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bizi 01-04-2020 12:00 AM

Bizi's new 2020 thread!
New decade, new thread!!!
Just got back home. Had great weather and ate well. drank too much at times but hopefully I can sleep tonight.
missed you my friends.
love bizi

mymorgy 01-04-2020 04:55 AM

so great to have you back and that you had a great time!

Mari 01-05-2020 04:44 AM

'Glad you had a safe trip.

Happy New Year.

Dmom3005 01-05-2020 05:39 PM

Glad to have you back. WE HAVE MISSED YOU. Yes our weather in Indiana has been very nice

bizi 01-06-2020 11:46 PM

I spent the entire weekend eating and then drinking and being on line. I did not do any of the work for my business. I did some this evening so feel better about not going to be on here for hours like usual....want to get a good nights sleep. last night I took 1mg of klonipin because I needed to sleep. I see my pdoc on weight is up since the break....I think I did not gain all of the weight that I lost back. At least hope not.
I will be interested to see what I weigh.
I always weigh more at the doctors offices which is so depressing.
I had my blood drawn this morning, took her 3 sticks/tries. sigh
that hurts when they dig around trying to find the vein.
I have my annual wellness exam and PAP.
I will be curious about my calcium level....if it is high again I don't know what she will do/say. Some where I read that high levels of vit d3 can cause elevated blood serum calcium. so that will be next is my guess.
I stopped taking 1300of magnesium oxide and now take 400 mg of magnesium citrate and 25mg of sennocot. every other day for constipation. It is not perfect but better.
hug to those who need them:

bizi 01-11-2020 12:51 AM

For my birthday Jeff treated me to a dinner. He hired a chef to come to our house and prepare us a dinner.
We had filet Mignon roasted potatoes, creamed spinach. the appetizer was a crab and avocado salad. desert was a berry compote tart with whipped cream. the meal was delicious!
It was very filling and delicious!Jeff like his filet as well.


mymorgy 01-11-2020 08:19 AM

that sounds so delicious. It also sounds so romantic! How wonderful.

bizi 01-12-2020 10:54 AM

My thyroid level came back high....8 on the lithium. should I quit it? will it go back to normal?
or should I just take the synthroid?

Dmom3005 01-12-2020 04:23 PM


That sounds like an great dinner. I wonder do you have any room for the lithium to go down.

bizi 01-12-2020 11:16 PM

I just don't know what to think about my thyroid.
They say we can just take a little pill.
I don't know that it is already too late for my thyroid?
8 sounds pretty high.....should do some research.

mymorgy 01-13-2020 05:51 AM

maybe you should check with the doctor.

bizi 01-13-2020 01:05 PM

Saw my GP today for a wellness exam. she was very thorough. will draw more labs and then decide if i will change meds or just add synthroid. I am thinking I have never tried tegretol before.
synthoid has to be taken empty stomach then can't eat or drink anything for an hour which would suck. I would rather not take it.

Dmom3005 01-13-2020 07:18 PM

I'd research tegretol then. I mainly know it for seizures. I hope you can figure it out

bizi 01-14-2020 12:14 AM

I saw my GP today. liked her.
She wants to retest the TSH in a couple of weeks. I am hoping that I can quit drinking by then to see if that is what affected my thyroid.
I really don't want to be taking the hour before eating or drinking....that would not be easy on me.
I am looking into tegretol, that is what she suggested the lamictal stopped working and that is why we switched to lithium in the first place.
I have not been happy on the lithium....don't want to constantly worry about my kidneys. I had stopped all of the calcium supplements and now magnesium ones too. due to elevated blood calcium. which is now normal. my vitamin d is low 37, for some reason she wants me to double it and take 10,000 units a day. for 2 months then go back to 5,000/day.

wonder why my d is low. I usually run 50-60??????
She is not happy with my total cholesterol 280 but that is because my hdl is 115. my ldl was higher too so she wants to recheck that is 6 months.
She did the kind of pap where you only have to have it done every 5 years so that is good. It hurts when she did it. ouch!
later this evening I sent a message via the on line portal Thanking her for our visit and her answering my concerns. and then I asked if she would prescribe klonipin .5mg because I was having a hard time sleeping.
will see what she has to say.

Mari 01-14-2020 04:16 AM


These could be the reason for low vit D:

not enough sun
milk allergies,
a strict vegan diet.


