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eva5667faliure 12-16-2014 11:01 AM

i don't want to feel anymore
for it is all pain
all sadness
all crap hitting the fan
i don't want to be the go to person
i want to go on
i am lost in this depressing world
i have no desire for sadness to plague me first thing
waking up all hours of the night
crying feeling like turd

hands and feet do not function upon waking
my fingers they are such a necessity my feet
upon standing i be doing the shuffle

too sit on the potty
is pain as squatting has become more difficult
my physical life is declining as the hours move on
my life prior from my becoming ill
I WAS Wonder Woman
guess what the operative word is
capable of doing so much
it hurts to fart from the back up
burp from my neck down

heck to speak of such things
really sick
i qualify

i just do not want to be that negative mean WOMAN

why have i given up

i want to be happy

just not happening

EnglishDave 12-16-2014 08:32 PM

You don't want to feel any more.
I will feel for you.

eva5667faliure 12-17-2014 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1113312)
I will feel for you.

dear Dave
if you could
arch your back
as much as you can
reach your arms to the sun
feel it
enjoy it

EnglishDave 12-17-2014 08:00 PM

Alas, my back is bent and broken,
I cannot raise my arms to the sun,
Huddled and cold I lay here,
Yet, still I feel your warmth.

eva5667faliure 12-18-2014 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1113523)
Alas, my back is bent and broken,
I cannot raise my arms to the sun,
Huddled and cold I lay here,
Yet, still I feel your warmth.

you special angel
thank you
you understand as many do
i so am happy to know you
and to learn of your Spirit
don't ever loose it
i thought i let things go
and turn it over to God
i am just so angry
cannot hold that knife
and delve into my passion
taken away
i am a sap right now
thank you for your positive vibe
You are my blessing today

St George 2013 12-20-2014 04:19 AM

Dear eva
You are not the negative mean woman !

I feel your pain....been in bed most of this week. I had been doing pretty well and have no idea what happened but out of the blue I was down and out. Only got up to eat and use the bathroom and it hurts my hand when I wipe after I tt !

No giving up you hear ? You are a very strong woman and have always shown that in your writings. It's ok to be down just don't stay there my friend.

Please let us know how you are doing because we care about you.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Debi from Georgia

eva5667faliure 12-20-2014 10:27 AM

how have you been dealing with
the ever caring devil that gets to
screw with me quite a bit
for a very long time
and it baffles me that God will
allow him to screw with me for so long
not months
most my life
like i written in the past
a gray cloud over my family

i am ever so sorry you are bed ridden
that makes me sad
there is so much laundry
a sixteen year old who is the laziest
of all my children
and in puts a strain on our relationship
things that are expected especially in
the common areas
this is a job in itself

do you have a loved one that cares and listens (STILL)
as we go through what we do

my eldest daughter Saraeve my angel
expressed how angry she is at my illness
this from a woman whose life was cut at the knees @ 23
she was kicking butt
had to change her career
she is a recognized poet
and a publishing company
will be publishing a "BOOK"
that's is right a book
how awesome is that
a epileptic
2 brain surgeries
removal of part of her occipital lobe
the trade off permanent blindness
10 years of depression
as she still suffers
it was not successful
and now has a VNS implant in her chest area

she too suffers
clinical depression
i have four children
and a grand mama
i'm called mimma

i hope your funk
leaves you in one breath

dear Lord
let debi and myself
feel some relief
in Jesus name
thank you for being a friend
and has made me understand
she too is in a awful funk
sending you hugs of love

ger715 12-23-2014 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1113215)
for it is all pain
all sadness
all crap hitting the fan
i don't want to be the go to person
i want to go on
i am lost in this depressing world
i have no desire for sadness to plague me first thing
waking up all hours of the night
crying feeling like turd

hands and feet do not function upon waking
my fingers they are such a necessity my feet
upon standing i be doing the shuffle

too sit on the potty
is pain as squatting has become more difficult
my physical life is declining as the hours move on
my life prior from my becoming ill
I WAS Wonder Woman
guess what the operative word is
capable of doing so much
it hurts to fart from the back up
burp from my neck down

heck to speak of such things
really sick
i qualify

i just do not want to be that negative mean WOMAN

why have i given up

i want to be happy

just not happening


With all that's going out with your children; it's understandable to be down; but; and the "Big smiling little Eva. When you get a chance will you please post a picture of her. Those "beautiful dark eyes". I probably don't have it right; but I know she would call you something like MeMaw.

