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NurseNancy 08-24-2008 06:22 PM

Judy's Inspiration Alley #2

well, let's see how this works.
hope it helps.

NurseNancy 08-24-2008 06:50 PM

going to shut down for a bit.
we have a tornado warning.
a neighboring town has a touchdown.

i'm NOT in danger.
be back soon.

NurseNancy 08-24-2008 08:01 PM

ok it's safe.
someone got hit a little SE of here.
i don't know how bad i just know it touched down.
there were 2.

now another area of CO is having some.
it's common in the late afternoon or early evening
in summer to have these storms.

i live in a brick hi-rise and go into the inside bathroom
or the hallway.

see ya's tomorrow. :)

DM 08-24-2008 08:14 PM

WHA???? What is this #2 all about? What did I miss? Why? When? Where? What? How? Huh???????

Judy? *Knocking on monitor* whassup w/this????

Taffy 08-24-2008 08:58 PM

For my In the Dark Little Friend....

First from SandyC

FYI, this thread will probably be closed soon. Doc John thinks the server issues may be related to long threads so they are asking anyone who has a long thread to re-start a new one and keep the post to 100 until they get things figured out. I just started a new Insights thread because ours was closed.

Second from Judy

i'm going to start another thread.
bye bye this thread.

but i'll be taking all my friends with me.


Does that help you Tinkertwit? :D

SandyC 08-25-2008 07:17 AM

I found you Judy!!!! Hey watch out for all those politicians in your state today! lol

Update post from Chemar: I just updated on CFF that you can prolly go to 500

AfterMyNap 08-25-2008 08:32 AM

Hey, Judy, Sandi was down in south Denver and saw some funnels forming then breaking up, she doesn't think any of the ones she saw touched down, but she was pretty freaked by it!

*adding a few plants to our new digs*

JustWeave 08-25-2008 10:40 AM

Just putting my official stamp on the new thread. That means prayers and gentle hugs.

DM 08-25-2008 11:55 AM

Well ms smarty pants Twerffy~ I came online and went straight to Judy's thread, so didn't see the bulletin..
*Standing behind AMN and sticking tongue out at Twisty*

Hey Judy girl~ How's things??

*rearranging plants that AMN put around* That girl just doesn't get Feng Shui!!!!

Taffy 08-25-2008 12:14 PM

Well...:hug: Judy!


the Twit!

Oh Geez...sorry Naps! Didn't mean to shock you too! She was standing behind ya!

AfterMyNap 08-25-2008 01:44 PM

My eye! My eye!!!!

*just scootching plants back to proper locations*

Trippy! C'mere!:mad:

*placing doo-dads & knick-knacks here & there*

NurseNancy 08-25-2008 03:27 PM

and i've got plenty of doo dads and chashkies (sp).

there were tornado warnings with a couple of touchdowns in a town about 15" from here. but we didn't even get rain. the weather in the summer months can be wierd here in CO.

the rest of the wk is supposed to be nice and temperate. so barrack and all the partygoers at the outdoor stadium won't have to worry about inclement weather. the stadium holds about 76,000 people. better than any outdoor venue could hold.

i'm not stepping a foot near downtown denver but from what i hear there's lots of celebs in town too. i'd like to hobnob with Brian Williams. michelle obama is speaking tonite and ted kennedy is in town. they said he's going to speak too.
should be interesting.

anyhoo...i did go grocery shopping this am before it got too hot. i'm going to buy better because i've been on a sugar binge for a wk. bad, bad. DM, can i hide behind your skirt so cindy doesn't see me. shush, she's coming :eek:

also they say with radiation tx that your body uses a lot of energy to heal and that's one reason you get so tired. they encourage you to eat fruits, veggies and lots of protein. so that's what i bought.

i go for my labs wed and they're not going to be a pretty site. my BS's have been a bit higher in the am too. and i've gained a couple more lbs. as my dr would say, i'm moving in the wrong direction. i think it's time i changed that.

so maybe with a new thread will come a new inspiration and a new cause.
le chiam, to life!

AfterMyNap 08-25-2008 06:12 PM


Are we allowed to speak in Hebrew here?

Yes, dear Judy, I've suspected all along that this rough patch in the road may just prove to be your new lease on life. Let it be so before the sun goes down!

DM 08-25-2008 08:32 PM

Hey Judy dear~ Those darn sugar cravings!!! Protein and fruit is good, so hopefully you can nourish your body and heal ASAP. You just stay put and don't even think of hob knobbing w/those ''big names''. You've got DM and AMN to keep you in line here.


