word :o

Dmom3005 10-10-2008 06:24 PM

I'm sorry I disappeared but I've had a bad week. Been sick all week.

And I am trying to get back on all medications, which is very hard.
I take about 10 to 12 different kinds. So I'm using my head and
taking the ones that are necessary.

Threw up for a week so thats why no meds.


Doody 10-12-2008 10:40 AM

Oh No DMom! You poor thing! Is there a flu bug going around in your area?

((Mistiis)) thanks for asking. It's been quite a roller coaster with g-doody. Poor little guy. He just didn't understand fully why he was in so much the point at the end of the first day he was screaming and crying and yelled I'm gonna die mommy! She crumbled on the floor and started to sob so grandma took over.

Luckily, we discovered that the big guns pain med that the doctor sent home REALLY helps, although he screams while being given it because it does just taste horribly nasty. He gets loop-de-loop on the hydrocodone/tylenol like most of us would. But, it's the only time he will eat or drink.

At night the kids are supposed to wake him up to give him meds to stay ahead of the pain. Usually in the middle of the night they give him regular tylenol.

Oh, I just talked to daughter and I guess last night was pretty bad and this morning not so good. Sigh. But, each day will get better.

We're taking turns taking care of him and my next 'stint' is Tuesday all day.

So ((Mistiis)) take something to help you sleep, please!!! :hug:

Dmom3005 10-12-2008 01:08 PM

Its not the flu bug.

I believe my ulceratis colitis is acting up. Or whatever is causing the
abdominal pain.

But I can't seem to get a break had diahrea again last night. Now
have to start again.

Have to figure this out.


Doody 10-12-2008 09:39 PM

(((Dmom))) I'm so sorry. I've had ulcerative colitis for 34+ years and it tried to take my life several times.

Was doin good till this past year and it's been on 'flare' status that whole time. If I forget or don't take my Asacol, I know it.

I'm so sorry, UC is just awful. What do you take for it? :hug:

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