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bizi 07-06-2022 07:41 PM

bizi's new july thread:
Well today is day 2 of not drinking alcohol. I had a NA beer with dinner it tasted great. It is the partake beers from Canada.
so glad total wine and more carries them again.
I think I am going to the gym to try to walk on the tread mill. If I make a mile it will be a blessing. Had my knees exrayed today.
That came back good no broken bones or knee caps. and md wanted me to start using
mobic for pain. It is a non-steroidal noninflammatory( NSAID) commonly used for arthritis. She wants me to use a knee brace
for support. I talked to the nurse about having a cat scan and she called back and ordered an MRI...just have to wait for
authorization from my insurance. She pulled the big guns out which surprised me.

Dmom3005 07-08-2022 03:53 PM

Sounds good Bizi. I wondered if they would do a mri first.

bizi 07-09-2022 09:37 PM

The MRI'S are scheduled for the 20th. She wants both done just waiting to hear from our insurance company if the will approve it or not. No news is good news she said. We have met our yearly deduction, so here on out till the end of the year I will only have to pay for %20 of the costs. Once we find out what is what then I will go to PT.
Thanks for checking up on me. miss you.
day 5 of diet. down a couple of pounds, I yo yo so much I am sick of my self.

bizi 07-10-2022 12:06 PM

It was easier getting up out of bed today.
jeff gets up around 7 am to walk and

run a bit for 4 miles feeding snacks

to cats in the neighborhood.

I think I got up around 9;30am.

We went to hub city diner for breakfast like usual.
I had my BELT bacon lettuce and tomato

with and an egg. on rye bread not toasted.
It is my favorite breakfast, I skipped the side
of hash brown that normally comes with it.

very satisfying. the breakfast came out in

lightening speed. so we were back from the
diner by 11am. when we would normally

have just gotten going at that time.
I did not have any coffee this morning and on to my 2nd
cup, take my vitamins and brush my teeth.
normal morning things.
Doing laundry is a sunday task as I am out of uniforms.
Hoping that your pain/anguish/anxiety, lonely feelings subside a bit today.

Dmom3005 07-11-2022 03:18 PM

I had my second eye done today. Really was different. Hoping its
not a sign of problems, but just because I'd had the other one like
the nurse said I could expect. I have some redness in the bottom
of the eye, when I put my eye frops in. But I don't remember if
I looked at it last time so its not going to bother me. I'll worry about
things tomorrow. I know the eye has been more irritated for the
last two weeks, so I'm going to guess that has been the problem.

Derrick has been working, Dale & I went to a funeral in Kokomo
of a good family friend on Saturday it was a pretty good turn out.
We then came home and ate lunch and did some other things.

He really seems to be enjoying his retirement. I'm just getting
to the point I'm finding it okay,.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-11-2022 08:44 PM

Sorry that your second eye surgery is different. I am hoping it does not cause you any more problems.

bizi 07-11-2022 09:39 PM

I count tuesday as day one of not drinking that is the 5th. today I continue to not drink and alcohol. so that makes a week.
I have substitute with my partake AF beers that are low in calorie and I like them.I made a rule, no more drinking after 9pm.
Don't want to get up all night. I drank 64 ozs of water today. and a can of diet stevia/zevia. Then tonight I had 4 partakes.
For some odd reason they make me a bit congested. I will take my meds tonight with little water. the cogentin almost always
get hung up in my throat, it is the most bitter pill that I take.I have had quite a lot of sodium the last 2 days,
my fingers look so puffy. I am afraid to get on the scale tomorrow. I am stuck at 4 pounds lost in 2 weeks.
Thought for sure that the none drinking would lose the weight quicker. maybe the AF ones are interfering???

Dmom3005 07-12-2022 10:03 PM


It could also be the watching to see the weight go down. That was
always my problem. When i quit trying to watch my weight I seemed
to lose more. So I just stopped watching it.

Now I've lost some more.