Hang in there with me my dear friend. Some of the meds may have lost their effectivenes. Meds for depression at times, actually can add to the depression. It takes quite a while to get the right dose; even for just a shot time. How much longer will you need to be on the Tamoxifien??

Love & Prayers,


eva5667faliure 12-25-2014 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1114265)

With all that's going out with your children; it's understandable to be down; but; and the "Big smiling little Eva. When you get a chance will you please post a picture of her. Those "beautiful dark eyes". I probably don't have it right; but I know she would call you something like MeMaw.

Hang in there with me my dear friend. Some of the meds may have lost their effectivenes. Meds for depression at times, actually can add to the depression. It takes quite a while to get the right dose; even for just a shot time. How much longer will you need to be on the Tamoxifien??

Love & Prayers,


dearest Gerry

i am on Femra that replaces the Tamoxifen
kicking my butt
the sweats are back
on 100 mg Zoloft Generic
there isn't much change on a depressive state
since on the Femra many changes
my hands and feet
my skull my ears i feel it all
so unusual
do not even know to explain it
just do

thank you i'll be hanging in there
there is no option
and it be Corissa and Eva

love to you and family
during this very holy time
happy birthday Jesus

ger715 12-26-2014 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1114544)
dearest Gerry

i am on Femra that replaces the Tamoxifen
kicking my butt
the sweats are back
on 100 mg Zoloft Generic
there isn't much change on a depressive state
since on the Femra many changes
my hands and feet
my skull my ears i feel it all
so unusual
do not even know to explain it
just do

thank you i'll be hanging in there
there is no option
and it be Corissa and Eva

love to you and family
during this very holy time
happy birthday Jesus

It seems you had many of those issues when you first went on the Tamoxifen. Was there any special reason for the change? I think at the time you posted you were going to have to take the Tamoxifen for 5 years. It must be 3 or 4 years that you first started taking it. I think??
Have you tried Paxil for the depression?

Hope you, Corissa, and little Eva had a loving Christmas.

Take care dear friend,


eva5667faliure 12-27-2014 05:23 PM

Dear Gerry

January 12th 2012 is my anniversary date
you have been following
i had to change because of the meds my shrink had me on
it did not work with the prozac he put me on lexepo put me in the state i am unable to shake off the desire to go home
It has zero to do with my children
even with all emotional pain inflicted
by my son
never a thought i wish i hadn't had children
it was time to come off of the tamoxifen
and a additional 5years on the new drug
i have been put on it for about 6 months
and it is this drug that made nausea a all day thing
he sweats are back
oh how i remember those nights changing my pj 2-3 times a night
there is a constant discharge
sometimes it has a hue of pink to it
i will see Mark my Oncologist nest week
i am going to ask him if i could go back on tamoxifen
right now i am on
60mg oxycontin pain twice a day
4mg zanaflex muscle relaxer three times a day
1mg xanax anxiety twice a day
2.5mg femera once a day
100 zoloft once a day
5mg oxycodone once a day break thru

taken with hope for some help

a miracle is what i'm hoping for
in any form that keeps me HAPPY

I pray that your Christmas was
everything you hoped for


EnglishDave 12-27-2014 08:17 PM

A Smile
If I had but one smile
Left in my life.
I would wish it upon

eva5667faliure 12-27-2014 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1114864)
If I had but one smile
Left in my life.
I would wish it upon

that is one of the nicest things iv'e ever read beautiful
just beautiful

ger715 12-28-2014 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1114878)
that is one of the nicest things iv'e ever read beautiful
just beautiful

I have to agree !!!!


ger715 12-28-2014 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1114837)
Dear Gerry

January 12th 2012 is my anniversary date
you have been following
i had to change because of the meds my shrink had me on
it did not work with the prozac he put me on lexepo put me in the state i am unable to shake off the desire to go home
It has zero to do with my children
even with all emotional pain inflicted
by my son
never a thought i wish i hadn't had children
it was time to come off of the tamoxifen
and a additional 5years on the new drug
i have been put on it for about 6 years
and it is this drug that made nausea a all day thing
he sweats are back
oh how i remember those nights changing my pj 2-3 times a night
there is a constant discharge
sometimes it has a hue of pink to it
i will see Mark my Oncologist nest week
i am going to ask him if i could go back on tamoxifen
right now i am on
60mg oxycontin pain twice a day
4mg zanaflex muscle relaxer three times a day
1mg xanax anxiety twice a day
2.5mg femera once a day
100 zoloft once a day
5mg oxycodone once a day break thru

taken with hope for some help

a miracle is what i'm hoping for
in any form that keeps me HAPPY

I pray that your Christmas was
everything you hoped for


You sure have quite a lot there. Nausea is one of the worst things personally will bring me close to tears. Hope you can get that changed.