Time to get the whistles out again!

be quiet Twisty!

Taffy 08-25-2008 09:24 PM

(Always in trouble):mad:

Judy, you do hob knob with ''big names''. Nappy and TinkerTwit are some pretty big names around these parts.

Why just the other day we where saying..........:D

Koala77 08-25-2008 09:49 PM

I hope you had a nice day today Judy. I was passing by and just wanted to drop in and say hello. :Wave-Hello:

I'm so pleased that yesterday's storm passed you by and your area didn't get any damage. I see you didn't get any your area dry? Do you need the rain? I know that we do. This has been such a dry winter but with the beginning of Spring less than a week away, hopefully we'll get some showers for our thirsty gardens.

Thinking of you......:hug:

NurseNancy 08-25-2008 10:36 PM

hi koala,

it has been dry. we were 7" down for the yr but the recent summer thunderstorms has given us what we need. at least in my area.

we used to get april showers brings may flowers but not the past couple of yrs. so i hope you do. :)

DM 08-26-2008 08:52 AM

TWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! Wake up!! Good Morning Judy! The whistle and lanyard are out for your cheering section, as you enter your treatment. We are all here for you and as usual, you amaze us w/your grace, charm and inspiration.

You are still the ANIMAL!

PS: if your'e an animal, do I have to walk behind you w/a scooper upper?

*smacking AMN and Twiffy as I walk by just for gits and shiggles*

AfterMyNap 08-26-2008 05:59 PM


Beat it, twerp!

C'mon, Toppy, I'll buy you some pizza.




DM 08-26-2008 06:28 PM

Hey Judy~ What's up? Where you at? Come out and report.

Hope you are doing OK. Still thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers.

*blowing spitballs at AMN* oops it landed on your pizza. Uh, too bad! hahahahahahahahahahahaha Twiffy won't notice; she'll eat anything.

*skipping off*

Taffy 08-26-2008 06:55 PM ear!:mad: I was standing to close to the dang whistle blower! I hear ringing. Maybe it is FG's phone going off! What's it doing over here on this thread?:confused:

Oh well! Pizza! What are all these little white balls?

(Flicks em' over on Nap's pizza!)

Judy? Where you at?

AfterMyNap 08-26-2008 07:06 PM

*pulling hamburger out of pocket*

Eat up, Twiffy, lots of good stuff on there for you!

*flicking foreign objects back onto Terffy's plate*

NurseNancy 08-26-2008 07:59 PM

hi troops,

sorry for the delay. i was having log in problems which our dear Nappy fixed for me.

today was a good day.
had an appt this am.
met my friend for lunch. the one that didn't call me. i ended up apologizing to her because i was only thinking of me and my feelings.

she's had so much going on. any sane person would have trouble dealing with it all. jessica, her dd, the engaged one and moving away one, came to lunch with us. it was so good to see her, to visit and wish her well. i knew her since she was in diapers.

then i ran a few errands and came home. it was hot today, 90 and i was feeling it. as usual i couldn't sleep.

have to be out early tomorrow. i'm due for my labs. still on the methotrexate. still have the edema in my foot but it's much better. not nearly as much pain. i start the radiation next wk. so that will be a new chapter.

hope all's well with you guys.
twerp, thanks for the puter help. :D

AfterMyNap 08-26-2008 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by NurseNancy (Post 355571)
twerp, thanks for the puter help. :D

Any time, dweeb.:D

Taffy 08-26-2008 09:02 PM

There's Judy! Will be thinking of a smooth next week for ya!

Great to know that Nappy is good for something!

(Feeds burger to dog. I feel like Chinese tonight.:D)

soxmom 08-27-2008 07:04 AM

Im glad you had a day with less pain Judy. I will be thinking of you
next week when you begin radiation.


DM 08-27-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 355592)
Any time, dweeb.:D

Ya want I should smack her for that comment, Judy? It really wouldn't be any trouble!

Have a good day Judy and check in when you can. Wish I could give you a hug in person, but this will just have to do for now.

Oh, what the heck~~ AMN?????

Sometimes I just CAIN'T help myself.. :D

AfterMyNap 08-27-2008 02:42 PM

HOLY Ca-ar-ar-ar-ar-ar-arp!!!!!

*rubbing haid*

I'm okay! Great trip, nice fall.:mad:

Why you little...


SandyC 08-27-2008 03:15 PM

Hey Judy! How are you today?