Not sure how much because I have a goal and I'm not going to state
how much I'm at till I reach that goal, and head to my next.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-13-2022 06:56 PM

I know that I should not be glued to my scale every morning but I am.
good for you Donna! Good luck as we go thru our own weight loss journeys .

bizi 07-16-2022 09:58 PM

I cut off my liquid intake after 8-9 to see

if I don't get up every hour or two to pee.
I got up 4 times last night.I was able to

get up when I wanted to get up because

my 10;30 appointment canceled on me

and I did not fill it with another client.

good night all I will sleep in again.
last night I could not get to sleep so I took some prns 10mg of zyprexa with requip to ward off restless legs. it did not do that at all I was constantly moving thought I would wake up jeff. So I moved to the other bed room and took some more requip and was able to go to sleep at 4am

I hope I can get to sleep tonight jeff is away so I am roughing it. I ate 3 beer brats for dinner, not the best choice but they were good with

brown mustard. no bread total of 9 carbs which is good.
not very nutritious. for lunch I ate a ham and cheese sandwich
with brown mustard. It was daves lower calorie killer bread....Have not had any bread at the house in so long. I am going to pick up a girl friend who injured her ankle and is hobbling around on her boot that she is not supposed to wear for more than an hour each day. That doesn't make sense to me.I told her she could ice it up to help reduce the pain.
She is supposed to have neck surgery on august 5th. I don't think they will operate with the wounded foot. I told her this to encourage her to tell the surgeon before hand. She agreed.
any way.
blah blah blah
12 night not drinking.
weight is 189.9 again this morning.

now I am really going to get ready for bed.
bizi __________________

bizi 07-17-2022 03:25 PM

I picked up Kathrine this morning we went out to have brunch.
She hardly ate anything at the hub city diner.I ate my normal BELT
with diner browns I should have skipped them. but my weight is stuck at 189.6.
I wonder if these partakes are acting like the 200 calorie beers do.
I don't know because they only have 10 calories in them.
They have less than .5% alcohol in them.
I put food into the gravity feed container for the cats, watered jeffs plants,

put a pork roast in to the crock pot with onions and peppers and black beans, and green beans and spinach.
Wonder if we should invite Katherine over for dinner. We will have plenty to share. it was a 2 pound pork roast.

filled the out door bowl full of water, put a load in the washer, cleaned out the kitty boxes.
ready to put the laundry into the dryer. all of my chores are done. except....

I will have to hang up my uniforms once they are done drying.

I already had one partake and going for my second as soon as i put the clothes in the dryer.
My knee hurts more today in a different place, wonder what that is about?
Glad to get the mri on wednesday in the evening. I have to be there at 4;30
for 5 oclock appointment for the procedure.
I just had to move one client to 9am. which I hate but my schedule is full.
I have taken 2 exlax 2 days in a row and still have not gone for 3 days now.
I drank about 3-4 cups of coffee Add I had a french vanilla iced coffee that
I did not put my over the ice I used it as creamer for my coffee.
I have never done that before. wonder how many calories??????She had a mimosa.

was not even eying the bloody maries. I put my clothes in the dryer.and I am drinking my second partake,
I stocked up on them the other day. so I have plenty. There was one more 4 pack left in the store..
I should go and see if it is still up there high on the top shelf where he had to get the ladder with wheels.
so sorry about rocky shitting every where. I don't think I could put up with that.
Jeff should be home In a couple of hours.
Last night he has been drinking with his friend about 3.5 hours up north his name is cain.
He tries to get there about once a year or twice. They listen to cd's like U2 and super tramp and eddie van halen jeffs favorite .
and some times play guitars and some times they just drink always listening to music.
and cain bbqs deer meat and wild hog steaks and jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese wrapped in bacon now those are good.
He wears gloves to make the poppers because he de seeds them.
so they are not that spicy.
on to my 3rd partake 1.5% total alcohol.
I think I will go see if they have the other 4 pack so I can really stock pile them.
Having them really helps remaining AF.
any way
I just saw a bird steal buddies cat food, our out side cat whom we feed. and is essentially our cat.
I have not seen him around since jeff has been gone.
Katherine responded that she can't come for dinner because she has to face time
with her daughter whom lives in hong kong.

Thanks for reading!

Dmom3005 07-19-2022 06:13 PM


What is she supposed to do with her leg the rest of the day if she isn't
supposed to wear the boot. That really doesn't make sense.

donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-19-2022 07:46 PM

Donna, it does not make sense she is supposed to be using her crutches. she said she did not like them as the hurt her neck.She is having surgery on august 5th for her neck. Dr. did not want to do that, but she wants to be able to play her piano. so he will do the surgery.