I take 60 mgs Oxycontin ever 6 hrs = 4 a day and the Oxycodone (Percocet) 7.5 mg's up to 4 a day for break thru. They really help when pain breaks thru to bring it a little more tolerant.

Also take Vallium which is not only for anxiety but for muscle pain. The Vallium really does help with the muscle pain. The nightly Ambien CR really helps get a decent amount of sleep. It seems to act like anesthetic . No pain for at least a little while.

I really hope you can find the right medication for the depression. Pain brings depression; but it seems like you are dealing with more than just depression from pain.


St George 2013 12-28-2014 01:07 AM

Dearest Eva :)

Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1113921)
how have you been dealing with
the ever caring devil that gets to
screw with me quite a bit
for a very long time
and it baffles me that God will
allow him to screw with me for so long
not months
most my life
like i written in the past
a gray cloud over my family

i am ever so sorry you are bed ridden
that makes me sad
there is so much laundry
a sixteen year old who is the laziest
of all my children
and in puts a strain on our relationship
things that are expected especially in
the common areas
this is a job in itself

do you have a loved one that cares and listens (STILL)
as we go through what we do

my eldest daughter Saraeve my angel
expressed how angry she is at my illness
this from a woman whose life was cut at the knees @ 23
she was kicking butt
had to change her career
she is a recognized poet
and a publishing company
will be publishing a "BOOK"
that's is right a book
how awesome is that
a epileptic
2 brain surgeries
removal of part of her occipital lobe
the trade off permanent blindness
10 years of depression
as she still suffers
it was not successful
and now has a VNS implant in her chest area

she too suffers
clinical depression
i have four children
and a grand mama
i'm called mimma

i hope your funk
leaves you in one breath

dear Lord
let debi and myself
feel some relief
in Jesus name
thank you for being a friend
and has made me understand
she too is in a awful funk
sending you hugs of love

Sweet Eva....first time I've been on since I wrote to you. 4 days of steroids have helped me very much but I know it won't last. I'll take these few days and enjoy them and pray the bad days stay away for awhile.

I'm Grammy to my grandchildren...ages 8 to 17. My son lost his way in June but found us again this month. He had to find his way back by himself. Nothing I could do for him at that point. Finally stood up for myself for the first time ever with either of my kids. After what I've been through I realized I have to protect myself, my sanity, my happiness.

I think of you often and hope you get relief.

Your daughter is an amazing woman ! I know you are so proud of her.

And yes, I have a 'someone' to talk to. I also have a wonderful daughter that listens to me, cooks for me and is who I rely on for almost everything. She has strong shoulders that girl of mine.

Take care and know I'm thinking of you sweet Lady :)

Debi from Georgia

eva5667faliure 12-28-2014 02:14 PM

how much more sadness must i go through
well the days of a new year i upon us shortly
the cold is here to much to do just to get ready to go anywhere
my eyes open
find i have slept in fetal position all night
then to stretch out my body
take my morning meds with hot coffee
to get it in my system as quick as possible
and strong coffee with the headache i have
every morning doctors orders
rather than taking otc pain relief
and then i'll pinch the skin between my my thumb
and pointer finger
try it sometimes
especially when it's kicking
my gut is empty
waiting for my belly laughs
i do not know what happened to me
in every way
does this mean the devil gets a piece of me
it is not him i seek
it is my Almighty Father with that worn flannel shirt
that has the smell of true love
my angels who are my protectors
as i ask the angels assigned to watch over
each of my family members

i do not know why i am in this terrible

well the years are coming and going
hope to still have the opportunity
for love in my life from a human being
who is open to getting to know and
come to love who i am
in Jesus name
who can make anything happen

the happiness of my children

yet i don't want to be forgotten

Father i love you and must trust in you

those who feel as i do and cannot shake it
don't do anything at all
there Will be another day love

St George 2013 12-28-2014 05:01 PM

Our dear eva :)
Who would ever forget your dear, sweet, wonderful writings ?