Vitamin D is produced by the body in response to skin being exposed to sunlight. It is also occurs naturally in a few foods -- including
some fish, fish liver oils, and egg yolks -- and in fortified dairy and grain products.

Good luck to you.

I Periodically take a few D pills from Solgar. -- often when I remember to take my fish oil.


bizi 01-14-2020 09:47 PM

hi Mari,
nice to see you.
I already take 5,000units a day. She wants me to take 10k.
wonder why it is 37????

bizi 01-15-2020 10:21 PM

my tsh came down to 5 and the t3 t4 are both normal

so no changes for now. retest in 6 weeks.
happy about that......
now this was from my pdoc office. we will see what my gp has to say.


bizi 01-15-2020 11:04 PM

sthis is what I wrote to pdoc:

Dr. Orazio,

After much thought, I decided that I don't want to wait until my thyroid is done for or for my kidneys to have damage either.
As you mentioned during our last visit., I would like to try tegretol as my mood stabilizer and discontinue the lithium.
If after giving the tegretol a fair shake and it doesn't work out then we can always go back to the lithium as a last resort.

Thank you for your consideration,

mymorgy 01-16-2020 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1282906)
my tsh came down to 5 and the t3 t4 are both normal

so no changes for now. retest in 6 weeks.
happy about that......
now this was from my pdoc office. we will see what my gp has to say.


that is great!

bizi 01-16-2020 11:41 AM

heard from dr. orazio today.

She did not want to switch just yet.... and I did/do.
Hubby is in agreement.

So we are going to switch meds.

mymorgy 01-16-2020 11:47 AM

good for you!

bizi 01-16-2020 11:12 PM

discontinue lithium, start tegretol 200mg twice a day. lab draw in 10 days see her again in 4 weeks.
I am happy to be getting off lithium..I am hoping that the tegretol dose does not need to be changed after the lab draw.

I looked on good rx and the new med is expensive compared to lithiums $4.
I will have to go to walmart to get the cheaper amount. It is $30 more expensive at my pharmacy. $75. ouch!
I hate going to walmart.

bizi 01-19-2020 06:14 PM

The east coast is so expensive!
I just booked a flight to rhode Island for my nephews graduation in May.
3 nights at a fairfield inn next to the airport and airfare totals :$1,356. OUCH!
and that is just for me. I will be traveling by myself.
and staying at the same hotel as my family.
So that is good. I guess I need to get him a graduation gift,
money I presume. How much is the going rate??

bizi 01-19-2020 11:33 PM

I think my pdoc called in tegretol reg instead of xr....
I will call in the morning....they may or may not be open because of the holiday.
I have not done my billing like I said I was going to do.

Dmom3005 01-20-2020 11:28 PM

Question Bizi have you tried trileptal .. It's something you might consider if not.

bizi 01-21-2020 12:13 AM

hi donna,
I tried trileptal and ended up having a low sodium so had to quit.

got a better room rate of 486.98 instead of 709.64 so saved $222.66 the hotels are both at the air port. and my sister is staying there as well.

bizi 01-24-2020 12:38 AM

no side effects from the tegretol. so that is good.
don't even know the right dose. am taking 200mg twice a day.

since monday.
I have been picking at my cuticles more so that is not good....maybe the nac is not working????
I am so behind in billing and charting over a months...sigh I need a good kick in the pants.

have a great day y'all.

bizi 01-28-2020 12:15 AM

I ended up sending 40 bills out last night so will get paid soon.

Made a nice deposit, we would not have bounced a check

if I had made the deposit sooner. sigh
My avoidance of paper work....charting filing, new charts etc.

I also have been getting home later and later each night because I am spending so much time with my clients.

It is like I am dragging out the visit.
I talk alot and can't really talk and trim at the same time....

so I stop and then look directly at them. They talk too.
Most of my clients are hard of hearing so I speak loudly to them in general to all of them. So the one this morning tells me to quit shouting at her.
(I have been seeing her for years and she has never said that to me before)
I was shocked I did not realize that I was speaking that loudly to Mary.
I accidentally forgot my check she called and said she found it on the floor.
(I don't think that I dropped it, she did)

So I told her that I would stop by around 6 which would have given me plenty of time to see my 2:30pm couple, hubby and wife.