NurseNancy 08-27-2008 03:41 PM

today so, so

i'm very tired. my feet hurt and my leg is killing me.
i went to the dr this am for labs etc.

my BP was up but she's not worried. i still have the pitting edema in my leg/foot. i'm going to take a diuretic for a wk with supplemental KCL (potassium).

that could also be why my BP is up. my weight is stable.
but my legs really feel weaker. i used my walker today.
she also said that about 2 wks after i start the radiation i'm going to get major fatigue. maybe i should make a big pot of chili before then and freeze it all.

i'm thinking of setting up the couch to sleep just like i did for cathy. this kid next door screams in the afternoon. also, at nite i can hardly sit in my recliner because my leg hurts so bad. maybe laying on the featherbed on the couch would be better. can't hurt to try.

she also thinks some of my leg pain may be from my back. she's going to call the pain dr and speak to him. i really don't want to do roids so it looks like i'm heading for another round of injections. and she's thinking that some of the edema could also be from the previous round of shots; releasing into my body.

oh joy. I HATE ALL THIS. ok i'm better. i'm calm. i'm going to bed. :(

DM 08-27-2008 07:45 PM

Hey Judy! Bummer about your'e having so much leg pain. Sure wish the Dr could get a handle on that. Just make sure you get lots of rest before and during your upcoming tx's. You have enough on your plate right now, so just take one day at a time.

We'll keep the light on here for you and about AMN???? Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her. *she's been getting out of line lately*

Taffy 08-27-2008 10:18 PM

Sorry about the leggy! Sleeping on feathers sounds comfortable! Got to rest up for next week!:hug:

AfterMyNap 08-28-2008 11:39 AM

Better day today, dear Judy? I have to say, this new server looks positively smashing on you!

Hm, speaking of "smashing", where's DM?

NurseNancy 08-28-2008 05:26 PM

today was a better day.
i went back to bed in the am and felt much better when i got up.
sleep wasn't the best last nite.

i went out and ran a few errands. got all i need to make the chili and may make it tomorrow. i'm going to make a slightly bigger batch and freeze it all.

so now i'm home and my pain is tolerable.
i picked up the meds and will take a dose tomorrow. it was too late today to take a diuretic.

sat is massage day and next wk looks lite except for the radiation wed and thurs.

take care all.
thanks for your con't support.
twisted as it may be at times. LOL :D you know who i mean :eek:

DM 08-28-2008 06:16 PM

Twisted???? ummmm, you mean AMN???

Glad your load is a little lighter next wk dear Judy. Hope you can get some quality rest this wkend and start your tx as a rested up, fierce, fighting machine.

Translation = ANIMAL

Take care my huggy friend.

Taffy 08-28-2008 06:22 PM

Oh Judy..:hug: I am so glad that things are going better.

Hey..we could call DM and Naps...the Twisted Sisters!

AfterMyNap 08-29-2008 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by NurseNancy (Post 356773)
thanks for your con't support.
twisted as it may be at times. LOL :D you know who i mean :eek:

Whot!?! Twisted? hrumph. If you mean DM, yeah, she ain't right, but she means well.

*shoving dm down a well*

DM 08-29-2008 12:03 PM

*climbing out of well and shaking like a dog to dry off*

Oh, sorry AMN~ didn't mean to get you wet.

Why you bully~ *Grabbing rope from well and blind siding AMN*

Hey Judy~ Come out and defend me. Twerpy and Narpy and picking on me. How's things today my dear friend? Sure am thinking of you and hope that pain level starts to decrease more. HMHY

NurseNancy 08-29-2008 07:12 PM

you 2 quick your bickering or i'll come up and down there and whap your ears so hard you'll both fall down that well again. :D
how's that? :eek:
na, na. no one can hurt me :p

ah hum. now taffy. i'm doing well. had a good day. ran one errand and came home. did a laundry, bills, newpaper, etc. just stuff around the house. my pain level is fairly low today. what a relief.

tomorrow is my massage. i'll see how i do. i can finallly lay on my stomach which means she can do a more effective job. had to put the chili on hold. i've got too much stuff in the freezer. have to eat that up first.

btw, the past few days i've been eating well. staying to foods within limits and not overdoing. weight stable but ready to fall. i can tell by the scale.

have a good wk/e everyone. no fighting ya hear. DM are you going camping for the long wk/e?

i'm going to take a shower and then watch the Broncos WIN. ha. huff.

Koala77 08-29-2008 08:36 PM

Just popped it to say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you. I hope you have a lovely massage, and it's good to know that your weight is still doing what it's supposed to be doing.


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