You walk with the Father and keep the faith for a lot of us on here.

Good things are coming your way. I have faith.

Debi from Georgia

eva5667faliure 12-28-2014 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by St George 2013 (Post 1115002)
Who would ever forget your dear, sweet, wonderful writings ?

You walk with the Father and keep the faith for a lot of us on here.

Good things are coming your way. I have faith.

Debi from Georgia

thank you for remembering

that was a present

in disguise

this is a wonderful place


EnglishDave 12-28-2014 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1114968)

well the years are coming and going
hope to still have the opportunity
for love in my life from a human being
who is open to getting to know and
come to love who i am
in Jesus name
who can make anything happen

the happiness of my children

yet i don't want to be forgotten

In this World I believe there is someone for everyone. For a Soul as loving as yours there is someone special. Perhaps they are already in your life, perhaps they will come tomorrow - but they will come.
Take time for your Good Self, you are worth more than you know.

eva5667faliure 12-28-2014 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1115028)
In this World I believe there is someone for everyone. For a Soul as loving as yours there is someone special. Perhaps they are already in your life, perhaps they will come tomorrow - but they will come.
Take time for your Good Self, you are worth more than you know.

you lift me up

ger715 12-29-2014 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by St George 2013 (Post 1114893)
Sweet Eva....first time I've been on since I wrote to you. 4 days of steroids have helped me very much but I know it won't last. I'll take these few days and enjoy them and pray the bad days stay away for awhile.

I'm Grammy to my grandchildren...ages 8 to 17. My son lost his way in June but found us again this month. He had to find his way back by himself. Nothing I could do for him at that point. Finally stood up for myself for the first time ever with either of my kids. After what I've been through I realized I have to protect myself, my sanity, my happiness.

I think of you often and hope you get relief.

Your daughter is an amazing woman ! I know you are so proud of her.

And yes, I have a 'someone' to talk to. I also have a wonderful daughter that listens to me, cooks for me and is who I rely on for almost everything. She has strong shoulders that girl of mine.

Take care and know I'm thinking of you sweet Lady :)

Debi from Georgia

I am so happy to learn your son is back. That had to been so difficult; but you were wise to leave it to him to find his way back. Wishing more good things will come your way in 2015.


eva5667faliure 01-04-2015 03:02 PM

how important our hands are
the pain so bad last night
my hands i speak of
was unbearable
the water works not making
anything feel better
a reminder of my decline
something i don't want to know
i am dropping most everything
in my day i'd say 50 drops of
whatever might be in my hands
eventually falls
i could take meds such as Lyrica
it was one of several we tried for my neurological
damage and problems with the side effects
blisters in my mouth heart palpation
and i do remember my hands and feet
were pain free magic number was 4 tablets
i forget how many mg
i will not experiment anymore
and to read all the problems
people have coming off the drug
i'm glad my body did not have a chance
to become a necessary intake for being on it
for that amount of time
my choice
hence my pain
as i clearly understand i have two independent
things going on
mechanical and neurological
unable to take meds for neurological
cannabis Does help with the burning or cold
but mostly the pain so bad i am itching my hands and feet
so for whatever it's worth i can only do such when available
so many things screwed up
just keep going on
though depression has set in
and has made itself at home in my brain
most know how i type
with an pencil eraser head
my hands

EnglishDave 01-04-2015 07:16 PM

It's not your hands that make you drop,
But gravity playing her cruel tricks
As she does when she takes my legs away.

Our medications give us hope,
Then savagely take away -
The side effects causing more pain.

Typing with pencil end, as I type one-fingered,
Sight double and blurred, deleting -
Yet still making the Connection.

The natural Weed brings the relief
That chemicals fail to provide.
God, in His Infinite Wisdom.