I was still there at 6pm that is 3 1/2 hours for 2 people. I apologized for talking so much.
I went back to Mary's at 6;30 to pick up the check said I was sorry to be late.....she said I was shouting again at her.
I think I might be running a bit hypo(and have been for some time).

I told Jeff tonight....he doesn't see it.
But I know my body best.
anyway, wanted to check in here....
I was on the computer too much before the mood stabilizer change to tegretol.

I am pretty sure she will raise the dose after I have a blood draw on the 30th.

I will also have my thyroid rechecked tsh t3,t4.
I am to see her in a couple of weeks.
heavy sigh

mymorgy 01-28-2020 06:25 AM

Can you hire somebody like a school kid to do your billing. It sounds as if you are on overload. That is short of funny about shouting. I wonder if she has a hearing aide.

bizi 01-28-2020 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1283161)
Can you hire somebody like a school kid to do your billing. It sounds as if you are on overload. That is short of funny about shouting. I wonder if she has a hearing aide.

I see Mary at an expensive assisted living retirement home.
Her hearing is excellent in one ear much better than normal for her years and none in the other.
IT is interesting seeing her.
She is 86 years old and has bipolar1 disorder.
I have gotten used to her talking a mile a minute....she is a terrific reader, there are stacks of papers, books etc. they are on her couch but no where else. She really reads and then shares them with other residents. She is not a hoarder. I see her every 6 weeks and have seen her for years.

She has a pdoc that she sees regularly. She broke her lower denture and is having it eating in her room and not happy about that. She is pretty social, dresses really nice hair make up etc. Wealthy family in order to live there, although the kids help her out with the rent there.

I guess I shared this in order for us to have hope that we will live to older age even though we have major mental health issues.
much love to all of you

mymorgy 01-29-2020 07:07 AM

that is really interesting!

bizi 01-30-2020 12:23 AM

I know I am not doing well when I keep having to say "I am sorry" ...and

am LATE FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!like now said I would go to bed early but here I am on line at almost 1130 and I have not gotten ready for bed yet.
Have not been following my routine of self care. skipping brushing my teeth cause it takes 2 minutes and I am rushing things.....
I am not well

bizi 01-31-2020 12:39 AM

I am less paranoid today so that is good.

mymorgy 01-31-2020 09:55 AM

why don't you buy an electric toothbrush. some only take 30 seconds?
good sign you are less paranoid!

bizi 01-31-2020 10:39 PM

I have an electric tooth brush, it vibrates when I have reached 2 minutes.
I have been skipping washing my face or putting on my night moisturizers eye cream....etc.
thanks for commenting bobby.

bizi 02-01-2020 01:58 AM

I watched alison krauss videos, they were great!!!
hattie our cat is dieing from cancer....her wound is terrible we change the dressing every other day. it is gross. I wish hubby would put her down but he said that as long as she is eating her treats then he would not put her down....he is not ready to let go. It is his cat...
I am less paranoid today. so that is good.
bizi _

mymorgy 02-01-2020 06:40 AM

I am so glad that you enjoyed yourself. I am so sorry about the kitty cat. I feel so sorry for Jeff. I wouldn't put her down unless she was suffering. It was easy with Hammy who had kidney failure. I wouldn't let him suffer a minute.extra. As long as he wasn't suffering he was kept alive.
I am so glad you you are less paranoid. It is such an awful feeling.Last I though Pudgie might have died. She didn't go to the bed. I finally got up and found her.
She was under the table.
you don't want to hire somebody to help with the billls?

bizi 02-01-2020 08:29 PM

After lunch I ran some errands, went to the mall and bought some eye liner and lip stick that I ran out of.
then went and go tmy car washed. did some prelimanary scrubbing of the mud that was in the wheel covers sigh
the car looks so much better!
went to super one grocery store and bought a 12 pack of truely sparking hard sodas. I like them!
then went to whole foods, they were out of the coffee beans that we use. organic esppresso beans. sigh
so I went to the bar and drank 3 beers, blue berry sour beers. yum and called home for jeff to preheat the oven for chicken thighs wrapped in bacon and cream cheese. it is 7 ;30 pm and I have not done any charting yet.....sigh
I guess I won't be going to the super bowl party tomorrow.

mymorgy 02-02-2020 09:52 AM

how did the chicken come sounds delicious

bizi 02-02-2020 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1283252)
how did the chicken come sounds delicious

The chicken came out great!:D
Must do paperwork today!
love bizi

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