It has been 2 weeks since I had a real beer.
I like the partakes a lot and find them a good substitute.

Dmom3005 07-21-2022 04:05 PM

Oh I don't care what the doctor says about the boot, I'd be personally using
it other than when I'm sleeping or sitting around. Or maybe going to the bathroom if its not too far. But I'd get a walker to use for the bathroom, not
crutches. I can't use crutches I can't stand on them.


bizi 07-21-2022 07:15 PM

she said it was a bit better so that is good. Jeff has been driving her
around to her doctor appts.

They had 2 today one with her neck surgeon

and the other was for her foot.
They came over to sandras for lunch.

She was positive about her foot.
so that is good.
I had a chicken bowl it was very good....
trying to get more fiber in my diet.
I think I am going to see about getting some high fiber cereal.
Have been stopped up it is not fun.

mymorgy 07-22-2022 05:02 AM

that is so nice of Jeff.
yesterday i needed two bottles of the laxative.
i wished it worked for you.
love you,

bizi 07-22-2022 09:57 AM

I guess I will have to try a fleets enema

bizi 07-23-2022 09:05 PM

My MRI results came back normal. She is going to
refer me to a PT. I asked if it could be one close

to where I lived. Abby her nurse said she would try.
Why the hell is my left knee so painful when I do

certain things like get up and down from washing peoples feet.
Simple pressure from my memory foam bed makes
it hurt. The bed is tall and I would put my knee

on top to try to hop up there. That is painful now.
So I have to sit on the bed then scooch my way into bed.
I don't like change nor pain....

bizi 07-23-2022 10:11 PM

19 days AF

bizi 07-24-2022 05:06 PM

thank you bobby for reading along my thread.
love bizi

bizi 07-25-2022 11:08 AM

I am switching up my diet and trying to drink more water. eating fiber one sticks for breakfast which I like so that is ok, it just takes me a while to eat it. 2/3rds cup with half a cup of 2% milk.took miralax last night and 2 stool softeners, no BM this morning.

I did not have a client this morning. I have 4 starting at 1pm.

I found out that the post office lost my last 25 stack of billings that I mailed 7-3rd. So I am supposed to rebill every one and I was already getting behind for this time. so now I have 45 bills to send out. what a royal pain in the Butt.

mymorgy 07-26-2022 05:09 AM

AWFUL ABOUT THE POST OFFICE. I have read articles that say for some people, fiber makes it worse. Have you tried two bottles of magnesium citrate liquid. If it doesn't work wonders I will eat my hat. oops I don't have a hat.
love you and great to be back.

Dmom3005 07-26-2022 01:46 PM


Make sure you tell your pt about the pain getting up on that knee.

But I think its part of getting older. I know its something I do also.

I sure hope you can get some answers. I've been around but not
around. Its just way to hot here to do anything.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 07-26-2022 01:50 PM

I eat bran flakes and will swear by it. I need to get back to eating it.


bizi 07-26-2022 09:57 PM

The fiber one has 18 grams of fiber which could be too much.
I never ate breakfast besides brunch on sundays at the diner.
It filled me up though, and I was not hungry for lunch ate chicken salad
And hubby took the salad home and I ate the rest of it for dinner
tonight. we had spiral strip steaks with spinach and cream cheese.
I only ate one of them and my salad.I stopped at 4 partakes
tonight quit my fluid intake before 8;45. took most of my meds

with the miralax. Sweetened with cinnamon stevia which makes
it palatable. I have 1mg of klonipin to take and that won't

take much fluid.
Day 21 AF. Originally I was just going to do 30 days,
now I think I will remain af until we go on vacation. August 13th

we are going to spend one day with my brother in law we will stay
the night in a hotel...
before we go to pensicola for the week end. He lives in mobile
alabama, which is about 1 1/2 hours to the beach.
Thanks for reading my thread!

Dmom3005 07-27-2022 04:29 PM


I hope you can stay af till the 13th of August. Even longer if its possible.

I think you are doing so great. Keep it up.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-27-2022 09:15 PM

I just finished my 0.0.0 beers and stopped at 8;45pm
these are made in japan and don't have calories or alcohol at all.
just fizzy and malt flavor. I like them. Just finished my last 4 pack.