Depression in the mind, of the mind,
Fought by love of Grandchildren,
Family, friends - The Lord.

eva5667faliure 01-05-2015 01:28 AM


ger715 01-05-2015 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1116285)
the pain so bad last night
my hands i speak of
was unbearable
the water works not making
anything feel better
a reminder of my decline
something i don't want to know
i am dropping most everything
in my day i'd say 50 drops of
whatever might be in my hands
eventually falls
i could take meds such as Lyrica
it was one of several we tried for my neurological
damage and problems with the side effects
blisters in my mouth heart palpation
and i do remember my hands and feet
were pain free magic number was 4 tablets
i forget how many mg
i will not experiment anymore
and to read all the problems
people have coming off the drug
i'm glad my body did not have a chance
to become a necessary intake for being on it
for that amount of time
my choice
hence my pain
as i clearly understand i have two independent
things going on
mechanical and neurological
unable to take meds for neurological
cannabis Does help with the burning or cold
but mostly the pain so bad i am itching my hands and feet
so for whatever it's worth i can only do such when available
so many things screwed up
just keep going on
though depression has set in
and has made itself at home in my brain
most know how i type
with an pencil eraser head
my hands

I well remember the side effects of Lyrica. I was on for it a few weeks. Felt like ants were crawling up and down my legs. I needed off and off I did . As you say, reading all the problems dealing with getting off the Lyrica, I am glad I didn't stay on for long either.

So sorry you are dealing with this awful depression. So many of our meds side effects are "depression". With having to accept the inability to function as previously; it is a prescription for depression worsening.

Love & Prayers,


eva5667faliure 01-07-2015 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1116506)
I well remember the side effects of Lyrica. I was on for it a few weeks. Felt like ants were crawling up and down my legs. I needed off and off I did . As you say, reading all the problems dealing with getting off the Lyrica, I am glad I didn't stay on for long either.

So sorry you are dealing with this awful depression. So many of our meds side effects are "depression". With having to accept the inability to function as previously; it is a prescription for depression worsening.

Love & Prayers,


as i know you know it
thank you for being here for me
know you have saved me at times
a wise woman

eva5667faliure 02-04-2015 02:32 AM

it has a hold on me
the most depressing birthday ever
another year
big deal
though this pain
this pain
is the one that never leaves

EnglishDave 02-04-2015 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1122077)
it has a hold on me
the most depressing birthday ever
another year
big deal
though this pain
this pain
is the one that never leaves

On 'Special' Days

The Pain bites harder,
The Mood grows darker,
The World is Hateful.

My Thoughts come warmer,
My Love grows stronger,
The World is Mellow.


ger715 02-04-2015 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1122077)
it has a hold on me
the most depressing birthday ever
another year
big deal
though this pain
this pain
is the one that never leaves


I do agree the 24/7 pain is a constant uninvited interference in our lives. Before bedtime, I pray not to fear starting a new day. I realized fear was one of my biggest enemies. Just knowing what awaits; the spine pain, along with the heavy pailful legs; but the worst is the burning ankles and feet making walking; even with a cane quite unsteady and difficult. Unfortunately when I anticipate the pain; fear take over and it becomes even worse.

Again; one day at a time; hoping for a little laughter. Eva; you remember the "belly" laugh. How often you would include that in your sign off; Praying you will once again experience the laughter.


eva5667faliure 02-06-2015 05:44 PM

my body hurts so badly
no sense talking about that



eva5667faliure 02-09-2015 01:18 AM

no change
all remains the same
and the explanations
make no sense
i have no desire
to get me going

eva5667faliure 02-14-2015 01:49 PM

This brain of mine
I have so many thoughts that go thru this very very sick yet educated myself with my life lessons
and less thank a week i woke up with the feeling i have to get ready for work my routine changed in a moments rest before getting in the shower as everyone slept
i eventually and quickly realized
i have no place to go
this is what i have been trying to explain
until it came to me last week

my eldest daughter
expressed to me
how i shouldn't have had any children
maybe i shouldn't have been born
not the case
where do i put that
crazy i'm not
out spoken i could be
i am not in any good way
so many things terrible things going on
and all of it out of my hands

my not wanting to feel is a constant
what was going through my mind
until she rang the doorbell at 12:30 in the morning

not hearing from her all day
because she bailed him out

in my mind she was chopped up
her body parts scattered
no teeth
hands or feet
this is what was on my mind
yesterday evening

i ask anyone
how does this mind go there
this is nuts
am i nuts

depression evil thoughts
all unwanted

to be held
and told
it will be just fine
rest get better and don't worry
i'll take care of things for a bit
my dream
that's all it is
tired of all
my heart a stone

tired of hearing
i still hear a fight in you

EnglishDave 02-14-2015 04:29 PM

When our mind is Dark, our thoughts easily turn to the Dark and Twisted, no matter how much we fight. We are vulnerable to our inner weaknesses, I offer no solution to this - I have little for myself.
However, you have the inner strength of your loving Faith to draw on. You have the outer strength of your Friends here, loving and willing for you to improve, to feel some respite.
Let those strengths support you through the days and nights.


eva5667faliure 02-14-2015 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1124101)
When our mind is Dark, our thoughts easily turn to the Dark and Twisted, no matter how much we fight. We are vulnerable to our inner weaknesses, I offer no solution to this - I have little for myself.
However, you have the inner strength of your loving Faith to draw on. You have the outer strength of your Friends here, loving and willing for you to improve, to feel some respite.
Let those strengths support you through the days and nights.


Dear Dave

I have you and so many others here
Who love me and keep me going
as i am near giving up
I am tired of everything
I have you and others keeping me

Lara 02-15-2015 01:25 AM

Dear Eva,

Regarding what your daughter said to you... please try to remember that sometimes children, even grown up children, say things out of their own pain that hurts us deeply. Then again sometimes they just say things for a reaction I guess. :rolleyes: Sometimes they need a bit of tough love. Straight talk! It's not right how some treat those that love them the most.

You're in a very deep hole of a depression there at the moment. I'm not sure I've ever seen you so sad and in so much obvious pain. Apart from everything that's going on there at home for so long that is so complicated, it appears you have been left in a position of being responsible for so many despite your serious medical problems and subsequent treatments. I wonder if everyone just expects you to cope with it all because they can't, or is it that they know and expect you to be able to deal with everything because that's what you always have done. It's a bit different now. Things have changed for you somewhat with illness and time and changes and now it's really you who are the one needing the support.

I remember you talking on one of the threads about medications. I would have to wonder if some medications that you have been prescribed are perhaps not a good mix and if this is making you feel worse right now?

Considering all that you have been through, especially in the last couple of years, you have to remember that you are strong. You are strong and you will get through this period of time. You've done it before and you can do it again and if it feels too bad, please call for help.


EnglishDave 02-15-2015 08:51 AM

Dear Eva,
While I had my short break I had the chance to see my Medical Records and found - unbeknownst to me - I was diagnosed with Depressive Personality Disorder in '89. I read up on this 'controversial' Psychiciatric diagnosis and now understand that - in some of us - our brain chemistry makes us more likely to become severely Depressed.
Perhaps your brain chemistry is similar to mine. The Depression is still there to deal with, caused by our pain, our inability to be able to DO, the way we are seen and treated…
BUT, analytically, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT! We cannot control the brain chemistry we were born with any more than we can control the colour of our eyes.
Our Depression feeds on itself, we give it power over us in our inability to break free. Accept our brains are different and take a little piece of relief in that.


eva5667faliure 02-15-2015 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 1124164)
Dear Eva,

Regarding what your daughter said to you... please try to remember that sometimes children, even grown up children, say things out of their own pain that hurts us deeply. Then again sometimes they just say things for a reaction I guess. :rolleyes: Sometimes they need a bit of tough love. Straight talk! It's not right how some treat those that love them the most.

You're in a very deep hole of a depression there at the moment. I'm not sure I've ever seen you so sad and in so much obvious pain. Apart from everything that's going on there at home for so long that is so complicated, it appears you have been left in a position of being responsible for so many despite your serious medical problems and subsequent treatments. I wonder if everyone just expects you to cope with it all because they can't, or is it that they know and expect you to be able to deal with everything because that's what you always have done. It's a bit different now. Things have changed for you somewhat with illness and time and changes and now it's really you who are the one needing the support.

I remember you talking on one of the threads about medications. I would have to wonder if some medications that you have been prescribed are perhaps not a good mix and if this is making you feel worse right now?