So tonight is the first night that I have been completely AF.
I put the peach gose and the ipa partake in the refrigerator

as they are warm need a few hours to cool down.
none for tonight they will be ready for consumption tomorrow night.
I am still at a heavy weight 188.9 at least I am away from 204 heaviest weight not that long ago.

I hope my posting my weight is not triggering to any one here.
PM me and I will refrain from posting it.

I know there are several posters with ED....((((HUGS))))

Dinner tonight was good, left overs. stuffed chicken thigh
with spinach and cream cheese wrapped in bacon.
it was very good again and left over from lunch
a huge amount of collard greens and smothered cabbage.
Which was good as well. hubby ran to the

china one restaurant and got beef with snow peas pods.

He enjoyed it.
Lots of cool wishes for those folks still having heat waves.

bizi 07-29-2022 08:05 PM

I went to fat pats to have dinner seared tuna over greens and carrots and cucumbers
tomatoes and sweet chili dressing it was delicious. I drank a large glass of soda water.
Was not really tempted to drink alcohol. Nice to see some friendly faces. Jeff is gone for the weekend
visiting his brother in mobile AL. He comes back sunday. It is a 5 hour drive with traffic.
My bil bought a house and I have not seen it yet. We will stay one night before we head out the next day
for the beaches of pensicola. Our familiar stomping ground to celebrate our anniversary.
Hazel our eldest cat has acne. So we have to apply the medicine 2 x day. She doesn't like it at all.
I have to put it on her hope she doesn't hide from me.
I took a double dose of the lactulose. Things are not moving like I think they should be. I am
impatient. PT folks called we could not come up with any times until the next months 4pm.
I am drinking a peach gose NA beer it is good. I think I like it better than the IPA.
oh happy days.

mymorgy 07-30-2022 05:08 AM

that laxative didn't work for me.
love you.

bizi 07-30-2022 09:20 AM

I took a double dose last night hoping to see some results soon.
love you


mymorgy 07-30-2022 10:43 AM

has it worked? I saw there were other prescription too. I am thinking of asking my internist for another one. linesse didn't work.
love you

bizi 07-30-2022 03:55 PM

I am curious about linesse?
Do you remember How long did you take it?
love bizi

Dmom3005 07-30-2022 05:03 PM

Gosh I sure wish I had some kind of answers for you ladies.

I don't. And Bizi your discussion of weight is fine. At least for
me. I am still trying to break the 200 lb barrier but it will hopefully
happen. Its just so irritating I'm having so much trouble doing
it. I got down to 207 for my second surgery which I was so happy
its the lowest in probably 7 years I've been. maybe more, the meds
I've been on for years now put the weight on me. Not the same
kind you guys struggle with, but mine is more for just living at times.
So I hate the fact I just can't go off mine.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 07-30-2022 05:40 PM

Every one here has meds that they have to take and can not get off them with out consequences, you are not alone.:hug:

mymorgy 07-31-2022 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1300292)
I am curious about linesse?
Do you remember How long did you take it?
love bizi

I didn't take it that long. most medications don't work for me. Praluent and Repatha, both self injectables are really great for lowering my cholesterol though.
love you,
bobby up too early. just arranged some of my clothes.

bizi 07-31-2022 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1300300)
I didn't take it that long. most medications don't work for me. Praluent and Repatha, both self injectables are really great for lowering my cholesterol though.
love you,
bobby up too early. just arranged some of my clothes.

That is awfully often do you inject yourself?
do you use both of them?
love bizi

mymorgy 07-31-2022 12:28 PM

i am now on repatha. my insurance stopped covering the other. i self inject every other week. it is so easy with these pens.
i have a stomach ache all day. i messaged my internist if he would write a prescription a laxative.
love you,

bizi 07-31-2022 03:02 PM

double doses 2 days in a row and nothing. I will get impacted again I fear.

mymorgy 07-31-2022 03:17 PM

i hope not. I wound up throwing up a little and I no longer have a stomach ache. hope it stays that way. still constipated.

bizi 07-31-2022 03:23 PM

I finally had the urge and had a moderate BM. yay!

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