Considering all that you have been through, especially in the last couple of years, you have to remember that you are strong. You are strong and you will get through this period of time. You've done it before and you can do it again and if it feels too bad, please call for help.


dearest Lara

you have certainly been paying close attention
thank you for being real

to be brutally honest
i do this hoping others will talk

i have never be in a state of depression
that tugs at me
to just do away with myself

i have learned that my culture
will take their own life
to inflict harm an sadness
this my father did for sure

i know my mental issues were living
in this body when i saw my father rape my
birth parent under the age of five
clearly vivid
frighted me (mother) to the core
as i remember so much more
when living in South Africa
where i and my sister were born

my first attempt to kill myself
i opened the Bible said to God
speak to me
randomly opened it

Psalm 6
verse 6

and decided to hang around

until now

watching Mass this morning
the message seemed to be just for me to hear
though certain many felt the same

i don't know when my depression took over
BUT IT IS HERE with a vengeance
it has been a while now
and i must talk about it
for its grip is solid

as the sermon message was
"stop making excuses"
and as much as the pain turn to anger turn to blame
turn to i don't want to go anywhere

yes Lara
i was that kick butt mom
until i became ill physically

this is what i do
something needs fixing
i am the go to person
come to think of it
i have been the go to person
since as tiny as i can remember
So God, strike me if what i say
isn't the truth

i have had many adversities in my life
some i brought on myself

i don't understand
with everything that a woman goes through
just on a monthly basis until our
menses stops as child bearing years should be over

am i disappointed sadly
as i have made adult decisions
for the better of my families mental health
and survival

whatever the status might have been in the past
I KNOW i put my children first
even before my drinking would start
no missed doctors as they grew
dentist, glasses
overall yearly well check
not to have anyone to teach me
of the importance
but i knew

and then they grew with much knowledge
i passed on to them

and then they grew even more
gave them as best i could
the understanding
there IS something greater then us
a foundation
a beginning
to an end
i do not want to go on anymore
not anything i believe my children
as they to tried one by one

it is only now for some Godly reason
i have no desire
my sadness indescribable
i have been weaned off Zoloft
as i was unable to handle the side effects
from the femra back to tamoxifen
Zoloft lessens the effectiveness of my
cancer drug

so Lara
my brain is not right with all these changes
just the drugs themselves

then you bet they think i can manage with
what is at hand
and i can't Lara
i can't without hurting
i want out of my own head
and there is only one way that can happen
shut all the lights out

what good am i
i have reached my threshold

just call my child in asked her if outside my room
the house is in order she says yes
i say okay i'll come and see
she says please don't come out
i wanted to tell her i don't ever want to come out
but i didn't
she has her own issues at almost seventeen
where can i help when i am in a Devils hole

i cannot even take myself to a hospital
to take care of me
my grandchild needs me to be okay
or she will be taken

my body for the most part dictates
what the day will be like
then the brain always there
and always conscious of how i can
or can't be a part of the world
and that world was my immediate
now i come to you and this place of others
who have helped by reading about what has happened
to them physically
oh the remorse i have for a man i trusted with my body
failed me
and never respected his oath
never to harm

so Lara
i am at the end of the tunnel
the light has turned to amber
chips that have given there all
i was to late
just to darn
and worn

today Gods word
i am not to make any excuses
i just will be
just be

i send you much love
holding just holding

eva5667faliure 02-15-2015 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1124195)
Dear Eva,
While I had my short break I had the chance to see my Medical Records and found - unbeknownst to me - I was diagnosed with Depressive Personality Disorder in '89. I read up on this 'controversial' Psychiciatric diagnosis and now understand that - in some of us - our brain chemistry makes us more likely to become severely Depressed.
Perhaps your brain chemistry is similar to mine. The Depression is still there to deal with, caused by our pain, our inability to be able to DO, the way we are seen and treated…
BUT, analytically, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT! We cannot control the brain chemistry we were born with any more than we can control the colour of our eyes.
Our Depression feeds on itself, we give it power over us in our inability to break free. Accept our brains are different and take a little piece of relief in that.


i am so compelled to get this truth out
i am in hope such as reading what you shared
i am here

eva5667faliure 02-16-2015 12:00 PM

dear Lara
i have to also let you know
as the country is not serious
about mental illness
add to that physical ailments
the kind like you say
invisible to another
other than my bloody pain
and i find myself talking in a excuse like manner
never wanting to go there
my depression
without a doubt
a collective intrusion
i want so badly NOT to
feel like this

i am now on my way to apply for
medical insurance for
my sixteen year old
and granddaughter
appointment has been made
will return
and pick up where i left off
much love to the world
i am ill
this much i know
i have family with me
there is no option

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